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Perry Central 35 Johnson Central 27
comeback_kidxXx Wrote:IMO Johnson Central is still a force to be recon with & i still respect their program, they just got out played by a bunch of kids that nobody besides a few thought they had a chance in hell of winning. but it just goes to show you that doubters don't like to be proven wrong AT ALL, and it also shows the kind of character they have. lol not even man enough to admitt it. i wonder maybe if johnson still has trouble with teams stopping the run in the future what the next excuse will be? maybe they will maybe they won't... or maybe, just maybe if they turn around an beat the hell out of a powerhouse team sometime this season i bet that bleed black&golds opinion will change real soon an fast. get real man and stop going back on your own words because we all got proof. and i really dont mean to be disrespectful to anyone, but if you spit in our face by being a hypocrite then im going to hock a big lugy in yours. seriously though bro stop making excuses.

My point exactly. Ill be back at JC on the 14th of Oct when Rowan County comes calling with their air attack. We will see if JC has improved any on their pass def.
comeback_kidxXx Wrote:hmmmm, weeellllllll:eyeroll:.......now that i think of it. you could say that we're then "men" tonight. go on....say it!Confusednicker:

Good one!!!! Honestly though this game was so much better to watch than last week. :Thumbs:
the majority of JC posters had Perry losing this one by 3 TDs.
Perry won by one TD.
That's a 28 point turnaround so from what I'm seeing it's a pretty gigantic choke.

buddy i see it too
Before I get off here "officially" for the night....
and before I get back to my heel ways.....

I'd like to congratulate both teams for a hard fought game.
Johnson Central is a perennial power and PCC just got the best of em' this Friday night.

Dave Hammonds told me yesterday that PCC was on the rise and Haddix was doing a great job....
but that they weren't ready to compete with Johnson Central.

I know the Golden Eagles played their hearts out and left it all on the field.
They were very close to winning this game and best of luck to JJ Jude in route to his record-setting career.
zaga_fan Wrote:Before I get off here "officially" for the night....
and before I get back to my heel ways.....

I'd like to congratulate both teams for a hard fought game.
Johnson Central is a perennial power and PCC just got the best of em' this Friday night.

Dave Hammonds told me yesterday that PCC was on the rise and Haddix was doing a great job....
but that they weren't ready to compete with Johnson Central.

I know the Golden Eagles played their hearts out and left it all on the field.
They were very close to winning this game and best of luck to JJ Jude in route to his record-setting career.

Does three good years make you a "perennial power"?
zaga_fan Wrote:I would like to set everyone's expectations for the outcome of this one.
If Perry Central loses....
I will be my typically grateful self and admit Johnson was the better team and PCC has a ways to go before they are an elite program like the Golden Eagles.

If Perry Central wins....
you Johnson fans probably don't want to get on here for a week or so lol

Definitely the most truthful statement posted on the last thread.
sstack Wrote:Does three good years make you a "perennial power"?

I post a nice respectful post for the first time all night and someone spits some hate on it lol
I think by the end of the season the mountains will have a good showing in all classes in the playoffs. Hazard in 1A, Pburg in 2A, Belfry in 3A, JC in 4A, and PCC and Harlan in 5A. I really think and hope the mountains will be well represented in late Nov and early Dec.
Quote:Before I get off here "officially" for the night....
and before I get back to my heel ways.....

I'd like to congratulate both teams for a hard fought game.
Johnson Central is a perennial power and PCC just got the best of em' this Friday night.

Dave Hammonds told me yesterday that PCC was on the rise and Haddix was doing a great job....
but that they weren't ready to compete with Johnson Central.

I know the Golden Eagles played their hearts out and left it all on the field.
They were very close to winning this game and best of luck to JJ Jude in route to his record-setting career.

shows how much ole' davey boy knows huh lol.

but seriously though, in all fun (for the most part) besides bleed black&gold being the biggest cry baby of the night lol. this was a great contest by both teams, dont ever underestimate perry. & good luck to johnson central the rest of the season.
Ballers Wrote:Just some stats from the poll at the moment..

Perry County Central 14 votes - 22.95%
Johnson Central 47 votes - 77.05%

Aslan Wrote:Can't believe Perry Central actually got 14 votes.

:thatsfunn another idiot Wink

j/k Aslan

And for the record!!!!
I voted for PCC in the poll.
JC did leave it all on the field tonight. It was a great game. I'm glad no one was seriously injuried this game.

JJ Jude, only having 133 yards tonight could hurt him in the chance for the record but I for one am pulling for him. Good Luck JJ.

Johnson Central fans, you guys have one the best programs in EKY with one the top coaches in the area. I cant say enough on how nice your guys facility is over there. I enjoyed my first trip to Johnson Central.

Best of luck the rest of the season!
Aslan Wrote:Zaga, you're on pace to be the most hated person on BGR Big Grin.

Dang, I am going to have to work harder. Back to the Cordia threads.
i did also, i was pcc's 4th vote of the poll
MVP2 Wrote:JC did leave it all on the field tonight. It was a great game. I'm glad no one was seriously injuried this game.

JJ Jude, only having 133 yards tonight could hurt him in the chance for the record but I for one am pulling for him. Good Luck JJ.

Johnson Central fans, you guys have one the best programs in EKY with one the top coaches in the area. I cant say enough on how nice your guys facility is over there. I enjoyed my first trip to Johnson Central.

Best of luck the rest of the season!

How many more does he need to break the record?
whoresofdores Wrote:Pcc win baby

I like the name. If the name is true, maybe you can help out ole blue sack.
zaga_fan Wrote:I post a nice respectful post for the first time all night and someone spits some hate on it lol

No hate, I think JC has a nice program and has been 5A's 2nd or 3rd best team last three years. I was just asking if that really makes them a "Perennial Power"
one more haha.....i just cant help myself

...okay im done lol
Umm...WHAT happened??!! I would never have guessed that the Commodores would have won this game in a million years but, I guess that is why you play the game!

Congrats Commodores!!
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Dang, I am going to have to work harder. Back to the Cordia threads.

I'm coming for ya ONB!
The Cordia fans already hate us as much as they can anyway.
Now I've got Hazard, Knott, Harlan County, Cordia, Pburg, and Johnson Central all hating me.
It's racking up pretty quick.
Rockcastle is slowly starting to hate me.
They're passing around my posts to the team Smile
Aslan Wrote:How many more does he need to break the record?

Jude had 5,828 coming into tonight.

Had a 133 tonight.

So now he has 5,961.

The record is 8,224.
Wow this one is kind of a shocker for me I figured that Jude would get his 200-300 yards like he has any other time but I guess I was wrong, yea I know he still got over 100 and still had 3 TD's but that is like shutting him down when he doesn't get like 200 plus yards.
sstack Wrote:No hate, I think JC has a nice program and has been 5A's 2nd or 3rd best team last three years. I was just asking if that really makes them a "Perennial Power"

I get what you're saying.
Johnson Central has been one of those teams that's at the top of the 2nd tier teams in the mountains IMO
Bell took it to em last year but Bell was just so much better than everyone.
Not many people can stay within one TD of Highlands.

When I was in school I remember Johnson Central being a great team.
MVP2 Wrote:Jude had 5,828 coming into tonight.

Had a 133 tonight.

So now he has 5,961.

The record is 8,224.

Gonna be a long shot, but I hope he breaks it.
Aslan Wrote:Gonna be a long shot, but I hope he breaks it.

He can do it.
He's currently got the single game rushing record in Kentucky for a 500+ yard game he had last year.
zaga_fan Wrote:He can do it.
He's currently got the single game rushing record in Kentucky for a 500+ yard game he had last year.

He needs 2,263 to break it. With 8 regular season games + the playoffs it's a possibility. Depends how far JC goes in the playoffs, on whether or not he'll break it IMO.
Aslan Wrote:He needs 2,263 to break it. With 8 regular season games + the playoffs it's a possibility. Depends how far JC goes in the playoffs, on whether or not he'll break it IMO.

he has to get 500 less yards than he got last year to break it.
zaga_fan Wrote:Agreed....
he has to get 500 less yards than he got last year to break it.

Bet he didn't have too many games last year with only 133 yards either Big Grin
Aslan Wrote:Bet he didn't have too many games last year with only 133 yards either Big Grin

It's pretty sad when 133 yards is a bad game lol
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