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Stop the Steal
And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason
(12-18-2020, 02:14 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason

Lots of MAGA folks talking treason and sedition. 

It's absolutely crazy considering they have touted themselves as the "Real Americans," we are finding out that is only the case when it goes their way otherwise they are willing to turn their backs on the Constitution.
Hate to say this but it's a cult they are now worshipping the Dear Leader Now Bible speaks of such things that's going on now with the Trumpublicans

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect."
(12-18-2020, 02:14 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason
Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.
(12-18-2020, 03:02 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 02:14 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason
Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.

Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
(12-18-2020, 04:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 03:02 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 02:14 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason
Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.

Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
This repeated lying that you and your cohorts are engaging in is really getting old. Either you are, as a group, lack even a basic understanding of how the law works in this country, or you are simply too dishonest to discuss the issue.

It is no coincidence that the same people who fell for Hillary Clinton and Obama's Trump colluded with Russian hoax, for which there was zero evidence, are now claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud despite evidence that has been confirmed by thousands of witnesses, in addition to a mountain of documentary evidence. You owe Trump an apology on both accounts.
Here Hooter this is what your Dear Leader sent to the US Supreme Court



This is The Dear Leader's SO CALLED EVIDENCE

Our Country is deeply divided in ways that it arguably has not been seen since the election of 1860.
There is a high level of distrust between the opposing
sides, compounded by the fact that, in the election just
held, election officials in key swing states, for apparently partisan advantage, failed to conduct their state
elections in compliance with state election law, in direct violation of the plenary power that Article II of
the U.S. Constitution confers on the Legislatures of
the States. Indeed, a recent poll by the reputable Rasmussen polling firm indicates that 47% of all Americans (including 75% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats), believe that it is “likely” or “very likely” the
election was stolen from the current incumbent President.1
The fact that nearly half of the country believes the
election was stolen should come as no surprise. President Trump prevailed on nearly every historical indicia of success in presidential elections. For example,
he won both Florida and Ohio; no candidate in history—Republican or Democrat—has ever lost the election after winning both States. And he won these traditional swing states by large margins—Ohio by 8 percentage points and 475,660 votes; Florida by 3.4 percentage points and 371,686 votes. He won 18 of the
country’s 19 so-called “bellwether” counties—counties
1 See Leah Barkoukis, “What Do Democrats Think About the Integrity of the Election? One Poll Shows Surprising Findings,”
Townhall.com (Dec. 1, 2020), available at https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbar koukis/2020/12/01/30-percent-ofdems-think-their-party-cheated-n2580862.
whose vote, historically, almost always goes for the
candidate who wins the election.2 Initial analysis indicates that he won 26 percent of non-white voters,
the highest percentage for any Republican candidate
since 1960,3 a fairly uniform national trend that was
inexplicably not followed in key cities and counties in
the Defendant States. And he had coattails but, as
some commentators have cleverly noted, apparently
no coat. That is, Republican candidates for the U.S.
Senate and U.S. House, down to Republican candidates and the state and local level, all out-performed
expectations and won in much larger numbers than
predicted, yet the candidate for President at the top of
the ticket who provided those coattails did not himself
get over his finish line in first place. This, despite the
fact that the nearly 75 million votes he received—a
record for any incumbent President—was nearly 12
million more than he received in the 2016 election,
also a record (in contrast to the 2012 election, in which
the incumbent received 3 million fewer votes than he
had four years earlier but nevertheless prevailed).
These things just don’t normally happen, and a large
percentage of the American people know that something is deeply amiss.

Nothing but Bull Sh!t and What If's

Dear Leader wants the election overturned because the country is divided over a poll STUPID

Time to move on Hooter
(12-18-2020, 04:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 03:02 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 02:14 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason
Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.

Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
This repeated lying that you and your cohorts are engaging in is really getting old. Either you are, as a group, lack even a basic understanding of how the law works in this country, or you are simply too dishonest to discuss the issue.

It is no coincidence that the same people who fell for Hillary Clinton and Obama's Trump colluded with Russian hoax, for which there was zero evidence, are now claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud despite evidence that has been confirmed by thousands of witnesses, in addition to a mountain of documentary evidence. You owe Trump an apology on both accounts.

Lying? What are you talking about?  

There is no fraud evidence.  Courts are throwing these cases out faster than Rudy can toot. If there is evidence, judges will not throw them out.

Seriously, do you believe every judge that has heard these stooge shows is corrupt? 

I don’t think I am the one that is struggling with the law. 

Whoa, Hootie, Comrade Barr put the brakes on the collusion investigation. Nobody was exonerated of anything.  I wonder what will happen over the next year if Biden allows the justice system to investigate without obstruction. 

I am on pins and needles on these pardons.  Can’t wait to see who Trump believes won’t flip on him. 

Trump owes this nation an apology.  He has corrupted our government, our citizens, and our reputation on the world stage.  His actions have killed Americans and his apathy has put our national security in jeopardy.

But worst of all he has divided this nation and is willing to push us to the brink of civil war to save his pride. 

Get over it. Enjoy 4 years of a President that will work for his citizens. You can rejoin your deathcult in 2024, or not, I’ve found Republicans love their socialism when it benefits them.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Cardfan1's post:
  • Old School Hound
Trump will move on before Hoot does, even though I'm beginning to think that Hoot is putting on an act because surely he does not really believe the stuff he posts on here.  If he does, he need to turn the right wing radio shows off and start thinking for himself. 

Trump is already scheming on how to financially benefit from all of the chaos he has created and is hoping that the Country falls apart after he leaves office.  He's a true American and Leader. ;)
(12-18-2020, 05:02 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 03:02 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 02:14 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason
Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.

Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
This repeated lying that you and your cohorts are engaging in is really getting old. Either you are, as a group, lack even a basic understanding of how the law works in this country, or you are simply too dishonest to discuss the issue.

It is no coincidence that the same people who fell for Hillary Clinton and Obama's Trump colluded with Russian hoax, for which there was zero evidence, are now claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud despite evidence that has been confirmed by thousands of witnesses, in addition to a mountain of documentary evidence. You owe Trump an apology on both accounts.

Lying? What are you talking about?  

There is no fraud evidence.  Courts are throwing these cases out faster than Rudy can toot. If there is evidence, judges will not throw them out.

Seriously, do you believe every judge that has heard these stooge shows is corrupt? 

I don’t think I am the one that is struggling with the law. 

Whoa, Hootie, Comrade Barr put the brakes on the collusion investigation. Nobody was exonerated of anything.  I wonder what will happen over the next year if Biden allows the justice system to investigate without obstruction. 

I am on pins and needles on these pardons.  Can’t wait to see who Trump believes won’t flip on him. 

Trump owes this nation an apology.  He has corrupted our government, our citizens, and our reputation on the world stage.  His actions have killed Americans and his apathy has put our national security in jeopardy.

But worst of all he has divided this nation and is willing to push us to the brink of civil war to save his pride. 

Get over it. Enjoy 4 years of a President that will work for his citizens. You can rejoin your deathcult in 2024, or not, I’ve found Republicans love their socialism when it benefits them.
Read the decisions. Find decisions where a court has actually dismissed a lawsuit or motion on the basis of the evidence that was filed. Dismissing lawsuits by finding that a plaintiff lacks standing, did not file in a timely manner, or because the court decides that it does not have jurisdiction have zero to do with the quality or quantity of the evidence included in the filing.

You know squat about our judicial system. All you and the other liberals have done in the 2020 election threads has been to echo the same Democrat and, in the case of Georgia, crooked Republican talking points. I cannot recall a single instance where any one of you has examined any evidence and refuted it. Instead, you just keep parroting the "there is no evidence" lie.

As I said, the Trump-Russian collusion was a hoax based on a fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign. Where are your apologies for falsely accusing Trump of colluding with the Russians in the total absence of credible evidence?

As for dividing this nation, that is exactly what you and your ilk are doing in supporting an effort to steal the presidential election from Trump and it is what you have been doing for his entire first term. You can bet that if Biden takes office with 70 percent of Republicans and 30 percent of independents believing that Trump won the election, it is going to be a very rough four years for the administration. If the election had not been rigged, Democrats would have benefitted by allowing Republican observers to watch the tabulation of votes, as they were legally entitled to do. The counting of votes would not have been suspended in five battleground states for the first time in American history to give Democrats time to "find" votes to erase Trump's lead.

Every change to state election laws made by Democrats has been aimed to make it easier to rig elections.
I don't put all the blame on the Dear Leader he just took advantage of the situation

Lot of the blame starts with Fox News and now Social Media the Hoopleheads will believe everything they see if it suits there view without trying to check out if it's true or not

Also they are scared of brown america and change

The party of Lincoln has moved more to the party of Jefferson the last 60 years

The courts are not dismissing the cases on the evidence

They are dismissing them on NO evidence Dammm you are a Hooplehead

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6), the Court dismisses a
complaint, in whole or in part, if the plaintiff has failed to “state a claim upon
which relief can be granted.”
They have nothing

Her is a good example of the lies Hooter is spreading

(12-18-2020, 01:48 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 01:37 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 01:17 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 11:35 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 11:08 AM)vector#1 Wrote: Hooter and TRT are you that Stupid to think that the democrat controlled house will vote against President Biden ?

Snipe Hunting season 

Big Grin
I am tempted to respond with my own "Are you too stupid?" question, but I already know the answer.

If the two of you had bothered to read my previous posts, then you would understand the possible paths to a Trump win. If you have not already stocked up on food, water, toilet paper, and ammo, I suggest that you consider doing so, just in case.

Win or lose, having evidence presented to the House and Senate and having it entered into the Congressional record will be invaluable for future generations. They will understand exactly how our electoral process was corrupted and how corrupt most of the elected representatives of our time were.
Wow  Huh
What does that mean?  

1.  I agree these Congressmen need to go on record rather than blow hard on social media or on camera.  Sedition needs to be recorded. 
2.  Finally some proof of how this election was stolen from Trump, but not the other Republicans on the tickets.  I cannot wait until January 6th.
Yes. The sedition and treason needs to go into the Congressional record. The evidence is already available to those who have any interest in it. Sworn affidavits, video, and photographs that have been filed in courts across the country are all evidence. Yet, most Democrats remain willfully ignorant of the evidence.

As for the bolded - you figure it out. I have already posted about various options available to President Trump. I am not explaining all of them again.

It's the talking fence post dodge Hoot. It can talk but when you speak all you get is an unfixed vacuous stare.
(12-18-2020, 05:22 PM)vector#1 Wrote: I don't put all the blame on the Dear Leader he just took advantage of the situation

Lot of the blame starts with Fox News and now Social Media the Hoopleheads will believe everything they see if it suits there view without trying to check out if it's true or not

Also they are scared of brown america and change

The party of Lincoln has moved more to the party of Jefferson the last 60 years

The courts are not dismissing the cases on the evidence

They are dismissing them on NO evidence Dammm you are a Hooplehead

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6), the Court dismisses a
complaint, in whole or in part, if the plaintiff has failed to “state a claim upon
which relief can be granted.”
They have nothing

Her is a good example of the lies Hooter is spreading

You copied and pasted a portion of a federal law that does not address evidence and then claimed that the rule proves that no evidence has been presented to the courts. If you cannot understand FRC 12(b)(6), then it would be a waste of your time to actually try reading a court filing or decision. Reading your posts is like watching somebody who can't swim repeatedly jump into deep water without a floatie.

"Relief" means a legal remedy, just compensation, etc. I voted in Virginia. If I file a federal lawsuit against the Georgia Secretary of State for running a rigged election based on a violation of my constitutional rights, a federal district court in Virginia would dismiss my suit because: 1) I would lack legal standing because no matter how much evidence I have that the Georgia SoS ran a crooked election, his actions were not responsible for me voting in a rigged election in Virginia. 2) The federal district court in Virginia would not have jurisdiction over a state official running a rigged election in Georgia. 

The evidence in my example would not matter. I would have no legal standing and the court would have no jurisdiction, so therefore the federal district court in Virginia would be unable to grant me any relief, even if all of my allegations were true. The court would ignore my evidence.

The Texas Supreme Court case against Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin was dismissed because a majority of the justices determined that the state of Texas lacked legal standing to interfere in another state's election. Whatever the real reason for dismissing the case was, it had nothing to do with the evidence because the court never considered the evidence.
(12-18-2020, 06:55 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 01:48 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 01:37 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 01:17 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 11:35 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Woah

Snipe Hunting season 

Big Grin
I am tempted to respond with my own "Are you too stupid?" question, but I already know the answer.

If the two of you had bothered to read my previous posts, then you would understand the possible paths to a Trump win. If you have not already stocked up on food, water, toilet paper, and ammo, I suggest that you consider doing so, just in case.

Win or lose, having evidence presented to the House and Senate and having it entered into the Congressional record will be invaluable for future generations. They will understand exactly how our electoral process was corrupted and how corrupt most of the elected representatives of our time were.
Wow  Huh
What does that mean?  

1.  I agree these Congressmen need to go on record rather than blow hard on social media or on camera.  Sedition needs to be recorded. 
2.  Finally some proof of how this election was stolen from Trump, but not the other Republicans on the tickets.  I cannot wait until January 6th.
Yes. The sedition and treason needs to go into the Congressional record. The evidence is already available to those who have any interest in it. Sworn affidavits, video, and photographs that have been filed in courts across the country are all evidence. Yet, most Democrats remain willfully ignorant of the evidence.

As for the bolded - you figure it out. I have already posted about various options available to President Trump. I am not explaining all of them again.

It's the talking fence post dodge Hoot. It can talk but when you speak all you get is an unfixed vacuous stare.
I know, TRT, but they keep typing such stupid lies, it is just hard to pass up such easy targets.
(12-18-2020, 04:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 03:02 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 02:14 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason
Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.

Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
This repeated lying that you and your cohorts are engaging in is really getting old. Either you are, as a group, lack even a basic understanding of how the law works in this country, or you are simply too dishonest to discuss the issue.

It is no coincidence that the same people who fell for Hillary Clinton and Obama's Trump colluded with Russian hoax, for which there was zero evidence, are now claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud despite evidence that has been confirmed by thousands of witnesses, in addition to a mountain of documentary evidence. You owe Trump an apology on both accounts.

So true. I recall how they just felt sooo deeply about what they were saying about Trump and his supposed Russia ties. It started with the Tweet Trump put out about the Trump Tower being bugged to which we heard the same kind of recess period denials we're  now hearing about the election.  It still goes on, but the crescendo was the sham impeachment and they're still doing it in this very thread;  which can only mean they're either delusional or they know better and just don't care.
(12-18-2020, 05:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 05:02 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 03:02 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.

Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
This repeated lying that you and your cohorts are engaging in is really getting old. Either you are, as a group, lack even a basic understanding of how the law works in this country, or you are simply too dishonest to discuss the issue.

It is no coincidence that the same people who fell for Hillary Clinton and Obama's Trump colluded with Russian hoax, for which there was zero evidence, are now claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud despite evidence that has been confirmed by thousands of witnesses, in addition to a mountain of documentary evidence. You owe Trump an apology on both accounts.

Lying? What are you talking about?  

There is no fraud evidence.  Courts are throwing these cases out faster than Rudy can toot. If there is evidence, judges will not throw them out.

Seriously, do you believe every judge that has heard these stooge shows is corrupt? 

I don’t think I am the one that is struggling with the law. 

Whoa, Hootie, Comrade Barr put the brakes on the collusion investigation. Nobody was exonerated of anything.  I wonder what will happen over the next year if Biden allows the justice system to investigate without obstruction. 

I am on pins and needles on these pardons.  Can’t wait to see who Trump believes won’t flip on him. 

Trump owes this nation an apology.  He has corrupted our government, our citizens, and our reputation on the world stage.  His actions have killed Americans and his apathy has put our national security in jeopardy.

But worst of all he has divided this nation and is willing to push us to the brink of civil war to save his pride. 

Get over it. Enjoy 4 years of a President that will work for his citizens. You can rejoin your deathcult in 2024, or not, I’ve found Republicans love their socialism when it benefits them.
Read the decisions. Find decisions where a court has actually dismissed a lawsuit or motion on the basis of the evidence that was filed. Dismissing lawsuits by finding that a plaintiff lacks standing, did not file in a timely manner, or because the court decides that it does not have jurisdiction have zero to do with the quality or quantity of the evidence included in the filing.

You know squat about our judicial system. All you and the other liberals have done in the 2020 election threads has been to echo the same Democrat and, in the case of Georgia, crooked Republican talking points. I cannot recall a single instance where any one of you has examined any evidence and refuted it. Instead, you just keep parroting the "there is no evidence" lie.

As I said, the Trump-Russian collusion was a hoax based on a fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign. Where are your apologies for falsely accusing Trump of colluding with the Russians in the total absence of credible evidence?

As for dividing this nation, that is exactly what you and your ilk are doing in supporting an effort to steal the presidential election from Trump and it is what you have been doing for his entire first term. You can bet that if Biden takes office with 70 percent of Republicans and 30 percent of independents believing that Trump won the election, it is going to be a very rough four years for the administration. If the election had not been rigged, Democrats would have benefitted by allowing Republican observers to watch the tabulation of votes, as they were legally entitled to do. The counting of votes would not have been suspended in five battleground states for the first time in American history to give Democrats time to "find" votes to erase Trump's lead.

Every change to state election laws made by Democrats has been aimed to make it easier to rig elections.

So where is the evidence?  Why are these legal eagles filing them in the wrong courts? In the wrong jurisdictions?  

Here is why.  It’s a sham. There is no real evidence, and if they file it in the right place they lose.  These stooges continue so they keep up the con so Don can sucker more money from the dupes who believe in it.  

Let’s put a pin in the Russia conversation for another time. You should too considering your guy has allowed them to hack our nation.  One more screw up.  

I have no idea if your numbers are real but you left 30% of Republicans, 70% of Independents and I’ll be gracious and say 80% of Democrats say your dude needs to shut up and go back to Mar-A-lago.  

Many of these legislatures and governors that changed their rules are Republicans.  Take Brian Kemp.  That guy put his state in danger early on in this pandemic to lick Trump’s boots, and he is getting the same treatment any Democrat in power is getting.  Do you think he cheated Trump?  

Rand and I agree when more voters vote the “outcome” is different. That’s why Republicans want fewer people to vote.  And that is the problem right now. Dead people, fake people, illegal people didn’t vote. More voters voted and they don’t like Trump.

(12-18-2020, 07:52 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 03:02 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 02:14 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason
Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.

Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
This repeated lying that you and your cohorts are engaging in is really getting old. Either you are, as a group, lack even a basic understanding of how the law works in this country, or you are simply too dishonest to discuss the issue.

It is no coincidence that the same people who fell for Hillary Clinton and Obama's Trump colluded with Russian hoax, for which there was zero evidence, are now claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud despite evidence that has been confirmed by thousands of witnesses, in addition to a mountain of documentary evidence. You owe Trump an apology on both accounts.

So true. I recall how they just felt sooo deeply about what they were saying about Trump and his supposed Russia ties. It started with the Tweet Trump put out about the Trump Tower being bugged to which we heard the same kind of recess period denials we're  now hearing about the election.  It still goes on, but the crescendo was the sham impeachment and they're still doing it in this very thread;  which can only mean they're either delusional or they know better and just don't care.

I remember when we were wailing in the streets.  

cough...cough... who’s doing that now? 

But our candidate conceded and no one respectable called for a violent uprising.  

I’m glad you brought up the impeachment. Where would we be right now if the Senate didn’t cower to DJT?  

2020 has been Hell in the USA.  Mike Pence could not have done worse.
(12-18-2020, 08:54 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 05:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 05:02 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
This repeated lying that you and your cohorts are engaging in is really getting old. Either you are, as a group, lack even a basic understanding of how the law works in this country, or you are simply too dishonest to discuss the issue.

It is no coincidence that the same people who fell for Hillary Clinton and Obama's Trump colluded with Russian hoax, for which there was zero evidence, are now claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud despite evidence that has been confirmed by thousands of witnesses, in addition to a mountain of documentary evidence. You owe Trump an apology on both accounts.

Lying? What are you talking about?  

There is no fraud evidence.  Courts are throwing these cases out faster than Rudy can toot. If there is evidence, judges will not throw them out.

Seriously, do you believe every judge that has heard these stooge shows is corrupt? 

I don’t think I am the one that is struggling with the law. 

Whoa, Hootie, Comrade Barr put the brakes on the collusion investigation. Nobody was exonerated of anything.  I wonder what will happen over the next year if Biden allows the justice system to investigate without obstruction. 

I am on pins and needles on these pardons.  Can’t wait to see who Trump believes won’t flip on him. 

Trump owes this nation an apology.  He has corrupted our government, our citizens, and our reputation on the world stage.  His actions have killed Americans and his apathy has put our national security in jeopardy.

But worst of all he has divided this nation and is willing to push us to the brink of civil war to save his pride. 

Get over it. Enjoy 4 years of a President that will work for his citizens. You can rejoin your deathcult in 2024, or not, I’ve found Republicans love their socialism when it benefits them.
Read the decisions. Find decisions where a court has actually dismissed a lawsuit or motion on the basis of the evidence that was filed. Dismissing lawsuits by finding that a plaintiff lacks standing, did not file in a timely manner, or because the court decides that it does not have jurisdiction have zero to do with the quality or quantity of the evidence included in the filing.

You know squat about our judicial system. All you and the other liberals have done in the 2020 election threads has been to echo the same Democrat and, in the case of Georgia, crooked Republican talking points. I cannot recall a single instance where any one of you has examined any evidence and refuted it. Instead, you just keep parroting the "there is no evidence" lie.

As I said, the Trump-Russian collusion was a hoax based on a fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign. Where are your apologies for falsely accusing Trump of colluding with the Russians in the total absence of credible evidence?

As for dividing this nation, that is exactly what you and your ilk are doing in supporting an effort to steal the presidential election from Trump and it is what you have been doing for his entire first term. You can bet that if Biden takes office with 70 percent of Republicans and 30 percent of independents believing that Trump won the election, it is going to be a very rough four years for the administration. If the election had not been rigged, Democrats would have benefitted by allowing Republican observers to watch the tabulation of votes, as they were legally entitled to do. The counting of votes would not have been suspended in five battleground states for the first time in American history to give Democrats time to "find" votes to erase Trump's lead.

Every change to state election laws made by Democrats has been aimed to make it easier to rig elections.

So where is the evidence?  Why are these legal eagles filing them in the wrong courts? In the wrong jurisdictions?  

Here is why.  It’s a sham. There is no real evidence, and if they file it in the right place they lose.  These stooges continue so they keep up the con so Don can sucker more money from the dupes who believe in it.  

Let’s put a pin in the Russia conversation for another time. You should too considering your guy has allowed them to hack our nation.  One more screw up.  

I have no idea if your numbers are real but you left 30% of Republicans, 70% of Independents and I’ll be gracious and say 80% of Democrats say your dude needs to shut up and go back to Mar-A-lago.  

Many of these legislatures and governors that changed their rules are Republicans.  Take Brian Kemp.  That guy put his state in danger early on in this pandemic to lick Trump’s boots, and he is getting the same treatment any Democrat in power is getting.  Do you think he cheated Trump?  

Rand and I agree when more voters vote the “outcome” is different. That’s why Republicans want fewer people to vote.  And that is the problem right now. Dead people, fake people, illegal people didn’t vote. More voters voted and they don’t like Trump.

(12-18-2020, 07:52 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 03:02 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.

Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
This repeated lying that you and your cohorts are engaging in is really getting old. Either you are, as a group, lack even a basic understanding of how the law works in this country, or you are simply too dishonest to discuss the issue.

It is no coincidence that the same people who fell for Hillary Clinton and Obama's Trump colluded with Russian hoax, for which there was zero evidence, are now claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud despite evidence that has been confirmed by thousands of witnesses, in addition to a mountain of documentary evidence. You owe Trump an apology on both accounts.

So true. I recall how they just felt sooo deeply about what they were saying about Trump and his supposed Russia ties. It started with the Tweet Trump put out about the Trump Tower being bugged to which we heard the same kind of recess period denials we're  now hearing about the election.  It still goes on, but the crescendo was the sham impeachment and they're still doing it in this very thread;  which can only mean they're either delusional or they know better and just don't care.

I remember when we were wailing in the streets.  

cough...cough... who’s doing that now? 

But our candidate conceded and no one respectable called for a violent uprising.  

I’m glad you brought up the impeachment. Where would we be right now if the Senate didn’t cower to DJT?  

2020 has been Hell in the USA.  Mike Pence could not have done worse.
If you want responses to your posts, you should stop lumping them together with your response in the middle of a quote. The Trump-Russian collusion was a hoax. So, you regret that the Senate made the right decision in acquitting him? I am not surprised.

I am going to ignore your future lies about there being no evidence of election fraud. I believe that you know better and are the kind of person who would try to cheat at a game of tic-tac-toe.

If Biden does make it to the White House, there are so many real scandals surrounding his family, I will waste no time piling on an illegitimate president. Nobody will need to make up any dirt on Biden and Harris, the way that Democrats did with Trump. His family has more black sheep in it than white sheep.  Big Grin
(12-18-2020, 08:54 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I remember when we were wailing in the streets.  

cough...cough... who’s doing that now? 

But our candidate conceded and no one respectable called for a violent uprising.  

I’m glad you brought up the impeachment. Where would we be right now if the Senate didn’t cower to DJT?  

2020 has been Hell in the USA.  Mike Pence could not have done worse.

Well I can't remember when WE were doing any wailing in the streets. And I can't remember seeing anybody on the Republican side wailing in any streets, on TV or otherwise. Nobody on the Republican side has called for violent uprising. But your side sure has. Do I really need to go down the list of ignoble Congressional offenders again? Let's get on with the forensic audits and you can laugh us to scorn if we've been wrong Cardfan. It would all be over in a snap and you could go crow your little banty head off about it. But no viva la resistance.

What has happened in this country and what it has been subjected to was organized, planned and funded by enemies of state. You've been there to root it on the whole way. There was nothing spontaneous about it at all.
As I have said before, I have a brother who is a lawyer (and a damn good one, he has forgotten more rule of law than you will ever know, Hoot) and is also a strong Republican. We actually have civilized conversations about politics, even though we are diametrically opposed, and he has told me from the word go that the Trump attempts to overturn the election are a complete farce. “Notice how the high-powered lawyers who would normally be salivating to get a piece of this are nowhere to be found?,” he pointed out to me. “Because they know there’s no meat on that bone. There is just nothing credible in hardly any of the accusations the Trump crowd is throwing out.” He said he was embarrassed by it, and while he doesn’t want Biden as president, the people we want in don’t always win. I wonder if you guys will ever be mature enough to see it that way? I’ll start holding my breath now.

Trump being Trump...


After four years and a seemingly never ending presidential election, the Trump family hoped to carry out one last multi-million dollar grift before leaving the White House next month. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner reportedly helped set up a shell company to secretly pay Trump family members more than half of the $1.26 billion raised for the president’s reelection campaign.

The accusations may already be the subject of a criminal investigation within the Department of Justice, which would leave Trump vulnerable to an expansive legal disaster upon his departure from the White House because, no, he can’t actually pardon himself before leaving office — a shame for him, really, since it seems like there’s quite a few criminal activities in which he and his family are directly implicated. But, you know, good for America and anyone who believes people should face in consequences for their actions.
(12-18-2020, 11:09 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: As I have said before, I have a brother who is a lawyer (and a damn good one, he has forgotten more rule of law than you will ever know, Hoot) and is also a strong Republican. We actually have civilized conversations about politics, even though we are diametrically opposed, and he has told me from the word go that the Trump attempts to overturn the election are a complete farce. “Notice how the high-powered lawyers who would normally be salivating to get a piece of this are nowhere to be found?,” he pointed out to me. “Because they know there’s no meat on that bone. There is just nothing credible in hardly any of the accusations the Trump crowd is throwing out.”  He said he was embarrassed by it, and while he doesn’t want Biden as president, the people we want in don’t always win.  I wonder if you guys will ever be mature enough to  see it that way? I’ll start holding my breath now.
You're not your brother and being related to a lawyer does not make you a legal expert. Your brother may be a fine lawyer, but Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are two of the top attorneys in this country. I am not an attorney but I have worked closely with some outstanding attorneys in both my careers as an engineer and as a software architect. So, although your brother may have forgotten more about the rule of law than I know, I am pretty sure that you cannot say the same.

I have a great deal of respect for Rudy Giuliani but I believe in hindsight, Trump's legal team should have focused on the Dominion voting equipment and software and on the mail-in ballot fraud, as Sidney Powell has done. Too much time has passed to have only one comprehensive forensic audit done. If auditors get possession of the machines in time, that has the potential of swaying state legislatures to do the right thing.

I have enough training and experience in statistics and sampling theory to know that after the vote counting stopped in five battleground states on election night, several statistical impossibilities occurred before voting supposedly resumed the next morning.
I also am well-versed in statistics and sampling theory. And there is one age-old maxim you should keep in mind. ‘Lies, damn lies and statistics.’ In other words, you can usually manipulate statistics to fit the narrative you want to push across. Like your ridiculous assertion earlier about the “great inroads” Trump made with black voters. Without context, someone might think that was quite the accomplishment. But as I pointed out to you, if those same gains are made in every succeeding presidential election, Republicans will get a majority of the black vote—in the 2060 election. Lies, damn lies and statistics.
(12-19-2020, 12:08 AM)Van Hagar Wrote: I also am well-versed in statistics and sampling theory. And there is one age-old maxim you should keep in mind. ‘Lies, damn lies and statistics.’ In other words, you can usually manipulate statistics to fit the narrative you want to push across. Like your ridiculous assertion earlier about the “great inroads” Trump made with black voters. Without context, someone might think that was quite the accomplishment. But as I pointed out to you, if those same gains are made in every succeeding presidential election, Republicans will get a majority of the black vote—in the 2060 election. Lies, damn lies and statistics.
There was so much mail-in ballot fraud in the predominantly black areas of Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta, I would not put much faith in any stat that shows racist Joe Biden doing as well as previous Democrat candidates among blacks. If you understand statistics, then you can calculate the odds of Biden getting 97 to 100 percent of random batches of mail-in ballots of 100,000 or more. Those were not naturally occurring events.

As I pointed out to you, your extrapolation of Trump's inroads into the black vote assume linear growth. That is not necessarily a valid assumption. I believe that blacks, particularly middle class blacks who have done very well the past four years, are beginning to realize that they don't have much to show for their blind allegiance to the Democrat Party for the past six decades. Republicans should build on that momentum but they need to continue to appeal to black voters the way that Trump has, not pander to them the way that Democrats have done. Trump's "What do you have to lose?" argument was very effective.
(12-18-2020, 05:02 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 04:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 03:02 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 02:14 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And yet the evidence has been thrown out of just about every court in the country
And YES the failed coup should go in the Congressional record because that's what it is Treason
Courts have not heard the evidence, so they have not thrown any cases out because of a lack of evidence. You are a liar.

Challenging election results is not unconstitutional and it certainly does not constitute a coup attempt. Again, you are a liar. Attempting to steal an election with the help of the Chinese Communist Party does constitute treason and it should not go unpunished.

Because there is no evidence.  Trump appointed Judges are throwing these farcical cases out for the lack of REAL evidence. 
I’m interested to see what happens once these courts hold these clowns accountable for the frivolous lawsuits and they have to pay for defamation for the lies they are telling about people. Will Trump pull money out of his PAC he is skimming from to bail these folks out?  Short answer...no. He’ll do what he always does. 

You are correct using the courts to challenge elections is not treason.

 Drumming up false paranoia and motivating Americans to take up arms is sedition. That is happening.
This repeated lying that you and your cohorts are engaging in is really getting old. Either you are, as a group, lack even a basic understanding of how the law works in this country, or you are simply too dishonest to discuss the issue.

It is no coincidence that the same people who fell for Hillary Clinton and Obama's Trump colluded with Russian hoax, for which there was zero evidence, are now claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud despite evidence that has been confirmed by thousands of witnesses, in addition to a mountain of documentary evidence. You owe Trump an apology on both accounts.

Lying? What are you talking about?  

There is no fraud evidence.  Courts are throwing these cases out faster than Rudy can toot. If there is evidence, judges will not throw them out.

Seriously, do you believe every judge that has heard these stooge shows is corrupt? 

I don’t think I am the one that is struggling with the law. 

Whoa, Hootie, Comrade Barr put the brakes on the collusion investigation. Nobody was exonerated of anything.  I wonder what will happen over the next year if Biden allows the justice system to investigate without obstruction. 

I am on pins and needles on these pardons.  Can’t wait to see who Trump believes won’t flip on him. 

Trump owes this nation an apology.  He has corrupted our government, our citizens, and our reputation on the world stage.  His actions have killed Americans and his apathy has put our national security in jeopardy.

But worst of all he has divided this nation and is willing to push us to the brink of civil war to save his pride. 

Get over it. Enjoy 4 years of a President that will work for his citizens. You can rejoin your deathcult in 2024, or not, I’ve found Republicans love their socialism when it benefits them.

Right again, @Cardsfan1.  You are good!   I have told people this for three decades about conservatives loving socialist programs when they benefit. They are such hypocrites on so many levels.  Also, Trump will not apologize to anyone. My guess is that he has never apologized to anyone in his entire narcissistic life. In his mind, he never does or says anything that he needs to apologize for.  Didn't he once say that he never says he's sorry- that he has never asked God for forgiveness because he has never had anything to apologize for?
And Guess what ?
Joseph Biden will be the 46th president of theses United States
Nobody hates a sore LOSER
[-] The following 1 user Likes vector#1's post:
  • Cardfan1
(12-19-2020, 12:11 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And Guess what ?
Joseph Biden will be the 46th president of theses United States
Nobody hates a sore LOSER
You can't even write a simple sentence. It's as if a guy who can't read a teleprompter taught you how to read and write.
(12-19-2020, 12:30 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-19-2020, 12:11 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And Guess what ?
Joseph Biden will be the 46th president of theses United States
Nobody hates a sore LOSER
You can't even write a simple sentence. It's as if a guy who can't read a teleprompter taught you how to read and write.

Hoot, I'm sure you are a fine man , a great patriot, and a staunch supporter of freedom, democracy, and small animals of all kind. However, I really don't understand the insulting of my progressive friends and fellow posters. Posting responses in an internet forum doesn't dictate a professional dissertation every time.  Most of us don't post on here thinking that our musings will be evaluated by a literary critic. I know I post just to have fun and share ideas. I don't write on here the way I would if I were writing a thesis and I think @vector#1 and others would concur. A lot of what we write is just "off the cuff" and not something we spend hours preparing.

Also, it's ironic that you would criticize a fellow poster when your political Messiah, Mr. Trump, is known to have a eighth-grade reading level.
(12-19-2020, 01:07 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-19-2020, 12:30 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-19-2020, 12:11 PM)vector#1 Wrote: And Guess what ?
Joseph Biden will be the 46th president of theses United States
Nobody hates a sore LOSER
You can't even write a simple sentence. It's as if a guy who can't read a teleprompter taught you how to read and write.

Hoot, I'm sure you are a fine man , a great patriot, and a staunch supporter of freedom, democracy, and small animals of all kind. However, I really don't understand the insulting of my progressive friends and fellow posters. Posting responses in an internet forum doesn't dictate a professional dissertation every time.  Most of us don't post on here thinking that our musings will be evaluated by a literary critic. I know I post just to have fun and share ideas. I don't write on here the way I would if I were writing a thesis and I think @vector#1 and others would concur. A lot of what we write is just "off the cuff" and not something we spend hours preparing.

Also, it's ironic that you would criticize a fellow poster when your political Messiah, Mr. Trump, is known to have a eighth-grade reading level.
I just stated a fact. Out of three very short sentences, not one of them is punctuated correctly. In the last sentence, he confused "nobody" with "everybody." Nobody expects posts to be written in perfect English, but basic literacy should be a goal for everybody.

Ending your post with a claim that a graduate of one of the top business schools in the country at an Ivy League university undermines your own credibility. Especially considering that you voted for a man who needs a teleprompter for press conferences but is unable to read the screen. "End quote."
Hoot, I'm sure you are a fine man , a great patriot, and a staunch supporter of freedom, democracy, and small animals of all kind. However, I really don't understand the insulting of my progressive friends and fellow posters. Posting responses in an internet forum doesn't dictate a professional dissertation every time.  Most of us don't post on here thinking that our musings will be evaluated by a literary critic. I know I post just to have fun and share ideas. I don't write on here the way I would if I were writing a thesis and I think @vector#1 and others would concur. A lot of what we write is just "off the cuff" and not something we spend hours preparing.

Also, it's ironic that you would criticize a fellow poster when your political Messiah, Mr. Trump, is known to have a eighth-grade reading level.

That's just the way Hooter and TRT are if they can't defend there Dear Leader attack the spelling or writing that's all they can defend
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