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Refs in the stands
Has anyone every just sat down at a basketball game and noticed how many refs attend the games and try to call it from the crowd? There must be 200 referees that are at every single basketball game.

I've heard some of the most retarded things come from the stands. arguing a call has never made the actual referees on the floor change their mind so why do so many people do it?

and wh at are some crazy things you guys have heard from the stands? :boosign::ref1:
People get so emotional at games. I umpired for a good 10 years and still caught myself complaining at times.

The most ridiculous thing I ever saw was a coach accuse me of cheating his team. I had family on his team. Never did get him to understand that.
Get it on TAPE! It may not make a difference,in the game but at least you will know yourself.
people just get caught up in a heated game if its close and express their feelings if the ref makes a bad call on the team they are rooting for
"Matt_Knee" Wrote:Has anyone every just sat down at a basketball game and noticed how many refs attend the games and try to call it from the crowd? There must be 200 referees that are at every single basketball game.

I've heard some of the most retarded things come from the stands. arguing a call has never made the actual referees on the floor change their mind so why do so many people do it?

and wh at are some crazy things you guys have heard from the stands? :boosign::ref1:
i have heard two people say sheldon clarks coach is good. that is the most crazy thing everConfusederved:
oh everyone does it, i was just wondering if anyone has ever heard some off the wall "calls" coming from the crowd.

I heard a "3 seconds" closely gaurded call just the other night...and she said closely gaurded to go along with her 3 seconds so i know she wasnt talkin about 3 in the key..
got a good laugh outta that one
Most fans dont kow the rules! Fans never want to blame the players, its always the refs or the coaches fault
i know..its amazing how much fans dont know about basketball..
someone can go to games for 10 years and not know a thing besides the score and how much time is left
How about all of the coaches in the stands?
"Matt_Knee" Wrote:Has anyone every just sat down at a basketball game and noticed how many refs attend the games and try to call it from the crowd? There must be 200 referees that are at every single basketball game.

I've heard some of the most retarded things come from the stands. arguing a call has never made the actual referees on the floor change their mind so why do so many people do it?

and wh at are some crazy things you guys have heard from the stands? :boosign::ref1:

WELL,.....I once heard two little old ladies talking once about how well the game was being officiated!!! Imagine that!!:lmao:
"The Guru" Wrote:WELL,.....I once heard two little old ladies talking once about how well the game was being officiated!!! Imagine that!!:lmao:

I once saw three refs take a game away from a team and all the dumb people on the bleachers didn't know it. Why does it take 3 refs to take a game when one would be enough.:lmao: Well maybe one ref and some dumbies knew.
i never noticed this
Say what you want to about the fans in the stands, but I played high school basketball and I have kept up with basketball in the 15th region for along time and this is the worse I have ever seen the refs in the 15th region. They are some refs who better have a first job because being a ref isn't their profession. We don't have an assigning secratary in the 15th region since Ancie Casey gave up this position, if we do I never see him and I attend a lot, a lot, of high school games. This mess needs to be cleaned up before it gets out of control!!!:rules:
Isnt the "Refs in the stands" the same thing as all the refs on here? I mean, a game is played, one team will win, one will lose. The losing team gets on here and talks about how bad the refs were, what all the coach should have done. What is the difference? Refs will make calls they shouldnt have, they will not make calls they should have. They have a much different point of view than the people in the stands, the student sections, and anyone else in the game. They are human, they will make mistakes. I just wonder how many of the rules that the people who make these posts in here really know. Or how many in here would actually call a game. It is easy to sit in the stands or be on the net and critize calls and refs and such. It is harder to get on the floor and do it.
Ya know so many calls are left up to the ref's interpretation of the rule. If you consider some fouls, they are there for player safety and to keep the game played fair for both teams. It used to be that to be able to draw a charge you had to have position for one maybe two seconds, not moving or leaning. Anymore it just depends on the ref and doesnt matter much if the player is moving or leaning to draw the charge. So IMO the refs state wide need to know what constitutes a particular foul. Oh ya I have had my say in the stands because of inconsistant refs. And I think that's one of the reasons for so many "refs in the stands". But on the other hand, fans have alot fun having their say i the stands. If you just set there quiet saying nothing and just watch the game it must be a boring game. All I can say is let the fans have fun with this JUST DON'T TAKE IT OUT ON OTHER PEOPLE because of high emotions.
I think that there are more coaches in the stand then REFS!!!
"wildman_06" Wrote:I think that there are more coaches in the stand then REFS!!!

Couldn't agree more! We have a bunch of people in our stands who think they are Mike Kryzewski, Bobby Knight or Rick Pitino.......Sometimes they talk like they think the coaches are trying to lose the game.

The one thing about it though, we certainly don't have any fans or parents who are partial or biased towards their children! (Can you smell the sarcasm?)Confusedtickoutt
Sorry, but don't tell me that some refs don't make game changing calls on purpose. Please don't tell me you think they are all nice guys out to hold up the right of all kids to a fair game. :no: As for coaches, I'll leave that in their hands, I figure that if they don't get it right, they won't be around long, but old refs stay forever.
refs dont care who wins, they get paid the same reguardless of the outcome. If some of you experts whould get you lisc. it would help them "old refs" out
Isnt playing refs and coaches one thing that makes the game funner? How about everyone just for one game, go in and admit that every call, every sub every thing that happened in the game was the best move or call ever and see how much fun a game is. People like to question everything in ballgames, that is what makes it fun.
"HomeGrown" Wrote:refs dont care who wins, they get paid the same reguardless of the outcome. If some of you experts whould get you lisc. it would help them "old refs" out
You got to be kidding. Refs just stay until they are 100 yrs old just to be abused by the fans for a meger amount of money.:lmao: Do you really believe that? Smile :no:
I actually think that its pretty funny! Most of it is just for show. Some people just want to look cool, but you have to admit when its your team thats doing the reffing form the stands its not all that bad
Yeah I notice all the time that Refs are always in the stands. I especially noticed this during the 15th ALL "A". Id say that they were there for the free food at the hospitality room lol. And of course to see some basketball.
Well ya know nothing is ever a kids fault right? It's gotta be the ref's fault that a team loose's, a player dosent make a shot, or one of the coachs has gas and need some beano.
I agree er. after about 4 reffs in the 15th the rest are very average.
Well, I have seen better refs in the stands than on the floor lots of times. But, I have heard alot of really unnecessary things being said from the stands. Life is too short to show your own ignorance. Make each breath and word count......why yell stupid things at refs when it only reflects on you? Refs have an easy job......why do they make it look so complicated? They are supposed to know all the rules and regulations, why don't they? How do most of them become refs? Basketball is not a complicated sport to call. I believe that most refs try to be fair and sometimes make calls that aren't because they screwed up earlier in the game. We have to remember.....they are human and boy, do we all make mistakes.:Angry07:

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