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obama's war on Coal
coal is a buisness not a charity, blame obama, blame the e.p.a, blame sadam huisieen idc who you blame if youve wasted your whole life on just knowing how to mine coal, your screwed!
wow, now theres another one.
TheRealThing Wrote:That the best you can do? If you think you can refute my post, let's see what you've got.


I think that it is an interesting opinion. That was all. I mean saying that Romney is the best president that was ever a govenor. I can not help but to think that would be considered sacrilidge among republicans...(ronald reagan).
tvtimeout Wrote::argue:

I think that it is an interesting opinion. That was all. I mean saying that Romney is the best president that was ever a govenor. I can not help but to think that would be considered sacrilidge among republicans...(ronald reagan).

Reagan is the gold standard in that respect. I was saying that when one considers the fact that Romney faced a 3 billion dollar defict in Mass and came out with over 200+ million dollar surplus and a huge rainy day fund, you have to take your hat off to him. Reagan did a good job in California just not as good. Where Reagan excelled was the white house. So, comparing candidate Reagan and candidate Romney, I think Romney's record is more impressive. I will be first to admit Romney would have very big shoes to fill following up Reagan. :biggrin:
obama does not have a war on coal it is coal that is the problem and we need to protect our environment too many people are causing problems on the environment and coal is one of them if we don't have a good environment we won't be able to breathe properly. coal is a danger and we will have alternative sources anyways by 2020.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:obama does not have a war on coal it is coal that is the problem and we need to protect our environment too many people are causing problems on the environment and coal is one of them if we don't have a good environment we won't be able to breathe properly. coal is a danger and we will have alternative sources anyways by 2020.

then let's ban ALL coal subsidized products....
let me know the next time YOU flip your light switch
Bear Nut Wrote:then let's ban ALL coal subsidized products....
let me know the next time YOU flip your light switch

I get my power from the TVA...just saying
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
wow, now theres another one.

another one what?
4_real Wrote:another one what?
Another liberal clone deliberately butchering the English language.
tvtimeout Wrote:I get my power from the TVA...just saying

coal only powers 45% of the usa's power lmao..thats alot but the question you asked would only be relevant to less than half the ppl in the usa
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Another liberal clone deliberately butchering the English language.

i dont get into to the whole liberal vs conservitive argument..im an american and i want whats best for america..
4_real Wrote:i dont get into to the whole liberal vs conservitive argument..im an american and i want whats best for america..

You're voting for Romney then?
TheRealThing Wrote:You're voting for Romney then?

probably gonna vote for someone who hasnt crooked his way to the top 1%..

WideMiddle03 Wrote:obama does not have a war on coal it is coal that is the problem and we need to protect our environment too many people are causing problems on the environment and coal is one of them if we don't have a good environment we won't be able to breathe properly. coal is a danger and we will have alternative sources anyways by 2020.

No war on coal? Everyone has heard of Barry’s threat to bankrupt anyone who wants to build a coal fired power plant. Then there’s another issue where Barry has instructed the EPA not issue surface mining permits in Appalachia, and only in Appalachia. Only one or two large surface permits have been approved since Obama took office in 2009 and one of those is a union mine while more than one hundred permits are in limbo with little hope of being issued. NPDES permits are being given unobtainable limits, many of these discharge limits are more stringent than your local water system has to follow, but these limits only apply to the Appalachia region. Yet, you say there is no war on coal. According to the Sierra Club 120 coal fired plants have been closed so far with many more to come, yet you say there is no war on coal.
TheRealThing Wrote:You're voting for Romney then?

So, you think what's best for America is to vote for a guy that has less than a zero chance of getting elected? You might as well vote for a potted plant.
4_real Wrote:probably gonna vote for someone who hasnt crooked his way to the top 1%..



Why even vote then? He IS NOT a candidate...get it through your head man.
YET!!! srsly tho wouldnt it be nice to have a president who actually seemed like they cared an ounce and wouldnt a career politician?
4_real Wrote:YET!!! sorely tho wouldst it be nice to have a president who actually seemed like they cared an ounce and wouldst a career politician?
Ron Paul isn't a career politician? been in Congress for 20+ years. Working a job for over 20 years sure seems like a career to me
hes 70 some years old...and an obgyn..starting in congress after age 50 isnt close to being a career politician lol
4_real Wrote:hes 70 some years old...and an ob Gwyn..starting in congress after age 50 isn't close to being a career politician Lola
20+ years in an occupation seems like a career to me
the 30 plus years he was a obgyn?
4_real Wrote:the 30 plus years he was a bogon?
nice career also. So someone can't have multiple careers?
Ron Paul was first elected to office on April 3, 1976. That was 36 years ago.
Why sure they can!
4_real Wrote:Why sure they can!
So he is a career politician?
Wide middle03 is just one of Wide rights friends here to act stupid.
^ kind of random
^He might be acting stupid but I doubt WideRight has the first clue who 03 is.
^ that may very we be true. But he is clearly a Republican purposely stating such things.
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