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Newt Gingrich is .....
"losing his swagger." From AC360 tonite.
WTF? Is he from The 'U or what?

Newt so hip.
Swagger must be the word for 2011. I heard this word just about everyday on TV. I was just telling my wife a couple of days ago that I am just about sick of hearing this word.
He's got ome Mick Jagger Swagger
I'm not sure that Newt ever had swagger
Ring'Em Up Wrote:"losing his swagger." From AC360 tonite.
WTF? Is he from The 'U or what?
Anderson Cooper knows all about that swagger thing................"Not that there's anything wrong with that"
The fact Newt ever had any swagger is baffling and depressing. The scumbag is the true definition of Capitol Hill insider. Him and people like him are why we are in the trouble we are now.
Beetle01 Wrote:The fact Newt ever had any swagger is baffling and depressing. The scumbag is the true definition of Capitol Hill insider. Him and people like him are why we are in the trouble we are now.
The reason that we are in trouble now is the giant sucking sound in Washington that is draining wealth from the private sector as the federal government continues to add to its tab with China and other creditors. Newt Gingrich was the last Speaker of the House to pass a balanced budget that was signed by a US President.

Newt may be a scumbag (or maybe he is a former scumbag) but he is not one of the scumbags directly responsible for our current troubles.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:He's got ome Mick Jagger Swagger

Hoot Gibson Wrote:The reason that we are in trouble now is the giant sucking sound in Washington that is draining wealth from the private sector as the federal government continues to add to its tab with China and other creditors. Newt Gingrich was the last Speaker of the House to pass a balanced budget that was signed by a US President.

Newt may be a scumbag (or maybe he is a former scumbag) but he is not one of the scumbags directly responsible for our current troubles.
Is that another way of saying President Clinton was the last President to balance the budget?
TheRealVille Wrote:Is that another way of saying President Clinton was the last President to balance the budget?
Any honest person who understands history would hav no trouble giving Newt Gingrich and the Republicans a fair share of the credit for balancing the budget during Clinton's term. Spending bills originate in the House of Representatives and Republicans negotiated with Clinton to balance the budget, with Gingrich and the Republicans insisting on a "sooner rather than later" timetable, while Clinton proposed a 10 year timetable early in those negotiations.

Even Bill Clinton gives Gingrich more credit for his role in balancing the budget than you do. The Balanced Budget Act was part of the Contract with America, which liberals derisively called the "Contract on America." Clinton admits that he and Gingrich had a pretty good working relationship. Why can't you?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Any honest person who understands history would hav no trouble giving Newt Gingrich and the Republicans a fair share of the credit for balancing the budget during Clinton's term. Spending bills originate in the House of Representatives and Republicans negotiated with Clinton to balance the budget, with Gingrich and the Republicans insisting on a "sooner rather than later" timetable, while Clinton proposed a 10 year timetable early in those negotiations.

Even Bill Clinton gives Gingrich more credit for his role in balancing the budget than you do. The Balanced Budget Act was part of the Contract with America, which liberals derisively called the "Contract on America." Clinton admits that he and Gingrich had a pretty good working relationship. Why can't you?
As I do. You read too much into stuff. I just asked if it was another way of saying Clinton was the last President to balance the budget. Giving Clinton a little credit, that you didn't.
TheRealVille Wrote:As I do. You read too much into stuff. I just asked if it was another way of saying Clinton was the last President to balance the budget. Giving Clinton a little credit, that you didn't.
I have repeatedly given Clinton credit for being a pragmatic politician who had some major accomplishments because he worked with Republicans in Congress - but this thread is about Gingrich. I assume that people reading a political thread knows who was president when Gingrich was Speaker.

Obama should have taken a page out of Clinton's playbook and reached across the aisle to do something good for this country. He could also have used some lessons from Clinton about at least appearing to have a good work ethic. Clinton had many flaws but he never struck me as a lazy, incompetent executive. That is the image that Obama has created for himself.

Maybe Obama's fourth Chief of Staff in three years will be able to polish his image.

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