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Kim Davis trial over refusal to issue marriage licenses
I seem to remember a situation out in San Francisco in late 2003 or early 2004 in which the Mayor took it upon himself to issue marriage licenses to same sex 'couples' in direct contravention to existing state and federal law.

If memory serves, nobody did much of anything about it. No threats of throwing Mayor Newsom in jail. No railings from among conservatives or anybody else about his duty under the constitution to enforce the law. It's really sad and hilarious at the same time. If the left wants something they always use the law, to run over the law in order to get it. When the Mayor of SF was illegally issuing marriage licenses to gays they saw his lawless acts as acceptable civil rights activism. But, if Kim Davis seems to lack nothing where a viable defense is concerned (especially in a state whose legislature has yet to act on the matter) the left demands she do her job as they see it.

In any case, we see where sitting on our conservative hands has gotten us. Now we see the entirety of the Democratic Party picking and choosing what they will enforce and what they will ignore. Dream Act anyone?
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Kim Davis trial over refusal to issue marriage licenses - by TheRealThing - 09-13-2015, 03:59 AM

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