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Biden-Ryan Debate!
It's about bidens bed time
Well Biden started out strong and faded; Ryan allowed him to control the tempo way too much, but Ryan ended strong.
I thought Biden's attitude was disrespectful and inappropriate for most of the time.
Very close.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:It's about bidens bed time

LOL...I can relate!!
Charles Krauthammer said it best..."if you read the transcript, it was a dead heat. If you listened on the radio, Biden edged Ryan. If you watched it on television, Ryan won."

I agree with Charles.
Biden clearly won this debate.

CNN's post-debate poll among registered voters- Who Won?:

Ryan 48%
Biden 44%


Not as clear as you would like to believe obviously!

This debate was a draw with substance, IMO. Biden won the energy, but his reactions will probably carry over and be detrimental going forward.
Biden, as usual, was an arrogant jerk. The only presidential or VP debate that I remember where one candidate was as disrespectful was Al Gore in one of his debates with Bush. Gore walked across the floor and got in Bush's face while Bush was talking. The laughing, smirking, and non-stop head shaking did not look presidential.

Even still, Biden's performance was a big improvement over the job that Obama did last week. It is amazing that Obama believed that he won that debate until somebody told him the truth.
All from CNN:

Biden did better than expected to 55%

Ryan did better than expected to 51%
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Biden clearly won this debate.
That he did.
TheRealVille Wrote:That he did.
And Republicans are the ones in denial?

At the most, Biden wins with a slight edge. In no way was there a "clear" winner in either direction. I wouldn't mind saying Biden won slightly, but I still think his behavior probably lessened it to a draw. But, even CNN is calling it a draw and their poll calls Ryan the winner.

So, basically my point is that if you want to say Biden won slightly, sure I can live with that. But clearly? That is delusional.

No disrespect meant.
I chose to watch PBS...while i still can!
I believe that Joe Biden's performance was one of the worst I've saw, and I've watched 50 plus debates. His persona, rudeness, childishness, smirk, sighs, head shaking, etc... It diminishes someones view of what a VP supposed to be, and even more so what a grown man is supposed to be. He continually messed up with his statements, studdering and forgetting words or using the wrong ones. He kept on bringing up the 47%, which includes combat soldiers.... and how much he cared about them, then turned around and said he voted against funding them and giving them the tools they needed because it wasn't paid for. Ryan presented himself as a very professional, polite, and well versed gentleman. I liked how he kept from getting to specific, and followed the same path that Reagan did to victory. Broad principles, guiding principles. There's a huge benefit in that approach.... The president will never get exactly what he wants. Thus if he lays out broad terms with guiding principles, the details can be worked out around it by congress... What really upset me though, was to see Ryan let Biden own the Detroit debate. Biden said over and over that Romney wanted Detroit to go bankrupt. Thats a true statement. What Ryan didn't say, however, was that GM DID GO BANKRUPT, even AFTER TARP funding and a second bailout! Romney would have saved the tax payer 50 plus billion if they'd followed his plan which was to let them go bankrupt and then offer minimal support to help them restructure. (Romney floated the idea of giving them a few years of tax relief, and mediation with the union to negotiate a workable and profitable plan. Remember Romney is an expert at Business.).
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Biden clearly won this debate.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but according to polls, most people in this country disagree with you.
Biden showed why he is an arrogant jackass in this one.

IMO, there wasnt a winner.

But expect Romney to rip Obama again next week.
I cannot find it but right after the debate CNN said that among undecided voters Biden won 55-48 or something like that. Also though BOTH candidates grew favorably with undecided voters. Both went above 50% in the "I believe this person would make a good President"

That was pretty much my synopsis as well. If Biden hadn't been arrogant and showing terrible non-verbal skills, he would have dominated this debate. However, since he did act petulant and childish, I would say that it was much closer.

Ryan came in wanting to introduce himself to the American public and hold his own. Not even his own campaign stated that he should or would win. I believe he also had to come across as knowledgeable but not over-anyone's-head, he did that well.

Joe Biden came in wanting to be very aggressive and wanting to hit some points that Obama failed to hit. (47%, you are lying, etc...) Also, they wanted to let Biden's natural attitude and personality come out, it certainly did.

Basically, I do not believe either campaign got any additional edge tonight. I would honestly call this a draw because each side accomplished what they wanted to do and neither side gained any ground on the other.
After I've had some time to digest it, LWC, I think you are correct.

It bothered me all through the debate that Ryan didn't counter that arrogance from Biden. It ended up being distracting to me. And that's probably one of the effects that Biden was going for.
I went to bed last night praying hard! I prayed for the health of President Barack Obama! I pray that God keeps this man healthy for the remainder of the year, because one missed heartbeat puts a complete buffoon in the Oval office and if only for a month, this idiot could completely destroy our country!

Ryan came away last night as professional and credible! He did not have to stoop to the lows of Biden. And to not say that Ryan stood up to the Vice President is erroneous.
Stardust Wrote:I went to bed last night praying hard! I prayed for the health of President Barack Obama! I pray that God keeps this man healthy for the remainder of the year, because one missed heartbeat puts a complete buffoon in the Oval office and if only for a month, this idiot could completely destroy our country!

Ryan came away last night as professional and credible! He did not have to stoop to the lows of Biden. And to not say that Ryan stood up to the Vice President is erroneous.
When Biden was laughing, it was when Ryan was flat out telling stuff that wasn't true. Sometimes he had to be forceful to get in words to let the public know that Ryan was lying.
LWC Wrote:I cannot find it but right after the debate CNN said that among undecided voters Biden won 55-48 or something like that. Also though BOTH candidates grew favorably with undecided voters. Both went above 50% in the "I believe this person would make a good President"

That was pretty much my synopsis as well. If Biden hadn't been arrogant and showing terrible non-verbal skills, he would have dominated this debate. However, since he did act petulant and childish, I would say that it was much closer.

Ryan came in wanting to introduce himself to the American public and hold his own. Not even his own campaign stated that he should or would win. I believe he also had to come across as knowledgeable but not over-anyone's-head, he did that well.

Joe Biden came in wanting to be very aggressive and wanting to hit some points that Obama failed to hit. (47%, you are lying, etc...) Also, they wanted to let Biden's natural attitude and personality come out, it certainly did.

Basically, I do not believe either campaign got any additional edge tonight. I would honestly call this a draw because each side accomplished what they wanted to do and neither side gained any ground on the other.

I'm going to take exception to that based on those of the undecided's. The tactics of Biden wore on them. The bully on the school yard is something that many came away with a bad taste in their mouths. Yes, for those who went into the debate siding with a party, nothing changed their opinions. But last night swayed more undecideds away from one party! In that sense, the Republicans gained more ground.
Biden did exactly what Romney did during the other debate. But, Biden was wrong in doing it? :biggrin:
Granny Bear Wrote:After I've had some time to digest it, LWC, I think you are correct.

It bothered me all through the debate that Ryan didn't counter that arrogance from Biden. It ended up being distracting to me. And that's probably one of the effects that Biden was going for.

I believe the plan was to distract viewers, and he did a very good job of it. With their record, they better distract. If distracting voters was indeed the plan (sad position to be in), Biden won hands down.
Everyone does realize that the CNN poll of "debate watchers" was taken at Danville, KY., right? A lot of those debate watchers were from a overwhelmingly "red" state.
NBC Poll Results:


CNBC Poll Results:

TheRealVille Wrote:Biden did exactly what Romney did during the other debate. But, Biden was wrong in doing it? :biggrin:

Hunh!!! Have your medicines not kicked in yet??? That is as an erroneous statement as anything that came out of Biden's mouth last night!
Watching liberal Geraldo chide Biden, and talk very complimentary of Ryan. Was not expecting that.
Stardust Wrote:Hunh!!! Have your medicines not kicked in yet??? That is as an erroneous statement as anything that came out of Biden's mouth last night!
Romney didn't cut Obama off at times, and wouldn't shut up? How many times did Romney go way over his time, and then cut Obama off during his time? I only take blood pressure, and cholesterol medicine, so they shouldn't matter.
Bob Seger Wrote:NBC Poll Results:


CNBC Poll Results:

Are these "debate watcher" polls? I would love to see a link, Bob, just so I could look and find out who was polled.
TheRealVille Wrote:Romney didn't cut Obama off at times, and wouldn't shut up? How many times did Romney go way over his time, and then cut Obama off during his time? I only take blood pressure, and cholesterol medicine, so they shouldn't matter.

According to CNN, Obama spoke for 3 minutes longer than Romney. It didn't appear that way because Obama never SAID anything of substance, but they had a running clock on the screen and monitored that speaking time. (THIS is CNN....not Faux!)

I have to admit that Biden speaks much better than Obama with no teleprompter. He is; however, an arrogant prick. Biden distracted me time after time last night, and I found myself wishing that Ryan would shut him up instead of listening to the issues. My fault!

I take blood pressure & cholesterol meds, too...maybe I need to start taking something to help me focus.
Granny Bear Wrote:According to CNN, Obama spoke for 3 minutes longer than Romney. It didn't appear that way because Obama never SAID anything of substance, but they had a running clock on the screen and monitored that speaking time. (THIS is CNN....not Faux!)

I have to admit that Biden speaks much better than Obama with no teleprompter. He is; however, an arrogant prick. Biden distracted me time after time last night, and I found myself wishing that Ryan would shut him up instead of listening to the issues. My fault!

I take blood pressure & cholesterol meds, too...maybe I need to start taking something to help me focus.
Do any of you all ever post links to the stuff you are saying? I watched the same debate as you. How often did Romney cut Obama off when he was talking?
Ryan was caught misleading the public many times last night and Biden was just calling him out on it. Mainly the Mathematics.
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