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Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence
It was revealed just today that the number of Americans estmated likely to be fined for not purchasing health insurance has been increased from 4 million to 6 million. This includes folks making about $25,000 dollars a year and up. In other words, middle class families and singles are going to be fined. I have said over and over that the middle class will bear the brunt of the costs associated with ObamaCare. Estimated costs for yearly premiums will range from about $4,000 dollars for singles to $15,000 dollars for families of 4.

How many folks on here that pay for their own insurance can truly say they can afford $15,000 a year for health insurance? That doesn't touch co-pays and deductibles for care and drugs, BTW. For a family of 4 that will run the balance up to around 20 grand. All you that have been clicking your heels and yelling bring it on, still feeling as pert about it as you were before you had the first clue what you were in for?

Now, let's get real here for a second. Who are the only folks that will get free health care? Like I've been saying, it's the same ones that got free health care all along. The only difference is now they will get the cadillac treatment, just like folks that pay. The stigma of free clinics and ER style cattle call health care has been done away with by federal law. The guys getting the freebies from 2014 forward will get the same care as you do. I contend it will be better, because you'll have government beaurocrats playng watchdog to make very sure they this happens. Further, care facilities, hospitals etc., will go overboard to avoid government 'attention'. So, we are staring down the gun barrell at a two tier medical system. After 2014 the only folks who will get health care on par with those of us that pay, now recieve, will be the rich. Everybody else will get what the government dictates. Just like Russia! Aren't you thrilled?

This is only the beginnings of woes. Everything is about to get regulated from gasoline, which of course, means folks won't be able to just pack up and go on a trip anymore. Utilites will be regulated too. And, since resources will be so expensive and industial controls will be so stringent, consumer goods that every working American is used to being able to afford will suddenly cost a fortune. This is what republicans and others not blinded by DNC talking points have been warning about. Having one's freedoms ripped away by circumstance of war or some other disaster would be bad enough, but, to vote to have them taken away by Barry and his band of eco bozos is unbelievable. Is being a dyed-in-the-wool democrat, really that rewarding? All you need is the "air that you breathe and love Barack," right? LOL

Romney will restore sanity to this land. The liberal media have spent days beating a dead horse. Of course, welfare recipients are going to keep going to the well and voting democratic. The dems are the ones who should be on the recieving end of the voters lash this November.
Messages In This Thread
Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence - by nky - 09-14-2012, 10:40 AM
Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence - by nky - 09-14-2012, 12:21 PM
Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence - by nky - 09-14-2012, 03:00 PM
Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence - by Stardust - 09-14-2012, 05:15 PM
Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence - by vector - 09-14-2012, 05:22 PM
Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence - by nky - 09-14-2012, 09:31 PM
Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence - by TheRealThing - 09-20-2012, 02:57 PM
Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence - by nky - 09-21-2012, 05:36 PM
Obamacare Summed Up In One Sentence - by nky - 09-21-2012, 05:37 PM

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