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Best night of basketball in 15th region history
-STAT- Wrote:I'll have to agree, definitely one of the best nights of the 15th Regional Tournament, most definitely in the Expo center, ever. The last time I seen that place nearly filled to capacity, was the Valley-Paintsville semi final matchup in 2008, nearly 7500 in attendance for that game. But when you have back to back to back games like that, come down to the wire? It really makes you change your tone about having it in the expo, just wish that the atmosphere would be like that every night. Maybe implement this concept of having the girls championship, and the boys semi finals on Saturday, but maybe start a little earlier, or even have the girls championship as the last game of the evening, they deserve to have the main event, and with all the ideas that PULP had mentioned above, I think the expo center could turn it around, because it's been way down the last 5 years. But you couldn't ask for a better night of basketball.
7,500 in attendance? There are only 6,675 tickets available for the Chris Stapleton concert in April, and that's including 1,400 seats on the floor. Explain to me how there were 7,500 at a high school basketball game when the actual capacity is only around 5,200
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Best night of basketball in 15th region history - by Redneck - 03-06-2017, 04:04 PM

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