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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Indeed so. It sort of takes a bit away from their credibility, doesn't it? One might conclude that they are grieving all the way to the bank (or to the jewelry store).
I hate racists. This trial, and BGR posters, reiterates that.
How is this trial racist?
The only people bring race into this are the liberal media, and the rhyming reverends
TheRealVille Wrote:I hate racists. This trial, and BGR posters, reiterates that.
I hate racists too, RV. It is a shame that the we have a president who injected his racism into this case to elevate it to a national story.
nky Wrote:The only people bring race into this are the liberal media, and the rhyming reverends
Don't forget our racist Outlaw President of Beer Summit fame.
^ oh yea Trayvon was like a son to him
Don't let the fact that a 17 year old kid got killed get in the way of you racist guys. I'll stand down.
^ by someone defending himself. By the way if we were racist why support Zimmerman. You know Republicans hate Hispanics- Obama told you so
nky Wrote:^ by someone defending himself. By the way if we were racist why support Zimmerman. You know Republicans hate Hispanics- Obama told you so
He wouldn't have a need to defend himself if he hadn't stalked someone.
Not as much as you hate blacks.
TheRealVille Wrote:Don't let the fact that a 17 year old kid got killed get in the way of you racist guys. I'll stand down.
You are the only one here supporting racists, RV. It is your excuse for everything. Obama and Holder are two of the biggest racists in this country and you support them in lockstep. You cannot support your positions with logical arguments, so you whine racism. Typical while liberal who knows nothing about race in this country except what other white liberals tell him.
TheRealVille Wrote:He wouldn't have a need to defend himself if he hadn't stalked someone.
Not as much as you hate blacks.
Do you hate all Hispanics, or just those who Obama tells you you should hate?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do you hate all Hispanics, or just those who Obama tells you you should hate?
I like all peoples, race isn't an issue with me.
TheRealVille Wrote:He wouldn't have a need to defend himself if he hadn't stalked someone.
Not as much as you hate blacks.
I love brown sugar but that doesn't matter here
OK you're dating a cute blond. You take her to diner, a funny movie, and head to your place for a night cap. You've been out on a few dates with her already. She's digging you and your doing the same. Just as your ready to bust a move to go further she says NO. You don't believe her and continue. Did you commit rape?
nky Wrote:I love brown sugar but that doesn't matter here
OK you're dating a cute blond. You take her to diner, a funny movie, and head to your place for a night cap. You've been out on a few dates with her already. She's digging you and your doing the same. Just as your ready to bust a move to go further she says NO. You don't believe her and continue. Did you commit rape?
Are we on the same case?
TheRealVille Wrote:I like all peoples, race isn't an issue with me.
You spend an awful lot of time calling people who disagree with you racists and/or homophobes to claim that race is not an issue with you. It seems to me that it is a huge issue for you and for no apparent reason, other than calling people racists and homophobes is just what liberals do when they have nothing else to contribute to a debate. My guess is that your views would moderate some if you actually lived in neighborhoods populated by blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. There are good people of all colors and their are bad ones as well.

The mindset of people who live in high crime areas is different than it is in other areas. Neighborhood watch programs are a good thing because it shows that residents have not surrendered their neighborhoods to thugs. Your demonization of George Zimmerman makes no sense. All the evidence indicates that he was a man trying to do the right thing. Maybe he made a mistake in judgment by getting out of his truck, but there is absolutely no reason to believe that he was stalking Martin or set out to shoot him that night.

You look like an idiot when you call people racists just because they disagree with you - and you do it all the time as if you want to leave no doubt in our minds.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are we on the same case?
The answer is no means no. Once she said no even if it's you lovey wife the law takes over. Even if Zimmerman was doing as you claim, once he felt his life was threatened he had the right to defend himself according to FLA law. All the other stuff goes out the window. It comes down to was Zimmerman on his back getting beat up or was he not.
TheRealVille Wrote:Would you sue the HOA if you were in the same situation? That doesn't make them "in it for the money". I don't find it odd that you laugh at a family's lawsuit over their dead child.

First let me say that if there was anything I could do to bring back Trayvon I would. But, according to the government one can enlist in the army at the age of 17. I doubt sincerely that the army would take in a boy. So all this effort you keep going to in an attempt to paint Trayvon as a little boy with a bag of candy who got executed by Zimmerman is straight off the Rachael Maddow show.

Credible witnesses for the prosecution have steadfastly contradicted the "Zimmerman murdered Trayvon" rationale that liberals like you keep on parroting. As have the members of the Sheriff's department who have testified and who initially declared this thing a matter of self defense.

I find it odd that you could demand proof from Harry Rex when you can offer zilcho in that department yourself. It is also odd that you cannot accept due process in a court of law before a jury of Zimmerman's peers. From what I've seen the prosecution's case is darn near invisible and the standard is beyond a reasonable doubt in the mind of each and every juror. You act like you would very merrily jump right on past all of that and see Zimmerman in the gas chamber for a crime you just seem to know he is guilty of.

And, FTR, here is your very first post on the matter on March 27, 2012.
TheRealVille Wrote:I knew we could count on a few here to take up for the killer. I've been waiting patiently for this thread.

Unlike the rest of the folks on here you have been completely sure of Zimmerman's guilt from the absolute outset.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You spend an awful lot of time calling people who disagree with you racists and/or homophobes to claim that race is not an issue with you. It seems to me that it is a huge issue for you and for no apparent reason, other than calling people racists and homophobes is just what liberals do when they have nothing else to contribute to a debate. My guess is that your views would moderate some if you actually lived in neighborhoods populated by blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. There are good people of all colors and their are bad ones as well.

The mindset of people who live in high crime areas is different than it is in other areas. Neighborhood watch programs are a good thing because it shows that residents have not surrendered their neighborhoods to thugs. Your demonization of George Zimmerman makes no sense. All the evidence indicates that he was a man trying to do the right thing. Maybe he made a mistake in judgment by getting out of his truck, but there is absolutely no reason to believe that he was stalking Martin or set out to shoot him that night.

You look like an idiot when you call people racists just because they disagree with you - and you do it all the time as if you want to leave no doubt in our minds.
Yet, you aren't willing to call me that to my face. Kind of underscores your point.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yet, you aren't willing to call me that to my face. Kind of underscores your point.
Would telling you that you are an idiot in person make you any smarter? I don't think so.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Would telling you that you are an idiot in person make you any smarter? I don't think so.
No, but it would make you a man.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, but it would make you a man.
I am a man and an honest one at that. These debates always seem to end with you calling everybody a racist and then challenging somebody to say something to your face at your front door. Yes, it does make you look like an idiot. You have me convinced.
TheRealVille Wrote:I like all peoples, race isn't an issue with me.

Of course race is an issue with you. It is always an issue with you liberals. When you have no intelligent response, as in this trial, you always cry "racism". You have no other answer.

"Racism" is a crutch. It is long past time for you people to realize that, just because someone's father was a slave six generations ago doesn't give them a right to a free ticket through life.

You boys and girls claim to want a society where race is not an issue and then you spend all your time whining and crying that everyone else is a "racist".

This may come as a shock to you but, when a black or other minority fails, it isn't always the white man's/woman's fault.

Quit making excuses for decades of non accomplishment, get off your lazy butts, and earn your own way like the rest of us. To be honest, I'm tired of supporting you.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am a man and an honest one at that. These debates always seem to end with you calling everybody a racist and then challenging somebody to say something to your face at your front door. Yes, it does make you look like an idiot. You have me convinced.
A man that hides behind a computer, talking shit, afraid to let his identity known, is not a man.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Of course race is an issue with you. It is always an issue with you liberals. When you have no intelligent response, as in this trial, you always cry "racism". You have no other answer.

"Racism" is a crutch. It is long past time for you people to realize that, just because someone's father was a slave six generations ago doesn't give them a right to a free ticket through life.

You boys and girls claim to want a society where race is not an issue and then you spend all your time whining and crying that everyone else is a "racist".

This may come as a shock to you but, when a black or other minority fails, it isn't always the white man's/woman's fault.

Quit making excuses for decades of non accomplishment, get off your lazy butts, and earn your own way like the rest of us. To be honest, I'm tired of supporting you.
Being in KY, we know there is a pretty good chance that republicans are racist, at least the ones posting here are proving that true.
TheRealVille Wrote:A man that hides behind a computer, talking shit, afraid to let his identity known, is not a man.
I am not the one caling everybody racists and acting like an idiot, RV. That would be you. Are you sober, or do you reach for the bottle when you start losing so many debates? If you are not drinking when you, a white man surrounded by white faces in every direction, start trying to play the race card, then maybe you should start. You cannot do any worse. Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:Being in KY, we know there is a pretty good chance that republicans are racist, at least the ones posting here are proving that true.
That's an unfair statement
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am not the one caling everybody racists and acting like an idiot, RV. That would be you. Are you sober, or do you reach for the bottle when you start losing so many debates? If you are not drinking when you, a white man surrounded by white faces in every direction, start trying to play the race card, then maybe you should start. You cannot do any worse. Confusednicker:
Seems to me that most here are racists, or they are just siding with one of the conservative news sources version. Either way, knowing a lot of citizens in KY are racists, and going by some of the talk here, I am getting proven right. There's one thing for sure, if I disliked blacks, I wouldn't skirt around the issue with sidestepping inuendos, I'd say it flat out. You can take that to the bank.
TheRealVille Wrote:Seems to me that most here are racists, or they are just siding with one of the conservative news sources version. Either way, knowing a lot of citizens in KY are racists, and going by some of the talk here, I am getting proven right. There's one thing for sure, if I disliked blacks, I wouldn't skirt around the issue with sidestepping inuendos, I'd say it flat out. You can take that to the bank.
It takes a despicable human being to falsely accuse people of being racists.
TheRealVille Wrote:Being in KY, we know there is a pretty good chance that republicans are racist, at least the ones posting here are proving that true.

I would assume that you are speaking for yourself. You really should consider moving to Massachusetts or Vermont so you can support your "causes" among others of like mind.
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