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Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse
Death star you do know that this type of end of civilization has been around well since the dawn of civilization. Survivalist are just the next in a long line of Armageddon prophets in resent times we have:
1.End of Oil Could Fuel 'End of Civilization
2. increasing cyber attach you'll start to see more end of the world talk because of how connected to the Internet
3. H1N1 pandemic, Bird Flu, Sars, and a host of other Global pandemic
4. Those from the 1970's may remember the coming Ice Age
5. Hale Bopp
6.The booming population - How much more can the earth hold-overpopulation are presumed to lead to a global civil war
7.super bacteria that are Antibiotic resistance
8. Peak food- droughts plus overpopulation
9. Y2K- why anyone would fill their garage with toilet paper is beyond me
10. December 21, 2012
11. read why that idiot in Norway did what he did plus others who keep claiming race wars are coming (Charlie Manson anyone?)

These are just in the last 40 years and there are more. The current debt "crisis" is just another issue that Doom and gloomer latch onto. Be careful what you take as "truth" are they trying to sell you something or do they always talk about a certain website/business? That's a great guerrilla advertising tool.
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Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse - by nky - 07-25-2011, 11:28 PM

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