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Fiscal Cliff
The only map that matters to me is the House of Representatives map.
jetpilot Wrote:The only map that matters to me is the House of Representatives map.
We'll revisit that map in 2014, after all the obstruction they try to do for the next 2 years. Wink
^2 to 1 Americans say that if we go over the cliff, republicans are to blame.
^1. A majority of Americans want something done about the debt and deficits. And they know Dems will never do anything about them.

2. All income groups except those making below $50k supported Romney.

Everyone knows taxing the 2% at the top (when did it change from 1% anyway) doesn't touch the debt or deficits. So be it, let everyone pay more taxes. They did under Clinton. I am sick of all the whining. I want all Democrats to pay more taxes. I'll be glad to join them. House Republicans will make sure the revenues really lower debt instead of letting Dems blow it on buying votes.
^ Yes, I would love to go back to the Clinton plan. I remember that tax cut I received under Bush, it amounted to about 30-40 dollars a week. I'd gladly take the trade off to go back to all the good times under Clinton.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Yes, I would love to go back to the Clinton plan. I remember that tax cut I received under Bush, it amounted to about 30-40 dollars a week. I'd gladly take the trade off to go back to all the good times under Clinton.

Brought to you by Reagan and a Republican Congress. Anyway, we agree on the Clinton tax rates. Somehow the Dems don't want that because they lose their Santa Claus status with the 99%. Hence the need to blame it on Republicans.
jetpilot Wrote:Brought to you by Reagan and a Republican Congress. Anyway, we agree on the Clinton tax rates. Somehow the Dems don't want that because they lose their Santa Claus status with the 99%. Hence the need to blame it on Republicans.
If the good times under Clinton are the result of Reagan, why do you not blame the bad times under Obama on Bush?
TheRealVille Wrote:If the good times under Clinton are the result of Reagan, why do you not blame the bad times under Obama on Bush?

Because the economy came out of recession 6 months after Obama took office and he has proceeded to be an unmitigated disaster in every way.
Can't point to one policy of Obama's that has worked. $6 TRILLION more in debt and the country is going downhill fast. And I'm not a Bush cheerleader either.
^^Still raising taxes! Now show us a video where he talks about how he plans to cut spending.
jetpilot Wrote:^^Still raising taxes! Now show us a video where he talks about how he plans to cut spending.

He will never stop. We are in for some tough times.
jetpilot Wrote:^^Still raising taxes! Now show us a video where he talks about how he plans to cut spending.
His plan has 400 billion in entitlement cuts, or there are plenty of spending cuts after Jan. 1.
TheRealVille Wrote:His plan has 400 billion in spending cuts, or there are plenty of spending cuts after Jan. 1.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:^2 to 1 Americans say that if we go over the cliff, republicans are to blame.

According to liberal sources!

:biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao:
As the country prepares for the continued downhill march to socialism under the leadership of the most anti-American president in history, I would advise all who are concerned to take care of their loved ones and themselves. Take whatever steps and buy whatever goods you feel are necessry to protect your own. Screw the rest of them who voted for the decline. You owe them nothing. As much as possible, give them nothing.
WideRight05 Wrote::lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
WideRight05 Wrote:According to liberal sources!

:biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao: :biglmao:
Take your pick.
US federal spending is going down, the budget deficit is going down, and tax revenue going up.
TheRealVille Wrote:http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/12/...an-it-get/

LOL, do you think I care that this is from Fox news? I don't watch Fox News, for the 1,000th time. As with many of your ilk, you're used to stereotyping conservatives as racist, rich "fat cats" that don't care about the poor and don't watch anything but Fox News. I use real sources, TRV - I watch it happen live.

As to your other post - what is your point? See BS, MessNBC, all the liberal sources on google blame republicans. Then again, maybe See BS and MessNBC are right. We live in a time and age where people like you live with no accountability, so the "cool" thing to do is blame the people who are not in charge.

It doesn't matter what the republicans do, the fact is that Obama is on top, and it's his job as the president of the United States to work with everybody and bring people together instead using tactics such as class warfare or race to divide us. He's done a real good job united everybody hasn't he? Congress is heavily divided, you have the biggest racial tensions since the 1960's, and the country divided over politics at the highest level since the civil war.

All I will say is TRV - I know you can't think for yourself a bit - but tune into C-SPAN. Watch it happen live. Only then, will you see the fool that you and 61 million other idiots elected into office. I've seen the second Bush, Clinton, and even old clips of the first Bush at times, and none of the three were nearly as difficult to work with as Obama. As evidenced by many of your posts, you have no clue what is going on. I know you wouldn't put in the time, or the effort, to watch what is happening live.
WideRight05 Wrote:LOL, do you think I care that this is from Fox news? I don't watch Fox News, for the 1,000th time. As with many of your ilk, you're used to stereotyping conservatives as racist, rich "fat cats" that don't care about the poor and don't watch anything but Fox News. I use real sources, TRV - I watch it happen live.

As to your other post - what is your point? See BS, MessNBC, all the liberal sources on google blame republicans. Then again, maybe See BS and MessNBC are right. We live in a time and age where people like you live with no accountability, so the "cool" thing to do is blame the people who are not in charge.

It doesn't matter what the republicans do, the fact is that Obama is on top, and it's his job as the president of the United States to work with everybody and bring people together instead using tactics such as class warfare or race to divide us. He's done a real good job united everybody hasn't he? Congress is heavily divided, you have the biggest racial tensions since the 1960's, and the country divided over politics at the highest level since the civil war.

All I will say is TRV - I know you can't think for yourself a bit - but tune into C-SPAN. Watch it happen live. Only then, will you see the fool that you and 61 million other idiots elected into office. I've seen the second Bush, Clinton, and even old clips of the first Bush at times, and none of the three were nearly as difficult to work with as Obama. As evidenced by many of your posts, you have no clue what is going on. I know you wouldn't put in the time, or the effort, to watch what is happening live.
His plan has 400 billion in entitlement cuts, and that's fact. You are entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts.
TheRealVille Wrote:US federal spending is going down, the budget deficit is going down, and tax revenue going up.

So far Obama has borrowed more money, than every president from Washington to Geo W through his first six months put together. Shortly thereafter in W's first term, 9/11 with it's 3 trillion dollar price tag occurred. Federal spending is not going down and no cuts have been made, your spending cut assertions, which are not really your assertions, are nothing more than cooked data from the bowels of liberal Keynesian Kook think tanks. The thing about all this that I find the most hillarious, other than your self professed genius, is the fact that among the posters on this site you apparently stand to lose the most when the financial house of cards actually falls.

If I listen to you, the fact that we still have total less jobs than we did the day Obama took office means progress, and 14.5% unemployment is A-OK. In another Keynesian debt inspired milestone, the US public debt to GDP ratio is now over 103 percent. Further, taxpayers being forced to pay for 30 million people to have free health care is a good thing. And the fact that my own insurance has gone up over two hundred dollars a month since 2009 is a tremendous help to my household financial bottom line. In fact, across the board hikes in daily needs, food items, clothing, insurance of all kinds, education, you name it, all cost more. Likewise, skyrocketing energy costs are good for America, in the form of things like electricity, and all the other utilities, gasoline went from a buck eighty to the current level of $3.50-ish. And the fact that many, if not all, pension funds are presently in crisis status bouys the spirits of union membership across this nation boy. Everything is just ducky. Obama's war on coal, which, is really his war on fossil fuels, has so far seen the closure of over 100 coal fired generating stations, and dramatic cut backs to coal mining, levels production and the job losses that go hand in hand with this administration's mindless throat cutting fiscal/energy policies.

Ah yes, it's financial springtime in America, if you live in the la-la land section.
TheRealThing Wrote:So far Obama has borrowed more money, than every president from Washington to Geo W through his first six months put together. Shortly thereafter in W's first term, 9/11 with it's 3 trillion dollar price tag occurred. Federal spending is not going down and no cuts have been made, your spending cut assertions, which are not really your assertions, are nothing more than cooked data from the bowels of liberal Keynesian Kook think tanks. The thing about all this that I find the most hillarious, other than your self professed genius, is the fact that among the posters on this site you apparently stand to lose the most when the financial house of cards actually falls.

If I listen to you, the fact that we still have total less jobs than we did the day Obama took office means progress, and 14.5% unemployment is A-OK. In another Keynesian debt inspired milestone, the US public debt to GDP ratio is now over 103 percent. Further, taxpayers being forced to pay for 30 million people to have free health care is a good thing. And the fact that my own insurance has gone up over two hundred dollars a month since 2009 is a tremendous help to my household financial bottom line. In fact, across the board hikes in daily needs, food items, clothing, insurance of all kinds, education, you name it, all cost more. Likewise, skyrocketing energy costs are good for America, in the form of things like electricity, and all the other utilities, gasoline went from a buck eighty to the current level of $3.50-ish. And the fact that many, if not all, pension funds are presently in crisis status bouys the spirits of union membership across this nation boy. Everything is just ducky. Obama's war on coal, which, is really his war on fossil fuels, has so far seen the closure of over 100 coal fired generating stations, and dramatic cut backs to coal mining, levels production and the job losses that go hand in hand with this administration's mindless throat cutting fiscal/energy policies.

Ah yes, it's financial springtime in America, if you live in the la-la land section.

I'd be willing to make a small gentleman's bet that republicans blink first. I bet rates go up on the top 2%(Obama's plan), and stay the same for the rest of us(middle). I'd also be willing to make a small bet that Hillary runs for President. If she does, there's a good chance republicans won't see that "big" chair again for 12 more years.
I know one thing for sure. We're paying $3.50 a gallon+ for gas at CHRISTMAS, which sure as hell isn't Republicans fault. Even under the worst times for Bush, we didn't even come close to this. This is just pathetic.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'd be willing to make a small gentleman's bet that republicans blink first. I bet rates go up on the top 2%(Obama's plan), and stay the same for the rest of us(middle). I'd also be willing to make a small bet that Hillary runs for President. If she does, there's a good chance republicans won't see that "big" chair again for 12 more years.

You may be right about Obama's plan, and I'm not willing to bet on anything. Just one question though.

If the rates on the top 2% (which includes many of the producers in this country) are raised, how much of that will be passed on to "us(middle)"? My guess is that it will be "us(middle)" paying the bulk of it when all is said and done.
vundy33 Wrote:I know one thing for sure. We're paying $3.50 a gallon+ for gas at CHRISTMAS, which sure as hell isn't Republicans fault. Even under the worst times for Bush, we didn't even come close to this. This is just pathetic.

[Image: http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/me...asprez.jpg]


What's the point in constantly comparing Bush & Obama? I don't get it.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:What's the point in constantly comparing Bush & Obama? I don't get it.
Because we have people here that keep claiming how much worse it is under Obama, than W Bush.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'd be willing to make a small gentleman's bet that republicans blink first. I bet rates go up on the top 2%(Obama's plan), and stay the same for the rest of us(middle). I'd also be willing to make a small bet that Hillary runs for President. If she does, there's a good chance republicans won't see that "big" chair again for 12 more years.

I hope there is a depression and all the people who won't work and are milking the system either go to work or starve. You are betting like the Dems that someone else will pay for everything. I hope I live long enough to see the look on people's faces when they find out someone else isn't going to pay for their shit. Of course they will start rioting like in Europe but so be it.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'd be willing to make a small gentleman's bet that republicans blink first. I bet rates go up on the top 2%(Obama's plan), and stay the same for the rest of us(middle). I'd also be willing to make a small bet that Hillary runs for President. If she does, there's a good chance republicans won't see that "big" chair again for 12 more years.

I'll take the bet that our rates stay the same! Pick me! Pick me! :1:

TheRealVille Wrote:Because we have people here that keep claiming how much worse it is under Obama, than W Bush.

Umm, so it's better now, right?
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