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What was the KHSAA thinking?
Scotty doesn't know Wrote:Okay, I thought it would be stupid to bring this up somewhere on here but I noticed alot of things wrong with that program book this year! I looked through the past few years books (all Valley trips) and they have a full two page spread on the tourney from the year past with the championship game being the main focus. This was stats from each round, scores etc. They completely left that out this year. In ALL of the past programs they had probably 15 extra pages worth of extremely interesting stats from the sweet 16 dating back to 1919. They completely left that out (a page of past champions was it). And on the back on the book there has always been a congrats to the champs from the year passed. This year it was just a PNC ad.... I got to look through the whole book getting to the game about 45 minutes early.

Im glad somebody other than me noticed this stuff. I'm not saying that the KHSAA was trying to "screw us over" or anything but I was just hoping for he same kind of book.

After looking back through the program when I was listening to the state tourney, I did actually find a section that was a small recap of the previous year's tourney. However, it did not have the one page that was devoted to the championship game and champion. Sorry about that little mistake.
[COLOR="Blue"]Shelby Valley High School:
2009 and 2010 All "A" State Champions and 2010 Kentucky Sweet 16 State Champions
MaxPreps National Champions!![/SIZE][/COLOR][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
So I guess Eastern will be on the cover next year.
Also going to add that the eastern kentucky fans probably don't bring in the money like the fans from the other part of the state. So therefore they put a team on it whose fans are gonna bring in the big bucks.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Also going to add that the eastern kentucky fans probably don't bring in the money like the fans from the other part of the state. So therefore they put a team on it whose fans are gonna bring in the big bucks.

I think Eastern Kentucky fans travel better than most of the other teams. We have a HUGE amount that go just to watch the games when they don't have much of a vested interest in a particular team. I would guess, it has to got to do with the new commish, and he is already getting right up there with Goodell. I guess SV players won't be back as the winning team in what is it, 25 years. They won't know who won, by then. :HitWall:
In the KHSAA basketball world, they would just as soon forget about anybody East of Winchester.
mrsportsfan Wrote:I think Eastern Kentucky fans travel better than most of the other teams. We have a HUGE amount that go just to watch the games when they don't have much of a vested interest in a particular team. I would guess, it has to got to do with the new commish, and he is already getting right up there with Goodell. I guess SV players won't be back as the winning team in what is it, 25 years. They won't know who won, by then. :HitWall:
I agree....That is one thing that people can not say about us...We Do Travel With Our Teams and most eky people travel with and support any team that comes out of the mountains!!
they gace the media the stat sheets that they left out n the program. they were printed out on paper in black and white
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Shelby Valley is 3a first off. But yes the KHSAA is a pathetic and worthless organization. Its all about the money now. Not the amazing history of that tournament.

If shelby valley is a 3A, how do they play in the all "A" tournament each year? That asked, I was also very disappointed in the khsaa program book this year. I plan on e-mailing in the morning too. Very disrepectful to only have a few tiny pictures on the cover & basically that's it.
allsports4 Wrote:If shelby valley is a 3A, how do they play in the all "A" tournament each year? That asked, I was also very disappointed in the khsaa program book this year. I plan on e-mailing in the morning too. Very disrepectful to only have a few tiny pictures on the cover & basically that's it.

Because the All A lets alot of schools bigger than 1A in lol.
Let me start by saying I was pulling for Shelby Valley to win it last year and I was pulling for Rowan to win it this year. I'm a big fan of the way eastern Kentucky teams play basketball. I also have a lot of friends from and still living in eastern Kentucky. I spent a lot of time talking to eastern Kentucky folks this past week and consider most of them very genuine, trustworthy and hard working folks.

With that stated, can we get over this whole "no respect for eastern Kentucky" thing? It really is not very becoming to folks from eastern Kentucky. Other than the race card played by Sharpeton and Jackson, it is the most overplayed "woe is me" message I hear and read.

Yeah, I'd liked to have seen Shelby Valley's picture on the program cover. It wasn't. Move on. Good gracious, if a community, a school, its coaches or players needs it's picture on a basketball program cover to feel respected, I'd say there are some real insecurity issues present.

Send your e mails to Tackett if you must. He and his staff just finished up two grueling weeks, working 14 plus hour days to help ensure that the 2 Sweet 16 events were as pleasant as possible for the teams participating and the fans attending. You'd think that would outweigh a slip up or two.

This dang country has turned into a bunch of whining "I've been disrespected" bunch of babies.
Yeah this kinda confused me....also why were all the really good teams in the top part of the has been like this the last two years.?
9-POINT Wrote:Yeah this kinda confused me....also why were all the really good teams in the top part of the has been like this the last two years.?

the tournament is said to be drawn, but i have noticed the same thing. Made me only want to see the morning sessions.
9-POINT Wrote:Yeah this kinda confused me....also why were all the really good teams in the top part of the has been like this the last two years.?

obviously not what you was thinking....
khsaa does stupid things.

has classes in football but not basketball and baseball.
make sense? i think not.
also there is a 1A championship... why not a 2A or 3A too? and then could have the whole state championship with all the classes?

also just so everyone knows cheerleading is still not considered a sport!Smile yes!:CheerleadTongueirateShoTongueirateSho:flame::flame::Clap::Thumbs::moon:
SweetTea Wrote:obviously not what you was thinking....
khsaa does stupid things.

has classes in football but not basketball and baseball.
make sense? i think not.
also there is a 1A championship... why not a 2A or 3A too? and then could have the whole state championship with all the classes?

also just so everyone knows cheerleading is still not considered a sport!Smile yes!:CheerleadTongueirateShoTongueirateSho:flame::flame::Clap::Thumbs::moon:

Keep in mind that the All A basketball tournament is not ran or organized by the KHSAA. It is not an official KHSAA state championship. It was started by Stan Steidel many years ago when he was involved at Dayton high school and is conducted during and as part of the regular season. If some one wanted to step up and organize a 2A and 3A basketball tournament during and as part of the regular season, they could do so. Maybe it will happen some day, but as of now there obviously is not enough interest in doing so.

I do agree with you that cheerleading should be considered a sport.
9-POINT Wrote:Yeah this kinda confused me....also why were all the really good teams in the top part of the has been like this the last two years.?

Aren't the brackets set based on a draw? If so, it's the luck of the draw that caused all the really good teams to be in the top part of the bracket.
Charlie 22-If you don't mind, what part of the state are you from? I know it's not from the eastern part so you would have no idea why we feel the way we do. We have some resentment for the area past eastern kentucky because they have buit up that area off the coal severence taxes, off the backs of our miners until Gov. Paul Patton took office and started returning a bigger majority of it to the counties it belonged to. I can't begin to tell you what it has to done for Pike Co. They should have got it right the first time. Now that Obama has put a huge halt in mining, coal severence taxes, or a lack of, is going to greatly harm the state of Kentucky.
I feel cheerleaders should be glad they are not a sport. Do they want the KHSAA to rule over them? You will practice less, travel less and be told what to do a lot more. I wish basketball wasn't considered a sport so that the coaches would have the options of working with players year round. I know there are some downsides as that some coaches may over practice, but they are very regulated.

SweetTea Wrote:obviously not what you was thinking....
khsaa does stupid things.

has classes in football but not basketball and baseball.
make sense? i think not.
also there is a 1A championship... why not a 2A or 3A too? and then could have the whole state championship with all the classes?

also just so everyone knows cheerleading is still not considered a sport!Smile yes!:CheerleadTongueirateShoTongueirateSho:flame::flame::Clap::Thumbs::moon:
Anyone who wants to change the Sweet 16 and go to classes is an idiot. Moving to classes destroyed Indiana High School basketball tradition. Our tradition should be preserved. No need to cave in the vocal whiny minority. Everyone doesn't need to get a trophy. In life there's winners and losers. Many small teams have won titles. In basketball, if you have 3 good players, you can play with anybody.
Can anybody look at their books from the last several years, Mr. Tackett told me this morning when I talked at him from the board that is has been a montage of pictures on the back of the program. I told him it was a "slap in the face" to SV for Ballard to be on the front. He said it wasn't about last year's winners, it was about all the school's and that I had a wrong view, or selfish, that it should be about all the school's. Okay I don't have a problem with that, but why out of all the school's, why Ballard? He said that was one of the best pics artist wise that captured the spirit of the tournament. He said the cost of the printing, there may not even be any in the future. I guess this clears up the why, I would have said nothing if it would have been another school than the one we beat to win. The way it played out, it just didn't jive. Can someone get back to me on those back issues. As a father we sometimes overreact when we feel we have been wronged? We had an awesome year last year and, and a surprising one this year. We will just need to think back on the joy. I would like to see SV show the tournament and the highlights, from last year and this year, when last year's senior team is out for the summer from college, can come back and share with us watching it in the gym.
Gold Charger Wrote:I too was disappointed in this years book. I like reading the past stats and Shelby Valley should have been on the cover. Total dissappointment.

What was the reason for not putting Shelby Valley on the back cover?
I noticed that as well! Also, they downgraded the whole program, there were no tournament history and used to be bounded but had two staples ran through it!
mrsportsfan Wrote:Charlie 22-If you don't mind, what part of the state are you from? I know it's not from the eastern part so you would have no idea why we feel the way we do. We have some resentment for the area past eastern kentucky because they have buit up that area off the coal severence taxes, off the backs of our miners until Gov. Paul Patton took office and started returning a bigger majority of it to the counties it belonged to. I can't begin to tell you what it has to done for Pike Co. They should have got it right the first time. Now that Obama has put a huge halt in mining, coal severence taxes, or a lack of, is going to greatly harm the state of Kentucky.

I don't mind you asking; it's a very fair question. I'm from northern Ky but know a lot of folks from eastern Ky, several of which are very close friends. Yet I obviously can't understand eastern Ky as well as you and others from eastern Ky do and fully realize such. But I just get a little tired of the "we get no respect" stuff from eastern Kentuckians. I deal with it all football season long in the football forum, in spite of the fact that most northern Kyians feel (and say) that football in eastern Ky is much better and stronger than teams from other areas of the state that we play. You've obviously got great basketball too.

While off thread, I fully understand your position on the coal severance tax and agree with it. I likewise feel that northern Kentucky does not get back near the share it should of the income taxes, gas taxes, tangible property taxes and real property taxes that northern Ky sends to Frankfort each year. School districts in northern Kentucky are grossly underfunded by the state under the SEEK formula. It should be no surprise that the per student state funding at NKU is considerably less than it is at any other state university (including EKU and Morehead). At least there is a coal severance tax that you get part of. There is no limestone severance tax. Tons and tons of limestone get removed from mines in northern Ky every year, that generates a whopping zero for northern Ky other than the payroll generated.

Some areas of the state have greatly benefitted from the coal severance tax, but it's not northern Kentucky, I can assure you. With most of the state looking at northern Kentucky as the red headed step child of Kentucky and more a part of Ohio than Kentucky, and with extremely little political clout in Frankfort, the success that northern Kentucky has enjoyed has come more from local efforts than from Frankfort funding. A study was conducted several years ago (I'll try to dig it up) that tracked the total dollars sent to Frankfort vs the dollars sent back and compared it with the rest of the state. I can't recall if we were worse off than eastern Ky, but northern Ky was at or near the bottom of the list.

But as wrong as the state underfunding of northern Kentucky may be, it is what it is and I begrudginly accept it. We realize that things are not going to change in Frankfort. We have no Williams, no Stumbos, no Pattons, no Farmers, etc. to count on to send "our share" back to northern Kentucky and hades will freeze over before northern Kentucky has a Governor or Speaker in Frankfort, so we just keep on doing things on our own. We have to or else we'll wither and die. Heck, we tried to get a bill passed to assist the Airport up here and the legislators from Louisville and Lexington stopped the bill because of their desire to not have CVG succeed and possibly hurt the airports in their backyard.

I'm glad you talked to Tackett and have a better understanding of how the program was put together. Shelby Valley not being on the cover was not intended to be any type of a slap at all. Heck with Oz Jackson of Letcher County and Marvin Moore of Rowan County being from eastern Kentucky and on the Board of Control and Tackett's wife being from eastern Kentucky, I seriously doubt that Tackett intended any disrespect to eastern Kentucky.

And we may disagree on a lot of what I posted, but I think we'd definitely agree on Obama. :rockon: The man is bad for this country and is definitely bad for Kentucky and the coal industry.

And talking of programs, several years ago, the photo on the cover of the football program was of the QB of a rival school. That school didn't even make it to the state finals. Got some childish enjoyment out of that, since the school I follow and support upset the QB's school several weeks earlier in the playoffs.
Charlie, nice post, and I had no idea about your situation in Northern, Ky. My jab was at Lex, and west of it. I added to your reputation as good, nice to hear from you.
Was anybody able to get a look at the past books? I was told the winners were on the back page? From the previous year, that is!!
charlie22 Wrote:Let me start by saying I was pulling for Shelby Valley to win it last year and I was pulling for Rowan to win it this year. I'm a big fan of the way eastern Kentucky teams play basketball. I also have a lot of friends from and still living in eastern Kentucky. I spent a lot of time talking to eastern Kentucky folks this past week and consider most of them very genuine, trustworthy and hard working folks.

With that stated, can we get over this whole "no respect for eastern Kentucky" thing? It really is not very becoming to folks from eastern Kentucky. Other than the race card played by Sharpeton and Jackson, it is the most overplayed "woe is me" message I hear and read.

Yeah, I'd liked to have seen Shelby Valley's picture on the program cover. It wasn't. Move on. Good gracious, if a community, a school, its coaches or players needs it's picture on a basketball program cover to feel respected, I'd say there are some real insecurity issues present.

Send your e mails to Tackett if you must. He and his staff just finished up two grueling weeks, working 14 plus hour days to help ensure that the 2 Sweet 16 events were as pleasant as possible for the teams participating and the fans attending. You'd think that would outweigh a slip up or two.

This dang country has turned into a bunch of whining "I've been disrespected" bunch of babies.
:Thumbs: Now you know the fans in EKY that everybody loves to hate.
TheRealVille Wrote::Thumbs: Now you know the fans in EKY that everybody loves to hate.

High Sheriff Wrote:huh!
Read the thread, and you will see the usual SV attitude, and figure out why everybody dislikes them. I'm from EKY, and there are 15 other teams in the Sweet 16 that I would rather see win, just because of the way the fans act from there. I'm not alone, I'm just one of the few that will tell the truth. You wouldn't believe how many people that I meet, that hate SV, just because of how their fans act.
TheRealVille Wrote:Read the thread, and you will see the usual SV attitude, and figure out why everybody dislikes them. I'm from EKY, and there are 15 other teams in the Sweet 16 that I would rather see win, just because of the way the fans act from there. I'm not alone, I'm just one of the few that will tell the truth. You wouldn't believe how many people that I meet, that hate SV, just because of how their fans act.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I was not aware of that fact.

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