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Dr. Ben Carson potential Presidential Campaign?
WideRight05 Wrote:If you read the threads where I posted a link or where I discussed media you would know that I love using the liberal's own sources against them. Thus, if I do post a link (which is rare) it will come from a center-left and/or a left-wing source. Posting links are a waste of time in most scenarios because it just creates a defensive reaction from other political parties about the source, so usually I avoid them unless it comes a liberal website.

Second, if you spent time studying every politician you would find "absurd" comments, as you put them. I could go on all day about Barack Obama's "if you like your plan you can keep it," or his comments on cap and trade - and don't even get me started on the long list of Joe Biden comments. All one needs to do to find a list of "absurd" for any politician is a search on YouTube.

Your entire rant on Ben Carson is an exhibition of defensive reaction. See, that is the difference between you and I. You are lying in wait for Ben Carson to say something that you disagree with so you can bash him. I choose to look at the politician's position on the issues, their voting history, and their ability to work with other political parties. You told me to open my eyes, but you are the one that needs to open your eyes. Discussing current events is a waste of time with people like you because you are just looking for a faulty comment, and it's people like you that have played a role in putting this country in the position it is in because of your poor choices at the voting polls.

Interesting. Freedom Outpost and Charisma Magazine don't seem to be center-left or left wing but what do I know? You post links on probably half of the threads you start in these forums.

I agree. Absurd comments can be found from pretty much everybody. This thread asked about Ben Carson, so that's who I decided to talk about. Once again I'm not sure why you continue to talk about Obama when I have never mentioned him.

I love your psychoanalysis of my defensive reaction, yet yours is viewed in a different light? You were defensive from your first reply to me, and by mentioning Obama immediately you lost your ability to argue otherwise. You are lying in wait to defend Carson or any other conservative that someone speaks I'll of. You ooze of hypocrisy in everything you are saying to me.

Keep judging me however, and mentioning that "people like me" have done this or that, and I'll stick to the topic at hand. Sorry you think I'm ruining this country because I don't like Ben Carson :Thumbs:
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Dr. Ben Carson potential Presidential Campaign? - by Motley - 03-04-2015, 03:20 AM

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