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An open letter to Ashley Judd: In Defense of Coal
Here's the way I see it:

Unless the government can come up with a better solution for coal mining in EKY & WV, then we need to appreciate what our coal companies do for our area. Accidents happen to everyone, and I'm sure the coal companies want to avoid any kind of accident. Although accidents may happen and although some of them may have been prevented, we need to take a stand for our local coal companies. They're the reason for many of the new jobs and public entertainment venues in our area (i.e. MAC, Expo Center, Rec Centers, ball fields, etc).

But I'm for anything that keeps EKY going, whether that is by coal, natural gas, trees, factories, etc. Unfortunately, right now it's coal.
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An open letter to Ashley Judd: In Defense of Coal - by BlackcatAlum - 06-29-2010, 03:37 AM

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