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14th regional All A ?
How some of these counties with only one high school can play in A class, Leslie's football isn't not class A ? Breathitt 's the same way!! They must not go by the same standards!! This tournament should be for the tiny schools, buckhorn, cordia an Jenkins that's the teams that should be playing in this!!!!!
Why no mention of All A championship game, anyone got score?
Leslie won big over 20!
I know it has to do with enrollment numbers. But throughout the state several schools decline the offer so it moves to the next school. I think that's how Leslie and Breathitt make it in. From my understanding this has nothing to do with the KHSAA.
Bottom 110 are given the option based upon enrollment numbers provided.
The numbers restriction was removed many years ago. It is now the 120 schools with the lowest enrollment throughout the state. If one of those schools declines to play in the tournament, another school cannot take their place. The tournament for that region continues without the declining school.
I'm think knott will be in it next year
Snow Wrote:I'm think knott will be in it next year

That would be their best chance at winning a region.
Knott has turned it down I believe the last couple of years. We have 13 of our 17 schools eligible for the ALL A tourney, just crazy. Just an extra 14th region tourney excluding the 4 big schools. Smile
I don't know their enrollment numbers but RW combs would win this region if they played in the All A
Big Hammer Wrote:I don't know their enrollment numbers but RW combs would win this region if they played in the All A
You can't be serious
Big Hammer Wrote:I don't know their enrollment numbers but RW combs would win this region if they played in the All A

You are just joking. Right.
Dr.Basketball Wrote:That would be their best chance at winning a region.

Nice to put down kids. Must be a proud grown person to insult young kids that give everything they have to compete and try to win.
Snow Wrote:Nice to put down kids. Must be a proud grown person to insult young kids that give everything they have to compete and try to win.

I was being serious. No bad intent at all. I think Knott could win the All A.
Snow Wrote:Nice to put down kids. Must be a proud grown person to insult young kids that give everything they have to compete and try to win.
They have really good players , but they r still children, If that are failing an you can't say that until the season is over, they can still win this region ! They do have the best group of players,but if they don't that's on the adults not the kids.An remember in the big picture it's just a game it's not life or death.
All I was saying is Knott would have a good chance at winning the All A... A better chance than the big region. If you don't agree with that, get out of here.

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