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Obama says Iran has right to nuclear power
Old School Wrote:In my opinion he's already surpassed Jimmy Carter in just a little more than 4 months.
You know what they say about "Opinions" don't ya?:eyeroll:
outdoorsman43 Wrote:My point exactly.

Is everyone okay with this statement? I just don't understand it. President Obama has made some unbelievable and unthinkable statements in just his short time in office.

How about this one? ---- "We are not currently in a war with the Muslims, nor will we ever be." - Obama

I don't know about everyone else on here: but, I take that as if the Muslims are ready to siege attack on our Country, then this man will do little to nothing to defend us.

Some of this stuff is just unbelievable.

You are hopelessly terrorized. As well as uninformed.

Obama is smart enough to know that you never show your full hand and you never let anyone know what you are really thinking.
Stardust Wrote:I have no clue what you just said! My assumption is DO NOT allow them the capabilities of Nuclear Weaponry. their histroy has shown that they WILL USE it for HATE, NOT DEFENSE. If you, my intelligent friend, cannot see that then......
The last war that Iran was involved in was with Iraq, who attacked them first.

BTW the good ole USA was the puppet master in that war pulling the strings on both sides.
the cave master Wrote:The most powerful kid on the playground just punched out two kids. He says to another kid, "Don't ball your hand up and make a fist. You can't be trusted with a fist." Define rogue country. Be careful.

Well , if the most powerful kid in the play ground just punched out two kid's, then the kid that said don't ball your fist up and make a fist . you cant be trusted with a fist , is either not very smart, or has b***s as big as church bells!A rogue state is a country that is considered threatening to the world's peace, severely restricts human rights, sponsors terrorism, and seeks to proliferate weapon's of mass destruction!!!!!
thecavemaster Wrote:The most powerful kid on the playground just punched out two kids. He says to another kid, "Don't ball your hand up and make a fist. You can't be trusted with a fist." Define rogue country. Be careful.

Those 2 kids had their section of the playground, then tried to take over the whole playground by beating on the weakest first.................the kid that spoke softly and carried the big stick...........well he used it to restore order.......
outdoorsman43 Wrote:The bottom line about the Muslim religion is that a part of the Muslim religion is to hate anything different. Not only Jews but Christians as well.

They can't be trusted and Obama is basically saying they can be. Are you saying cavemaster, that you agree with this statement by Obama?

Give me a passage from the quran proving what you said and i'll believe. Christians can be just as untrustworthy. The people who are commiting these crimes aren't regular muslims they are extremists you know kinda like the christians who bomb abortion clinics their not part of the genral part of Islam
DevilsWin Wrote:You are hopelessly terrorized. As well as uninformed.

Obama is smart enough to know that you never show your full hand and you never let anyone know what you are really thinking.

Well, tell me DevilsWin (since you know all), would you make a provocative statement like that?
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:Give me a passage from the quran proving what you said and i'll believe. Christians can be just as untrustworthy. The people who are commiting these crimes aren't regular muslims they are extremists you know kinda like the christians who bomb abortion clinics their not part of the genral part of Islam

Well frankly, I have never read the quran and I don't need to to know what I'm talking about.

Christians who bomb the abortion clinics? I wouldn't exaclty use that stereotype for all Christians.

Why don't you enlighten us on how much you know about the Islamic religion?
DevilsWin Wrote:You are hopelessly terrorized. As well as uninformed.

Obama is smart enough to know that you never show your full hand and you never let anyone know what you are really thinking.


So when Obama said Iran has the right to nukes he really meant we would take out their nukes. Gotcha.Confusedhh:
DevilsWin Wrote:You are hopelessly terrorized. As well as uninformed.

Obama is smart enough to know that you never show your full hand and you never let anyone know what you are really thinking.

You are obviously the one who is uninformed.

Why do you think there is so much terroristic threatening, bombing, etc.?

Because it is part of the Islamic religion to hate (just like ODM43 said). You should watch the news every so often. Then, you might understand.
DevilsWin Wrote:You know what they say about "Opinions" don't ya?:eyeroll:

Why don't you enlighten me? :popcorn:
DevilsWin Wrote:You are hopelessly terrorized. As well as uninformed.

Obama is smart enough to know that you never show your full hand and you never let anyone know what you are really thinking.

Are you sure about that? :flush:
According to some of the latest data, there are over one billion Moslems on the planet. Of that one billion, a few (relatively speaking) are like MIddle Age's Catholics, Dark Ages types, who cut off the head of any non-believer. To make blanket statements about a group that contains one billion people? as diverse and complicated and contradicted as any human group would be? I wouldn't be lecturing on what you know and don't know if you at least don't recognize that.
thecavemaster Wrote:So, let's see, the country that dropped two nukes on non-combatant, civilian population centers lectures a "terrorist" state about nuclear power. Is that about it? And, jetpilot, for the life of me I can't figure out why the font type gets in your head.

So basically, you say let them attain nuclear weapons and just cross our fingers that deterence will work? Yes we dropped 2 atomic bombs on a country that surprised attacked our home land. After we defeated the Germans in the Europe and fought for every inch in the Pacific. In the end, the decision to drop the bombs, saved American lives. Of course we are leaving out the part when the United States rebuilt Japan into a global economic giant after the war.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Well frankly, I have never read the quran and I don't need to to know what I'm talking about.

Christians who bomb the abortion clinics? I wouldn't exaclty use that stereotype for all Christians.

Why don't you enlighten us on how much you know about the Islamic religion?

You do need to know what your talking about if you don't everything you say to be a joke.

Well i wouldn't use "All Muslims Are Determined to Kill Everybody" Stereotype either.

In the year 610 A.D. The angel gabrial came to the prophet Muhammad and revealed the Qu'ran to him a few years after that he started going around preaching islam.

In 632 A.D Muhammad died

Then Islam went into sects because people were disputed over who was the rightful leader of islam the majority became what is know as sunnis the other two sects being know as Shi'a and The Sufis.

During the golden age of islam many things were devolped such as science and math while the rest of the world was in the dark ages

They were involved in some crusades which some were victories

Several Countries became islamic countries

In The 20th century groups of Extremists grouped togeather to try to push their literalist view of islam.
Udon'tKnowMe Wrote:So basically, you say let them attain nuclear weapons and just cross our fingers that deterence will work? Yes we dropped 2 atomic bombs on a country that surprised attacked our home land. After we defeated the Germans in the Europe and fought for every inch in the Pacific. In the end, the decision to drop the bombs, saved American lives. Of course we are leaving out the part when the United States rebuilt Japan into a global economic giant after the war.

Civilians, non-combatants. The fact that you would suggest that modern Tokyo and Toyota somehow mitigates Hirotima and Nagasaki shows how well the military industrial complex has educated you.
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:You do need to know what your talking about if you don't everything you say to be a joke.

Well i wouldn't use "All Muslims Are Determined to Kill Everybody" Stereotype either.

In the year 610 A.D. The angel gabrial came to the prophet Muhammad and revealed the Qu'ran to him a few years after that he started going around preaching islam.

In 632 A.D Muhammad died

Then Islam went into sects because people were disputed over who was the rightful leader of islam the majority became what is know as sunnis the other two sects being know as Shi'a and The Sufis.

During the golden age of islam many things were devolped such as science and math while the rest of the world was in the dark ages

They were involved in some crusades which some were victories

Several Countries became islamic countries

In The 20th century groups of Extremists grouped togeather to try to push their literalist view of islam.

Well, that brings back the memories of how I learned the gist of the Islam religion in school. Well done.

Based upon all your posts, I conclude that you have no worries about any Middle East Country attacking anyone. Is that correct?

I really hope not.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Well, that brings back the memories of how I learned the gist of the Islam religion in school. Well done.

Based upon all your posts, I conclude that you have no worries about any Middle East Country attacking anyone. Is that correct?

I really hope not.

If they didn't have fanatics as leaders i wouldn't but they do so yeah i am pretty concerned.
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:If they didn't have fanatics as leaders i wouldn't but they do so yeah i am pretty concerned.

At least you have that going for you.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:At least you have that going for you.

What's that supposed to mean?
thecavemaster Wrote:Civilians, non-combatants. The fact that you would suggest that modern Tokyo and Toyota somehow mitigates Hirotima and Nagasaki shows how well the military industrial complex has educated you.

The role of the President is to protect American lives. Truman did his job. The United States did a great job of rebuilding Japan. Japan was the country with a military industrial complex.

I guess you need to file a complaint with Transylvania University if you do not agree with how they are teaching the history of Japan and their role in World War II.

So I will ask my question again, (2nd attempt) would you allow Iran to attain nuclear weapons and hope that all the rhetoric they spew about attacking other countries in the Middle East is just that, rhetoric? Has history not taught you anything about aggressive regimes?
Udon'tKnowMe Wrote:The role of the President is to protect American lives. Truman did his job. The United States did a great job of rebuilding Japan. Japan was the country with a military industrial complex.

I guess you need to file a complaint with Transylvania University if you do not agree with how they are teaching the history of Japan and their role in World War II.

So I will ask my question again, (2nd attempt) would you allow Iran to attain nuclear weapons and hope that all the rhetoric they spew about attacking other countries in the Middle East is just that, rhetoric? Has history not taught you anything about aggressive regimes?

A nuclear bomb was dropped on a civilian population. If you are ok with that, that's your moral compass, not mine. The less nuclear weapons on the planet, the better. History taught me who dropped a nuclear weapon, who fire bombed Dresden, which isn't to say America is bad, but is to say governments are flesh and bones, good and bad, and none can be "trusted" with weapons of mass destruction. Read a Japanese history book for some perspective.
thecavemaster Wrote:If knowledge of history matters (and it often appears not to), it would appear that the United States is the only country that has proven itself non-trustworthy with nuclear power.

thecavemaster Wrote:A nuclear bomb was dropped on a civilian population. If you are ok with that, that's your moral compass, not mine. The less nuclear weapons on the planet, the better. History taught me who dropped a nuclear weapon, who fire bombed Dresden, which isn't to say America is bad, but is to say governments are flesh and bones, good and bad, and none can be "trusted" with weapons of mass destruction. Read a Japanese history book for some perspective.

Are you now saying that all goverments, cant be trusted with weapons of mass destruction? If so then I can agree with that, and the part where you said ,"The less nuclear weapons on the planet the better" I also agree with that!
lil dog Wrote:Are you now saying that all goverments, cant be trusted with weapons of mass destruction? If so then I can agree with that, and the part where you said ,"The less nuclear weapons on the planet the better" I also agree with that!

I'm not now saying anything I wasn't saying before. Human nature, fleshed and blooded in the form of governments, can't be trusted with weapons of mass destruction...they'll eventually use them. Therefore, the less of them the better.
the cave master Wrote:If knowledge of history matters (and it often appears not to), it would appear that the United States is the only country that has proven itself non-trustworthy with nuclear power.

You stated earlier, that the United States is the only country that has proven itself non trustworthy with nuclear power. Now you are stating that ALL governments are untrustworthy, so what is it , only the U.S, or all governments?
thecavemaster Wrote:A nuclear bomb was dropped on a civilian population. If you are ok with that, that's your moral compass, not mine. The less nuclear weapons on the planet, the better. History taught me who dropped a nuclear weapon, who fire bombed Dresden, which isn't to say America is bad, but is to say governments are flesh and bones, good and bad, and none can be "trusted" with weapons of mass destruction. Read a Japanese history book for some perspective.

I would have traded Japanese lives for American lives, exactly what Truman did. Sometimes as President you must make difficult decisions, Truman had the most difficult of all time, but he saved American lives, bottom line. History surely has also taught you that dictatorships are much likely to be agressive and that a democracy has never declared war on another democracy in the history of the world. One can't sucker punch another and cry foul when the defender uses a force you can not handle. I agree that the less nuclear weapons on Earth the better. However, if I had to pick between the two I'd say get rid of the dictatorships and peace will take care of itself in time. Which do you think would be easier to rid the world of? I honestly do not know.
Udon'tKnowMe Wrote:I would have traded Japanese lives for American lives, exactly what Truman did. Sometimes as President you must make difficult decisions, Truman had the most difficult of all time, but he saved American lives, bottom line. History surely has also taught you that dictatorships are much likely to be agressive and that a democracy has never declared war on another democracy in the history of the world. One can't sucker punch another and cry foul when the defender uses a force you can not handle. I agree that the less nuclear weapons on Earth the better. However, if I had to pick between the two I'd say get rid of the dictatorships and peace will take care of itself in time. Which do you think would be easier to rid the world of? I honestly do not know.

We agree to disagree. You believe Hirotima and Nagasaki are the justified strategems of war. I believe a fire *!*& bomb got dropped on women and children and non-combatant men and that all the "just war" theory in the world can't fathom that horror and injustice. So be it.
thecavemaster Wrote:We agree to disagree. You believe Hirotima and Nagasaki are the justified strategems of war. I believe a fire *!*& bomb got dropped on women and children and non-combatant men and that all the "just war" theory in the world can't fathom that horror and injustice. So be it.

Fair enough. Thousands of people were going to die, either through an invasion of Japan, or through the dropping of the atomic bombs. Japan had no idea that the United States did not have another atomic bomb to drop on them or they probably still would have not given up. It was clearly a dark day in the history of man-kind.
about obama being the next carter
might be true but look at the light behind
that the next president after carter was ronald reagan
so hopefully after obama there is anthor reagan
Walkman39 Wrote:about obama being the next carter
might be true but look at the light behind
that the next president after carter was ronald reagan
so hopefully after obama there is anthor reagan

We can only hope!!!!!!!!!

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