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About Time!
Legislation would give Kentuckians right to shoot intruders
Associated Press

FRANKFORT, Ky. - Legislation that would provide legal protections to Kentuckians who shoot intruders who force their way into homes passed a legislative committee on today.

State Rep. J.R. Gray, D-Benton, is sponsoring the legislation on behalf of the National Rifle Association, saying people shouldn't be expected to avoid a confrontation by running away.

"If someone is trying to break into your home in the middle of the night and you've got a fear for your life, ... you have a duty under present law to retreat, go to the farthest corner of the room, I guess, and hope the intruder doesn't try to shoot you while you're retreating."

The measure passed the House Judiciary Committee was sent to the full House for consideration, despite efforts by opponents to derail the measure.

"I think it sends the wrong message to Kentucky," said state Rep. Kathy Stein, D-Lexington. "I just think this sounds like we are encouraging people to shoot first and then ask questions later, and I just don't want to go that way."

The NRA is lobbying lawmakers in Kentucky and 11 other states to make it easier for people to defend themselves with deadly force. The group, which has about 4 million members nationwide, wants legislation specifying that people have no duty to retreat from an attacker before using deadly force. About half of all states have similar rules on the books.

If somebody broke into my house I would shoot them. I'm not taking any chances on losing my life.
I'm with 15th, they would be goners. I'm not going to stick around to see if they will shoot me.
I didn't realize this wasen't already a legislation
Now I believe they have to pull a gun/knife on you first. I for one wouldn't wait that long :thumb: If they don't run when they first see me...... TongueirateSho
i'd just find a corner. lol
not really i would shoot em
I have not only myself to protect, but also 3 better believe that I would shoot! There is nothing more dangerous than a mommy bear protecting her cubs!!:flame:

Criminals have too many laws to protect them and not enough for the honest person trying to live an honest life.
:Skull03: I say, shoot first and ask questions later.TongueirateSho Especially, when it comes to protecting my family.:Nodding:

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