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Zimmerman Not Guilty
TheRealVille Wrote:Me is key there. I posted my info, he isn't allowed to. Besides, I don't remember the millionaire statement. But, I am the only one allowed to post my personal information, no one else is allowed.
If you post it, there is no rule against quoting it. That is what the "Quote" button is there for. However, if you are truly so paranoid as to believe that you are at risk of a slander or libel suit, I have a few suggestions for you.

1. Ask that a BGR Admin help you cover your tracks by deleting all of the offensive posts that you have made in which you have negligently or intentionally misstated the facts of the case against Mr. Zimmerman. (With millions of racist liberals making similar attacks against him, including celebrities who would burn through your alleged money in a matter of days or weeks, do you really think that Zimmerman's lawyers would hunt you down?)

2. Ask that a BGR Admin delete your references to your financial situation. You have my permission to request that they delete my references to your alleged fortune as well. That is what a truly paranoid person who is really worried would do. Of course, it would essentially mean that you were hiding from Zimmerman behind your keyboard, but fear of hypocrisy has never guided your previous actions.

3. Truth is not, as commonly stated, an absolute defense against slander and libel actions, but it is a really good start. I suggest that you post a sincere sounding apology for your unfair attacks on Zimmerman and publicly request his forgiveness, like so many wealthy celebrities have done after making some ill-advised tweets.

If I can think of any more sound advice to offer, then I will post it, but I think my suggestions will set you on the right course. If you manage to get your financial posts deleted, then let me know and I will stop quoting you on the matter. Otherwise, you just need to understand that what you post here is in the public domain. When you post, you no longer control the content of your posts. That is why I think before I post.

Hope this helps!
TheRealVille Wrote:Codeine or hydrocodone is in "the purple drank". Does cough syrup off the shelf have codeine/hyrdocodone? Did they find either on Martin?
Would you pay convenient store prices for a big bottle of cough syrup?
nky Wrote:Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday the killing of Trayvon Martin was a "tragic, unnecessary shooting

Read more: http://www.wcpo.com/dpp/news/national/ge...z2Z8uUqgja

Can anyone guess where the DOJ is leaning?
Left :biggrin:?
TheRealVille Wrote:Welcome to the "new" Jim Crow south.
:hilarious: Good one, RV! You and your toadie support the continued persecution of an innocent Hispanic man but everybody who disagrees with you is a racists. Funny stuff.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Left :biggrin:?

LOL, he's leaning so far left he can look over and see his own right earhole!
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:We have the White House, the US Justice Department, the entire print and broadcast media (other than Fox), the liberal politicians, the black and semi-black entertainment industry, the black and semi-black professional sports industry, nearly the entire black population of this country, the entire black wantabe population of this country, and all the race baiters whining, threatening, demonstrating, and jiving.

What do those of us who pay the country's bills and who know the verdict was just do to show our support for Zimmerman and for the rule of law?

Well, some may consider doing as I have done and to send a monetary "gift" (don't call it a contribution) to George Zimmerman as a show of support and to help him in this time of need. He shouldn't be left to stand alone. I sent mine to:

Mr. George Zimmerman
c/o Seminole County Clerk of Courts
101 Bush Blvd.
Sanford, FL 32773

My check was made out to "George Zimmerman".
Thank you for posting this information, Harry. If Holder decides to waste more of my tax dollars trying to jail a man after his own FBI conducted dozens of interviews and failed to find a single person who believed Zimmerman is a racist, then I will definitely be sending Zimmerman a check. I will probably send him one anyway. Who knows, when he takes over at NBC, he may offer us jobs out of gratitude.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Thank you for posting this information, Harry. If Holder decides to waste more of my tax dollars trying to jail a man after his own FBI conducted dozens of interviews and failed to find a single person who believed Zimmerman is a racist, then I will definitely be sending Zimmerman a check. I will probably send him one anyway. Who knows, when he takes over at NBC, he may offer us jobs out of gratitude.

Ooh, ooh, I want to be a contributor!! :Thumbs:
1. The governor of Florida, a Republican, dumped the prosecutor because he refused to bring charges that were not supported by the facts.
2. The governor appointed prosecutor breaks all precedence in such matters and indicts Zimmerman without even bringing the matter before a grand jury.
3. Over six weeks pass before charges are levied because it was argued by the police investigators that there was insufficient evidence to bring charges.
4. No pictures of Zimmerman with his injuries are released for over 50 days after the event.
5. The USDOJ provided thousands of taxpayer dollars to help fund protests and marches on behalf of Martin.
6. Obama tells us that, if he had a son, he would look like Martin.
7. Sharpton, Jackson, and the other race pimps, from the day of the event, carried on their relentless badgering and race baiting.
8. NBC knowingly and with premeditation doctored the 911 tape in order to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist. This was played originally on the Today Show and endlessly on MSNBC and other media outlets thereafter.
9. The judge, in ruling on objections and on disputes at trial nearly always sided with the prosecution. This is completely adverse to the normal process in which the accused gets most all breaks.

I could go on but this should be enough to see the flow of real facts. I didn't even bother to mention HLN and the viper, Nancy Grace or the usual group of vultures at MSNBC (some black and some white).

And, the media and the liberals continue to cry for justice for Martin. It appears that Zimmerman deserves a little justice. He should also sue the crap out of the reprobates at NBC.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:1. The governor of Florida, a Republican, dumped the prosecutor because he refused to bring charges that were not supported by the facts.
2. The governor appointed prosecutor breaks all precedence in such matters and indicts Zimmerman without even bringing the matter before a grand jury.
3. Over six weeks pass before charges are levied because it was argued by the police investigators that there was insufficient evidence to bring charges.
4. No pictures of Zimmerman with his injuries are released for over 50 days after the event.
5. The USDOJ provided thousands of taxpayer dollars to help fund protests and marches on behalf of Martin.
6. Obama tells us that, if he had a son, he would look like Martin.
7. Sharpton, Jackson, and the other race pimps, from the day of the event, carried on their relentless badgering and race baiting.
8. NBC knowingly and with premeditation doctored the 911 tape in order to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist. This was played originally on the Today Show and endlessly on MSNBC and other media outlets thereafter.
9. The judge, in ruling on objections and on disputes at trial nearly always sided with the prosecution. This is completely adverse to the normal process in which the accused gets most all breaks.

I could go on but this should be enough to see the flow of real facts. I didn't even bother to mention HLN and the viper, Nancy Grace or the usual group of vultures at MSNBC (some black and some white).

And, the media and the liberals continue to cry for justice for Martin. It appears that Zimmerman deserves a little justice. He should also sue the crap out of the reprobates at NBC.
Great list, Harry. Dershowitz is absolutely serious when he advocates that a civil rights charge should be filed against prosecutor Angela Corey. Both he and Mark Levin have been focused on the affidavit that Corey submitted to the court in which she failed to mention some basic facts such as the injuries Zimmerman suffered on the night of the shooting. If a left wing racist was not in control of the DOJ, the federal government might very well be considering taking action against Zimmerman's tormentors.
Angela Corey should be disbarred and tried on criminal charges. If anyone is brought up on civil rights violations, it should be Corey.
TheRealVille Wrote:Welcome to the "new" Jim Crow south.
are the Democrats incharge again in the south?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you post it, there is no rule against quoting it. That is what the "Quote" button is there for. However, if you are truly so paranoid as to believe that you are at risk of a slander or libel suit, I have a few suggestions for you.

1. Ask that a BGR Admin help you cover your tracks by deleting all of the offensive posts that you have made in which you have negligently or intentionally misstated the facts of the case against Mr. Zimmerman. (With millions of racist liberals making similar attacks against him, including celebrities who would burn through your alleged money in a matter of days or weeks, do you really think that Zimmerman's lawyers would hunt you down?)

2. Ask that a BGR Admin delete your references to your financial situation. You have my permission to request that they delete my references to your alleged fortune as well. That is what a truly paranoid person who is really worried would do. Of course, it would essentially mean that you were hiding from Zimmerman behind your keyboard, but fear of hypocrisy has never guided your previous actions.

3. Truth is not, as commonly stated, an absolute defense against slander and libel actions, but it is a really good start. I suggest that you post a sincere sounding apology for your unfair attacks on Zimmerman and publicly request his forgiveness, like so many wealthy celebrities have done after making some ill-advised tweets.

If I can think of any more sound advice to offer, then I will post it, but I think my suggestions will set you on the right course. If you manage to get your financial posts deleted, then let me know and I will stop quoting you on the matter. Otherwise, you just need to understand that what you post here is in the public domain. When you post, you no longer control the content of your posts. That is why I think before I post.

Hope this helps!
You didn't quote me. You just said it. I'm not worried, I said nothing that wasn't in print. My money is lawsuit proof. But no, other than the quote button, you can't post my finances.
TheRealVille Wrote:You didn't quote me. You just said it.
As I have told you before, in this very thread, you may not remember what you post, but I do. Maybe the extensive first hand experience with marijuana that you boast of really does have some long term detrimental effects. As somebody who has repeatedly insulted not only me, which I have no problem with, but both my father and grandfather, you have earned no respect from me. Still, if you take some of the good advice that I offered you above, then you will be a better man for it. Given your obvious forgetfulness, I should have added a few more suggestions to the list, but I know that you have a short attention span. :biglmao:
from cnn

Juror: It was Zimmerman's voice

One of the jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman says she believed it was Zimmerman's voice that was heard screaming for help in 911 calls.
TheRealVille Wrote:You didn't quote me. You just said it. I'm not worried, I said nothing that wasn't in print. My money is lawsuit proof. But no, other than the quote button, you can't post my finances.
There is no rule that says I cannot quote or accurately paraphrase anybody without using the quote button. However, if you prefer, I will do my best to quote you in the future. Wide just found your post before I could get to my keyboard. Confusednicker:
nky Wrote:from cnn

Juror: It was Zimmerman's voice

One of the jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman says she believed it was Zimmerman's voice that was heard screaming for help in 911 calls.
There is no way that Trayvon Martin was yelling for help. Zimmerman was yelling for the police, who he thought might be looking for him. Nobody who has heard Zimmerman's high pitched voice would have trouble believing that he was the one screaming for help.
I don't believe TheRealVille really believes what he posts. He just likes to keep everything stirred up. If he really does live in Johnson County, I can sure conclude that, if he really believes this stuff, he is in the most minute minority possible. the good people of Johnson County would never buy into the racial whining and jiving.

I would make one wonder if he is actually a resident of Watts.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:1. The governor of Florida, a Republican, dumped the prosecutor because he refused to bring charges that were not supported by the facts.
2. The governor appointed prosecutor breaks all precedence in such matters and indicts Zimmerman without even bringing the matter before a grand jury.
3. Over six weeks pass before charges are levied because it was argued by the police investigators that there was insufficient evidence to bring charges.
4. No pictures of Zimmerman with his injuries are released for over 50 days after the event.
5. The USDOJ provided thousands of taxpayer dollars to help fund protests and marches on behalf of Martin.
6. Obama tells us that, if he had a son, he would look like Martin.
7. Sharpton, Jackson, and the other race pimps, from the day of the event, carried on their relentless badgering and race baiting.
8. NBC knowingly and with premeditation doctored the 911 tape in order to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist. This was played originally on the Today Show and endlessly on MSNBC and other media outlets thereafter.
9. The judge, in ruling on objections and on disputes at trial nearly always sided with the prosecution. This is completely adverse to the normal process in which the accused gets most all breaks.

I could go on but this should be enough to see the flow of real facts. I didn't even bother to mention HLN and the viper, Nancy Grace or the usual group of vultures at MSNBC (some black and some white).

And, the media and the liberals continue to cry for justice for Martin. It appears that Zimmerman deserves a little justice. He should also sue the crap out of the reprobates at NBC.

How about my idea of the perfect trifecta, he should sue Sharpton, Jackson and NBC.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I don't believe TheRealVille really believes what he posts. He just likes to keep everything stirred up. If he really does live in Johnson County, I can sure conclude that, if he really believes this stuff, he is in the most minute minority possible. the good people of Johnson County would never buy into the racial whining and jiving.

I would make one wonder if he is actually a resident of Watts.

He means every word of it IMO. Hence the insults.
TheRealVille Wrote:The Justice dept. has some pretty deep pockets(ironic that you guys are going to help pay for this next phase, lol), and should have a pretty easy case. It is on record that Zimmerman said "“‘Fucking punks. Those assholes, they always get away,’”. 100% of his calls to the police were about blacks.

You do realize that the FBI already did an investigation looking into a civil case in all of this and said that they found nothing worth pursuing. If they force this anyway it will turn out even worse than the state case. If they do that they will stoke the fire even more so we just might see some riots yet but you are starting to sound like a person who would love to see it. They have an even weaker civil case than a state case according to a lot of experts. It is a hard thing to prove that someone went after someone just because of the color of there skin. Unless they have some hard evidence like video of him being racist or saying he was targeting black people or a racist history but that probably would not even be enough. They would have to prove that on that night he was going after Martin just because he was black and I don't think they can. The man was driving around looking for suspicious people before Martin ever came into the picture he had the gun before Martin came into the picture. If a black, white, red, pink or purple person came into that situation on that night who was a stranger in the dark ducking between houses Zimmerman would have done the exact same thing IMO. I don't know if we would have the exact same outcome but I believe he would have approached anybody and everybody.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I don't believe TheRealVille really believes what he posts. He just likes to keep everything stirred up. If he really does live in Johnson County, I can sure conclude that, if he really believes this stuff, he is in the most minute minority possible. the good people of Johnson County would never buy into the racial whining and jiving.

I would make one wonder if he is actually a resident of Watts.

I have said in other threads that I think he is just a troll and don't believe in the stuff he likes to post. It just looks like he works a little to hard to disagree with everything you say. The best way to test out that theory would be for all of us to just ignore every post and thread he does and pretend like he don't exist. If he is just a troll then would just go away when the fun is over. If he is real then he just may be the most left leaning democratic Kool-Aid drinking person I have ever saw in my life.....................................holy @$%# I think I just figured out who he really is. We have a celebrity on BGR................Barack Hussein Obama. So that explains the Millionaire stuff :biglmao:
Regardless anyone who comes on a public forum, is the ONLY person defending a thug, brags about smoking weed, and being a "millionaire" has his head so far up his ass we'll never break through. Bragging says a lot about a person. It isn't saying good things for RV.
Belfry0304 Wrote:Regardless anyone who comes on a public forum, is the ONLY person defending a thug, brags about smoking weed, and being a "millionaire" has his head so far up his ass we'll never break through. Bragging says a lot about a person. It isn't saying good things for RV.

Who gives a damn what you think? I think even the usual suspects will tell you that I could care less what you think.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I don't believe TheRealVille really believes what he posts. He just likes to keep everything stirred up. If he really does live in Johnson County, I can sure conclude that, if he really believes this stuff, he is in the most minute minority possible. the good people of Johnson County would never buy into the racial whining and jiving.

I would make one wonder if he is actually a resident of Watts.
:biggrin: Are you insinuating that there a couple here I don't like, and just screw with?
TheRealVille Wrote::biggrin: Are you insinuating that there a couple here I don't like, and just screw with?
In order to act like a fool, one has to establish at some point that he is not one. Your "A" game is a mythical beast that has never been seen.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I don't believe TheRealVille really believes what he posts. He just likes to keep everything stirred up. If he really does live in Johnson County, I can sure conclude that, if he really believes this stuff, he is in the most minute minority possible. the good people of Johnson County would never buy into the racial whining and jiving.

I would make one wonder if he is actually a resident of Watts.
Did you get RV's permission to post where he lives? :biggrin:

You are mistaken if you believe that nobody can be as dumb as his posts make him appear. Like you, I once had my doubts about whether that was even possible. Slowly, I have concluded that RV is an onion of ignorance. Peel away a layer, and you find a deeper layer, but what you find is still simply an onion.
TheRealVille Wrote::biggrin: Are you insinuating that there a couple here I don't like, and just screw with?

Absolutely. And, I would suspect that you are not considered a part of majority thought in Johnson County.
WideRight05 Wrote:[Image: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Tm2cMpgEseE/T7...reyvon.jpg]

All "activist" blacks would consider Holliday to be an Oreo or an Uncle Tom. Unfortunately, they would praise and identify with Martin. And that is the main reason why the races will never live in harmony.

Those in the race industry can't afford to have their constituency think for themselves. And, their constituency seems incapable of thinking for themselves. Therefore, the Sharptons, Jacksons, etc, are in control of the black community.

I heard a black "commentator" on MSNBC yesterday state that whites need to dismantle and destroy their perception of "white supremacy" in this country so that all can move toward equality.

By "white supremacy" I assume he is referring to whites making most all of the decisions that run this country's businesses and industries, paying most all of the taxes to support the operation of all levels of government and its services, funding charities including government "entitlement" programs, and making the laws and rules by which the country functions in relative peace and prosperity.

How long would the country last if this were changed?
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