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Louisville Central @ Russell 11/16
This is the biggest home football playoff game at Russell in more than a decade. The only comparable games might be the 2007 game against Breathitt, the 2006 game against Corbin, or the 2005 game against Belfry. After a decade of cold empty seats at Henry R. Evans Stadium in November, next Friday gives the Russell faithful reason to be excited again as they host state powerhouse Louisville Central.

As much criticism as the Russell coaches have received on here, I think credit is due for the job they've done this season. Few would have guessed they would be playing at home for a regional championship at this point against Central after starting 0-3 and looking like the team had quit at Ashland. What a turnaround.

What is Russell up against? Central has given up 27 points in their 10 victories this season. Their only 2 losses have come by 7 and 1 against Ballard and St. X, two teams that are still alive in the 6A playoffs. Offensively, Central features RB Mykah Williams, a senior who runs a 4.4 40, and QB Mikal Goodall, a senior who runs a 4.5 40. Needless to say the Devils are up against it come Friday night.

Realistically, Central should win the game by a few scores. I hope Russell can bring up some of their tradition and pride of the past, though, and make it a game.
Central is terrible on the road. I'm not sure that will matter at Russell.

I'll say:

Central - 27
Russell - 6
Pulling hard for TJ and Russell to get a big upset here against Central but I think there’s just going to be too much speed for the Red Devils to handle. Russell will really have to dominate the LOS on both sides to have a chance.
Central 46 Russell 8
Central big.
I hope my alma mater wins but I think Central has too many weapons.
Central 35
Russell 7
It isn't Mykah Williams's 4.4 that is his main asset. That kid ran, as a junior, like he was a 250 pound fullback. I've not saw many kids who are built for speed, who will just run over you, and carry 2 and 3 guys like that kid did. And that was against Belfry, as well as Corbin at times. He's pure heart. I feel Central will be meeting Boyle at some point.
I will be pulling for Russell :Cheerlead with that said

Central 49
Russell 13
Central by a lot
Russell just doesn't have the overall team speed to keep this game close. I'd love to eat crow and see Russell pull the upset.
I am like GOREDEVILS, would love to see Russell win but think Central is to much but good luck to Russell.
Need to double down on the critters and dueling banjos
Central by 30
mightydog Wrote:Need to double down on the critters and dueling banjos

And whole clan of blue people from out route 1 somewhere! We gotta really make them city boys sweat!
Central by 21. Just too much speed and too many weapons.
Central 35-14. Go Russell!
Running clock.
Tough task for the Devils they will have to catch several breaks to win but that’s why they play the game. Friday nights game is a testament to the hard work the kids, TJ and his staff have put in this year. The future for Russell Football is very bright with all the young talent
I don't know if this will matter and there was talk last week about Landon Duvall playing last Friday night. Has anyone heard If Landon Duvall will play this Friday night? Central is big on both offense and defensive lines and then you have a quarterback and running back that Central has that will probably be too much for Russell to handle Friday night. This game is huge after Russell came out at 0-3 and Ashland killed them in third game but the Coaches and Players have really turned this season around and is playing outstanding football right now especially on the Defensive side. Last week a lot of the fans and experts thought Waggener from Louisville was bigger and had some great skilled players and would beat Russell. Russell came out and for 3 quarters was leading 23-7 and was dominating the game until Waggener made 2 huge plays in 4th quarter to pull to 23-20, the final score. Lets hope Russell can come out and play tough and stay close in the 1st
half and then gain confidence in 2nd half to make this a good game Friday night.
Central by many points.
I am friends with many of the coaches on Russell’s staff, a few players attend the same church I do and many of my close friends from church live in the Russell school district. I am very fond of the school and it’s history. All of that to say I think TJ will have his team fired up and have a great game plan. I think Russell keeps it close and who knows, if the ball bounces oddly......

Central 28
Russell 14
The 3 hour plus bus ride along with being on the road and probably some overconfidence can significantly impact high school kids in playoffs. Russell will need all these factors to come into play if they hope to keep this one close Friday. Russell needs to let it all hang out, don’t hold anything back in the playbook. Russell’s best chance is to make central go 70-80 yards over 7-8 first downs to score. If they gotta earn everything they can’t run it up too quick too fast. The devils on offense need to take chances go against tendencies and pray for a little bit of luck.

All that being said Central advances

Central: 36

Russell: 20
Central 42 Russell 7
Central is not big at all very small team. Lot of speed tho
Unfortunately, Russell just doesn't have the talent, speed or weapons to play with Central. They have certainly turned this season around. I don't think anyone would have thought they would be playing for the Region at the beginning of the season. That being said, I wish them the best but Central by 3-4 TD's.

Central - 42
Russell - 7
Central can score from anywhere on the field with their speed. They fly to the ball and make big plays on defense. They have to many athletes for Russell.
Central with a running clock.
Very impressed with the Devils first half, Teams played it pretty even except for a faked central punt and a short field Russell turnover

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