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Middlesboro Yellow Jackets 2014
I will contact bluegrass rivals and ask that this whole entire thread be deleted due to false information being released by you so called "fans" or "parents" whichever you may be.
Did you go to practice today?

Please don't tell on me.
Easy now. Flipped out is 1 of yours, sounds very serious about your program but also very concerned. His kid is 1 of your better future players.

Nevermind keep hating on him and we may get him up on the hill.
Best buds huh????
Flipped out your kid must not play huh???? You seem to be very angry. Why is that?
Lots of friends at mboro. Probably more than you. A bunch of my co-workers have or had kids play in the crater.

His kid is not in high school yet.
Well both of you can take your negativity and shove it because the jackets will have a great year. I'm just shocked on why you all would get on bluegrass rivals and try to compare two of our best players Almost as if you want them to go against each other. Tell me why would you do that?? It was totally uncalled for.
RisingJackets Wrote:Flipped out your kid must not play huh???? You seem to be very angry. Why is that?

Because IMO we have lost to many good people, teachers, coaches and students. WHY? We seem to continue to lose them, I am the only one that ask why. If that makes you mad then you are upset for the wrong reasons. Angry, yes just a bit. Russell Thompson can not be replaced. He was more than a BB coach. Just look at what has happened, what is going on?
I agree not smart on the Thompson move flipped out.
FallingJackets let me give you someone on the hill to be mad at. Your anger with the posters should be with whatever is going on over there. Your FB team will be successful this year, that will conclude success for sometime. Personally ,could not happen to a better bunch of adults in charge, I do hate that for the kids. I hope you win them all but one, but reality says you are in trouble.
No anger here And actually there are several really good talents in the freshman class from what I've heard. When you say in trouble are you referring to bell co? If so tell me why we are in trouble.
Keep up with your sports record after this FB season and get back to me.
Bell County has there own problems, need to worry about them. But you guys seem to have a few as well.
PRIDE101 Wrote:Bell County has there own problems, need to worry about them. But you guys seem to have a few as well.

Knox does too :Thumbs:
Heck boys we all do, that is life. Some have more than others!!!
pjdoug Wrote:Knox does too :Thumbs:

All ways has and all ways will.
Bobcat_Dad Wrote:Heck boys we all do, that is life. Some have more than others!!!

Bobcat_Dad Wrote:Actually they are Vegas gold. Changed colors to the old school a few seasons ago.

Actually they are going back to black and yellow this season.
How is camp going? Camp with no full gear? I guess.
FlippedOut Wrote:Because IMO we have lost to many good people, teachers, coaches and students. WHY? We seem to continue to lose them, I am the only one that ask why. If that makes you mad then you are upset for the wrong reasons. Angry, yes just a bit. Russell Thompson can not be replaced. He was more than a BB coach. Just look at what has happened, what is going on?

You're clueless. First off, the faculty of MHS has NEVER been stronger. Graduation rate is at an all time higher and test scores continue to go up. Maybe not at the middle school or elementary school, but definitely at the high school. Consistent growth.

Secondly, we haven't lost any more coaches than Corbin has. Girls basketball, football, and even baseball. You Bell people are just trying to stir the pot. Lol It's funny really. Like I said, MHS will be just fine. I am certain of that.

Go ahead all you big and bad posters and say something like "get back to me at the end of the year." Don't worry. I will. Just chill out a little.

Lest we forget that many people on here were calling for MHS heads when Frazier replaced Roark. And now the same for Massengill in replacing Frazier. Like I said in an earlier post, the show will go on. It always does.

I for one fully support the 2014 Jackets and wish the coaching staff nothing but good wishes.
What is also funny is that it was about this time last year that Middlesboro STARTED practicing. July 22 or 23 if I'm not mistaken. About 2 and a half weeks after they were allowed to start. I'd say we're already off to a better start.
Kenny was betrayed by his assistant, one that is on staff. Does he still have his video.

I guess we can bring more bad news, 30 year employee has been the latest ," I have had enough". Middlesboro loses a great front office person in the high school. Tired of inconsistancies occording to her. More to come. MHS Parent you are clueless. Go back to Baseball at least you will have stats.

KHSAA set times and dates for practice, just read them and make sure you follow.
MHS Parent4Life Wrote:You're clueless. First off, the faculty of MHS has NEVER been stronger. Graduation rate is at an all time higher and test scores continue to go up. Maybe not at the middle school or elementary school, but definitely at the high school. Consistent growth.

Secondly, we haven't lost any more coaches than Corbin has. Girls basketball, football, and even baseball. You Bell people are just trying to stir the pot. Lol It's funny really. Like I said, MHS will be just fine. I am certain of that.

Go ahead all you big and bad posters and say something like "get back to me at the end of the year." Don't worry. I will. Just chill out a little.

Lest we forget that many people on here were calling for MHS heads when Frazier replaced Roark. And now the same for Massengill in replacing Frazier. Like I said in an earlier post, the show will go on. It always does.

I for one fully support the 2014 Jackets and wish the coaching staff nothing but good wishes.

Comparing Frazier's termination and Roarks is like comparing Tubby Smith and Billy Clyde Gillespes. I have a ton of respect for Roark, but n the end Roark brought himself down. Frazier was blindsided. You guys can continue to think it's going to be me it's not, for some time to come.
Bear_Paw Wrote:Comparing Frazier's termination and Roarks is like comparing Tubby Smith and Billy Clyde Gillespes. I have a ton of respect for Roark, but n the end Roark brought himself down. Frazier was blindsided. You guys can continue to think it's going to be me it's not, for some time to come.

Yes you are correct Bear Paw.
MHS Parent4Life Wrote:What is also funny is that it was about this time last year that Middlesboro STARTED practicing. July 22 or 23 if I'm not mistaken. About 2 and a half weeks after they were allowed to start. I'd say we're already off to a better start.

You are clueless. All teams start when dead period is over. You had beeter be concerned about the date pads are put on, sounds to me like.
MHS Parent4Life Wrote:What is also funny is that it was about this time last year that Middlesboro STARTED practicing. July 22 or 23 if I'm not mistaken. About 2 and a half weeks after they were allowed to start. I'd say we're already off to a better start.

You have no idea what you're even posting. Middlesboro started last year on the first day that the KHSAA told them they could which was the 15th. I hope the kids do well this year but our school is in trouble. As far as test scores improving, they did and now most all of those teachers are gone. It will take years to fix this.
No dog in the fight but when you are in the bottom their is nowhere to go but up.
MHS Parent4Life Wrote:What is also funny is that it was about this time last year that Middlesboro STARTED practicing. July 22 or 23 if I'm not mistaken. About 2 and a half weeks after they were allowed to start. I'd say we're already off to a better start.

Sounds like you guys and some others have gotten a jump start on everyone. Aug. 1 try to remember..

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