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Healthcare Reform Principle
Beetle01 Wrote:I have one question about the so called Helth Care Reform with the public option the liberals are wanting. I would like for a Dem or liberal to answer for me.

What happens if it doesn't work? What if after 10 years its cost twice as much, has been ineffective? What politician could possibly take it away? Who is going to run on a platform of "Im going to take away health coverage for 40million people in this country."

Thats why Im for moving in stages.

First thing is regulation for Insurance companies, these companies rob our country blind every day.
Right now a few HC companies have a monopoly stranglehold on the competition due to anti-trust laws. They can keep anyone from coming into their territory and offering better coverage for cheaper.

These protections have to go, and it is one thing I agree with the Dems on for sure. Do it now, don't wait. Its time we start doing things the right way in this country again. If these politicians can't do it, its time to get rid of them and find some that will.
I agree with most of what you say here. However, the average profit margin for health insurance companies last year was under 3 percent. Government regulation and shifting the real cost of Medicare and Medicaid to private health insurance companies and their customers is what has driven cost through the roof. More government regulation is not the answer.
beetle01 Wrote:i have one question about the so called helth care reform with the public option the liberals are wanting. I would like for a dem or liberal to answer for me.

What happens if it doesn't work? What if after 10 years its cost twice as much, has been ineffective? What politician could possibly take it away? Who is going to run on a platform of "im going to take away health coverage for 40million people in this country."

thats why im for moving in stages.

First thing is regulation for insurance companies, these companies rob our country blind every day.
Right now a few hc companies have a monopoly stranglehold on the competition due to anti-trust laws. They can keep anyone from coming into their territory and offering better coverage for cheaper.

These protections have to go, and it is one thing i agree with the dems on for sure. Do it now, don't wait. Its time we start doing things the right way in this country again. If these politicians can't do it, its time to get rid of them and find some that will.

Bravo! Bravo!

On this we can agree!
"Financial ruin from medical bills is almost exclusively an American disease." - Roul Turley To this I would add that in third world countries people die from lack of adequate medical care all the time. Tragic that it happens there, borderline criminal that it happens here.

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