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Highland's Coach
What is the mind set of the Ft. Thomas community of the current coaching staff and if it is time for changing of the guard? There is way too much talent and too much tradition to be happy with being average or less than average. This is a program that they could search for a coach on a national level. In my opinion it's time for a new leader top down!
I agree and have for at least 2 years. Replace ALL
Is this the general consensus around the area?
Changing the coach will not replace the lack of talent they have been missing for years.
They need the old open enrollment back.
Lack of talent at Highlands for the last 5 years? 29 losses. And I know half of them could have been won. And I’m not the only person that believes that
bo67 Wrote:Lack of talent at Highlands for the last 5 years?

Yes I think so.
We need to hit a grand slam with the new coach. Any names out there?
I disagree on talent. Over the 5 years they have played some good football. I know about 2 years ago. Coaching lost 3 games that year
Cakebattermatters Wrote:We need to hit a grand slam with the new coach. Any names out there?

Isn't the old coach still there?
If so. Why???
UK1fan Wrote:Isn't the old coach still there?

He is, yes. But I think his seat has to be the hottest one in Greater Cincinnati after the Moeller coach stepped down. My gut says Weinrich won't be back at Highlands in 2020.

If the Bluebirds part way with BW, do they call Steve Lickert at New Cath? Or are they looking for an out-of-the-program hire like Tom Duffy was?
TheOracle Wrote:He is, yes. But I think his seat has to be the hottest one in Greater Cincinnati after the Moeller coach stepped down. My gut says Weinrich won't be back at Highlands in 2020.

If the Bluebirds part way with BW, do they call Steve Lickert at New Cath? Or are they looking for an out-of-the-program hire like Tom Duffy was?
No offense to Steve Lickert, but I think if they want to return to their lofty perch, they need to set their sights much higher.
Doesn't matter who is coach. They need more football players.
UK1fan Wrote:Doesn't matter who is coach. They need more football players.

I big name and proven coach would help quite a bit in every aspect of the program.
.....and open enrollment would go a long way.
Talent has been way down for several years. There are always several very good to excellent players each season, but across the board, there have been gaps and positions that are being filled with very average athletes. Where in years past, the talent level has allowed platooning while having very good players at every position, platooning cannot be done with so few really strong football players. This is a lesson that should have been learned 4-5 years ago. Play your best on both sides of the ball!

That all said, there have been several games that would have been won in the last few seasons if not for very poor play calling by the offensive coordinator(s). There has also been too much 'seniors get to play' mentality and too little willingness to sit players who were not performing.
I agree talent is somewhat down. I I said 4 years ago platooning had to go. But they did have a chance to win several games they lost due to coaching. And to play kids because they are seniors. I’m sorry but that doesn’t win games SO with that said. I’ve brought up 4 issues. And 3 are controlled by the coach
I agree a coaching change will be beneficial and I assume a change is eminent.
Woodsman Wrote:.....and open enrollment would go a long way.

They have and have had open enrollment for the last several years. They only shut it down for a few classes for a couple of years.
bigdaddydawg Wrote:They have and have had open enrollment for the last several years. They only shut it down for a few classes for a couple of years.

It was my understanding that the open enrollment has changed into something that it was not originally when they pulled in all the studs.
I had a chance to watch Highlands vs Knoxville Cath @ corbin. I was extremely impressed with the highlands players and the effort they played with. Probably the best game I’ve seen all year with great talent on both teams.
I don’t know that talent is the issue.
Are we saying Dale had talent year in and year out? To me this belittles his coaching abilities. Great coaches get the most out of their players. Duffy did it with about 20 players. Now, he certainly is welcome back, but I'm making my point.
Cakebattermatters Wrote:Are we saying Dale had talent year in and year out? To me this belittles his coaching abilities. Great coaches get the most out of their players. Duffy did it with about 20 players. Now, he certainly is welcome back, but I'm making my point.

Isn't welcome back...
No. Mueller was not blessed with great talent every year. He was just a really good coach. The coach now is nothing like him. How does a team come out of the gate staying with a good Tennessee team? And play good on occasions It is called coaching them up every day. And putting them each week in a position to win. That is not being done with this whole coaching staff. I’ve said it got 4 years now It is 90% coaching for the downfall.
Craze JACKET man Wrote:I had a chance to watch Highlands vs Knoxville Cath @ corbin. I was extremely impressed with the highlands players and the effort they played with. Probably the best game I’ve seen all year with great talent on both teams.
I don’t know that talent is the issue.

I thought the same thing.
Dale mueller was a great coach obviously....and yes his teams were super loaded with talent, however 1997 was likely an exception. The super stats of the dale era are not currently playing for highlands and haven’t for some time.
Woodsman Wrote:I big name and proven coach would help quite a bit in every aspect of the program.

Dale Mueller was not a big name and proven coach when he was hired at Highlands. He had some success at Withrow, but he had an 11 and 19 record at Sycamore the 3 years before he got the Highlands job. He had not won any championships. It worked out really well for Highlands because he was the best fit for the school and the community.

Chuck Smith was not a big name and proven coach when he was hired at Boyle County. That has turned out pretty good for them twice because he was the right fit.

Ty Scroggins was not a big name and a proven coach when he was hired at Central, but he was the best fit. It worked out well for them.

If Highlands does make change, they need to find a good coach that is the right fit for the school and the community. Hiring a big name because they have a big name would be a mistake for Highlands.
Cakebattermatters Wrote:Are we saying Dale had talent year in and year out? To me this belittles his coaching abilities. Great coaches get the most out of their players. Duffy did it with about 20 players. Now, he certainly is welcome back, but I'm making my point.

Then why did Dale bail when the talent dried up?
Talent dried up? I heard a couple parents say these kids won in grade school and Jr High. Dales retirement was planned. He missed his kids growing up due to the time he put into winning CHAMPIONSHIPS. He became a grandpa. Said he was not missing them growing up. Stayed on one year as AD. I guess to let the new coach get his feet on the ground. And be there for extra support. Leaving him a team my mom could have coached.

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