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Should corn be subsidized?
Yes or no? The corn industry has been given many billions in agricultural subsidies for a long time. However, 90% of economists believe its time to let the subsidies go. Whats your take?
ukyfootball Wrote:Yes or no? The corn industry has been given many billions in agricultural subsidies for a long time. However, 90% of economists believe its time to let the subsidies go. Whats your take?

As I have been around the grain industry for years now. I am going to say YES! People have no idea as to how much time and money is spent each year on Diesel fuel, seed corn, the cost of parts, the farmer's time doing soil samples, the cost of fertilzer, herbicides x2, I can go on and on..What these educated morons don't realize is that if the American farmer is put out of business then we are going to be ****ry.
Educated morons? Thats a good one. Every other crop doesnt get subsidized yet they still make a profit. Most of the money from these subsidies arent even going to people in need, and the big cash cow farms get the money.

I honestly dont see why anyone would want corn to continue to be subsidized. It's called "creative destruction," and the resources should be put elsewhere.
ukyfootball Wrote:Educated morons? Thats a good one. Every other crop doesnt get subsidized yet they still make a profit. Most of the money from these subsidies arent even going to people in need, and the big cash cow farms get the money.

I honestly dont see why anyone would want corn to continue to be subsidized. It's called "creative destruction," and the resources should be put elsewhere.

Yes I will agree that usually the bigger checks are given to the ones that don't really need it. However I think that it should be subsidized simply because farming is not like your 9-5 job you are at the mercy of Mother Nature. If it doesn't rain enough for the corn to produce how is the farmer going to feed his family? But in most cases these sudsidies are used towards the farmers seed bill.

I've got a quote that I want you to think about from Dwight D. Eisenhower:

"Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and your a thousand miles from the corn field."
He was President what, 100 years ago?

Times have changed, and so has technology.
And your point is what???? That may have been 100 years ago and technology has you think that prices have not gone up????
Im going to venture to guess that you have never stepped foot onto a farm or much less looked in to the money that is put into a crop of corn the farm doesnt just decide he wants to hook the planter to his tractor and say hey I think i'll plant me some corn today....
Its not that.

The places where the subsidies was suppose to go arent getting the money. There are people who live in downtown New York City who receive this money for no reason. Its one big political scheme.

The corn farmers are just welfare queens looking for a bailout. However, corn can be produced elsewhere for cheaper.

And again, no other crop gets subsidized. At all.
I am really not sure where in the cornbread **** you are getting you information...There is a lot more crops that are being subsidized other than just corn.... You really have not done any research on this have you???? Do YOU have any Idea as to how much money is put in to just one (1) Acre of corn??? You my friend do not have a ligit have never stepped foot on a farm, much less researched the cost of growing corn, you must think that going corn is as easy as just planting it. Have you ever stopped to think what we would do without corn???
Captain Backdoor Wrote:I am really not sure where in the cornbread **** you are getting you information...There is a lot more crops that are being subsidized other than just corn.... You really have not done any research on this have you???? Do YOU have any Idea as to how much money is put in to just one (1) Acre of corn??? You my friend do not have a ligit have never stepped foot on a farm, much less researched the cost of growing corn, you must think that going corn is as easy as just planting it. Have you ever stopped to think what we would do without corn???

No research? Obviously I have since I provided a statistic (90% of economists think corn subsidies are a bunch of S!&^). This is basic economics, and you dont have to "step foot on a farm" to know whats going on and in the best interests. If the subsidies are repealed, we wouldnt lose corn. Take a look at this John Stossel video. Im sure you only support the subsidies because youre on the recipient end of this.
90% of economist huh???? Well kiss my a$$ explain to me what the heck an economist knows about farming...looks like the quote from Eisenhower is looking better all the time....And just for the record NO I am not a recipiant of the subsidies..But I'd rather my tax dollars go to support a farmer in need as to support an illegal immagrant or better yet Obama's pocket.
Captain Backdoor Wrote:90% of economist huh???? Well kiss my a$$ explain to me what the heck an economist knows about farming...looks like the quote from Eisenhower is looking better all the time....And just for the record NO I am not a recipiant of the subsidies..But I'd rather my tax dollars go to support a farmer in need as to support an illeagal immagrant or better yet Obama's pocket.

:Thumbs: Amen to that brother.
Stardust Wrote::Thumbs: Amen to that brother.

You arent getting it either, and youre totally ignorant to the situation. Economists dont have to know about farming, but they do need to know about subsidies. (youre really reaching in this area)

Also, the point being made is farmers dont need the subsidies. If you watched the video, you would know that.
The subsidies are left over from the Great Depression, which might explain the quote. Nice try.
Captain Backdoor Wrote:90% of economist huh???? Well kiss my a$$ explain to me what the heck an economist knows about farming...looks like the quote from Eisenhower is looking better all the time....And just for the record NO I am not a recipiant of the subsidies..But I'd rather my tax dollars go to support a farmer in need as to support an illegal immagrant or better yet Obama's pocket.

Don't pay much attention to him Cap'n...he doesn't make sense on anything.
ukyfootball Wrote:The subsidies are left over from the Great Depression, which might explain the quote. Nice try.

:lmao: Are you kidding me???? Money left over from the depression??? In case you didn't know mr economist...the reason we had a depression is because NO ONE HAD ANY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! You are not looking very brilliant here. Like I said you eduacated morons need to worry more about the crime and other things that are in worse shape than giving the AMERICAN FARMER a handout.
vundy33 Wrote:Don't pay much attention to him Cap'n...he doesn't make sense on anything.

I'll agree Vundy. He has no Idea as to what it cost to grow a crop of corn they think farmers just go down to Southern States and say i want to plant some corn..and they pick up their seed at no cost....Educated morons...
ukyfootball Wrote:You arent getting it either, and youre totally ignorant to the situation. Economists dont have to know about farming, but they do need to know about subsidies. (youre really reaching in this area)

Also, the point being made is farmers dont need the subsidies. If you watched the video, you would know that.

No you are the one that is Ignorant...Why don't they need to know about farming....That would be like a dr not needing to know you symptoms and prescribing you a narcotic for a head cold...
Captain Backdoor Wrote::lmao: Are you kidding me???? Money left over from the depression??? In case you didn't know mr economist...the reason we had a depression is because NO ONE HAD ANY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! You are not looking very brilliant here. Like I said you eduacated morons need to worry more about the crime and other things that are in worse shape than giving the AMERICAN FARMER a handout.

No, I said the subsidies themselves (not the money) are left over from the Great Depression. I guess you dont know history. And the jokes on you, that reading comprehension sucked.
Captain Backdoor Wrote:No you are the one that is Ignorant...Why don't they need to know about farming....That would be like a dr not needing to know you symptoms and prescribing you a narcotic for a head cold...

Because they just have to know the money being brought in and what is going out (something like being an accountant). The corn subsidies are not helping farmers stand on their feet. Rather, they are just increasing profits.

And thats comparing apples to oranges. Does the President need to know every single thing about every little process in the world? No. Economists dont need to know HOW to farm, but rather the money associated with it. (Im sorry you dont understand micro and macroeconomics)
Captain Backdoor Wrote:I'll agree Vundy. He has no Idea as to what it cost to grow a crop of corn they think farmers just go down to Southern States and say i want to plant some corn..and they pick up their seed at no cost....Educated morons...

Thats not what economists think. You all dont have the slightest clue about economics, and obviously none of you have watched the video. The corn subsidies are not helping the farmers have basic needs. Instead, they are giving them handouts. If they were true "American farmers" then they would defer the money back to the government. Even the farmers dont understand why they are given he subsidies!
vundy33 Wrote:Don't pay much attention to him Cap'n...he doesn't make sense on anything.

Says the uneducated one who just wants to blow things and people up. No wonder Eastern Kentucky gets such a bad reputation.
Btw, if you knew anything about economics (haha...thats a joke), you would know the repeal of the subsidies would not go towards helping illegal immigrants. Instead, it could go towards something useful. (such as lowering the deficit)
ukyfootball Wrote:Thats not what economists think. You all dont have the slightest clue about economics, and obviously none of you have watched the video. The corn subsidies are not helping the farmers have basic needs. Instead, they are giving them handouts. If they were true "American farmers" then they would defer the money back to the government. Even the farmers dont understand why they are given he subsidies!

Farmers or farmer?????? If the said farmer doesnt know why he is given it then why don't he give it back?
ukyfootball Wrote:Says the uneducated one who just wants to blow things and people up. No wonder Eastern Kentucky gets such a bad reputation.

Hey buddy you can keep your comments about our Military to yourself...If it wasn't for guys like Vundy we wouldn't have the freedom to post on BGR about anything and everything...You are way off topic pal...My advice to you is keep your pie hole shut about our military....If you don't like the USA pack your bags and get the **** out!!!!!!!!!!
There's probably 1000 more things that need fixed with our economy before I worry about corn.
If this thread cannot be kept civil, then I will close it down.
Captain Backdoor Wrote:Hey buddy you can keep your comments about our Military to yourself...If it wasn't for guys like Vundy we wouldn't have the freedom to post on BGR about anything and everything...You are way off topic pal...My advice to you is keep your pie hole shut about our military....If you don't like the USA pack your bags and get the **** out!!!!!!!!!!

I never said anything bad about vundy in other regards, however hypocritical the statement you made was. I'm sure you go around and bash politicians, many of which have served in the military. I have too, but I know theyre are in 2 different arenas. Once again, I neversaid anything about our military (which you said I did).

I still dont see how Republicans can talk about hating government bailouts, yet support corn subsidies. You all want small government, yet our most basic workforce is getting a handout not to ride out the recession, but to increase profit.

I never said I didnt like the US.
Beetle01 Wrote:There's probably 1000 more things that need fixed with our economy before I worry about corn.

This is true, but it would help decrease the deficit we are in right now.
Captain Backdoor Wrote:Farmers or farmer?????? If the said farmer doesnt know why he is given it then why don't he give it back?

You tell me. These "American farmers" (which probably have illegal immigrants working them) said they would take it simply because it's offered. If the restaurant you go to eat at offers you a free dessert, would you turn it down? Probably not, because it would atleast provide a little bit of value to you.

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