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Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies during hunting trip in Marfa
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Has it occurred to you that fifteen, yes, fifteen, Presidents were content to see their fellow human beings bought, sold, beaten, marginalized, captured, forced to labor as oxen and not so much as issue an edict? And you suggest Barack Obama is the most racially divisive President? I am not a huge fan of President Obama, never voted for him, think Cornel West and Tavis Smiley need to radically confront the level of dysfunction and disregard for law and order within black youth culture, but, "Truth" your claim of "obvious" is only such if your mind is closed, your vision clouded, your heart hardened.

Not that you've got the first clue on a personal level about what you're shoveling here, but knowing your fondness for the internet, I have supplied all who would care to brush up on the subject with a link, which will more than clarify the whole slave situation. (in the historical sense) Not only can slave trade not be hung on 15 US Presidents, it cannot even by hung on white men in general.

"The white man did not introduce slavery to Africa . . . . And by the fifteenth century, men with dark skin had become quite comfortable with the concept of man as property . . . . Long before the arrival of Europeans on West Africa’s coast, the two continents shared a common acceptance of slavery as an unavoidable and necessary—perhaps even desirable—fact of existence. The commerce between the two continents, as tragic as it would become, developed upon familiar territory. Slavery was not a twisted European manipulation, although Europe capitalized on a mutual understanding and greedily expanded the slave trade into what would become a horrific enterprise . . . . It was a thunder that had no sound. Tribe stalked tribe, and eventually more than 20 million Africans would be kidnapped in their own homeland. 10
- See more at:

Recent history has seen high ranking officials from Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Senegal among others, freely recognizing the role of African Kings who participated in slavery

"Historians estimate that ten million of these abducted Africans “never even made it to the slave ships. Most died on the march to the sea”—still chained, yoked, and shackled by their African captors—before they ever laid eyes on a white slave trader. 11 The survivors were either purchased by European slave dealers or “instantly beheaded” by the African traders “in sight of the [slave ship] captain” if they could not be sold.12 Of course, the even more horrific and inhuman middle passage—the voyage of a European (and later American) slave ship from Africa to the Western Hemisphere—still lay before those who had survived the forced trek to the coast." - See more at:

I mean, was it not you who cited Revelation 18 in an effort to condemn people who happen to have money? Then when that turned out not so good you retreated, but not before you pointed out that slaves would still be for sale on the block at the end of time. Which is imminent BTW. So who are you wanting to blame here, and for what?
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Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies during hunting trip in Marfa - by TheRealThing - 02-16-2016, 10:45 PM

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