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Ryle Football Coaching
RE: I think they have the England kid in the wrong position myself. I think he could be a dynamic DE or OLB. I know everyone wants to touch the ball, but how much value does he give at WR if he only touches it 4-5 times a game at most? Put him on D where his speed and athleticism rules. Bet you if a college come calling that's what they do with him. - See more at:

Anyone remember how Travis Elliott got hurt? Playing nose guard on defense. Is there a pattern here? Play the kids where they are proven to be successful
BIG RED Daddy Wrote:RE: I think they have the England kid in the wrong position myself. I think he could be a dynamic DE or OLB. I know everyone wants to touch the ball, but how much value does he give at WR if he only touches it 4-5 times a game at most? Put him on D where his speed and athleticism rules. Bet you if a college come calling that's what they do with him. - See more at:

Anyone remember how Travis Elliott got hurt? Playing nose guard on defense. Is there a pattern here? Play the kids where they are proven to be successful

Travis Elliott got hurt playing Linebacker not Nose guard. Just saying. Don't quite see the comparison to Elliott playing nose guard to England playing WR. I know one position England should not play which is Corner. He is not that type even though they tried that early in the year.
Travis Elliot was hurt while playing defense but it was a freak accident. He was not touched when he injured his knee. He was just running down the sideline. Every one seems to have an opinion about where a kid should play but the reality is until you coach that kid you have no idea what their actual best position may be. Looks are deceiving, especially when you are looking through binoculars.
BIG RED Daddy Wrote:Sorry, I've been dealing with the death of a parent, (Hope that you find that funny too) There are things more important in life than Ryles lack of quality coaching and leadership. I stand by all my comments and the 1400 + views indicate that I can't be all wrong.
1400+ views as proof your right?:dudecomeon:
Re: Travis Elliot was hurt while playing defense but it was a freak accident. He was not touched when he injured his knee. He was just running down the sideline. Every one seems to have an opinion about where a kid should play but the reality is until you coach that kid you have no idea what their actual best position may be. Looks are deceiving, especially when you are looking through binoculars.

Sorry, I was wrong as he was playing linebacker, My reference to England was that the coaches seem to put players in positions they shouldn't. Travis was hoping to break Shaun Alexanders records his senior year. He was quite excited by all the success he had against upperclassmen in the seasons before. He said that finally he was playing against players his own age.
nky Wrote:1400+ views as proof your right?:dudecomeon:
Not saying that I am wholly right, but I'm not wholly wrong either. 250+ additional views indicates that people are talking about this issue.
BIG RED Daddy Wrote:Re: Travis Elliot was hurt while playing defense but it was a freak accident. He was not touched when he injured his knee. He was just running down the sideline. Every one seems to have an opinion about where a kid should play but the reality is until you coach that kid you have no idea what their actual best position may be. Looks are deceiving, especially when you are looking through binoculars.

Sorry, I was wrong as he was playing linebacker, My reference to England was that the coaches seem to put players in positions they shouldn't. Travis was hoping to break Shaun Alexanders records his senior year. He was quite excited by all the success he had against upperclassmen in the seasons before. He said that finally he was playing against players his own age.

Injuries are part of the game
Injuries are a part of the game but I think the point here is did you really need your stud horse playing defense when he's such a big part of your offense? IMO the point of this thread is that Ryle plays too many players both ways and chooses to leave those players in for too many series while the opposition is fresh and rested. Ryle has many young talented players who should be getting experience that they can build on for the future, but for some reason that is not happening.
Don't you want your best players on the field to try and win games?
BIG RED Daddy Wrote:Not saying that I am wholly right, but I'm not wholly wrong either. 250+ additional views indicates that people are talking about this issue.
or maybe you're a parent with an agenda different from a team approach:pondering:
Of course you do but I would have rather had Travis running the ball for the remainder of the season. A school as big as Ryle has to develop players at all positions and stop with the both ways play. Especially at skill positions.
raiderjack Wrote:Of course you do but I would have rather had Travis running the ball for the remainder of the season. A school as big as Ryle has to develop players at all positions and stop with the both ways play. Especially at skill positions.
But at that point the coach felt he was the best. Hind sight is always 20-20. It's easy after it happened to question why:eyeroll: Coaches coach to win and play the ones who they feel can do that for them
I questioned it then and I'm now questioning why with all this young talent, and there seems to be some, aren't we developing players on both sides of the ball? That's all.
McCreary County only dresses 18 players. 19 coaches would be over kill.
nky Wrote:or maybe you're a parent with an agenda different from a team approach:pondering:
not a parent, but a graduate who endured the stupidity of the current regime. I played my share on the field. Why do you seem so content on being a jerk?
BIG RED Daddy Wrote:not a parent, but a graduate who endured the stupidity of the current regime. I played my share on the field. Why do you seem so content on being a jerk?
Just wondering the point of view you're coming from. By the way the band really doesn't count
nky Wrote:Just wondering the point of view you're coming from. By the way the band really doesn't count

Holding onto some seeded animosity are we ?

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Spirit100 Wrote:Holding onto some seeded animosity are we ?
nope I like the band once dated a girl in college who played in the band:eyeroll:
Here's the thing. Don't get on a site like this and argue things have to change because of rampant nepotism on a team. Better yet counter with look at all those views I must be right:HitWall:.

Argue something must be done because the team only averages a little over 10 points a game (never win doing that) or that your defense gives up an average of 29 points a game. :trolldad:
Great point. I am a member of the Raider community and I am as frustrated as everyone else is. The reality is that this is a complicated, stressful process. We clearly need to change something. It's often easy to point out the coach but the problem is greater than an individual. We can and may change our coaching staff but the reality is that every man (coaches and players alike) on our team must look at themselves in the mirror and ask the question: have I been part of the problem or part of the solution? This too shall pass and the last shall become the first. It's the way of the world.
BIG RED Daddy Wrote:not a parent, but a graduate who endured the stupidity of the current regime. I played my share on the field. Why do you seem so content on being a jerk?

Or, maybe you just weren't good enough to play and are still blaming the coaching staff for your own shortcomings...
When I saw this thread go up I didn't know it would be such a hot button thread.

Warner holds all the coaching records at Ryle.
Ryle has lost 7-10 games do to meltdowns in the second half.
Ryle's weakest senior class (I think there are 5 that are not injured only 3 start)
This was a known rebuild year entering the season.
Ryle plays 17 sophomores every Friday, 12 Juniors and 4 seniors.

This season.
I am disappointed in this season and at first I was on the wagon maybe a few coaches needed to be looked at in the roles they were in. I though for sure we'd come out with 5 wins this season. 2nd half meltdowns and still not choosing your QB in week 9 will end your season early.
This senior class while there is Sowards and Hill there really isn't anyone else that's a difference maker. Lamping was a leader but the amount of injuries this senior class has taken has to be a record.

Next season...
The Junior class they have is loaded with those key non skill players they return 3 BIG O linemen in Teepen, Hall, & Ross. They are all 240 or more now next year is figure they will be atleast 255 as Seniors and build in the weight room. You also have a sophomore guard in Hiles that is a very solid returning starter. You will also gain The younger Ross who I'm guessing will be there Left Tackle and may be the biggest lineman as a sophomore next season.
You return basically your Entire defense with Woolf and Meiman anchoring it. You also return Brownell who can play anywhere and make a difference.
Gavin Brandt IMO is still the best QB on the roster. But he has some issues with calling plays I am told. Another problem is I would go as far to say he is one of the better defensive players as well.
Colin England is a dynamic aspect at QB I still like him on the outside, but watching him play QB on Friday I was impressed with his read option. I'd expect he will get some practice throwing the ball on the bye week and i am excited to see how he performs in a game.
O'hara the Freshman I will see on Thursday for the first time is too young and I would hope Warner does not throw him I the Wolfes next season.
Rytlewski I'm sorry he's a great kid and has improved but his costly mistakes have left me no confidence in him as our QB.
You also return all your receiving Core and Backfield on offense. Arnwine is a huge target and I would hope to see more lobs to him if he can improve over the off season. Lex Mcgregor is a future stud and is the type of back Warner needs for his offense he's a fast back that will smash you in the mouth to get a 1st down. Vince Jarvis is still my favorite to watch such a small unathletic looking kid but runs hard and is surprisingly fast with the ball.
Beagle is also a future standout at wideout and reminds me of a Trenton Fugate.
The freshman class is unbelievably talented across the board as well as I'm sure all of our oppenents viewing this thread have seen.:devilflam

Warner will be back next season whether fans like it or not.
I like it he's a proven coach and I think next years group will help return the Raiders to dominance.
Halftime Scores-
Scott County 7 - 0
Sycamore 21 - 0 (Should be 21-7 besides worst officiated call I have ever seen in any sport)
Conner 14 - 0
Shelby Cty 14 - 13
Cov Cath 0 – 10
CCHS 26 – 0 (Ryle was in this game but killed themselves with turnovers in the red zone)
Dixie 21 - 10
The problem with this is that the second half is about making adjustments. It looks like we are not making them. The proof is in the results.
If I understand your position we looked as though we were in every game you listed? Problem with that is that we were out scored 15 to 5 in your stats (which do not include Simon Kenton) by half time. I have not done the homework but I can't believe that there are very many teams in the state that scored less points than we have this season. Frankly, the last two seasons have been abysmal.

I do not have nor do I pretend to have all the answers but what I do know for a fact is that loosing is infectious. Infections can be cured with medicine (time) in some cases you have to scrape out the decaying flesh from the wound (remove bad position coaches) to promote healing and sometimes you must amputate an extremity (Head Coach) to ultimately save the person (Ryle Program). Is two years enough time or is it time to amputate? Something for the entire Raider Nation to ponder!
I can agree with you assessment TNT but most of those melt downs cam from the offensive side of the ball, due to the lack of production and the defense on the field entirely too long. I hope Warner is there next year but the Ryle parents have been responsible for two coaches fired last year in other sports, I am sure some will try to put the pressure on the administration for Warner as well. I love the idea of Colin playing QB, said that when he was a Freshman, they have great backs in the sophomore class and him as a threat to run and throw could make them dangerous. Brandt is valuable on defense and until they get back to two platooning they will be great in NKY at best. To compete at the top they need to not have so many kids playing both ways. Especially when I saw them early in the year with like 80 kids on the team
nky Wrote:Here's the thing. Don't get on a site like this and argue things have to change because of rampant nepotism on a team. Better yet counter with look at all those views I must be right:HitWall:.

Argue something must be done because the team only averages a little over 10 points a game (never win doing that) or that your defense gives up an average of 29 points a game. :trolldad:
Never did I say that I was right. No not the band, started D line Jr and Sr. year.

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