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Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse
I'm sure many of you are tired of me bringing this thread back, but I just thought of something that I thought was important to mention. But this advice that I'm about to give doesn't have to just be used in the coming economic collapse. It can be for any tough time that you might have to go through.

When the economic collapse occurs (or when any tough time occurs), I imagine that people will become very bitter. You might have friends who are very, very good friends. However, when their lives start to get tougher, their worry might discourage them from helping you or others like they used to. I encourage you to become a person who will help others during tough times and even at your own expense. It will be very tough to do this, especially if people become very worried about their own lives (as I personally expect them to). But it's very important to each community that there are people who care for others. I personally expect that there will be fewer people who will be willing to care for others when this economic collapse occurs.

The reason why I didn't think about this earlier was because I first thought communities would automatically come together. But now that I think about it, I expect that people will greatly worry about their own lives and, therefore, would be more encouraged to help themselves than others. Whatever tough time you might have, please continue to help others. And please encourage church leaders to help others when the economic collapse comes, since it will most likely be the churches that will have the best opportunity to unite communities. But if you can't encourage church leaders to help others, don't force them.

Whatever happens, please continue to help others. During very tough times, the world will definitely need those type of people.
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Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse - by Deathstar 80 - 10-23-2011, 02:51 PM

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