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Who will be Harlan County's Next Coach?
Wanna throw it?? Bring Mike Whitaker back from Webster Co..

I say turn the keys over to JB... Well established in Harlan community already. Gets the very most out of every player he has. Would like to see what he could do with those kinds of numbers...
pjdoug Wrote:my Whitley County team had a weak defense last year and put 9-10 men in the box at least a couple times against the Bears and I'm sure several other schools did too because they were too one dimensional.

Last year? Teams did that every year.
It worked a lot last year. It didn't work very well the previous four or five years.
School Admin. Wrote:Lord, Lord, Lord! Coaches haven't just "discovered" putting 8 or 9 players in "the box" defenses in the past were all that way. It was the progression of the passing game that forced defenses to move men back to defend, hence the invention of Tom Landry's flex-defense. Anyway, guys, its all about players. As Badman pointed out, several teams won the State Championship running the ball. Unfortunately for Harlan Co. they have the same problem Johnson Central has, Highlands and Covington Catholic. Highlands in particular has just been better for the most part than everyone else in 5A. It has nothing to do with schemes or coaching, they have just had a little better personnel.

I agree but "a little better personnel" is more like A LOT BETTER!!! They have been putting players in the NFL for years. They have had 2 NFL qb's on the same team there. It aint even close when it comes to talent. Its Bowling Green and Highlands to win every year or every year almost.
Tom Larky won all those games doing what his talent would let him. At Rock he mixed it up when he had a QB seen him do it!!! Great coaches do what their talent lets them do. Roy Kidd won over 300 games countless conference titles and 2 National Titles at EKU running the ball.
HC from the start made a living on being the more physical team on the field. Those that have seen a Larkey called offense know that it is effective when they are the more physical team. The strength of that Rock offense, especially with Tom calling it, would be outnumbering you at the point of attack. He wants to see how you adjust, he then adjusts by formation and blocking scheme to outnumber you. It's no different than OC's using the screen game when you give them a numbers advantage outside. Outdated? Quality Offense? Doesn't really matter, they could have been running the A11 this past year and I think we would still be having this discussion. Something has happened, they are either hiding something or someone would rather their buddy be the Head Coach at HC. Only time will tell.

I think they should call Randy Frazier, or maybe Mike Whitaker
Hire Wayne Mills then HArlan County will have immediate success and will have 60 to 70 players and will get back to be a top 5 team in state. Anything less will be a struggle..
Wayne mills is a defensive guy and he could hire Eddie Creexh as OC and things will be great. Don't have to worry about he guidance the kids will get.. Will be very positive!!
What in the world makes you think anyone would be better than Tom Larkey?
School Admin. Wrote:What in the world makes you think anyone would be better than Tom Larkey?
Anyone is a far stretch but its gonna have to be a good one I agree. I'm disappointed the admin didnt have a better plan in place before making a move just have to wait and see...
School Admin. Wrote:What in the world makes you think anyone would be better than Tom Larkey?

What makes people think that the new generation of coaches can't live up the last. I'm tired of hearing everyone talking about the "legends". And everyone always wants a coach that's has Head experience and is a proven winner. All the greats started somewhere. Each generation will produce high quality coaches that evolve as the game evolves. Guys that can combine the old concepts with the new. Problem is the know everything parents will also always remain.
hey there are several guys who are great coaches but are at places that you cant win state titles at. just because you don't go to the 3rd or 4th round doenst mean you aint a great coach.
If you just look at Win and Loses that it just half of coaching. How about helping young boys become young men?
Lead them in a Godly way and help lead them to being good citizens, husbands and hopeful to Christ.
I'm not saying that previous staff didn't do that!!
Well, I'm back for now. I don't know how long I will stay but wanted to read some of this stuff. Apparently, and these are all stories that are unsubstantiated, the principal has offered the job.....and it hasn't even been posted yet. I don't know how she could do that, but those are the stories I am hearing. The special called board meeting didn't even address the coaching issue, and the rally for Tom Larkey had minimal participation. I would've been there, but I didn't know about it until it was too late to attend.

I have heard that she offered it to Jacob Saylor and he declined; unconditionally declined. She also offered it to Eddie Creech, and he declined at first citing the age of his kids and the fact that he preaches from time to time BUT said he would pray about it. Like I said, these are all unsubstantiated, but those of you that know Eddie Creech could see how he would say something like this. He is a very very Godly man. I also heard that she is throwing her son's name out there, I believe it's BJ...??? I don't really know.

I'm waiting for it to be posted and a selection committee formed. Nobody that I can find can prove why Larkey was fired, BUT we damn sure can prove whether or not proper protocol was followed in the hiring of a new coach. And I promise you THIS woman will raise $40K worth of hell if another coach is slid in on the sly.

This atocity has impacted the entire community, and polarized family and friends. It should never have happened THIS way!!! I'm really starting to wonder if our school administration really knows the appropriate way to handle this situation.

Maybe an informative letter to the state board would help educate everyone.
Granny Bear Wrote:Well, I'm back for now. I don't know how long I will stay but wanted to read some of this stuff. Apparently, and these are all stories that are unsubstantiated, the principal has offered the job.....and it hasn't even been posted yet. I don't know how she could do that, but those are the stories I am hearing. The special called board meeting didn't even address the coaching issue, and the rally for Tom Larkey had minimal participation. I would've been there, but I didn't know about it until it was too late to attend.

I have heard that she offered it to Jacob Saylor and he declined; unconditionally declined. She also offered it to Eddie Creech, and he declined at first citing the age of his kids and the fact that he preaches from time to time BUT said he would pray about it. Like I said, these are all unsubstantiated, but those of you that know Eddie Creech could see how he would say something like this. He is a very very Godly man. I also heard that she is throwing her son's name out there, I believe it's BJ...??? I don't really know.

I'm waiting for it to be posted and a selection committee formed. Nobody that I can find can prove why Larkey was fired, BUT we damn sure can prove whether or not proper protocol was followed in the hiring of a new coach. And I promise you THIS woman will raise $40K worth of hell if another coach is slid in on the sly.

This atocity has impacted the entire community, and polarized family and friends. It should never have happened THIS way!!! I'm really starting to wonder if our school administration really knows the appropriate way to handle this situation.

Maybe an informative letter to the state board would help educate everyone.
Glad you come back Granny. As for the names you mentioned besides one. God help HC football if that happens..
A name I'm hearing is Tommy Greer is interested in the job.

Living The Dream!!
I have heard that several coaches in the area have expressed interest in this position. I don't know whether to believe it or not. You wouldn't believe some of the stories that's circulating. It kills me!! It makes Harlan County look like back woods, stupid, political hacks. I guess we'll be judged by the idiots that are currently enjoying the highest profile.
2ndandshort Wrote:I think they should call Randy Frazier, or maybe Mike Whitaker

Frazier's name comes up a lot. He had some pretty good teams at Cumberland.
I know no Class A team around here in the past 30 years had the talent of those teams. At one time he had George Massey (UK), Charles Tinsley (Eastern), Anthony Ravizee (Morehead) and Sanford Baskin (Eastern) all on one team, plus several other very good high school players, like Jon Evans and some very big linemen.
The Eagle has landed Wrote:hey there are several guys who are great coaches but are at places that you cant win state titles at. just because you don't go to the 3rd or 4th round doenst mean you aint a great coach.

Demarcus and his Whitley buddies say you have to win a state championship and they know best...
HCS Wrote:Demarcus and his Whitley buddies say you have to win a state championship and they know best...
Sure do. Thanks
HCS Wrote:Demarcus and his Whitley buddies say you have to win a state championship and they know best...

That is why you play the game. Ive never understood why a school would keep any coach for 40 years when he hasn't produced one state title. It makes absolutely no sense to me.
People can idolize and absolutely love a coach and that coach can have 40 district titles, but if you cant muster one state title, then you need to go. This is a problem at almost every school in EKY.

As for the hiring, as Granny said, this sounds fishy, but I can guarantee you one thing. 99.9% of head coaching jobs that come open are decided before the interviewing process even begins. Somewhere, somehow, I guarantee somebody is already spitting names into the administrations ears of they should, and better, hire when all is said and done. It happens with almost every job that comes up, even the ones that surprise you.

Id love to be a fly on that wall.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:That is why you play the game. Ive never understood why a school would keep any coach for 40 years when he hasn't produced one state title. It makes absolutely no sense to me.
People can idolize and absolutely love a coach and that coach can have 40 district titles, but if you cant muster one state title, then you need to go. This is a problem at almost every school in EKY.

As for the hiring, as Granny said, this sounds fishy, but I can guarantee you one thing. 99.9% of head coaching jobs that come open are decided before the interviewing process even begins. Somewhere, somehow, I guarantee somebody is already spitting names into the administrations ears of they should, and better, hire when all is said and done. It happens with almost every job that comes up, even the ones that surprise you.

Id love to be a fly on that wall.

So you're saying Jim Matney is on the hot seat?
Someone should tell Paintsville they shouldn't have let Brugh hang around so long.

I guess that goes for every sport.
Lucky for Bobby Keith he got that one state title in 87 or he would have been in trouble.
I nave been around harlan Co football for a long time. The movement to get rid of coach Larkey has been in the works for a while. Yes it is the work of just a few. The original choice bowed out and they were stuck. The choice has already been madeand if the truth ever comes to light, this county should be as outraged as I am. Don't believe the spin!!
Please enlighten us on "the spin". After all, you are hiding behind a screen name and cannot be identified. How can the parents and fans be proactive when information is protected and only known by a select few.

I have been more than forth coming, posting things that are unsubstantiated and rumors. At least there's SOME information that we can sift through when we are trying to find the truth.

You need to name names, name circumstances and name people who are responsible for this.
Granny Bear Wrote:Please enlighten us on "the spin". After all, you are hiding behind a screen name and cannot be identified. How can the parents and fans be proactive when information is protected and only known by a select few.

I have been more than forth coming, posting things that are unsubstantiated and rumors. At least there's SOME information that we can sift through when we are trying to find the truth.

You need to name names, name circumstances and name people who are responsible for this.

Granny, I don know anything about the inter workings of the Halan Co. School system, but I can tell you that unless I'm surprised, this was a political move and the already have someone they want to have the job. I would expect it to be within the system. I don't know that for sure, but it sure smells like it's going that way.
As Granny said, spill it. I would almost believe that someone bailed on them because its looking that way. But go ahead and let it fly man. Enquiring minds wanna know. I've heard every rumor in the world so far, hell I look to hear coach Saban will be the next coach any day now.
Real Badman Wrote:So you're saying Jim Matney is on the hot seat?

Hes not on the hot seat, but he should be.
Those 11 and 12 win seasons and district titles were great. But what do they really matter when every year someone else wins region and state title? Is it a goal to strive for district titles?

Luckily for Matney, the road is much easier since everyone bailed out of 4A so he'll have a chance to redeem those years. But, in 5 years if JC hasn't won a state title, if I were a fan, id be looking for another coach.
I have no dog in this fight and wish Harlan County nothing but the best. I think Shawn Hager would be a great fit there. Great coach and guy an gets the best out of his players. Just a major lack of numbers at Sheldon Clark.
All I can say is any outsiders wanting this job is going to have to have their head checked. Before you commit yourself to coming here and buying a place and dragging family down here in the middle of Gods country and seeing how small county politics work and if a bad season gets people to grumbling and only a few select can complain and get you fired, then better look elsewhere.
Good luck after your fired selling your house and moving.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Hes not on the hot seat, but he should be.
Those 11 and 12 win seasons and district titles were great. But what do they really matter when every year someone else wins region and state title? Is it a goal to strive for district titles?

Luckily for Matney, the road is much easier since everyone bailed out of 4A so he'll have a chance to redeem those years. But, in 5 years if JC hasn't won a state title, if I were a fan, id be looking for another coach.

How long do you get?
Bob Rose was pretty popular at W-Burg and didn't come close to a state title.
I thought Campbell did a nice job at Whitley but probably didn't win more than one or two district titles.
J.B. Donahue has been at Harlan for 22 years and hasn't been past the final eight of Class A and some think he should be the next coach at HCHS.
Charlie Hunter coached 20-plus years at Evarts and won more games than any Harlan County coach and didn't make it to the final four either.
I don't know if Roy Kidd won any high school state championships before going to Eastern.
Granny Bear Wrote:Please enlighten us on "the spin". After all, you are hiding behind a screen name and cannot be identified. How can the parents and fans be proactive when information is protected and only known by a select few.

I have been more than forth coming, posting things that are unsubstantiated and rumors. At least there's SOME information that we can sift through when we are trying to find the truth.

You need to name names, name circumstances and name people who are responsible for this.

Same as you, just a screen name. Let me set this straight. I fully support Tom Larkey. His firing is a disgrace. The problem IS all of the rumors. I don't understand why you are so upset. If YOU don't have the facts, maybe YOU shouldnt be just throwing out names. I didn't disrespect anyones opinion or posts , and I expect the same. I'll end my post on this rumor mill by simply saying, Harlan Co made a BIG mistake andmay have cost the school a program to be proud of over a few peoples arrogance
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