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Lewis Morris Accepts Middlesboro Head Coaching Position
This has really surprised me.

Sure hope he has a lot of luck rebuilding the program there at Middlesboro!!

Even in their lowest times, Middlesboro always had a great fan base. They were loud and rowdy!! I remember playing down there one time, and the crowd was all dressed up and excited. One of the fans had an air horn, and the refs had told him that he could not use it. He sat it down beside him on the bleachers. Shortly afterward, a kid that appeared to be 11 or 12 years old, got excited and picked it up and blew it. Well, you would've thought he had shot a gun or something. He was escorted out of the gym and looked like he was about to cry. I felt so bad for him!!
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Lewis Morris Accepts Middlesboro Head Coaching Position - by Granny Bear - 06-14-2017, 06:12 PM

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