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LOL, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the folks who manage to actually get through your last paragraph, will come away shaking their heads. But still, I cannot allow your preachy distortions about Christ to go unchallenged. The only reason Christ told the rich young ruler to sell all that he had, give it to the poor and take up his cross and follow Him, was because of what the young ruler had said. He claimed that he had observed all of God's commandments from his youth. At that point The Lord pointed out his love of wealth, which he realized at that moment was something he just could not give up. Thus money and not The Lord was first in his life, which of course violated the very first Commandment Exodus 20:3 (KJV)
"V3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
I can assure you this, if I, you, DJT or George Soros would sell all that we have and give it to the poor expecting it to guarantee our place in heaven, we'd all be wrong. Giving to or helping the poor is noble to be sure, but it won't change one thing at the Judgment.

I believe your time would be better spent in honoring Christ, and less being a left wing apologist and in trying to make yourself look better by trying to bring me down personally. But that's just me.

Listen, the Democrats made their deal with the devil and he has come to collect. Since the rise of Obama in 2008, Dems have lost over 900 seats in the various state legislatures, 12 Governorships, 63 seats in the House of Representatives, and 10 in the US Senate. The coup de grâce being the merciful departure of Obama and the Democrats from the Oval Office in a scant 31 days from now. There is a problem with the Lucifer's rationale in "Paradise Lost," in which he stated "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." The founders recognized man's authority and only hope to successfully self govern, could come only from God, their Creator. Theirs' was the example of service and sacrifice, not demands for welfare and identity politics.

BTW, did you know that George Washington inherited his family's wealth and considerable land holdings before he became President? And guess what he did not do, divest.
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