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Michele Bachmann - Not Born That Way
[YOUTUBE="You're not born that way"]uZRccAbMIbY[/YOUTUBE]
This woman is a complete idiot. Everytime she opens her mouth she makes herself and everyone that supports her look bad.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Amun-Ra Wrote:This woman is a complete idiot. Everytime she opens her mouth she makes herself and everyone that supports her look bad.
I feel the same way about Obama and even more so about Biden. Bachman cannot be as idiotic as Joe Biden. I don't think that is possible.
Amun-Ra Wrote:This woman is a complete idiot. Everytime she opens her mouth she makes herself and everyone that supports her look bad.

If you're talking about lady gag-me I agree, she is a complete idiot.
TheRealThing Wrote:If you're talking about lady gag-me I agree, she is a complete idiot.
Only someone from Kentucky could support Michelle Bachman.
TheRealVille Wrote:Only someone from Kentucky could support Michelle Bachman.

You actually posted something that lady gag-me did, and think to yourself that I could take any part of it seriously? I would think I'd get more of a challenge from a mushroom.
TheRealThing Wrote:You actually posted something that lady gag-me did, and think to yourself that I could take any part of it seriously? I would think I'd get more of a challenge from a mushroom.
It was a fucking joke, you dimwit. I can see you voting for Michelle Bachman.
LOL, I think the things that she says come off way worse than what she is intending for them to be. I actually can understand where she is coming from, but it takes me a while to get there. Her biggest issue, as with Bush, is that there is ZERO filter from what goes through her mind to what comes out her mouth. If she could only pause long enough to formulate her words, her comments would not be so outlandish.
That can sometimes be a quality as i like people who speak there mind instead of what there campaign advisors say.

Personally i like the values Bachman brings and i believe most of the same things she believes in, and there is no problem with that.
That doesnt mean shes the best politician or republican left running for the primary though just because she believes in good values.
Its going to be hard to choose out of this bunch.
I dont like Romney.
I dont like Newt.

I do like Paul...but most of the country dont.

One things for sure, i do not like Obama or anything he has done, therefore whoever wins the primary will get my vote for president no matter what.
TheRealThing Wrote:You actually posted something that lady gag-me did, and think to yourself that I could take any part of it seriously? I would think I'd get more of a challenge from a mushroom.
It's called a "parody", Lady Gaga didn't perform this, but I'm sure you didn't know this.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's called a "parody", Lady Gaga didn't perform this, but I'm sure you didn't know this.

Sorry to take so long to get back, you must sit on top of your PC. And exactly what was there about my posts that caused you to jump to conclude I couldn't recognize Gaga? It was a spoof but, it's intent was to insult Bachmann. My point would be it's an old ploy the left used it on Palin, there were music videos made and the whole deal. It did tend to make her look bad but, it was only effective on those that already didn not like her anyway.

You're right about one thing though, I would vote for Bachmann over Obama. And as far as the level of my intellect is concerned consider this. At least I know better than to come on here and defend the very people and policies that are sure to bring me to financial ruin. I'm not so blinded by bias I am willing to overlook the doubling of the national debt in three years, all but ensuring the demise of the dollar. Taking you at your word, that fact alone will reduce your fortune to ashes. It's true, I have zero interest in most music videos. But, even if one could make the case I'm not particularly familiar with some of the more popular air heads in the music industry right now. I've got enough on the ball to know when somebody is trying to blow smoke up my pants.
Dusty hit the nail on the head, the lack of a filter really hurts her. I, like RIUTG, enjoy people speaking with freedom and not circling wagons or being completely PR, but at the same time there has to be some of that. Give the woman an outline to speak from, it doesn't have to be a manuscript, lol.

I can guarantee this, and not a lot of political things can be guaranteed:
If Michelle Bachmann runs against Barack Obama, Obama will be reelected.
The media will eat her alive and show no mercy.

I honestly believe that there are only 3 that stand a chance in a NOVEMBER election:

Romney stands a far better chance than the rest.
Paul has a chance in November because of the super-loyal fan base he has. Can he raise the money? Who knows? He has many beliefs that can reach across the aisle (foreign policy, etc....)
Newt because he is very famous. Everyone knows him. He speaks very well, is almost unbeatable in debates. Could match Obama in speaking and debate, if not trounce in the debate part. IMO, Newt's only chance of this is to somehow slowly leak all the personal junk out in the primaries, never too much at once, just slowly enough that it is one thing at a time, etc... If his personal junk turns into old news by the time November rolls around, it will be just as Obama's pastor and other items were, void of media time, thus, void of voting-harm.

Honestly, I am not saying this is who I will vote for, but I believe the GOP's best chance of defeating Obama need to have The Audacity of Hope, for Newt Wink
^I know that it is not smart strategy to leak damaging personal information, obviously. My point is simply that it needs to get out and be known before the Dems have a chance to have it cause real damaging harm.
^I would agree the Romney and Newt have the best chance to beat Obama. Most of Newt's baggage is old news, as far as leaking out over time to my knowledge it's already out there. More of a question of managing the bad stuff, which, by comparison to what is acceptable behavior these days seems doable. Newt would be a good president, and after the Obama dark ages are over, Romney would be a vast improvement too.

Michelle couldn't get the nomination but, if she did, I agree Obama would defeat her. She doesn't know when to shut up. But then, she may not be able to shut up.
TheRealThing Wrote:Sorry to take so long to get back, you must sit on top of your PC. And exactly what was there about my posts that caused you to jump to conclude I couldn't recognize Gaga? It was a spoof but, it's intent was to insult Bachmann. My point would be it's an old ploy the left used it on Palin, there were music videos made and the whole deal. It did tend to make her look bad but, it was only effective on those that already didn not like her anyway.

You're right about one thing though, I would vote for Bachmann over Obama. And as far as the level of my intellect is concerned consider this. At least I know better than to come on here and defend the very people and policies that are sure to bring me to financial ruin. I'm not so blinded by bias I am willing to overlook the doubling of the national debt in three years, all but ensuring the demise of the dollar. Taking you at your word, that fact alone will reduce your fortune to ashes. It's true, I have zero interest in most music videos. But, even if one could make the case I'm not particularly familiar with some of the more popular air heads in the music industry right now. I've got enough on the ball to know when somebody is trying to blow smoke up my pants.
The part I bolded from your post. Yes, it was intended to insult her, because she is so easy to insult. She is an idiot. It was one single small group of people that made the video, I would bet the left didn't even know about it until it hit youtube. As to Palin, the only ones in the world that didn't know she was a blooming idiot, were the ones like you, Hoot, and JP, that would sell their soul to the devil to get Obama out of office. You people lied through your teeth, trying to paint Obama as a non American muslim.
TheRealVille Wrote:The part I bolded from your post. Yes, it was intended to insult her, because she is so easy to insult. She is an idiot. It was one single small group of people that made the video, I would bet the left didn't even know about it until it hit youtube. As to Palin, the only ones in the world that didn't know she was a blooming idiot, were the ones like you, Hoot, and JP, that would sell their soul to the devil to get Obama out of office. You people lied through your teeth, trying to paint Obama as a non American muslim.

Obama supporters calling anyone an idiot is just plain funny. It's a miracle you have missed every single one of Obama's hundreds of gaffes. I would wager that Bachmann knows how many states make up the USA. :please:
jetpilot Wrote:Obama supporters calling anyone an idiot is just plain funny. It's a miracle you have missed every single one of Obama's hundreds of gaffes. I would wager that Bachmann knows how many states make up the USA. :please:
I guess you are the only one that doesn't make mistakes when speaking? It was a simple case of mis-speaking. Of course, half truths are nothing new to the far right. It's pretty obvious he was tired, and acknowledged as much later that day.

[YOUTUBE="57 states?"]EpGH02DtIws[/YOUTUBE]
TheRealVille Wrote:I guess you are the only one that doesn't make mistakes when speaking? It was a simple case of mis-speaking. Of course, half truths are nothing new to the far right. It's pretty obvious he was tired, and acknowledged as much later that day.

[YOUTUBE="57 states?"]EpGH02DtIws[/YOUTUBE]
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TheRealVille Wrote:The part I bolded from your post. Yes, it was intended to insult her, because she is so easy to insult. She is an idiot. It was one single small group of people that made the video, I would bet the left didn't even know about it until it hit youtube. As to Palin, the only ones in the world that didn't know she was a blooming idiot, were the ones like you, Hoot, and JP, that would sell their soul to the devil to get Obama out of office. You people lied through your teeth, trying to paint Obama as a non American muslim.

I know decerning the truth is not your strong suit but, surely you realize the videos and skits mocking Sarah Palin done by people like Bill Maher, Katie Couric and the cast of Saturday Night Live, are known liberals and ultra left in their political convictions. They did it to make a contribution to the 'liberal cause' and the video you posted of Bachmann being lampooned is just another copy cat following in the footsteps of those I have mentioned. You see this kind of thing on in the media and mistakenly assume it to be representative of main stream America. You quoted the number the other day but, it still hasn't sunk in yet for you, 21% liberal, 79% something else.

I won't need to worry about selling my soul to the devil as you say. In my case it was purchased by God's own Son the Lord Jesus Christ. He paid for it with His blood when He died a substitutionary death for me on the cross, the Lamb of God and, willing sacrifice. The stakes are admittedly high, the future of America lies in the balance. The 79 percenters will come through in 2012.

I don't have the resources neccessary to make a challenge as to Obama being "non American" as you put it. I will say this however, I do find it interesting Obama is all about visiting Iran but, he has never visited our ally Israel. To me Obama is a novice, ideologue. The product of his liberal education at Occidental and Harvard. Like a coach that cannot see the floor, sticking doggedly to an ill concieved strategy and, unable to coach on his feet, appears foolish to all watching. So is your boy Obama. Totally an abject failure, he soldiers on insanely doing the same thing over and over and expects different results. In his case however, he continues to ignore the advice and warnings voiced by the millions that oppose his policies even though deafening in his ears. He has shot himself in the foot and for you not to be able to see the fact that red blooded Americans, many of whom DID serve in the armed forces, sacrificing so much for their country, have the right to call out wrong or failures by this, or any other administration, is what I would consider non American.
^I would just point out one more thing. Though I don't agree with Obama's policies, I would never call him an idiot. He's an educated man, just as Bachmann and Palin are educated accomplished women. I admire both of them though I may prefer not to have either as president. I would certainly think either would do a far better job than Obama has as president, in any event.

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