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Hold backs
Majority of the treads that I have read have at least 1 comment about hold backs. I dont see the deal with all of this. Alot of people are against it, what is so wrong about holding a kid back to play a sport, I see it as another year of learner and perfecting your game; I also think it makes the games more enjoyable and exciting to watch when you have two talented teams playing eachother. Since I dont have a kid in high school, is it the talk in high school too? And yes I know the cut off point to hold a child back is 6th grade; correct me if iam wrong please. But if you knew that your child was going to be on the small side wouldnt you want to hold them back so that they could grow alittle so that they wont get hurt as easily?? And if anyone thinks that mine is a holdback, he is not. As a matter of fact he is actually the youngest on the team, he was born 2/1997, he has good genes. Also he has played organized ball since he was in kindergarten.
There is nothing wrong with it. It's the norm now a days anyway. Most peoples kids are playing against kids two years older than they are anyway. I did it this year and I hope it pays off in the end.
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:There is nothing wrong with it. It's the norm now a days anyway. Most peoples kids are playing against kids two years older than they are anyway. I did it this year and I hope it pays off in the end.
Then why do people frown upon it? They feel like you are cheating or feel its unfair.
I was just wondering how it can help a child if they will be playing against younger smaller kids...I would think it would help them more if they played against kids with more size and talent (maybe help with self esteem)...just thinking out loud...
The kids are already playing against kids that are 2 yrs. older than them in some cases. To compete at the highest level kids have to hold back. I agree that it does not help the kids when they r playing kids that are their same age but to keep up at a high level you have to do it. There is a huge difference in one more year of development, not to mention 2 more years. The real difference that will help the kid that holds back will be seen in his Junior and Senior year of high school.
The kids can be held back until 7th grade without effecting any high school eligibility problems
littlebluefan Wrote:I was just wondering how it can help a child if they will be playing against younger smaller kids...I would think it would help them more if they played against kids with more size and talent (maybe help with self esteem)...just thinking out loud...

Mine will not be playing down.....He will be playing with his own group. I'm looking for the payoff in the end....not now. Go on any college athletic website and count the 20 year old freshmen on the rosters......That's just the way it is now.
dozerdawg707 Wrote:The kids are already playing against kids that are 2 yrs. older than them in some cases. To compete at the highest level kids have to hold back. I agree that it does not help the kids when they r playing kids that are their same age but to keep up at a high level you have to do it. There is a huge difference in one more year of development, not to mention 2 more years. The real difference that will help the kid that holds back will be seen in his Junior and Senior year of high school.

I couldn't agree more.....the pay off will be the last two years of high school.
What if I just started my son or daughter later than normal. Would all of the na sayers of this have the same view.
ballfan87 Wrote:The kids can be held back until 7th grade without effecting any high school eligibility problems

You can technically do it in the 8th grade....all you have to do is flunk all of your core classes. If I had to do it that way I wouldn't do it but, it does happen that way sometimes unfortunately.
theres no problem with getting held back, i mean if you wanna compete in any team sport you gotta have some good hold backs...
One problem is that Kentucky will allow students to start a full year prior to most states. That creates a wider spread in ages.

Most states require you to be 6 years old when entering 1st grade. Thus, with normal progression you will be 18 when you graduate. In Kentucky, 158.030 allows for children who are 5 as of October 1 to start 1st grade. Thus they would be only 17 when they graduate.

Good link for comparison of states.

Note that the chart shows Kentucky with a "5 by October 1st" and that is similar to other states. But 158.030 allows for starting in 1st grade at age 5.

Compare to Missouri:

Quote:A child is eligible for admission to first grade if the child reaches the age of six (6) before the first day of August of the school year beginning in that calendar year.

Maybe part of the answer to hold backs to compress the range of ages for entering school. Then there would not be a decision later.
No, A child can be top in class and still be held back 8th grade damage to high school playing time. several went thru this last year, parents choice if thinks kid not mature enough for high school. with doctor approval..
If a child is retained in the 8th grade he/she MAY NOT participate in High sports during that hold back year.
It is not the parents choice in grade 8. It must be a school decision. Case BL-4-18.
If the child is promoted to ninth grade and parents choice to hold them back they will not be elibible their senior year.
i going to hold my son will repete the 6th grade this yr but he will be playing up with the 7th and 8th grade
cart man Wrote:It is not the parents choice in grade 8. It must be a school decision. Case BL-4-18.
If the child is promoted to ninth grade and parents choice to hold them back they will not be elibible their senior year.

Thats why everything has to be done 30 days prior to the end of school.
Most schools will not allow kids to be held back unless they are failing. I have seen this on several occassions. By the time they are Juniors in High School it does not matter if they are held back or not. I think it is bad to play 15 year olds against 12 year olds in Middle school.

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