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Zimmerman Not Guilty
nky Wrote:President Barack Obama issued the following statement Sunday following the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial.
[INDENT]"The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin."

Mr President it would have been a tragedy for the Zimmerman family if George wasn't able to defend himself
That is exactly what I just told my wife when I read the full text of Obama's statement. Obama would rather see black thugs successful in attacking people of other races than having them shot in self defense. Dead constituents cannot vote. Zimmerman may have very well been dead if he had not been armed. Now that the trial is over and Zimmerman understands that the Democrats still plan to persecute him, this might be a good time to change his party affiliation. Many in his current party wish him dead. Most of the rest still want to see him locked up.

Obama and the Democrats will exploit anybody anytime for political gain.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If the white spot in the long distance shot is his shoe, then he obviously was not positioned perpendicular to the sidewalk. If he was lying perpendicular to the walk, then the scale suggests that he was a pygmy or that the sidewalk was extremely wide.

The photo also raises other issues. Did you not state at some point in this thread that there were no bushes from which Martin could have emerged? I see bushes, although they are not very tall. However, it does look like there are white walls between apartments, which would have made convenient hiding places for an attacker.

Also, would you not find it suspicious to see a man walking in the wet grass near apartment buildings instead of on the sidewalks? I have not seen detailed photos, but if the community was a typical one, then there would be patios on the bottom level and balconies above. When I see somebody walking close to my patio, I look out my door to see why they are so close to my stuff. I don't think reasonable people walk so close to people's patio without a very good reason. Getting your feet soaked does not qualify as a good reason, IMO.

Anybody who cannot understand why Zimmerman would have found Martin's behavior suspicious is not being honest with themselves.
Yes, the shoe is toward the condos, the head is toward the sidewalk. It might not be perfect perpendicular, but it is very close.

No, I said trees. Zimmerman said trees.
TheRealThing Wrote:According to the judge interviewed on the News, a verdict of innocent by reason of self defense carries with it immunity of civil proceedings.
Maybe civil proceedings in FL, but not federal proceedings of hate crimes, and other things named.
TheRealVille Wrote:He didn't employ stand your ground. Think federal hate crimes. He can still go to jail. FL law doesn't trump federal law if they go for civil rights charges, and hate crimes.

Martin would have been the one comiting a hate crime when he attacked the creepy ass cracker following him
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe civil proceedings in FL, but not federal proceedings of hate crimes, and other things named.

You mention hate crimes. Hate crimes are another example of the absolute insanity of present day America. Hate crimes provide that if one commits a crime against certain protected minorities, he/she is subject to a harsher penalty.

I don't think it takes a legal scholar to see the unconstitutionality of this practice. According to the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause, all are entitled to the equal protection of the law. Since that is allegedly the case, why would one be subjected to a more serious penalty for hitting a black in the head with an iron pipe than he would be if he hit a mere white in the head with the same iron pipe?

It appears that, in the effort to undue all those alleged dastardly prejudices that the majority has, we must declare that, although all heads are somewhat equal, minority heads are superior to majority heads.

Jay, Rutledge, Ellsworth, and Marshall (our first four chief justices) would find all this shameful and dangerous. They would, of course, be correct.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, the shoe is toward the condos, the head is toward the sidewalk. It might not be perfect perpendicular, but it is very close.

No, I said trees. Zimmerman said trees.
It does not even look close to perpendicular and as I have pointed out several times, using the sidewalk as a ruler 4 feet long, the photo cannot be showing a body lying in a perpendicular position to the sidewalk. We don't know how the body might have been moved before the photo was taken and we don't even know if the close-up shows the body in the same position as the photo taken from a distance.

Are you sure that you want to stick with your statement that you never claimed that there were no bushes and that Zimmerman said there were bushes, or would you like time to check your previous plethora of posts on this topic? I think that you are mistaken and I pay attention to what you post even when you don't. :biggrin:
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Martin would have been the one comiting a hate crime when he attacked the creepy ass cracker following him

Charging a black with a hate crime against a white is more rare than a snow blizzard in South Carolina in July. You can check it out.

By the way, Obama has issued a "statement" concerning the verdict. He is suggesting ways that we can "honor" the memory of Martin. He has, again, ignored and insulted the rule of law in order to play racial politics. Now, that will really bond all of us together, won't it?

Get ready for Holder. Zimmerman's only hope is if he can prove that he is actually a Black Panther.

And, I'm still waiting on TheRealVille to explain just how we are going to treat blacks and whites exactly the same.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You mention hate crimes. Hate crimes are another example of the absolute insanity of present day America. Hate crimes provide that if one commits a crime against certain protected minorities, he/she is subject to a harsher penalty.

I don't think it takes a legal scholar to see the unconstitutionality of this practice. According to the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause, all are entitled to the equal protection of the law. Since that is allegedly the case, why would one be subjected to a more serious penalty for hitting a black in the head with an iron pipe than he would be if he hit a mere white in the head with the same iron pipe?

It appears that, in the effort to undue all those alleged dastardly prejudices that the majority has, we must declare that, although all heads are somewhat equal, minority heads are superior to majority heads.

Jay, Rutledge, Ellsworth, and Marshall (our first four chief justices) would find all this shameful and dangerous. They would, of course, be correct.
I absolutely agree, Harry. I can see no way to justify hate crime laws that mete out unequal justice based on one's religion, skin color, or sexual preference - or laws that give the federal government a shot at prosecuting people who have been found not guilty of the same crime in a fair trial.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I absolutely agree, Harry. I can see no way to justify hate crime laws that mete out unequal justice based on one's religion, skin color, or sexual preference - or laws that give the federal government a shot at prosecuting people who have been found not guilty of the same crime in a fair trial.

It appears, Hoot Gibson, that we are now reaping the abominations that naturally come from elections in which the outcomes are decided by those who take from the system rather than those who support the system. As we all know, we reap what we sow.

It will only get worse when we allow 11,000,000 more illegals to become citizens and vote. Two facts are indisputable. First, the overwhelming number of these people will be low or no income thus meaning that they will be on the welfare rolls. Second, because of this fact and knowing full well who will fill them with handouts, nearly all of them will be Democrats and will so vote.

I have recommended before that we, certainly including George Zimmerman, should take all necessary steps to protect and hide our assets. I also recommend that we remain as anonymous in regard to the government as possible. I repeat that recommendation. Unfortunately, George Zimmerman will have trouble avoiding Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, and the rest of the race exploiters.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:It appears, Hoot Gibson, that we are now reaping the abominations that naturally come from elections in which the outcomes are decided by those who take from the system rather than those who support the system. As we all know, we reap what we sow.

It will only get worse when we allow 11,000,000 more illegals to become citizens and vote. Two facts are indisputable. First, the overwhelming number of these people will be low or no income thus meaning that they will be on the welfare rolls. Second, because of this fact and knowing full well who will fill them with handouts, nearly all of them will be Democrats and will so vote.

I have recommended before that we should take all necessary steps to protect and hide our assets and to remain as anonymous in regard to the government as possible. I repeat that recommendation.
I would add that the 11,000,000 current illegal aliens are only the tip of the iceberg. Republicans have declined to hold Obama accountable for selectively enforcing current laws. It is laughable that so many Republicans are also pushing the immigration bill because of the "tougher enforcement provisions" that the law would include. What kind of morons do these people think that we are? For that reason, I will never vote for any Republican presidential candidate who supports any immigration reform law. They have irrevocably lost my trust.

For every one of the 11,000,000 illegals that are already here, several more family members can reasonably be expected to join them in this country. Republicans and Americans have absolutely nothing to gain long term by legalizing these criminals.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I would add that the 11,000,000 current illegal aliens are only the tip of the iceberg. Republicans have declined to hold Obama accountable for selectively enforcing current laws. It is laughable that so many Republicans are also pushing the immigration bill because of the "tougher enforcement provisions" that the law would include. What kind of morons do these people think that we are? For that reason, I will never vote for any Republican presidential candidate who supports any immigration reform law. They have irrevocably lost my trust.

For every one of the 11,000,000 illegals that are already here, several more family members can reasonably be expected to join them in this country. Republicans and Americans have absolutely nothing to gain long term by legalizing these criminals.

No they certainly do not. Dems do though, votes. And, being in power is all they care about. "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." ---Milton
lots of call for the DOJ to investigate and charge George Zimmerman for Civil rights abuse.
Maybe the DOJ could do their job and investigate the President and why his administration isn't carrying out the law of the land
The Judiciary Act of 1789 created the Office of the Attorney General which evolved over the years into the head of the Department of Justice and chief law enforcement officer of the Federal Government. The Attorney General represents the United States in legal matters generally and gives advice and opinions to the President and to the heads of the executive departments of the Government when so requested. In matters of exceptional gravity or importance the Attorney General appears in person before the Supreme Court. Since the 1870 Act that established the Department of Justice as an executive department of the government of the United States, the Attorney General has guided the world's largest law office and the central agency for enforcement of federal laws.

nky Wrote:lots of call for the DOJ to investigate and charge George Zimmerman for Civil rights abuse.
Maybe the DOJ could do their job and investigate the President and why his administration isn't carrying out the law of the land

Have any of you ever heard of the DOJ going after a black for violating the civil rights of a white person?

Your answer will be "no". Should anyone be surprised?

If this fiasco proceeds, I expect white politicians to grow a backbone and to defend our constitution. Unfortunately, I doubt that they will do so. They appear to be a bunch of spineless wimps. I am truly embarrassed to be a conservative and a Republican.

Obama wants us to "honor" the memory of Martin? Bull s***. He can take his request and shove it up his racist you know what. I will honor the rule of law.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, the shoe is toward the condos, the head is toward the sidewalk. It might not be perfect perpendicular, but it is very close.

No, I said trees. Zimmerman said trees.
OK, time's up. I would have given you a few more hours to correct yourself but I have things to do this evening.

First, Zimmerman said that Martin came from the "bushes," not the "trees." You were right the first time that you posted that fact and got it wrong here.

Next, while you correctly referred to bushes in an earlier post, you incorrectly declared that there were no bushes. Judging from the size of the bushes, I think that it is more likely Martin hid behind one of the white privacy walls that separate the patio areas of the apartments. He probably came from the immediate vicinity of the bushes but not literally from the bushes. Given Martin's background, I just cannot imagine him going to the trouble of crouching behind those small shrubs.

You were wrong when you claimed Zimmerman was caught in a lie in the following post. As for Martin walking where he was allowed, I am absolutely sure that if I started walking in near people's patios in the dark, in the rain, and in a hoody instead of walking on the sidewalks as good people tend to do, somebody would call 911 to report me or they would confront me personally. That is what good neighbors do.

Looking at those buildings in Zimmerman's neighborhood, there was no good reason for Martin not to have walked on the sidewalks, in the rain, sunshine, or moonlight. That explains why he never called 911 himself. Zimmerman was right to be suspicious. As it turned out, Martin had been caught with stolen items and burglar tools in his backpack before. People behaving the way that Martin was that evening are often reported as "prowlers," regardless of their race.

TheRealVille Wrote:After the police told him not to. Zimmerman was caught in a lie, saying Martin jumped out of bushes and attacked him. There are no bushes there. He also said Martin raised up and said "you got me", after he was shot in the heart, which is unbelievable in it's self, not counting that Matin was found face down. Irregardless if Martin was beating him up, he was defending himself against a stalker,( while walking where he was allowed to,)that ended up killing him.
I just watched Alan Dershowitz deliver a blistering attack on Florida prosecutor, Angela Corey, for her misconduct in the Zimmerman case. At the time of the OJ Simpson case, I viewed Dershowitz as a left wing nut job, but my respect for him over the years has steadily grown. Aside from Mark Levin, I cannot think of any prominent attorney that I respect more than Dershowitz. Based on his political beliefs, one might have expected him to have supported Obama's position in this case but he has remained critical of the decision to prosecute Zimmerman from the beginning.

Dershowitz believes that the DOJ should investigate the denial of civil rights that Zimmerman suffered because of the prosecutorial misconduct of Corey. He believes that her behavior warrants disbarment and that the original prosecutor and police chief made the right decision in not filing charges. This was not the first time that Dershowitz has publicly slammed Corey and tonight he said that she had contacted the Harvard Law School and demanded that he be disciplined. He extended an invitation to Corey to come to Harvard and explain her actions to his class of law students.

Corey has to be a total idiot to think that Harvard would take any action against Dershowitz for exercising his First Amendment rights. Dershowitz carries a lot of weight among liberals. I am not sure that Obama and Holder want to take Dershowitz on and watch him blast the decision on the cable news networks. I would not be surprised to see Dershowitz join Zimmerman's team of lawyers if the DOJ decides to file civil rights charges against him. He says that those laws generally apply only to government denying civil rights and that there is no way for one individual to deny civil rights to another individual.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:OK, time's up. I would have given you a few more hours to correct yourself but I have things to do this evening.

First, Zimmerman said that Martin came from the "bushes," not the "trees." You were right the first time that you posted that fact and got it wrong here.

Next, while you correctly referred to bushes in an earlier post, you incorrectly declared that there were no bushes. Judging from the size of the bushes, I think that it is more likely Martin hid behind one of the white privacy walls that separate the patio areas of the apartments. He probably came from the immediate vicinity of the bushes but not literally from the bushes. Given Martin's background, I just cannot imagine him going to the trouble of crouching behind those small shrubs.

You were wrong when you claimed Zimmerman was caught in a lie in the following post. As for Martin walking where he was allowed, I am absolutely sure that if I started walking in near people's patios in the dark, in the rain, and in a hoody instead of walking on the sidewalks as good people tend to do, somebody would call 911 to report me or they would confront me personally. That is what good neighbors do.

Looking at those buildings in Zimmerman's neighborhood, there was no good reason for Martin not to have walked on the sidewalks, in the rain, sunshine, or moonlight. That explains why he never called 911 himself. Zimmerman was right to be suspicious. As it turned out, Martin had been caught with stolen items and burglar tools in his backpack before. People behaving the way that Martin was that evening are often reported as "prowlers," regardless of their race.
Show where Zimmerman said he came from bushes. In testimony they said he said he jumped from behind a tree. Prove what you say he said. I've been gone all evening, btw.
^ What's that got to do with the concrete lie, anyway. Are you changing the subject when you can't explain?
TheRealVille Wrote:Show where Zimmerman said he came from bushes. In testimony they said he said he jumped from behind a tree. Prove what you say he said. I've been gone all evening, btw.
Why do I need to show where Zimmerman said that Martin came from the bushes, when that is what you said in your own post before you became confused? Just go back and figure out how you got that fact right the first time. Then look at the photos of the area where Martin was shot and take note of the bushes that you claimed did not exist. You are hilarious, RV. I post a link to your own post and you demand that I provide a factual basis for what you said! :biglmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:^ What's that got to do with the concrete lie, anyway. Are you changing the subject when you can't explain?
The concrete was no lie. The prosecution did not challenge the location of the "fight" and I have not heard any of the arm chair experts on the cable news networks challenge that fact either.

You claimed that Zimmerman never said that Martin came from the bushes. Not only was that not correct, you did, in fact, claim that you caught Zimmerman in a lie because you said that there were no bushes. The bushes obviously exist. Zimmerman never said that Martin was hiding behind a tree. That is a product of your imagination.
TheRealVille Wrote:Show where Zimmerman said he came from bushes. In testimony they said he said he jumped from behind a tree.

No wonder you have so much trouble holding the line in these debates. I remember clearly you contesting the point with Hoot, saying that contrary to testimony there were no bushes at the scene. The only tree discrepancy of which I am aware is that you're OUT of yours. LOL At any rate, this was very easy to find;

"Jurors today heard George Zimmerman’s account in his own words of his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin as prosecutors played a dramatic audio tape of Zimmerman being questioned by police shortly after the shooting.

Zimmerman is heard telling a police officer how he saw Martin walking through his Sanford, Fla. neighborhood on a dark, rainy Feb. 2012 night. As a neighborhood watchman he tried to follow him in his car because there had been a series of break-ins in the gated community.

Zimmerman said he lost sight of Martin, got out of his car to call police and was walking back to his vehicle when the 17-year-old attacked him.

He jumped out of the bushes and he said ‘What the f..k is your problem, homie?’” Zimmerman said on the tape."
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The concrete was no lie. The prosecution did not challenge the location of the "fight" and I have not heard any of the arm chair experts on the cable news networks challenge that fact either.

You claimed that Zimmerman never said that Martin came from the bushes. Not only was that not correct, you did, in fact, claim that you caught Zimmerman in a lie because you said that there were no bushes. The bushes obviously exist. Zimmerman never said that Martin was hiding behind a tree. That is a product of your imagination.

LOL, we were typing at the same time. :Clap:
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, we were typing at the same time. :Clap:
RV makes this look easy, doesn't he? :Clap:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The concrete was no lie. The prosecution did not challenge the location of the "fight" and I have not heard any of the arm chair experts on the cable news networks challenge that fact either.

You claimed that Zimmerman never said that Martin came from the bushes. Not only was that not correct, you did, in fact, claim that you caught Zimmerman in a lie because you said that there were no bushes. The bushes obviously exist. Zimmerman never said that Martin was hiding behind a tree. That is a product of your imagination.
Pictures don't lie. Forget it, in the other posts about Martin, you proved the kind of person you really are.
TheRealVille Wrote:Pictures don't lie. Forget it, in the other posts about Martin, you proved the kind of person you really are.
I am the kind of person who can distinguish between a dopehead thug and an honest neighborhood volunteer whose reputation has been unfairly tarnished beyond repair. Now would not be a time to boast about being a millionaire, RV. Zimmerman's lawyers are looking for people like you who spread lies about their client and have deep pockets. :biglmao:
The judge in this case refused to admit any evidence about Trayvon Martin's character from social media sites because she claimed that their authenticity could not be established - a point on which she was wrong - but what Martin posted in his Twitter and Facebook accounts would not have helped his case at all. The "Purple Drank" posts would have provided the Zimmerman defense an alternate narrative to the Skittles and iced tea story.

Trayvon's Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea and something called 'Purple Drank'

More Than a Bag of Skittles - Trayvon Martin and Purple Drank
I found myself flicking from fox and cnn all day and both were leaving out stuff from the trial to make things look better for there view of things. After that got me nauseous I tried to mute out the political driven idiots and just listen to the clips of the trial and the witnesses. A few things stand out to me.
#1 If Zimmerman was the on top and the aggressor and Martin was on the bottom then how can you explain all the damage to Zimmerman and not one single out of place scratch, bruise or cut to Martin other than the gunshot wound. You have witnesses who testified that someone that night was straddling someone and throwing blows yet Martin had no injuries other than the gun shot and Zimmerman had quite a few.

#2 Why did the father tell the police that the voice on the 911 tape was not his sun then turn around and deny that he ever said that. There is even a report that the brother even said at one time that it did not sound like his brother.
Are we to believe that Zimmerman his lawyers the police and all the witnesses and even the jury were all involved in one big plot to frame Martin and free Zimmerman??? It makes me sick to my stomach to see people who when things like this go on will blatantly ignore things right under there nose like the evidence of this trial and the eyewitness testimony because it don't fit with what they want it to be. I think a lot of people who when they first heard about all of this when they heard Zimmeman's name they said white man before they even saw what he looked like. I think the first thing that came to a lot of peoples mind is race. They went down that road so far that they could not go back in fear of looking silly. I don't know about the rest of you but I am white. My mother is white and my father is white and my grandparents were white and if I have any other race in my blood then It goes way back. Now I know a lot of all white people and let me tell you and I don't mean anything bad by this but coming from an all white person Zimmerman don't look white to me. I would say that Zimmerman has got racially profiled a few times in his life so I just don't buy it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The judge in this case refused to admit any evidence about Trayvon Martin's character from social media sites because she claimed that their authenticity could not be established - a point on which she was wrong - but what Martin posted in his Twitter and Facebook accounts would not have helped his case at all. The "Purple Drank" posts would have provided the Zimmerman defense an alternate narrative to the Skittles and iced tea story.

Trayvon's Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea and something called 'Purple Drank'

More Than a Bag of Skittles - Trayvon Martin and Purple Drank

Wow, that was enlightening. Prosecution had to have known this. Of course, after hearing the 2nd seater, John Guy ask the jurors to disregard the abysmal case they put on and instead use their hearts to find Zimmerman guilty rather than using the lawful guidelines, I already knew they were jerks.

In the after trial press conference Mark O'Mara called them out for it. I particularly enjoyed hearing him bust the media for all the lies they were so happy to propagate too.
I believe that Zimmerman was doing what he thought was right that night in protecting his neighborhood and I believe this thing would have went down the same way if Martin was black, white, Mexican or whatever. No matter what race Martin was he was a strange person to Zimmerman in a neighborhood that had seen some crime and he wanted to see who Martin was and what he was doing. I have yet to see any evidence that Zimmerman was racist or had anything against black people and I don't understand how all of this became something about race. I also think Zimmerman was stupid in how he went about all of this. He could just stay in his car and see where martin goes and what he does. I do believe that Zimmerman's actions had more to do with this going bad then Martin and I don't see why he would need a gun from the start unless he felt he was in serious danger.
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