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What's with all the wrestling threads?
csabo17 Wrote:

FAKE ???

No words for that.
It's not much different that the whole thing they had going with Kane and Undertaker back in the day though
Remember the Katie Vick storyline? That was just weird too.
csabo17 Wrote:

FAKE ???

That is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

csabo17 Wrote:

FAKE ???

That has to be by far the stupidest thing ive ever seen. I would demand my 5 dollars back
heeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... "professional" wrestling is NOT fake.....
it's just well scripted.... wait... make that - well, it's just scripted
FAKE - What does everyone mean by FAKE? Do the critics know that SAW has not really killed a single person in his life? None, zero, zilch -nope, not a single one!

I am very curious to understand what everyone's meaning of FAKE is? Is fake the 75 stitches in a wrestlers back from taking a fall wrong? Is fake a wrestler tearing the quad off the bone and going over a year without working? Is fake breaking both the Fibula and Tibia from a simple jump off the top rope? Is fake blowing out knees, shoulders, elbows? How about having a guy's ear ripped off of his head - How FAKE is that?

Is it entertainment? Absolutely! Why do you watch Reality television? Why do you go see a movie? Why do you watch REAL sports? To be entertained? If you were not being entertained, then you turn the channel and not watch it. But those nay-sayers say they hate wrestling because it is FAKE? How laughable that comment is. Yet, those who call it FAKE, love to watch a good Action-Adventure movie where the hero KILLS 30 bad guys in a two minute span! Or they watch the big LOVE scene! Or they can't wait for the ultimate car chase where the star of the movie drive through a maze with scratches on his hot-rod, while 30 cars that are chasing him are all destroyed. Yet, that is more FAKE than anything about Wrestling, but we love to call wrestling FAKE!

So why do we love watching television, go to the movies, or listen to music? It's all because we want our reality to be suspended? We call the best movies, TV shows, and songs the best, because they are the ones the move us further from our reality than other's do. And this is not even touching "REALITY TV"! Yes, in Reality TV, it's all real now isn't it? Yet Reality TV gets the most viewers on television than any shows broadcast. And what is the longest running television programming going? Well, it's the very first reality show ever presented on the Black and White televisions that your grandparents first seen.

The final comment about entertainment, whether it be a good movie, television show, music or professional wrestling is believable "FAKE" entertainment. We know that our lives are never what's in songs, be we can suspend our belief in the words of a song. We love to watch television and movies, with everything that we are watching is FAKE, but as long as it is believably fake, then we really like it. There is no better entertainers than wrestlers. The great ones can make you believe in their FAKE scenes as much as you can believe in the FAKE explosions that Sylvestor Stallone creates. The bad wrestlers screw up the FAKE roles just as bad as Snooky does in her FAKE made-up scenes.

As long as you can be entertained, no matter what media is used to entertain you, then who cares how FAKE it is.
Dusty, to your comment: I know better than most. I have watched dreams ruined with my own eyes. I have helped carry people out of the ring. You remember the story that I told you in another forum about what these people put themselves through just for $20 and a shot at living it.

I was fortunate to never have too serious of an injury but I didn't do it ANYWHERE NEAR as long as some.

I love watching it, and I have always said that it gets less career-threatening the farther up the ladder you get. Yet, it is still dangerous.
^ My friend, you know better than any just how "FAKE" this form of entertainment is!

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