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East Ridge/Canada Basketball
bluebloodedcatfan Wrote:OK heres mine , Ok any street kid from a big city town could go to An Eastern Ky school and would look like a great playing .So these kids must of been lied to or payed somehow . To go to a school that did not make it to that little 15 region turny last year . Dont they realize that even a good coach can't improve a losing team by more then ten points . And a twenty point player is going to get less points with a lower class team . So if they where twenty plus point players unless they play with the big dogs of Louisville or Lexington . They will never win the one that matters S-w-e-e-t 16 at rupp . They better get use to the plows there on the ridge . Cause their stock will drop .

You mad bro?
Real Badman Wrote:You mad bro?

Mad :biglmao:no Bro , but the last and only time East Ridge came to the big dance . They only beat the local teams in the 15th. To see a D1 player from there is very rare . Almost medium raw . And to go to a khsaa school if they were ranked that high in Canada . Wait you are talking the country right ? Ok why not at least go to a school that at least had a chance to win the big one . Or go to an academy school that travels alot to get recognized as a good player . The East Ridge school has never beat a team like that . Have they ever beat a team with a D1 player on it or have they ever had a D1 player ? Mad no , contrair mu frar , Confused very . Just want one of these kids to explain why East KY .
bluebloodedcatfan Wrote:Mad :biglmao:no Bro , but the last and only time East Ridge came to the big dance . They only beat the local teams in the 15th. To see a D1 player from there is very rare . Almost medium raw . And to go to a khsaa school if they were ranked that high in Canada . Wait you are talking the country right ? Ok why not at least go to a school that at least had a chance to win the big one . Or go to an academy school that travels alot to get recognized as a good player . The East Ridge school has never beat a team like that . Have they ever beat a team with a D1 player on it or have they ever had a D1 player ? Mad no , contrair mu frar , Confused very . Just want one of these kids to explain why East KY .

1) You need an English lesson
2) 2004, you can recall they beat Shelby Valley in the 59th District
3) You should check this out
4) You seem mad, bro
this is wild
I love the drama! I don't understand what all the whoopla is about though they are just kids. Let them play! I look forward to seeing what they can do and everybody that loves a good basketball game should too. I've been around basketball my whole life and those that are politically correct get the eligibility and those that are not, don't. I also know that ER must be politically ran to see these events happen so easy. These guys would have came to (if not ER) some other school where the coach was not satisfied with his pool of exisiting players. I do wonder how a coach could evaluate so quickly to know if what he had was not good enough. I think part of the fun of coaching is watching your players grow and come together as a team. I hope these young kids understand that sometimes life is not fair and people get in a hurry to make a name for themselves at the cost of others. I will root for these young men right along beside all those kids that I have watched grow up as young players. I hope that they realize that now more than ever it is just a game, a kids game!
like I sais Bro . They only beat the locals there . I believe Shelby Valley is a local team there . But and thats a big BUTT and check it out . Did that SV team have a D1 player on it then and if so , who ? Who have they beat with big names on them who and when ? Can't find it on if they did . This coach they have is he a proven coach . Where and when if so . Don't care where he's played niether . Where has he coached ?:please:
Wouldn't not be suprised to see ER win state this yr let alone the region those kids are very talented I hear Kasongo is bigtime and Wolter is a jump shot away frombeing high high major
Easternkyballer Wrote:Wouldn't not be suprised to see ER win state this yr let alone the region those kids are very talented I hear Kasongo is bigtime and Wolter is a jump shot away frombeing high high major

:please: I will not even comment
I saw these two at Warrior night, I was really impressed with the point guard, Tony, he is always looking to set his teammates up when he could easily take over and shot everytime. The big guy, Ray, he can jump out of the building, that is a given, but his offensive game ends there. The two big's they return from last year are far batter with their back to the basket than he is at this point. If he develops a post game, he can be special. That is my take on them after seeing them at Warrior Night.
That is probably true. The Pg Wolter is nice sets up teamates very well. As far as the kid Kasongo, he is very athletic but he is more of a 4/3 than a 4/5 his natural position is powerfoward. And I believe when he developes some more offensive moves around the basket, he is gonna be tough to stop he does jump well though about a 42 inch vertical.
my prediction for 15th in March . Betsy Lane will cut the nets down . We'll see BL at the big dance in Lex. The ER has to much against them . Go Big Blue . Go Cats . WE see The CATS at the big dance .Sweet 16
Some guy said Betsy Lane will cutt the netts down for the 15th lol 2 funny!
Easternkyballer Wrote:Some guy said Betsy Lane will cutt the netts down for the 15th lol 2 funny!

Not as funny as people saying East Ridge will win the 15th..
::Famous:: Wrote:Not as funny as people saying East Ridge will win the 15th..

Hey haven't you heard? East Ridge got a new player or something. I heard they will be pretty good?
See the thing is you guys have not even watched East ridge play or scrimage, or practice. You think it is funny sayin they will win the 15th lol well I guess we will see!! It won't be Betsy lane or Sheldon Clarkl It will come down to East ridge or Johnson Central Sheldon Clark has the justin johnson kid but that is it and he is a small foward so we will see!
Well ER new coach is not a proven coach ,as far as coaching yet . He might can recruit but he is no Coach CAL . There has been good players come and go . ER was suppose to win it last year BUTT and thats a big butt . Well you know what happened they had a big man and got cut short . So now you say they'll win it all . All because they got new faces . :hilarious: There ain't a horse that can'''''''''t be rode nor a man that can't be throwed . Its gonna take more than a good team .Look back a couple years The Valley team was suppose to got beatin by a lot better teams there that had alot more D1 players on them . Good coaching and big hearts won that . Now its Betsy lane turn with the big hearts because ER only has the hope of knew faces . NO HEART .
Betsy Lane won't even finish top 5 in the region they don't have a player over 6'2 on there team they got one decent guard no division one players betsy lane may not even make it out of the district tourney there not that good be realistic!
Hahahaha I guess someone from Valley is questioning heart thats funny most of your kids will be applying for their AARP cards soon because they were failed so many years to be eligible to even play on that team. This is about kids gimmie a break these two kids will be exciting to watch if nothing else I think we can use a little excitement so why not quit hateing on them and give them a chance to prove themselves like I say they are KIDS.
though i'm not from Vally . I think they will beat East Ridge . But my choice to win it all is THE ALLEY CATS . The boys that live down the Lane . tHE TRUE bOBCATS . I'm just saying after last years loss year before that the championship came . Their Due . This Year will come down to coaching , Other words coaches with experience . Now on coaches with experience , i'm just saying . Now who wins it . Leave the kids outta this one .
RollTribe Wrote:
This is Ray on Warrior night, last saturday..

Does everyone in the 15th region give up baseline so easy? If so ER def will be champs!
AlittleRusty Wrote:Does everyone in the 15th region give up baseline so easy? If so ER def will be champs!

nope just East Ridge . Thats why they've been beat up so much in the last few years .:biglmao: The good teams in this area has baseline deffence down pack .
Real Badman Wrote:1) You need an English lesson
2) 2004, you can recall they beat Shelby Valley in the 59th District
3) You should check this out
4) You seem mad, bro

True that!
bluebloodedcatfan Wrote:nope just East Ridge . Thats why they've been beat up so much in the last few years .:biglmao: The good teams in this area has baseline deffence down pack .

Whats your beef with ER or are you just a HATER?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Stardust Wrote:It's Canada - Basketball SUCKS in canada!

You would think so but actually they are starting to crank out some studs. I know 2014 prospect Wiggins that plays at Hunnington Prep is a complete baller and Cal is very interested.
not saying anything bad but why not give any of the mountain kids credit up there at the ridge???
G-Johnny Miller-stepped up big time last year when camron got hurt
F-Hayden Mullins-alot of good minutes last year
F-Patrick Coleman-same as ^^^^^^
G/F-Kory Thacker-the only returning starter
G/F-Christian Hagy-young but alot of talent
G-Micheal Fields-^^^^^^^^
Easternkyballer Wrote:Betsy Lane won't even finish top 5 in the region they don't have a player over 6'2 on there team they got one decent guard no division one players betsy lane may not even make it out of the district tourney there not that good be realistic!

I'm not going to say who will or won't win region, who knows because its a simple one and done! People get hot and people go cold, look at last year! Valley beat three of the four best teams in the region to make state! Did anyone see that coming? They got hot at the right time, any on any given night a team can get hot and light up the score board. As for the remark about Betsy Layne not finishing in the top 5 in the region, that will be hard to believe. Will they win the 15th or not, who knows but they do have some talent. As for not having any players over 6'2, thats not true. I'm not going to say they have anyone that goes way over 6'2 but there have been a lot of teams from around here in the past win with a small line up and I doubt a lot of them have the talent this Betsy Layne team has. Andrew Roberts has big game experience and is a very talented player. Landon Hale is the best kept secret in the region. Dylan Meade can get hot and put up 20 points before you even know it. Cody Luster is one of the fastest and quickest players I've ever seen in this region with the ball in his hand. Peyton Case I believe is the best freshmen in the region and I believe once he settles down and gets use to the speed of the high school game, is one of the top 10 players in the region. And if Dylan Hamilton comes back 100%, he is strong enough and fundamentally sound enough to make a difference inside no matter how tall he is. And considering they lead the number 19 ranked Bryan Station for 90% of the game this past Saturday, and only was beat by 10 points once foul shots and such came in, they will be pretty tough. As for who will be champions, who knows! Lets kick back and enjoy this year, because a lot of the players you see this year are going to be around again next year.
valleybasketball Wrote:not saying anything bad but why not give any of the mountain kids credit up there at the ridge???
G-Johnny Miller-stepped up big time last year when camron got hurt
F-Hayden Mullins-alot of good minutes last year
F-Patrick Coleman-same as ^^^^^^
G/F-Kory Thacker-the only returning starter
G/F-Christian Hagy-young but alot of talent
G-Micheal Fields-^^^^^^^^

Agreed, very talented but thats not a varsiy team. Mullins and thacker were the only ones that got any significant varsity time last year and the two freshman didnt even play JV if I recall. From what RJ told me they did not strenght train in the spring and had only one week of summer ball. All they have under their belt is what they got from OCT 15th til now so it will definitely be a slow start for them and all the transfers in the world wont change that.
back_in_black Wrote:Whats your beef with ER or are you just a HATER?!?!?!?!?!?!?

what Bro . The man asked a question and I gave him an honest answer . I can't help it that I'm from the church of the brutal truth . And apparently YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH .:rockon:
back_in_black Wrote:Whats your beef with ER or are you just a HATER?!?!?!?!?!?!?

valleybasketball Wrote:not saying anything bad but why not give any of the mountain kids credit up there at the ridge???
G-Johnny Miller-stepped up big time last year when camron got hurt
F-Hayden Mullins-alot of good minutes last year
F-Patrick Coleman-same as ^^^^^^
G/F-Kory Thacker-the only returning starter
G/F-Christian Hagy-young but alot of talent
G-Micheal Fields-^^^^^^^^

agree 100% even further back with big Jordan Coleman . It as if when the new coach came he found no talent and had to recruit .:please:All I can say is coach trust your players that you were given .

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