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Oil pipeline from Canada to Texas
TheRealVille Wrote:I'd say the majority of people worry about the environment. Not like the "hillbilly right", that just want to rape the Earth for the now, and let the future take care of itself.
I don't think the votes from the far left environmentalists is as important to Obama as the donations he gets from them are. If Obama was as concerned about the impact that this pipeline might have on the environment as he acts like he is, he would start removing the thousands and thousands of miles of it that already exists. IMO it's nothing more than pandering to those that donate.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I don't think the votes from the far left environmentalists is as important to Obama as the donations he gets from them are. If Obama was as concerned about the impact that this pipeline might have on the environment as he acts like he is, he would start removing the thousands and thousands of miles of it that already exists. IMO it's nothing more than pandering to those that donate.
So, you don't think you should go with what the majority wants? The majority of people worry about the environment for the future, just not in Appalachia.
TheRealVille Wrote:So, you don't think you should go with what the majority wants? The majority of people worry about the environment for the future, just not in Appalachia.
Just because I don't go with what the majority wants does not mean I'm wrong. Does Obama ALWAYS go with the "majority"? I simply stated that I think he is more concerned with the donations than he is with the environment when it comes to the pipeline. It's just my opinion. You have every right to disagree. Who knows or cares who is right? I don't.
Unless he can get this done I won't be voting for him.
I will find some indy to vote for or not place a vote for the president this time around.
TheRealVille Wrote:So, you don't think you should go with what the majority wants? The majority of people worry about the environment for the future, just not in Appalachia.
The majority of Americans want the pipeline to be built. The majority of Americans still want a job. A majority of Americans disapprove of President Obama's job performance.

If Obama's concern about the proposed pipeline was merely the route chosen, his administration could ha taken the lead on this issue months ago and already conducted and environmental impact study on alternative routes. Of course, an alternate route would not have helped Warren Buffet's railroad company and it would not have satisfied the environmental wackos to whom he panders and upon whose campaign donations he depends.

What we have here is more crony capitalism and another instance of failed ladership by President Obama.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The majority of Americans want the pipeline to be built. The majority of Americans still want a job. A majority of Americans disapprove of President Obama's job performance.

If Obama's concern about the proposed pipeline was merely the route chosen, his administration could ha taken the lead on this issue months ago and already conducted and environmental impact study on alternative routes. Of course, an alternate route would not have helped Warren Buffet's railroad company and it would not have satisfied the environmental wackos to whom he panders and upon whose campaign donations he depends.

What we have here is more crony capitalism and another instance of failed ladership by President Obama.
Well, we are giving all these billionaire "job creators" all these tax breaks, and almost next to nothing taxes as compared to the rest of us percentage wise, why aren't they creating jobs?
TheRealVille Wrote:Well, we are giving all these billionaire "job creators" all these tax breaks, and almost next to nothing taxes as compared to the rest of us percentage wise, why aren't they creating jobs?
You have to be kidding, RV. The business climate in this country has never been worse since the Great Depression. Obama is throwing billions at "green" start-up companies that are either failing or moving their operations to China. But, hey, the recipients of all that cash can always find room in their budgets to throw some money into the Obama perpetual campaign fund.

"Gloom, despair, excessive misery..." - I wonder if the Hee Haw writers lived to see their vision become reality.

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