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Kentucky Coaching Rumors
FBALL Wrote:What does any of that have to do with me hating tha fat Elmer Fudd looking crybaby. I know if I hate the guy or not.

Hate him all you want my point was that your stats were WRONG. He won almost 75% of his games in the SEC. :welcome:
From this point on every time Gut and Fball start the PETERSON and PETRINO back and forth stuff I'm going to say BIG EAST.....because that is the only way Kensucky will ever compete in football!Confusednicker:

BIG EAST!!!Confusednicker:
highspeedsteel Wrote:Hate him all you want my point was that your stats were WRONG. He won almost 75% of his games in the SEC. :welcome:

I didn't give any stats on Elmer Fatass. Just said I hated him. 17-15 is Petrino's SEC record. You should note the use of periods in my original post. :moon:
FBALL Wrote:I didn't give any stats on Elmer Fatass. Just said I hated him. 17-15 is Petrino's SEC record. You should note the use of periods in my original post. :moon:

What is Jokers, Sonny Dykes, Stoops, the SJSU coach, and Browns record against SEC teams?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:What is Jokers, Sonny Dykes, Stoops, the SJSU coach, and Browns record against SEC teams?

What does any of that have to do with hating Fulmer?

But probably not much worse than the mediocre record of Petrino.
FBALL Wrote:What does any of that have to do with hating Fulmer?

But probably not much worse than the mediocre record of Petrino.

It has nothing to do with Fulmer. IDK why you all are even bringing that up.
You brought up Petrinos SEC record. I say name one of the other coaches mentioned that has a better one. You cant.
Reading comprehension has gone to shit on this board. No more covering multiple topics in a single post.
With all the job openings Kentucky better pull the trigger quick if they want a good coach
Here's some Dykes coverage:

I'd rather see Chuckie Gruden, check this out:

I guess i can handle Macintyre or Dykes as HC, but who do they bring in as OC?? Will they bring what they have now, or will they go out and hire a well known coordinator??
I'd say that if it's MacIntyre then he would bring his whole staff with him.
I would be shocked if Cowher ever considered getting back into coaching...he has it awfully good right now, found a tribute to him, his players would move mountains for him:

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Petrino!

You haven't heard the news yet have you?

It's on ESPN that NONE of the SEC schools are gonna hire Petrino because their presidents and chancellors will not let it happen.
Strikeout King Wrote:You haven't heard the news yet have you?

It's on ESPN that NONE of the SEC schools are gonna hire Petrino because their presidents and chancellors will not let it happen.

What, the news on the front of shitty KSR?

I dont believe in that like you do. There wrong on most things.
You really need to get off that site.
You just stated whats on KSR word for word.
Be original.
Nope. It's on ESPN. Hangon and I'll get the info and link for you
Strikeout King Wrote:I'd say that if it's MacIntyre then he would bring his whole staff with him.

Didn't you say on the other coach thread you were concerned about MacIntyre because he wouldn't have his staff?
Here you go

Quote:SEC blogger Chris Low over at ESPN.com doesn’t see Bobby Petrino finding a job in the Southeastern Conference next season. Low is reporting that Petrino isn’t a candidate at any of the four SEC schools with coaching vacancies because the school presidents and chancellors simply aren’t going to let it happen.
Spirit100 Wrote:Didn't you say on the other coach thread you were concerned about MacIntyre because he wouldn't have his staff?

I said that I would be concerned that MacIntyre's assistants can't recruit in the states at UK that you need to in order to win/compete in the SEC
^thanks for the clarification...if this is the guy...he needs an OC or DC with SEC experience!
This may have already been discussed but, I wonder if Mitch has Jim Tressel on his call list? Thoughts please.
^ Wouldn't matter Jim Tressell told a dispatch up in Ohio that he wasn't interested that he loved is job at Akron
SKINNYPIG Wrote:This may have already been discussed but, I wonder if Mitch has Jim Tressel on his call list? Thoughts please.

The vest would be better than the current candidate list. Surrounded himself with a good coaching staff, proven leader, the only thing missing was top tier SEC speed in his recruits and someone to tail three thugs on his team who had a flare for tatts! :biggrin:
Alot of reports saying Stoops will become the next head coach at UK!!!! Woo!
^ Pancho Thomas (UK linebacker) just tweeted the name "Stoops"

Where you see these reports?
Mitch Barnhart met with the football team today but didn't say anything about a hire according to one of the parents.

Also they are a lot of blogs in Florida saying that Kentucky has hired Stoops but nothing was confirmed. Also haven't been able to find anything on the web about it. Could Pancho just be getting everyone's hopes up?
This is for you Skinnypig:

lets insert UT in place of Michigan...don't forget folks it only takes three to take down a HC...and the team Urban won 12 and became the sixth OSU team to go undefeated with were all sweater vest recruits.

The Vest, regardless of the Mason Dixon civil war hangups you blowhards have, would do very well for UK! Lets not forget the level of motivation he would have to beat the likes of Florida and Urban Meyer if they ever met in a bowl.

Urban vs. the Vest, flip flop conferences...now that would be fun!!!

Per Kyle Tucker of CJ

Quote:Kyle Tucker ‏@KyleTucker_CJ Per a source inside UK athletics, Butch Jones, Sonny Dykes and Mark Stoops have all said "no thanks" to Kentucky.
Its over for UK too many jobs open. Looks like Barnhart is gonna be coachin em next year.
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