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Mission Accomplished
The responsibility of the While House was to help flatten the curve in order to avoid CV cases overrunning our nation's hospitals. Well, that happened.

Additionally, not one patient was denied a ventilator. Hard to say exactly how many we have to date, but we got ventilators running out our national ears. We got gowns, and masks and goggles and gloves and suits. We got empty emergency hospitals (like the one sitting empty in UK's Nutter Field House) And we got empty hospital ships off the coasts of the hardest hit US cities. And of those cities New York who screamed the loudest about the supposed failures of President Trump, had not one of the 10,000 ventilators their own health preparedness study found they needed to have. They had 500, didn't maintain them, and wound up auctioning them off someplace.

Aside from the President and his staff, government is AWOL. The Congress who at the behest of San Fran Nan, are all out convalescing and enjoying self indulgences, I guess. Have done nothing except spend more money than we can ever hope to repay or, they have laid back and sniped at his efforts and denied that Trump's decisive actions saved many lives. And then there's the media, who fluctuate between two polar opposites. At one pole we have their behavior when in the presence of a Democrat, at that point they're lost in glassy eyed hero worship. Doubt that? I give you Joe Biden and his miraculous and very sudden turnaround. At the other pole, like when at a Presidential press briefing on CV, they're acting like a pack of rabid dogs. Unfortunately either way, they're delusional and what they say cannot be trusted at all.

ABTW, guess who's getting ready to formally investigate the President's CV response? Ol bug eyes himself, Adam Schiff.
TheRealThing Wrote:The responsibility of the While House was to help flatten the curve in order to avoid CV cases overrunning our nation's hospitals. Well, that happened.

Additionally, not one patient was denied a ventilator. Hard to say exactly how many we have to date, but we got ventilators running out our national ears. We got gowns, and masks and goggles and gloves and suits. We got empty emergency hospitals (like the one sitting empty in UK's Nutter Field House) And we got empty hospital ships off the coasts of the hardest hit US cities. And of those cities New York who screamed the loudest about the supposed failures of President Trump, had not one of the 10,000 ventilators their own health preparedness study found they needed to have. They had 500, didn't maintain them, and wound up auctioning them off someplace.

Aside from the President and his staff, government is AWOL. The Congress who at the behest of San Fran Nan, are all out convalescing and enjoying self indulgences, I guess. Have done nothing except spend more money than we can ever hope to repay or, they have laid back and sniped at his efforts and denied that Trump's decisive actions saved many lives. And then there's the media, who fluctuate between two polar opposites. At one pole we have their behavior when in the presence of a Democrat, at that point they're lost in glassy eyed hero worship. Doubt that? I give you Joe Biden and his miraculous and very sudden turnaround. At the other pole, like when at a Presidential press briefing on CV, they're acting like a pack of rabid dogs. Unfortunately either way, they're delusional and what they say cannot be trusted at all.

ABTW, guess who's getting ready to formally investigate the President's CV response? Ol bug eyes himself, Adam Schiff.

Which Fox celebrity monologue did you cut and paste?

Gonna have to get them in line with your other "views." This whole time you've said it's all up to the states no federal responsiblity.

Everything you are saying is good news. From April 4th to April 19th New York was averaging 900 deaths a day. The hysteria about ventilator need and a hospital ship and PPE is understandable.

Hold off on the mission accomplished. I'm afraid this booger is just moving South.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Which Fox celebrity monologue did you cut and paste?

Gonna have to get them in line with your other "views." This whole time you've said it's all up to the states no federal responsiblity.
Everything you are saying is good news. From April 4th to April 19th New York was averaging 900 deaths a day. The hysteria about ventilator need and a hospital ship and PPE is understandable.

Hold off on the mission accomplished. I'm afraid this booger is just moving South.

As you noted unlike yourself, I actually do have views which are generated by my own cognitive prowess. All I 'said' was in pointing out only one point--- The primary goal of this Federal government, (unlike the zero effort performance of the Obama misadministration during the H1N1 epidemic, with which you remain delighted), was to flatten the curve and avoid hospitals being overrun. Mission Accomplished

Meanwhile your side of the pandemic-become political flash point, in the main goes as follows. As recently as yesterday the press were falsely asserting that South Korea's CV tested per capita rate is 6 times more efficient than that of the US. Lie, S Koreans has an 11 to 1000 test rate, as compared to the US 17 to 1000 test rate. Then there is the continuing false charges regarding medical equipment shortages (medical equipment which IS the governor's responsibility, by law) Then there is the continuing denials coming from the left on viable drugs available in real time to help patients fight off CV. They are Hydroxychloroquine, combined with zinc, or azithromycin, or remdesivir; all of which have shown to be effective treatments for CV, but are routinely pooh-poohed by the left for ONLY one reason. They do not want the President to be right on anything, much less succeed in helping to solve the pandemic. This is the left's last best chance to LIE the people's choice for President out of office. Those lies BTW you participate in with full throated glee on here regularly.

Of course everything I said was good news, I am happy to see this thing abating. But again unlike you and your ilk, viruses do not vote and therefore cannot be manipulated by Dems for political purposes. So efforts to deal with same, (except with govs like Cuomo) have been largely successful. But despite the left's best shot, which though I knew was coming is still jaw droppingly treasonous and self destructive to boot, the real truth will emerge and Trump will still win this fall. And like I said, in your case I hope you continue to writhe like an earth worm on a hot plate. Enjoy! :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:As you noted unlike yourself, I actually do have views which are generated by my own cognitive prowess. All I 'said' was in pointing out only one point--- The primary goal of this Federal government, (unlike the zero effort performance of the Obama misadministration during the H1N1 epidemic, with which you remain delighted), was to flatten the curve and avoid hospitals being overrun. Mission Accomplished

Meanwhile your side of the pandemic-become political flash point, in the main goes as follows. As recently as yesterday the press were falsely asserting that South Korea's CV tested per capita rate is 6 times more efficient than that of the US. Lie, S Koreans has an 11 to 1000 test rate, as compared to the US 17 to 1000 test rate. Then there is the continuing false charges regarding medical equipment shortages (medical equipment which IS the governor's responsibility, by law) Then there is the continuing denials coming from the left on viable drugs available in real time to help patients fight off CV. They are Hydroxychloroquine, combined with zinc, or azithromycin, or remdesivir; all of which have shown to be effective treatments for CV, but are routinely pooh-poohed by the left for ONLY one reason. They do not want the President to be right on anything, much less succeed in helping to solve the pandemic. This is the left's last best chance to LIE the people's choice for President out of office. Those lies BTW you participate in with full throated glee on here regularly.

Of course everything I said was good news, I am happy to see this thing abating. But again unlike you and your ilk, viruses do not vote and therefore cannot be manipulated by Dems for political purposes. So efforts to deal with same, (except with govs like Cuomo) have been largely successful. But despite the left's best shot, which though I knew was coming is still jaw droppingly treasonous and self destructive to boot, the real truth will emerge and Trump will still win this fall. And like I said, in your case I hope you continue to writhe like an earth worm on a hot plate. Enjoy! :biggrin:

You sure?

Which press messed up their facts? CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT? The press has turned into the ominuous, mysterious "they."

HCQ is poo-pooed, because it was irresponsible for the President to suggest it when HIS own experts didn't. It may be a part of a cocktail that knocks this out, but Trump had no clue and he was just spouting poo poo.Confusednicker:

It is not treasonous to ask your President do better. That's absurd and undermines your intelligence to repeat it.
Cardfan1 Wrote:1 -You sure?

2 - Which press messed up their facts? CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT? The press has turned into the ominuous, mysterious "they."

HCQ is poo-pooed, because it was irresponsible for the President to suggest it when HIS own experts didn't. It may be a part of a cocktail that knocks this out, but Trump had no clue and he was just spouting poo poo.Confusednicker:

3 - It is not treasonous to ask your President do better. That's absurd and undermines your intelligence to repeat it.

1 - Yes I am quite certain. 2 - All the above. 3 - Repeating things is your bailiwick.

I consider you a sounding board. In no way are you remotely interested in any facts. Your only interest is in spreading liberal drivel which is so stupid it sucks the air out of any debate, and is 'an act' so old it predates the founding of this land. Idiocy is nothing if not resilient. Every day is a new embarrassment on here for you nevertheless, the very next morning, it's act like you got the handle on reality anyway. But you serve a purpose, and that is to demonstrate that facts absolutely do not matter to the willfully ignorant.

The facts about General Flynn are emerging for example. Those facts reveal beyond doubt that the deepstate operatives you scoff at, do exist and have been active since Trump rode down the golden escalator.

The press of your mention are a pack of rabid dogs with an intellect to match. They and their 'supporters' have acted despicably in my mind. A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Matt 12:24-25
24 But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “Only by Beelzebul, the prince of the demons, does this man drive out demons.” 25 Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

Now those are the words of God, but vive la résistance anyway!! Right Cardfan? Oh, and let's not forget about denying the resistance too, like vacuous buffoons.
TheRealThing Wrote:1 - Yes I am quite certain. 2 - All the above. 3 - Repeating things is your bailiwick.

I consider you a sounding board. In no way are you remotely interested in any facts. Your only interest is in spreading liberal drivel which is so stupid it sucks the air out of any debate, and is 'an act' so old it predates the founding of this land. Idiocy is nothing if not resilient. Every day is a new embarrassment on here for you nevertheless, the very next morning, it's act like you got the handle on reality anyway. But you serve a purpose, and that is to demonstrate that facts absolutely do not matter to the willfully ignorant.

The facts about General Flynn are emerging for example. Those facts reveal beyond doubt that the deepstate operatives you scoff at, do exist and have been active since Trump rode down the golden escalator.

The press of your mention are a pack of rabid dogs with an intellect to match. They and their 'supporters' have acted despicably in my mind. A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Matt 12:24-25
24 But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “Only by Beelzebul, the prince of the demons, does this man drive out demons.” 25 Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

Now those are the words of God, but vive la résistance anyway!! Right Cardfan? Oh, and let's not forget about denying the resistance too, like vacuous buffoons.


All of them ran the same incorrect story yesterday about South Korea testing? Or are you repeating what some personality repeated to you yesterday about news that is a few weeks old?
This seems to be the case which suggests you aren't interested in facts just info that will prop up Trump.

Oh, yes, Flynn is going to be proven innocent because he was framed by deep state operatives. I'm not holding my breath. TBH, I don't care.

Were you this Kumbaya with President Obama? Don't think so. Heck, you aren't today. Stop with the let's get together sermons.
Cardfan1 Wrote::hilarious:

All of them ran the same incorrect story yesterday about South Korea testing? Or are you repeating what some personality repeated to you yesterday about news that is a few weeks old?
This seems to be the case which suggests you aren't interested in facts just info that will prop up Trump.

Oh, yes, Flynn is going to be proven innocent because he was framed by deep state operatives. I'm not holding my breath. TBH, I don't care.

Were you this Kumbaya with President Obama? Don't think so. Heck, you aren't today. Stop with the let's get together sermons.

Oh I fully understand that you don't care. But as usual, your projectionist illness is revealed every time you say something on here.

I doubt that you're smart enough to visit the following link which shows the exact real time history of what Dr Birx said in correcting the pack of rabid dogs you revere so highly. But for everybody else, please listen to what she said to yay-hoo and the rest of the left who're as of yesterday, still on a campaign to misrepresent the South Korean per capita testing ratio versus that of the US.

As far as my Kum ba yah moments with Obama may be concerned-- His tenure was an endurance test for those who value freedom and honesty. Moved to the front of the line in general chronological order were his war on coal, the destruction of the greatest healthcare system of all time through Universal health care, gay rights, genderless public bathrooms, boys masquerading as girl athletes, gay marriage, 63 genders, sequestration and the forfeiture of a meaningful US military, the freedom to pursue artistic delusion over working for one's livelihood, government funded unfettered abortion, powerful rebukes to terrorists such as ignoring their murdered thousands in favor of attending climate change conventions, government encouraged/sponsored race riots, seeding the court in order to bypass the will of the voter at the ballot box, ignoring law and elevating feelings, and in general open contempt for all things American past present and future. Not to mention the billions in taxpayer dollars sent to prop up the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran, and The Palestinian Authority, all the while stomping on the best interests of Israel. North Korea goes nuclear and Iran gets a pass to do so just as soon as they become capable. I could go on believe me.

Nonetheless prior to his anti-colonialist, anti Tea Party, IRS besieged conservative constituents being introduced to his Islamic ideological bents become nightmare reality, nobody rioted, nobody rebelled, nobody stonewalled his appointments... much less all the way through his first term, nobody in the Congress organized a formal resistance. And although to this day there exists/existed mountains of damning evidence, he was never investigated for a thing as I am aware. And then as today, the press fawn all over him. Full stop. America had elected, then reelected Barack Obama and we all conformed and submitted to his government.

The people as did I, endured the 8 years of madness and liberal monkey puke. And in lieu of electing Hillary to succeed him, they elected DJT. Other than the now proven interventions and campaign meddling and attempted voter manipulations committed against President Trump, it was a fair election. In the aftermath, the devastated left were left wailing on their knees in the streets and the government oppositionists were already proclaiming openly to somehow, throw Trump out of office. They went to war with the people in order to throw out their choice for President, To wit, every shred of the complaining and lying and distorting which seem to slake your political palate there Cardfan, is IMHO, historically treasonous.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh I fully understand that you don't care. But as usual, your projectionist illness is revealed every time you say something on here.

I doubt that you're smart enough to visit the following link which shows the exact real time history of what Dr Birx said in correcting the pack of rabid dogs you revere so highly. But for everybody else, please listen to what she said to yay-hoo and the rest of the left who're as of yesterday, still on a campaign to misrepresent the South Korean per capita testing ratio versus that of the US.

As far as my Kum ba yah moments with Obama may be concerned-- His tenure was an endurance test for those who value freedom and honesty. Moved to the front of the line in general chronological order were his war on coal, the destruction of the greatest healthcare system of all time through Universal health care, gay rights, genderless public bathrooms, boys masquerading as girl athletes, gay marriage, 63 genders, sequestration and the forfeiture of a meaningful US military, the freedom to pursue artistic delusion over working for one's livelihood, government funded unfettered abortion, powerful rebukes to terrorists such as ignoring their murdered thousands in favor of attending climate change conventions, government encouraged/sponsored race riots, seeding the court in order to bypass the will of the voter at the ballot box, ignoring law and elevating feelings, and in general open contempt for all things American past present and future. Not to mention the billions in taxpayer dollars sent to prop up the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran, and The Palestinian Authority, all the while stomping on the best interests of Israel. North Korea goes nuclear and Iran gets a pass to do so just as soon as they become capable. I could go on believe me.

Nonetheless prior to his anti-colonialist, anti Tea Party, IRS besieged conservative constituents being introduced to his Islamic ideological bents become nightmare reality, nobody rioted, nobody rebelled, nobody stonewalled his appointments... much less all the way through his first term, nobody in the Congress organized a formal resistance. And although to this day there exists/existed mountains of damning evidence, he was never investigated for a thing as I am aware. And then as today, the press fawn all over him. Full stop. America had elected, then reelected Barack Obama and we all conformed and submitted to his government.

The people as did I, endured the 8 years of madness and liberal monkey puke. And in lieu of electing Hillary to succeed him, they elected DJT. Other than the now proven interventions and campaign meddling and attempted voter manipulations committed against President Trump, it was a fair election. In the aftermath, the devastated left were left wailing on their knees in the streets, government oppositionists were already proclaiming openly to somehow, throw Trump out of office. They went to war with the people in order to throw out their choice for President, To wit, every shred of the complaining and lying and distorting which seem to slake your political palate there Cardfan, is IMHO, historically treasonous.

If my complaining about Trump is treasonous. Your complaining Obama about is/was treasonous. You can't have it both ways. It's a silly word to use about an American voicing his opinion.

:hilarious: The article you posted was about Yahoo News reporting incorrectly not the rest of them. I know Rush is telling you that all the press is the boogeyman, but they do work independently. Some are more reliable than others.
Cardfan1 Wrote:If my complaining about Trump is treasonous. Your complaining Obama about is/was treasonous. You can't have it both ways. It's a silly word to use about an American voicing his opinion.

:hilarious: The article you posted was about Yahoo News reporting incorrectly not the rest of them. I know Rush is telling you that all the press is the boogeyman, but they do work independently. Some are more reliable than others.

Well at least we managed to get one of those two left feet of yours in bounds, even if it was for just a second.

I will agree that like all rabid dogs, growling and slobbering and barking as they are wont to do, and although the press do similarly try to talk over themselves and the President, my statement of fact which I sourced, had to do with DR Birx correcting them for lying. Fauci will not do that. I did not as your obvious effort to deflect alleged, assert that they all voiced that same DNC setup question simultaneously. You injected the "all running the same story" line, which of course is perfectly symptomatic of your usual confusion where reality is concerned. Thankfully the President normally only allows one of them to ask a question at a time though, and on this occasion the offender was from yay-hoo. But while you're laughing to hide your own ignorance of the whole situation, consider that where uphill tasks are concerned in your case, it takes a lot more than clicking on a laugh icon to accomplish. In sticking with the same species analysis, all of the agencies you listed are as guilty as dogs in their deceptions and subversive manipulations. To that end every last one of them have asked about South Korea besting the US in testing efficiency dozens of times.

Their accusations of malfeasance are treasonous slurs disguised as journalistic questions, as is your surface skimming but overwhelming support of their efforts to oust the President by lying him out of office. What we're actually seeing in these briefings are the press' efforts to run the Democrat campaign as if it were news. I ain't working. That said, though I could care less how much or how often you complain about Trump. That doesn't mean I won't challenge some of the more egregious lies you choose to put up.
We are almost there now just a few more months after the mess the Dear Leader left
(03-11-2021, 02:21 PM)vector#1 Wrote: We are almost there now just a few more months after the mess the Dear Leader left
The mess that Trump left has a name. It is China Joe Biden - a man who just forgot the names of two Generals that he was promoting and also forgot the name of the Pentagon in a very short speech. A man so incapable of handling the job of being president that he has not held a press conference after more than 50 days in office.
(04-30-2020, 09:19 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh I fully understand that you don't care. But as usual, your projectionist illness is revealed every time you say something on here.

I doubt that you're smart enough to visit the following link which shows the exact real time history of what Dr Birx said in correcting the pack of rabid dogs you revere so highly. But for everybody else, please listen to what she said to yay-hoo and the rest of the left who're as of yesterday, still on a campaign to misrepresent the South Korean per capita testing ratio versus that of the US.

As far as my Kum ba yah moments with Obama may be concerned-- His tenure was an endurance test for those who value freedom and honesty. Moved to the front of the line in general chronological order were his war on coal, the destruction of the greatest healthcare system of all time through Universal health care, gay rights, genderless public bathrooms, boys masquerading as girl athletes, gay marriage, 63 genders, sequestration and the forfeiture of a meaningful US military, the freedom to pursue artistic delusion over working for one's livelihood, government funded unfettered abortion, powerful rebukes to terrorists such as ignoring their murdered thousands in favor of attending climate change conventions, government encouraged/sponsored race riots, seeding the court in order to bypass the will of the voter at the ballot box, ignoring law and elevating feelings, and in general open contempt for all things American past present and future. Not to mention the billions in taxpayer dollars sent to prop up the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran,  and The Palestinian Authority, all the while stomping on the best interests of Israel. North Korea goes nuclear and Iran gets a pass to do so just as soon as they become capable. I could go on believe me.

Nonetheless prior to his anti-colonialist, anti Tea Party, IRS besieged conservative constituents being introduced to his Islamic ideological bents become nightmare reality, nobody rioted, nobody rebelled, nobody stonewalled his appointments... much less all the way through his first term, nobody in the Congress organized a formal resistance. And although to this day there exists/existed mountains of damning evidence, he was never investigated for a thing as I am aware. And then as today, the press fawn all over him. Full stop. America had elected, then reelected Barack Obama and we all conformed and submitted to his government.

The people as did I, endured the 8 years of madness and liberal monkey puke. And in lieu of electing Hillary to succeed him, they elected DJT. Other than the now proven interventions and campaign meddling and attempted voter manipulations committed against President Trump, it was a fair election. In the aftermath, the devastated left were left wailing on their knees in the streets, government oppositionists were already proclaiming openly to somehow, throw Trump out of office. They went to war with the people in order to throw out their choice for President, To wit, every shred of the complaining and lying and distorting which seem to slake your political palate there Cardfan, is IMHO, historically treasonous.

If my complaining about Trump is treasonous. Your complaining Obama about is/was treasonous.  You can't have it both ways.  It's a silly word to use about an American voicing his opinion.

:hilarious:  The article you posted was about Yahoo News reporting incorrectly not the rest of them.  I know Rush is telling you that all the press is the boogeyman, but they do work independently.  Some are more reliable than others.
Accepting bribes from one or more foreign entities is treason. China Joe Biden is a traitor.
(03-11-2021, 02:47 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(04-30-2020, 09:19 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh I fully understand that you don't care. But as usual, your projectionist illness is revealed every time you say something on here.

I doubt that you're smart enough to visit the following link which shows the exact real time history of what Dr Birx said in correcting the pack of rabid dogs you revere so highly. But for everybody else, please listen to what she said to yay-hoo and the rest of the left who're as of yesterday, still on a campaign to misrepresent the South Korean per capita testing ratio versus that of the US.

As far as my Kum ba yah moments with Obama may be concerned-- His tenure was an endurance test for those who value freedom and honesty. Moved to the front of the line in general chronological order were his war on coal, the destruction of the greatest healthcare system of all time through Universal health care, gay rights, genderless public bathrooms, boys masquerading as girl athletes, gay marriage, 63 genders, sequestration and the forfeiture of a meaningful US military, the freedom to pursue artistic delusion over working for one's livelihood, government funded unfettered abortion, powerful rebukes to terrorists such as ignoring their murdered thousands in favor of attending climate change conventions, government encouraged/sponsored race riots, seeding the court in order to bypass the will of the voter at the ballot box, ignoring law and elevating feelings, and in general open contempt for all things American past present and future. Not to mention the billions in taxpayer dollars sent to prop up the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran,  and The Palestinian Authority, all the while stomping on the best interests of Israel. North Korea goes nuclear and Iran gets a pass to do so just as soon as they become capable. I could go on believe me.

Nonetheless prior to his anti-colonialist, anti Tea Party, IRS besieged conservative constituents being introduced to his Islamic ideological bents become nightmare reality, nobody rioted, nobody rebelled, nobody stonewalled his appointments... much less all the way through his first term, nobody in the Congress organized a formal resistance. And although to this day there exists/existed mountains of damning evidence, he was never investigated for a thing as I am aware. And then as today, the press fawn all over him. Full stop. America had elected, then reelected Barack Obama and we all conformed and submitted to his government.

The people as did I, endured the 8 years of madness and liberal monkey puke. And in lieu of electing Hillary to succeed him, they elected DJT. Other than the now proven interventions and campaign meddling and attempted voter manipulations committed against President Trump, it was a fair election. In the aftermath, the devastated left were left wailing on their knees in the streets, government oppositionists were already proclaiming openly to somehow, throw Trump out of office. They went to war with the people in order to throw out their choice for President, To wit, every shred of the complaining and lying and distorting which seem to slake your political palate there Cardfan, is IMHO, historically treasonous.

If my complaining about Trump is treasonous. Your complaining Obama about is/was treasonous.  You can't have it both ways.  It's a silly word to use about an American voicing his opinion.

:hilarious:  The article you posted was about Yahoo News reporting incorrectly not the rest of them.  I know Rush is telling you that all the press is the boogeyman, but they do work independently.  Some are more reliable than others.
Accepting bribes from one or more foreign entities is treason. China Joe Biden is a traitor.
Quooter if Dear Leader get's prison time does secret service men goes with him sine you are a expert working for the gov.
(03-11-2021, 03:22 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 02:47 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(04-30-2020, 09:19 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh I fully understand that you don't care. But as usual, your projectionist illness is revealed every time you say something on here.

I doubt that you're smart enough to visit the following link which shows the exact real time history of what Dr Birx said in correcting the pack of rabid dogs you revere so highly. But for everybody else, please listen to what she said to yay-hoo and the rest of the left who're as of yesterday, still on a campaign to misrepresent the South Korean per capita testing ratio versus that of the US.

As far as my Kum ba yah moments with Obama may be concerned-- His tenure was an endurance test for those who value freedom and honesty. Moved to the front of the line in general chronological order were his war on coal, the destruction of the greatest healthcare system of all time through Universal health care, gay rights, genderless public bathrooms, boys masquerading as girl athletes, gay marriage, 63 genders, sequestration and the forfeiture of a meaningful US military, the freedom to pursue artistic delusion over working for one's livelihood, government funded unfettered abortion, powerful rebukes to terrorists such as ignoring their murdered thousands in favor of attending climate change conventions, government encouraged/sponsored race riots, seeding the court in order to bypass the will of the voter at the ballot box, ignoring law and elevating feelings, and in general open contempt for all things American past present and future. Not to mention the billions in taxpayer dollars sent to prop up the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran,  and The Palestinian Authority, all the while stomping on the best interests of Israel. North Korea goes nuclear and Iran gets a pass to do so just as soon as they become capable. I could go on believe me.

Nonetheless prior to his anti-colonialist, anti Tea Party, IRS besieged conservative constituents being introduced to his Islamic ideological bents become nightmare reality, nobody rioted, nobody rebelled, nobody stonewalled his appointments... much less all the way through his first term, nobody in the Congress organized a formal resistance. And although to this day there exists/existed mountains of damning evidence, he was never investigated for a thing as I am aware. And then as today, the press fawn all over him. Full stop. America had elected, then reelected Barack Obama and we all conformed and submitted to his government.

The people as did I, endured the 8 years of madness and liberal monkey puke. And in lieu of electing Hillary to succeed him, they elected DJT. Other than the now proven interventions and campaign meddling and attempted voter manipulations committed against President Trump, it was a fair election. In the aftermath, the devastated left were left wailing on their knees in the streets, government oppositionists were already proclaiming openly to somehow, throw Trump out of office. They went to war with the people in order to throw out their choice for President, To wit, every shred of the complaining and lying and distorting which seem to slake your political palate there Cardfan, is IMHO, historically treasonous.

If my complaining about Trump is treasonous. Your complaining Obama about is/was treasonous.  You can't have it both ways.  It's a silly word to use about an American voicing his opinion.

:hilarious:  The article you posted was about Yahoo News reporting incorrectly not the rest of them.  I know Rush is telling you that all the press is the boogeyman, but they do work independently.  Some are more reliable than others.
Accepting bribes from one or more foreign entities is treason. China Joe Biden is a traitor.
Quooter if Dear Leader get's prison time does secret service men goes with him sine you are a expert working for the gov.
Translate to standard English, please. Thanks in advance.
(03-11-2021, 04:19 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 03:22 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 02:47 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(04-30-2020, 09:19 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh I fully understand that you don't care. But as usual, your projectionist illness is revealed every time you say something on here.

I doubt that you're smart enough to visit the following link which shows the exact real time history of what Dr Birx said in correcting the pack of rabid dogs you revere so highly. But for everybody else, please listen to what she said to yay-hoo and the rest of the left who're as of yesterday, still on a campaign to misrepresent the South Korean per capita testing ratio versus that of the US.

As far as my Kum ba yah moments with Obama may be concerned-- His tenure was an endurance test for those who value freedom and honesty. Moved to the front of the line in general chronological order were his war on coal, the destruction of the greatest healthcare system of all time through Universal health care, gay rights, genderless public bathrooms, boys masquerading as girl athletes, gay marriage, 63 genders, sequestration and the forfeiture of a meaningful US military, the freedom to pursue artistic delusion over working for one's livelihood, government funded unfettered abortion, powerful rebukes to terrorists such as ignoring their murdered thousands in favor of attending climate change conventions, government encouraged/sponsored race riots, seeding the court in order to bypass the will of the voter at the ballot box, ignoring law and elevating feelings, and in general open contempt for all things American past present and future. Not to mention the billions in taxpayer dollars sent to prop up the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran,  and The Palestinian Authority, all the while stomping on the best interests of Israel. North Korea goes nuclear and Iran gets a pass to do so just as soon as they become capable. I could go on believe me.

Nonetheless prior to his anti-colonialist, anti Tea Party, IRS besieged conservative constituents being introduced to his Islamic ideological bents become nightmare reality, nobody rioted, nobody rebelled, nobody stonewalled his appointments... much less all the way through his first term, nobody in the Congress organized a formal resistance. And although to this day there exists/existed mountains of damning evidence, he was never investigated for a thing as I am aware. And then as today, the press fawn all over him. Full stop. America had elected, then reelected Barack Obama and we all conformed and submitted to his government.

The people as did I, endured the 8 years of madness and liberal monkey puke. And in lieu of electing Hillary to succeed him, they elected DJT. Other than the now proven interventions and campaign meddling and attempted voter manipulations committed against President Trump, it was a fair election. In the aftermath, the devastated left were left wailing on their knees in the streets, government oppositionists were already proclaiming openly to somehow, throw Trump out of office. They went to war with the people in order to throw out their choice for President, To wit, every shred of the complaining and lying and distorting which seem to slake your political palate there Cardfan, is IMHO, historically treasonous.

If my complaining about Trump is treasonous. Your complaining Obama about is/was treasonous.  You can't have it both ways.  It's a silly word to use about an American voicing his opinion.

:hilarious:  The article you posted was about Yahoo News reporting incorrectly not the rest of them.  I know Rush is telling you that all the press is the boogeyman, but they do work independently.  Some are more reliable than others.
Accepting bribes from one or more foreign entities is treason. China Joe Biden is a traitor.
Quooter if Dear Leader get's prison time does secret service men goes with him sine you are a expert working for the gov.
Translate to standard English, please. Thanks in advance.
Duck, Dodge and Spin Quooter
(03-11-2021, 04:29 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 04:19 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 03:22 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 02:47 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(04-30-2020, 09:19 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: If my complaining about Trump is treasonous. Your complaining Obama about is/was treasonous.  You can't have it both ways.  It's a silly word to use about an American voicing his opinion.

:hilarious:  The article you posted was about Yahoo News reporting incorrectly not the rest of them.  I know Rush is telling you that all the press is the boogeyman, but they do work independently.  Some are more reliable than others.
Accepting bribes from one or more foreign entities is treason. China Joe Biden is a traitor.
Quooter if Dear Leader get's prison time does secret service men goes with him sine you are a expert working for the gov.
Translate to standard English, please. Thanks in advance.
Duck, Dodge and Spin Quooter
You and China Joe Biden speak the same language. Gibberish.
(03-11-2021, 07:10 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 04:29 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 04:19 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 03:22 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 02:47 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Accepting bribes from one or more foreign entities is treason. China Joe Biden is a traitor.
Quooter if Dear Leader get's prison time does secret service men goes with him sine you are a expert working for the gov.
Translate to standard English, please. Thanks in advance.
Duck, Dodge and Spin Quooter
You and China Joe Biden speak the same language. Gibberish.
Duck, Dodge and Spin
^^ Disingenuous, Duplicitous, Dishonest and Perfidious.
(03-14-2021, 01:33 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ Disingenuous, Duplicitous, Dishonest and Perfidious.
Yes you are
^^ I mean don't get me wrong. The law of averages predicts that you must have hit upon the truth at some point no matter how absurdly partisan you may be. But if you did, i either missed it or it was mixed up in that miss mash of compound /run-on sentences you put up on here.
(03-14-2021, 04:44 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ I mean don't get me wrong. The law of averages predicts that you must have hit upon the truth at some point no matter how absurdly partisan you may be. But if you did, i either missed it or it was mixed up in that miss mash of compound /run-on sentences you put up on here.
And who is judging who now
(03-14-2021, 06:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 04:44 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ I mean don't get me wrong. The law of averages predicts that you must have hit upon the truth at some point no matter how absurdly partisan you may be. But if you did, i either missed it or it was mixed up in that miss mash of compound /run-on sentences you put up on here.
And who is judging who now
Translation: And who is judging whom now?

I don't think that I will ever understand why a person would try to exaggerate their ignorance by omitting almost all punctuation. If you are worried that somebody might mistake your opinions for brilliant revelations, then you need not worry.
(03-14-2021, 09:32 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 06:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 04:44 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ I mean don't get me wrong. The law of averages predicts that you must have hit upon the truth at some point no matter how absurdly partisan you may be. But if you did, i either missed it or it was mixed up in that miss mash of compound /run-on sentences you put up on here.
And who is judging who now
Translation: And who is judging whom now?

I don't think that I will ever understand why a person would try to exaggerate their ignorance by omitting almost all punctuation. If you are worried that somebody might mistake your opinions for brilliant revelations, then you need not worry.
I'm not worried
(03-15-2021, 10:34 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 09:32 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 06:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 04:44 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ I mean don't get me wrong. The law of averages predicts that you must have hit upon the truth at some point no matter how absurdly partisan you may be. But if you did, i either missed it or it was mixed up in that miss mash of compound /run-on sentences you put up on here.
And who is judging who now
Translation: And who is judging whom now?

I don't think that I will ever understand why a person would try to exaggerate their ignorance by omitting almost all punctuation. If you are worried that somebody might mistake your opinions for brilliant revelations, then you need not worry.
I'm not worried
I am glad that you agree. Nobody is going to mistake your opinions as brilliant revelations, whether they are punctuated or not. In your case, punctuation would just be lipstick on a pig.
^^And who starts off nearly every post saying "And once again you are wrong?"

The thread starter is just as true today as it was when I put it up. At the time when CV-19 first began showing up on American soil, the Democrats were all to a man/woman, too absorbed in the first sham impeachment to make any sort of legislative effort to analyze the source or even admit it was a threat. Dr Fauci was on TV claiming the virus could not be spread from person to person and telling people NOT to wear a mask.

Nonetheless on Jan 30 then President Trump implemented the China Travel Ban to 'limit the spread.'  Joe Biden's response was to publicly call out MR Trump for being a fear mongering exenophobe for doing so. And now in the video sourced though the shot is so narrow it barely spans 20 feet so that it will look like a political rally with people actually IN attendance, I had to click on the speaker icon to get the sound to come up:  ---Joe Biden April 15, 2020

-- Notice the date of the video was fully 45 days AFTER the travel ban. But for the Dems, the threat the virus posed still hadn't dawned. And Nancy Pelosi was making videos out in China Town asking Americans to come out for a visit. They mocked MR Trump for a fool but what's incredible is many people like vector actually bought it.

Then the President said we would try to have a vaccine ready for distribution by late last year. Dr Fauci's immediate response was to publicly rebuke MR Trump, saying it would likely take years to get a vaccine approved, much less ready for distribution in a mere 9 months. But even though Joe Biden was himself vaccinated for CV-19 last November, he said there were no vaccines.

vector brought this thread back up to assert the false claim that the new administration had almost resolved the pandemic in the few short months it has been in office. That in spite of the fact that all these things had all just happened right in front of everybody's eyes. But contempt and willful ignorance prevents the left from being able to see them. You can call that judging if you want vector, I call it a history lesson. But thanks for giving me the opportunity to further substantiate my claim there vector. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!
(03-15-2021, 11:44 AM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^And who starts off nearly every post saying "And once again you are wrong?"

The thread starter is just as true today as it was when I put it up. At the time when CV-19 first began showing up on American soil, the Democrats were all to a man/woman, too absorbed in the first sham impeachment to make any sort of legislative effort to analyze the source or even admit it was a threat. Dr Fauci was on TV claiming the virus could not be spread from person to person and telling people NOT to wear a mask.

Nonetheless on Jan 30 then President Trump implemented the China Travel Ban to 'limit the spread.'  Joe Biden's response was to publicly call out MR Trump for being a fear mongering exenophobe for doing so. And now in the video sourced though the shot is so narrow it barely spans 20 feet so that it will look like a political rally with people actually IN attendance, I had to click on the speaker icon to get the sound to come up:  ---Joe Biden April 15, 2020

-- Notice the date of the video was fully 45 days AFTER the travel ban. But for the Dems,  the threat the virus posed still hadn't dawned. And Nancy Pelosi was making videos out in China Town asking Americans to come out for a visit. They mocked MR Trump for a fool but what's incredible is many people like vector actually bought it. 

Then the President said we would try to have a vaccine ready for distribution by late last year. Dr Fauci's immediate response was to publicly rebuke MR Trump, saying it would likely take years to get a vaccine approved, much less ready for distribution in a mere 9 months. But even though Joe Biden was himself vaccinated for CV-19 last November, he said there were no vaccines.

vector brought this thread back up to assert the false claim that the new administration had almost resolved the pandemic in the few short months it has been in office. That in spite of the fact that all these things had all just happened right in front of everybody's eyes. But contempt and willful ignorance prevents the left from being able to see them. You can call that judging if you want vector, I call it a history lesson. But thanks for giving me the opportunity to further substantiate my claim there vector. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!
And once again you are wrong your boy had his chance he failed It's that simple he chose to ignore it 
If he had done as good as job you and Quooter thinks he done he would still be president instead the American people fired his A$$ Now that we have a grown up in charge it won't be long this economy will take off like a rocket ship

Goldman Sachs boosts US GDP forecast to 6.8% in 2021 and now expects $1.5 trillion in COVID-19 stimulus | Markets Insider (

(03-15-2021, 11:41 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 10:34 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 09:32 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 06:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 04:44 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: ^^ I mean don't get me wrong. The law of averages predicts that you must have hit upon the truth at some point no matter how absurdly partisan you may be. But if you did, i either missed it or it was mixed up in that miss mash of compound /run-on sentences you put up on here.
And who is judging who now
Translation: And who is judging whom now?

I don't think that I will ever understand why a person would try to exaggerate their ignorance by omitting almost all punctuation. If you are worried that somebody might mistake your opinions for brilliant revelations, then you need not worry.
I'm not worried
I am glad that you agree. Nobody is going to mistake your opinions as brilliant revelations, whether they are punctuated or not. In your case, punctuation would just be lipstick on a pig.

Nobody's as dim as vector tries to act IMO Hoot. I think he just does that as a cover for all the freewheeling lying.
(03-15-2021, 12:39 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 11:41 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 10:34 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 09:32 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 06:25 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And who is judging who now
Translation: And who is judging whom now?

I don't think that I will ever understand why a person would try to exaggerate their ignorance by omitting almost all punctuation. If you are worried that somebody might mistake your opinions for brilliant revelations, then you need not worry.
I'm not worried
I am glad that you agree. Nobody is going to mistake your opinions as brilliant revelations, whether they are punctuated or not. In your case, punctuation would just be lipstick on a pig.

Nobody's as dim as vector tries to act IMO Hoot. I think he just does that as a cover for all the freewheeling lying.
Now what part of that is not true TRT ?
(03-15-2021, 12:43 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 12:39 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 11:41 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 10:34 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-14-2021, 09:32 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Translation: And who is judging whom now?

I don't think that I will ever understand why a person would try to exaggerate their ignorance by omitting almost all punctuation. If you are worried that somebody might mistake your opinions for brilliant revelations, then you need not worry.
I'm not worried
I am glad that you agree. Nobody is going to mistake your opinions as brilliant revelations, whether they are punctuated or not. In your case, punctuation would just be lipstick on a pig.

Nobody's as dim as vector tries to act IMO Hoot. I think he just does that as a cover for all the freewheeling lying.
Now what part of that is not true TRT ?
Nothing you say is true vector. Your rhetoric sounds like the fake and boisterous threats of violence made at the union hall should a contract not be signed or some such baloney. You repeat what you hear, or what you can dredge up on the internet.
(03-15-2021, 01:33 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 12:43 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 12:39 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 11:41 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(03-15-2021, 10:34 AM)vector#1 Wrote: I'm not worried
I am glad that you agree. Nobody is going to mistake your opinions as brilliant revelations, whether they are punctuated or not. In your case, punctuation would just be lipstick on a pig.

Nobody's as dim as vector tries to act IMO Hoot. I think he just does that as a cover for all the freewheeling lying.
Now what part of that is not true TRT ?
Nothing you say is true vector. Your rhetoric sounds like the fake and boisterous threats of violence made at the union hall should a contract not be signed or some such baloney. You repeat what you hear, or what you can dredge up on the internet.
And you don't ?
You supported a King who has lied to his Sheep about a election was stolen it doesn't get any worse than that

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