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The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Note: for those actually following along, the initial query was “has a poor man ever created a job?” Now, consider how much loquacious peacockery has flowed from the straw of a certain poster.

Note2: See who followed Christ in his time on earth, the early church. Until Constantine joined up and such gold and silver and affairs of state flooded in that it will take the One True Judge to sift wheat and chaff, a sifting I have absolutely zero fear of, no matter the cocksure fluffery.

Note 1
You're always playing around with words. The ministry is not 'a job.' One does not just choose to become an Apostle such as in the case of the twelve. Nor does he just choose to become a Pastor. The Lord gave clear accounts of His having called such out from among men. In fact, as in His own case where He left His job as a carpenter to start His ministry, the Apostles all left their jobs, fishermen etc., to serve the Lord. In that case God has ordained that His full time servants be supported, 'paid' by the giving of the Church. And though But the Apostles themselves never really made a living, or had any money. They lived day by day on what they were given by God's people. That the 'jobs' you're talking about?

Note 2
Well, you're obviously in MUCH better shape than the Apostle Paul then. You know, the guy who wrote all the "Pauline" stuff in the Bible? Actually 2/3's of the entire New Testament if I remember correctly, including (2 Cor 5:11) quoted below. I'm not worthy to wipe Paul's sandals off, and yet he was certainly concerned about standing in front of God. We will all give an account of our lives before the Living God, and I guarantee I am very concerned about my own failings. But you are just going to tool right through all of that with a chuckle and a smile on your face huh?

I faced a major surgery once. Knowing the seriousness of it and not wanting to take God for granted to any degree whatever, being totally at the mercy of the Lord and a doctor I barely knew, I became somewhat aware of how it might feel to step out into eternity. In minutes I would be put to sleep, and I didn't know whether to tell my family I'll see you soon, or goodbye. What awaits you, me everybody at the judgment makes that seem like a trip to the lake. Men will be praying for the rocks to fall on them so that they may be hidden from His face. (Rev 6:16) Men cannot even look upon Him and live, but for you it's all good.

Apostle Paul--
2 Corinthians 5:11 (KJV)
11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

The word Terror here ^^, according to actual biblical scholars such as Walvoord and Zuck, means fear.

King Solomon---
Proverbs 9:10 (KJV)
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.

Your liberalism continues to show through there Sombrero. Liberalism teaches a rather damnable doctrine according to J Vernon McGee. That being the universal fatherhood of God, along with the universal brotherhood of man. Sound familiar to you?

Apostle Paul---
Heb 10:31 (KJV)
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

It is just this simple, supporting candidates who openly vow the continuance of abortion on demand and gay rights, such as in the case of all Dems and Hillary Clinton and Doug Jones most recently, will not be overlooked. That doesn't mean we treat gays and pregnant girls badly, but like we shouldn't legalize bank robbery for the sakes of those who rob banks, nor should we legalize abortion and gay rights because offenders cannot bridle themselves. The equivocations and mitigating arguments of the left will not so much as be allowed to be voiced at the judgment. Possibly as in the case of Paul, the more one knows Him, the more one fears Him?
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Companies Announcing Post Tax-Cut Bonuses - by TheRealThing - 01-13-2018, 06:04 PM

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