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Happy Thanksgiving Hulk!
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family. The only thing missing was YOU! I still can't go a day without thinking about you..........I hope you had a good day, but I suspect you were thinking of me too.........I just wanted you to know I still consider you MY BLESSING, not a curse. Happy Thanksgiving!
All my love,
She Hulk
She Hulk Wrote:Hulk,
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family. The only thing missing was YOU! I still can't go a day without thinking about you..........I hope you had a good day, but I suspect you were thinking of me too.........I just wanted you to know I still consider you MY BLESSING, not a curse. Happy Thanksgiving!
All my love,
She Hulk

Wow, I didn't know being a moderator allowed you to pick on other people on here when all I wanted to do was wish Hulk a Happy Thanksgiving. It must be nice to have the ability to bully pople on here and get away with it. Do you have no conscience? Clearly, this is none of your business until you butt into it. It's sad and you are a pathetic example representing BGR staff.......
^ Look, this site is for discussion. Not for your personal conversations to imaginary friends! Sit in your room (where you are obviously all by yourself) and have the only conversation that you can have to a man (which happens to be make believe). If you don't want comments about the ludicrousy of such threads as this, then DONT DO THEM!!! Psycho-therapy would tell you there is NO HULK!!! What is pathetic are these insane make believe conversations that you have one a SOCIAL MEDIA website and you want to be left alone??? You POST NOTHING else on this site except make believe lunacy conversations. Obviously the HULK cares NOT about you, otherwise the make believe charecter would reply back to you! Get real (well, thats obviously not possible)!
You guys dont have to read the thread. IT doesnt require your time or attention.
She Hulk.. I know the story..
I am so sorry..

My heart and your heart are the same..
They are heavy.. they have both been beaten..

I hope you find peace.. I hope you find the right "hulk" for you..

Maybe I hope you find the right Iron Man for you..
Maybe the correct Spider-man 2...
Even the superman..

I think you deserve the best, I feel like I deserve the best.. I hope that's what you get...

Sorry for everything.

- Ballers
Wildcatk23 Wrote:You guys dont have to read the thread. IT doesnt require your time or attention.

Nor do you have to reply to our post either! Nor does it require your TIME OR ATTENTION!
Stardust Wrote:Nor do you have to reply to our post either! Nor does it require your TIME OR ATTENTION!

Defending someone who never said anything to you. Just looking for comfort in the holiday season. IF u find fun in making someone feel like shit then thats up to you.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Defending someone who never said anything to you. Just looking for comfort in the holiday season. IF u find fun in making someone feel like shit then thats up to you.

BS, then you obviously did not see the classless post in Ballers thread. Don't preach to me!
Stardust Wrote:BS, then you obviously did not see the classless post in Ballers thread. Don't preach to me!

Seen exactly what she said. You guys started on her way before ballers incident. And she was wrong. And hopefully she apologizes back. And it looks like ballers even apologized and said a few words of comfort to her.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Seen exactly what she said. You guys started on her way before ballers incident. And it looks like ballers even apologized and said a few words of comfort to her.

GO BACK and you will see I did the same! This was water under the bridge until today. Don't act like you know the full story!
Stardust Wrote:GO BACK and you will see I did the same! This was water under the bridge until today. Don't act like you know the full story!

Never seen an apology from u in these threads. Maybe in the older threads that became so popular.
Stardust, you're an asshole.
Real Badman Wrote:Stardust, you're an asshole.

I guess it takes one doesn't Badman!
Leave her alone! What has she said to you all? Nothing!!
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
^ Here we Go! Happy Holidays!

This is what spending to much time with the In-Laws do to people.
Stardust Wrote:I guess it takes one doesn't Badman!

Yeah I am, but I'm not so low as to point fun at someone who is in the emotional state like she is. This is bad and you should feel bad.
Real Badman Wrote:Yeah I am, but I'm not so low as to point fun at someone who is hurting inside like she is. This is bad and you should feel bad.

You have NO clue what you are talking about. Go look up the previous posts and the conversations she and I had on this subject - it's in her posts and easy enough to find. So, after all is cool with her, she jumps into Ballers thread and posts what she did? After she called us "sweet" in the last thread she had started, then comes back with that crap. Again, you are acting like you know the back story, and obviously you don't.

I don't care about being called an Ass, it's not the first time, but it sure as hell was not without reason! I'm not the only one to think her post to in Ballers thread was classless!

Don't call me out if you have no idea to the full backstory! I can take anything, and really don't care what opinion you have, but her comment to Ballers, especially if his thread is legit, is classless and deserved to be called out!
LOL, we go from these posts in the last thread created:

Quote:Aaaawwwww............that's so sweet! Consider yourself officially "on deck" Stardust!! If Hulk strikes out, you're on!!

Quote:Thanks Stardust!! I am VERY FLATTERED!!! ........

to this one in Ballers thread:

Quote:What a hypocrite! You ask for prayers then join in on bullying me. NO WONDER YOUR GIRLFRIEND CHEATED ON YOU NICE GUY!! It's called bad karma!
I may be looking at times wrong. But the post from ballers was before she posted on his. Wrong of her but retaliation can be expected.

And believe me ballers is a great guy. Deserves nothing but the best, I would call him a true friend just by knowing him on facebook. But he knows he was in the wrong by getting it started with her. Why Jab if u cant get hit back.
HAHA Is this shit real? I mean is Hulk her husband who left or something? I dont get it. I also dont remember seeing a hulk on here.
LWC Wrote:Hulk, I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Word of advice, avoid the crazies on this Black Friday Wink Confusedhh:

Ballers Wrote:Cheered me up a little bit LWC, thank you lol.

She Hulk Wrote:What a hypocrite! You ask for prayers then join in on bullying me. NO WONDER YOUR GIRLFRIEND CHEATED ON YOU NICE GUY!! It's called bad karma!

She Hulk Wrote:Bullying hypocrites.........Ask yourself, WWJD? I bet he wouldn't pick on me like you two did..........

Her post was after LWC and BAllers.
Stardust Wrote:LOL, we go from these posts in the last thread created:

to this one in Ballers thread:

Look at the times. THey started with her. SHe didnt say nothing until they started jabbing at her.
^ Ballers was 8:05 this evening???? Versus 2:05 this afternoon.
Stardust Wrote:^ Ballers was 8:05 this evening???? Versus 2:05 this afternoon.

Post #3 at 1:32.

then it starts.
^This would make a GREAT WWE PPV...."Moderator Mayhem"...LOL

J/K guys...Just struck me funny.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
^ well, there's another ass to join in....

J/k OTH:Clap:
^You just made me chuckle and smile...LOL. Literally...Smile

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
LOL, we got some real days of our lives shit goin on up in here.

Quite entertaining actually. :popcorn:
There is no reason for these mods to be fighting and arguing..
Stardust and Wildcat.. you are BOTH my brothers.. You have both been there for me through thick and thin.. We are all a family.. What was aimed at She Hulk on this thread was merely a joke by me and Stardust.. Just to give her a hard time, it was just for fun and I guess she took it too seriously..

I love you all and we should get along like family because we are family in my book.

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