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Team Bonding Ideas
Hey guys i'm looking for some team bonding ideas for a friend of mine who is a coach. He has some talented players and is trying to make them a closer group. Besides the obvious things like Campouts, Bonfires, etc. what are some of the things you've done or you've seen your Coaches do to encourage team bonding.
To develop a fun team atmosphere- Our coach used to grab a kickball and bring it out on say after a Monday practice, when everyone was still banged up from the Fri game. He would cut practice short, and divide everyone up, and let hilarity ensue. This let the young and older players bond.
Nothing like a game of offense and defensive Dodgeball that last all season. Winners after a set of 3 games on every Monday get some sort of incentative. I would create something that the players would look forward to and make it a bonding experience for the whole season. Or even create a variety of different games whatever it may be. That way the kids that don't necessarily get to participate in the actual games can still have something to talk about to older or varsity game time players bringing them closer together. Tie it in with whatever you are doing to of course winning on Friday nights. Get creative!!
I would love to see more offensive lineman getting a chance to play RB,WR,and QB in a small amount of time in a early season game like wise for the RB,WR and QB playing lineman now that would bond a team :pondering:
How about a 5 hour bus ride to your game this week, LOL.
Stay away from the Penn State handbook on this.
It always helps if they are all from the same area or school. When they grow up playing ball together from grade school-high school it makes them tight. When you bring them in from all over the tri state it's hard to bond. They are only for themselves!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Stay away from the Penn State handbook on this.

yes :please: stay away from penn state handbook :lmao::biglmao::lmao::biglmao::lmao::biglmao::lmao: thats a good one RIUTGConfusednicker:

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