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Fiscal Cliff
TheRealVille Wrote:US federal spending is going down, the budget deficit is going down, and tax revenue going up.

TheRealVille Wrote:Because we have people here that keep claiming how much worse it is under Obama, than W Bush.
Obama took a bad economy and made it worse. Compare Obama to Obama. He is like a fireman with a hose connected to a gasoline pump.
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:I'll take the bet! Pick me! Pick me! :1:

Umm, so it's better now, right?
I didn't say they would stay the same, but you can pick your bet from what I said: That republicans will blink before Obama on the raising taxes on everybody above 200-250K, or that Hillary Clintons runs for President?

TheRealVille Wrote:I'd be willing to make a small gentleman's bet that republicans blink first. I bet rates go up on the top 2%(Obama's plan), and stay the same for the rest of us(middle). I'd also be willing to make a small bet that Hillary runs for President. If she does, there's a good chance republicans won't see that "big" chair again for 12 more years.

It's sure no worse.
jetpilot Wrote:When?
All three things are there, plain to see, if you can read numbers.

TheRealVille Wrote:Pick your bet: That republicans will blink before Obama on the raising taxes on everybody above 200-250K, or that Hillary Clintons runs for President?

It's sure no worse.

I agree that Hillary will run and will probably win because America is too far gone. I edited the post shortly after and said I'll bet with you that our rates won't stay the same. I'll bet anything you want to bet.

LOL How do you figure? :please:
TheRealVille Wrote:All three things are there, plain to see, if you can read numbers.

:biglmao: That is hilarious, RV. You actually think that the US debt clock web site shows that Obama's economic policy are making things better. Funny stuff. :Thumbs:
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:I agree that Hillary will run and will probably win because America is too far gone. I edited the post shortly after and said I'll bet with you that our rates won't stay the same. I'll bet anything you want to bet.

LOL How do you figure? :please:
I'll bet either of the two bets, like I stated. But, I see the humor. SmileYou are one of the guys I can like to talk to.

TheRealVille Wrote:I'd be willing to make a small gentleman's bet that republicans blink first. I bet rates go up on the top 2%(Obama's plan), and stay the same for the rest of us(middle). I'd also be willing to make a small bet that Hillary runs for President. If she does, there's a good chance republicans won't see that "big" chair again for 12 more years.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::biglmao: That is hilarious, RV. You actually think that the US debt clock web site shows that Obama's economic policy are making things better. Funny stuff. :Thumbs:
The US debt clock shows the three I stated to be true. Read the thread.

TheRealVille Wrote:US federal spending is going down, the budget deficit is going down, and tax revenue going up.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'll bet either of the two bets, like I stated.

Again, how do you figure we're better off now?

Why quote your post again? I know exactly what you said. Wink
TheRealVille Wrote:All three things are there, plain to see, if you can read numbers.


This is a compliment, really...I know for a fact you are not that dumb.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::biglmao: That is hilarious, RV. You actually think that the US debt clock web site shows that Obama's economic policy are making things better. Funny stuff. :Thumbs:

Reminds me of starry eyed liberals watching the timer on a bomb tick down with gleeful anticipation.
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:Again, how do you figure we're better off now?

Why quote your post again? I know exactly what you said. Wink
I didn't say we were better off, I said others were saying that things were better under W Bush.

Because you switched the bet around and said "pick me".
jetpilot Wrote:This is a compliment, really...I know for a fact you are not that dumb.

jetpilot Wrote:This is a compliment, really...I know for a fact you are not that dumb.
Are the three things I stated true? They are plain to see in the clock. Is spending going down? Is the deficit going down? Is tax revenue going up?
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't say we were better off, I said others were saying that things were better under W Bush.

Because you switched the bet around and said "pick me".

You don't think $1.85 a gallon gas, 6.something unemployment, and a 10 trillion dollar debt is better than what's going on right now? Unbelievable
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't say we were better off, I said others were saying that things were better under W Bush.

Because you switched the bet around and said "pick me".

They were. LOL
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:They were. LOL
TheRealVille Wrote::biglmao:

Let's hear it, how were they worse? Not exactly kicking then, but they sure as heck were better times.
TheRealVille Wrote:The US debt clock shows the three I stated to be true. Read the thread.
I looked at the clock. The national debt is rising. There may be short term fluctuations in a downward direction, but the national debt has exploded under Obama and it is not getting smaller. The national debt was $10.6 trillion 4 years ago and it now stands at $16.2 trillion. Yet you think that this web site shows that Obama is making progress "if you can read the numbers" - like I said, funny stuff.

BTW, the US debt clock projects that by this time in 2016, the national debt will have grown to $22.8 trillion. If that prediction holds true, and there is no reason to believe that it won't, Obama will have more than doubled the national debt in less than two terms in office. It's all there, if you can read the numbers.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are the three things I stated true? They are plain to see in the clock. Is spending going down? Is the deficit going down? Is tax revenue going up?

Going on record as saying I have no response to this. I thought more of you before I realized you're just a troll........
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I looked at the clock. The national debt is rising. There may be short term fluctuations in a downward direction, but the national debt has exploded under Obama and it is not getting smaller. The national debt was $10.6 trillion 4 years ago and it now stands at $16.2 trillion. Yet you think that this web site shows that Obama is making progress "if you can read the numbers" - like I said, funny stuff.

BTW, the US debt clock projects that by this time in 2016, the national debt will have grown to $22.8 trillion. If that prediction holds true, and there is no reason to believe that it won't, Obama will have more than doubled the national debt in less than two terms in office. It's all there, if you can read the numbers.

Please don't use percentages, the Dems will say Nixon doubled the debt....
I want the record to show the dollars...it's easy to double the debt when it is small...I want the record to show that Obama added $10 Trillion to the debt (or more) when government swore there was no inflation.......
jetpilot Wrote:Going on record as saying I have no response to this. I thought more of you before I realized you're just a troll........
(1)TRT lied, and said federal spending wasn't going down, I have shown different.

(2) Have I ever, even remotely, asked anyone here to like me?
TheRealVille Wrote:(1)TRT lied, and said federal spending wasn't going down, I have shown different.

(2) Have I ever, even remotely, asked anyone here to like me?

I still like you, just don't think as much of you.......
And federal spending isn't going down haha
jetpilot Wrote:I still like you, just don't think as much of you.......
And federal spending isn't going down haha
Thank you, I like you too. Look at the clock, it's going down. Top, left, 3rd from the top.
TheRealThing Wrote:You don't think $1.85 a gallon gas, 6.something unemployment, and a 10 trillion dollar debt is better than what's going on right now? Unbelievable
For a couple of months just before he left office, yet you fail to state all the other above 3 and 4 dollar(record highs) a gallon gas. Just by your bolded above, shows that you are a very dishonest man, with no morals, no matter how many bible verses you quote.
So RV if the debt is falling I guess there is no need to raise the debt ceiling.
Edit: Gov't site, no credibility. Also, if the debt is rising why isn't debt/citizen and debt/taxpayer rising? Or moving at all?
TheRealVille Wrote:Because we have people here that keep claiming how much worse it is under Obama, than W Bush.

What about those links? I don't care what any link or any Democrat says, we didn't even get close to this under Bush. No where close. In the summer, yeah, but Christmas?! No.
vundy33 Wrote:What about those links? I don't care what any link or any Democrat says, we didn't even get close to this under Bush. No where close. In the summer, yeah, but Christmas?! No.
If we are going month by month, look who it dropped dramatically under.

[Image: https://motherjones.com/files/images/gas-tax_0.jpg]
Again, you can show all the links or graphs you want man. But prices like this at Christmas and all through the winter is not a Bush thing, it's an Obama thing.
And it's not going to be any better. Just like this past year, they will stay high as hell and be high next Christmas as well.
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