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Anyone know why Johnson Central players were suspended
There's always Topix...for what that's worth.
they was probably doing the
If Johnson Central were an NCAA school, they will getting slapped with the "lack institutional control" charge, after the turmoil they have had over past couple of seasons, now these new allegations. A program in crisis, they need intervention, maybe Dr. Phil can come to Paintsville and do a show.
kai Wrote:If Johnson Central were an NCAA school, they will getting slapped with the "lack institutional control" charge, after the turmoil they have had over past couple of seasons, now these new allegations. A program in crisis, they need intervention, maybe Dr. Phil can come to Paintsville and do a show.

I wouldnt go that far.
Was assistant coach Jerry sandusky involved?
I heard that it was a hazing thing that went bad....

and you would be surprised how often the same thing has happened around here.
It happened at a local school when I was a frosh and it's sad what people see as "acceptable" nowadays.
Diogenes Wrote:There's always Topix...for what that's worth.
I don't know if the info on topix is right, but if it is, heads need to roll. This is a police matter.
From what I hear the original story is not correct at all. No one was raped with a broomhandle. Im hoping that there was no merit to the original story. Alot of the people involved are my friends but they are all being very quiet about it.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:From what I hear the original story is not correct at all. No one was raped with a broomhandle. Im hoping that there was no merit to the original story. Alot of the people involved are my friends but they are all being very quiet about it.
But, what happened is still criminal abuse of a sexual nature. Pulling pants down and scaring someone like you are going to do it, is still sexual abuse, that is, if it's even true. It is on topix, and that's what makes me wonder if any of what they say is even close to what really happened. If it is true, the parents need to file charges.
IDk I just don't think any of its true. I hate Johnson Central as much as possible but this didn't happen.
If it did more would have been done. Central has covered things up before but nothing like this.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:IDk I just don't think any of its true. I hate Johnson Central as much as possible but this didn't happen.
I don't hate Johnson Central, I actually root for both Johnson County teams. I don't have any kids in either school system. I too, hope none of it's true.
I don't hate the kids in the county system, I'v just seen to much of how unfair the system over there is to ever like them. Athletically I support them when they don't play us, But this really isn't a athletic matter.
Evidently a very serious wrong,has ocurred. If it is determined that a Crimminal Offense took place I am thinking that no Criminal Court would accept "Rights OF Passage", "Hazing" or any other grossly concieved idea, as a defense in an action. On the other hand individuals developing false allegations and spreading them through the community could indicate a matter just as wrong and perhaps indicates the need for Civil Tort. You have no real winners in this this matter. You have several young men involved with a school system square in the middle,trying to provide the best education possible for their students.
On a side note....I heard that Gallagher was carried off the court tonight. Any word as to how he is?

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I HEARD charges were filed
This is a real shame if this is true
Saw the team last night but did not notice anyone NOT playing, are they still on the team right now? or are they off the team. I counted 12 kids last night at the game.
TheRealVille Wrote:But, what happened is still criminal abuse of a sexual nature. Pulling pants down and scaring someone like you are going to do it, is still sexual abuse, that is, if it's even true. It is on topix, and that's what makes me wonder if any of what they say is even close to what really happened. If it is true, the parents need to file charges.

I spoke to a player about this and it indeed happened. Not sure whether criminal charges have been or will be filed.
Any News On Matt?
If the events that are being insinuated on this blog are fact, then school personnel are required by law to notify law enforcement, social services, the parents of the victim(s) and parents of the accused.
What many have heard is just not close to the truth. The "victim" is a little freshman prankster who can mess whith whoever he wants, but can't handle the consequences and cries to his daddy. There was no sodimization, period.

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