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Belfry 24 Pike Central 14
hawkfan1 Wrote:I think if memory serves right!! Pike Central beat you this year in a scrimmage!!

Beat who???
yes,I seen this!! I thought i was the only one,Belfry has been talking about sportsmanship,well what excuse do you have for that? An ADULT against a CHILD
hawkfan1 Wrote:The BAD CALL did make a difference,I want to take my hat off to Coach Chapman! FINALLY someone with enough backbone to stand up for our boys,We have alot of talent,and we will see you (Pirates) in the playoffs
More than likely, you won't.

PC will finish 3rd in our district behind SC and Belfry.

That means you will travel in the first week of the playoffs to Russell. If (and it is a big if) you were to beat Russell, then you'd either go to Belfry or Sheldon Clark (whichever one wins this Friday and earns the #1 seed.)

So it isn't impossible, but the odds are certainly against us meeting again this season.
Buc-a-roo Wrote:More than likely, you won't.

PC will finish 3rd in our district behind SC and Belfry.

That means you will travel in the first week of the playoffs to Russell. If (and it is a big if) you were to beat Russell, then you'd either go to Belfry or Sheldon Clark (whichever one wins this Friday and earns the #1 seed.)

So it isn't impossible, but the odds are certainly against us meeting again this season.

truthfuly I think you are once again underestimating Pike Central. Russel runs the same type of offense as Belfry which means same defensive scheme should and will be ran. Unfortuantley for Russel they dont have the "Tomcat" should be a great match up between PC and the "R"
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:truthfuly I think you are once again underestimating Pike Central. Russel runs the same type of offense as Belfry which means same defensive scheme should and will be ran. Unfortuantley for Russel they dont have the "Tomcat" should be a great match up between PC and the "R"

Russell runs the Wing T, not the Wishbone. It's not the same offense, but it is still an offense geared towards running the ball over 90% of the time. Chapman is very familiar with Russell's offense though, just like Belfry's.
congrays pirates. personally think you needed this to make you get focused for next friday night. good luck against sc
Belfry0304 Wrote:I'm not afraid to admit, I probably ****ed some people off. People also ****ed me off last night. First as a Central fan walked by me we argued a bit, and it made me a little mad, but I got really heated when a cheerleader turned around and argued with me. I lost my cool and for the rest of the game yelled at the PCC players, coaches, and even fans. In previous experiences I don't like people from over there. I didn't yell anything too awful, at least I don't think. I did make a comment when an african american coach was right in front of me, I said "Don't be scared of Thomas, he's just a little white boy." - This is a joke between me and my friends because of the stereotype that black people are better, like Ivan, David Jones, etc. So if that coach reads this, I didn't mean any harm or racism by it.

Unless that coach is one of your "friends", what you said was definately classless. Racism isn't an action, it's an attitude.

It's to your credit, though, that you post an apology on here for it. :Clap:
oneijoe Wrote:Unless that coach is one of your "friends", what you said was definately classless. Racism isn't an action, it's an attitude.

It's to your credit, though, that you post an apology on here for it. :Clap:

AGREE!! Nice post joe.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:truthfuly I think you are once again underestimating Pike Central. Russel runs the same type of offense as Belfry which means same defensive scheme should and will be ran. Unfortuantley for Russel they dont have the "Tomcat" should be a great match up between PC and the "R"
Actually, Russells offense is completely different than Belfry's. The wing t is another animal altogether from a defensive preparation standpoint.

Not that PC won't be prepared, but they won't prepare the same way as they do for Belfry.

But only part of my post was saying I'm not sure PC can beat Russell. The other part is the fact that Belfry is a 50/50 shot at beating Sheldon Clark. So even if you beat Russell, you may only earn a date with the Cardinals instead of the Pirates.
oneijoe Wrote:Unless that coach is one of your "friends", what you said was definately classless. Racism isn't an action, it's an attitude.

It's to your credit, though, that you post an apology on here for it. :Clap:

Thank you joe for pointing that out. I really think the more classy Belfry fans on here should make an effort to police our own. If we witness some of our own fans acting the way Belfry0304 admitted he acted, then we should call them down for it. Likewise when they post about it online, we should let them know that we don't need that.

No matter who you cheer for, you represent that school. Keep yourself under control and represent it well. It matters.
Roundabout Wrote:I’m confused…were you at the game? PCC was much MORE physical on defense than Belfry and it was not for some offensive mistakes it could have been a different outcome. But as they say about ifs and or buts. I’m not disputing the final score of the game but anyone with commonsense could see that PCC played better than everyone thought they could play and Belfry took this as an insult. Wouldn’t it be funny if Sheldon Clark beats Belfry and PCC somehow beats Sheldon Clark? What would people think then? Just a wonder of mine. Trust me it is a matter of time before the tables will turn and then we will see how people respond.
listen, Pike Central did play a good game,no one said they didn't & to be honest ill be the first to admit that alot of us made the mistake of overlooking PCC, & we prlly shouldn't have, but like i said beofre if Belfry layed there hardest it would have been alot different. & just for the sake of argument IF you guys were to beat us next season, do you seriously think that will make you better than Belfry? cause judging by the way the players,coaching staff, & fans acted friday night you guys will NEVER even come remotley close to having a football program like belfry. not saing PCC isn't a good team, cause they are, but w/ attitudes that show they showed over there that night if i'm gonna be completly honest it just proves Pike Central has no class. if the belfry players acted like that caoch haywood would throw a fit & even if the belfry's students acted like the way PCC students did, don't think there wouldn't be something said to them.
Buc-a-roo Wrote:Actually, Russells offense is completely different than Belfry's. The wing t is another animal altogether from a defensive preparation standpoint.

Not that PC won't be prepared, but they won't prepare the same way as they do for Belfry.

But only part of my post was saying I'm not sure PC can beat Russell. The other part is the fact that Belfry is a 50/50 shot at beating Sheldon Clark. So even if you beat Russell, you may only earn a date with the Cardinals instead of the Pirates.

fair enough I got you now...But I think the D that Pike Central runs now under Chapman will contain Russell very very well, but heck we shall see right i mean who knows we may even upset Sheldon Clark then if you all beat them this week and we beat East Ridge your stillin 2nd at districts end...So many things COULD happen they are far fetched but they may lol...Good luck this week hope you all beat the Cards
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:fair enough I got you now...But I think the D that Pike Central runs now under Chapman will contain Russell very very well, but heck we shall see right i mean who knows we may even upset Sheldon Clark then if you all beat them this week and we beat East Ridge your stillin 2nd at districts end...So many things COULD happen they are far fetched but they may lol...Good luck this week hope you all beat the Cards

That would be awesome if Central could win a playoff game. I believe they are talented enough, but do they have the mental toughness to not be beat before the game starts. If they can hang around long enough, like they did against the Pirates, then good things can happen.
hawkfan1 Wrote:I think if memory serves right!! Pike Central beat you this year in a scrimmage!!

Are you talking about basketball or volleyball?:biggrin:
oneijoe Wrote:Unless that coach is one of your "friends", what you said was definately classless. Racism isn't an action, it's an attitude.

It's to your credit, though, that you post an apology on here for it. :Clap:

Maybe you didn't understand my post, my friends were all standing around me when I said it. It's not like I said ANYTHING racist. After I thought over it, I realized, "HEY! That coach might've thought I was taking a shot at him!" I would've said it to any coach. Whether he be white, black, indian, mexican, ANYTHING. Fact is, in football aren't black people stereotyped to be better? Aren't larger people feared more? Is Thomas Varney either one of those?

Oh, and at least I apologized after I realized that could've been taken wrong. The players and cheerleaders were yelling friendly competitively at us and we yelled back, no harm in that is there?
bucslover68 Wrote:That would be awesome if Central could win a playoff game. I believe they are talented enough, but do they have the mental toughness to not be beat before the game starts. If they can hang around long enough, like they did against the Pirates, then good things can happen.

still got a LONG WAY to go Chapman has the program on the right direction though
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:fair enough I got you now...But I think the D that Pike Central runs now under Chapman will contain Russell very very well, but heck we shall see right i mean who knows we may even upset Sheldon Clark then if you all beat them this week and we beat East Ridge your stillin 2nd at districts end...So many things COULD happen they are far fetched but they may lol...Good luck this week hope you all beat the Cards

If Pike Central beats Sheldon Clark and East Ridge, and if Belfry beats Sheldon Clark and East Ridge, then how would Belfry finish 2nd?

The district would finish 1. Belfry, 2. Pike Central, 3. Sheldon Clark, 4. East Ridge.
Belfry0304 Wrote:Maybe you didn't understand my post, my friends were all standing around me when I said it. It's not like I said ANYTHING racist. After I thought over it, I realized, "HEY! That coach might've thought I was taking a shot at him!" I would've said it to any coach. Whether he be white, black, indian, mexican, ANYTHING. Fact is, in football aren't black people stereotyped to be better? Aren't larger people feared more? Is Thomas Varney either one of those?

Oh, and at least I apologized after I realized that could've been taken wrong. The players and cheerleaders were yelling friendly competitively at us and we yelled back, no harm in that is there?

Just to clear things up. I hope you were not one of the morons on standing behind the home bench directly under the pressbox with your twin from Deliverance and your/his/boths wife acting like a complete fool.
If that was you, you terribly mis-represented a classy Belfry team
RUNtheBALL Wrote:Just to clear things up. I hope you were not one of the morons on standing behind the home bench directly under the pressbox with your twin from Deliverance and your/his/boths wife acting like a complete fool.
If that was you, you terribly mis-represented a classy Belfry team

I followed the ball pretty much the whole game standing, when I did start paying serious attention in the 2nd quarter- You're welcome to message me what the person was wearing and if it wasn't me I can tell who it was.

However if it was someone who looked hillbilly-ish I can bet it wasn't me, and I wasn't with a wife, I had a friend and our girlfriends, but the girls were silent.
Buc-a-roo Wrote:If Pike Central beats Sheldon Clark and East Ridge, and if Belfry beats Sheldon Clark and East Ridge, then how would Belfry finish 2nd?

The district would finish 1. Belfry, 2. Pike Central, 3. Sheldon Clark, 4. East Ridge.

sorry I worded it wrong it was meant to read that we would then be sitting at 2nd in district sorry for the confusion
A_Ray #5 :];850062 Wrote:Good win for belfry. Excited about the matchup next week with us traveling up to Pond Creek. Belfry always seems to play 10 times harder when they face they face us Cards.
Congrats Belfry :]

I think Belfry has to admit that if it hadn't been for the penalty called in the last quarter that Pike Central was giving them a run for their money. They almost got beat. Which proves that Belfry can be beat as long as the refs stay out of it.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:could have yes would have who knows Pike Central had moved the ball consistent the entire second half and for the most part controled the game from the 2nd half untill about the last 8 minutes of the game...I think its safe to say Belfry for the most part got out muscled alot tonight...Congrats to Belfry on the win and good luck next week against the Cards should be another epic battle...

Refs play a big part in a game and did so in the game Friday night. Belfry was Lucky!!!!
phs1986 Wrote:The block in the back call is what Belfry opted for seeing as there were 2 different ones to choose from. The penalty for that was half the distance isn't it? AND, the time out was NOT called until the coach was on the field and had already been arguring with the ref's. Also, what's with the gentleman jumping out of the pressbox and over the fence to get onto the field when the players were trying to restrain their coach? Who was that masked man???? LOL......

He was another Coach.
wooderson Wrote:Yes it was the wrong spot after the penalty, yes it made a difference in that series for the Hawks but the field position meant nothing. Belfry had changed up the offense and PC had absolutely no answer for it. The problem is Chapman needs to understand that bad calls are part of the game (im sure hes seen a few while at Breathitt against the opponents FWIW) and he should be able to realize his team is still in the game and his anger would nothing more than hurt his team. Im sorry but to me its pure ignorance for a coach to show his *** like that.

It may have been poor sportmanship, but I have to say I'm proud of Chapman! It's about time Pike Central boys got a Coach with a backbone and is not afraid to stand up for them!!:Clap:
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:ok honestly im about sick of this and some of your comments...I am sorry but you think every freaking school besides Belfry or Phelps never does any wrong. The way you talk about other programs is really an insult. What you fail to miss is that in certain situations people let their emotions get the best of them in which you always seem to pick those right out and bash programs for. Your wonderful saints at Belfry and God of a coach have let their emotions get the best of them at times as well. If you would to go to classless I can bring up many that werent on a field but past players of Belfry during their high school carriers. You know alot of us on here have alot of respect for the program and Haywood, including me. I have known Haywood for years and consider him as a close friend. However, I am sure if you was to speak with him on any of these situations he would state "Boys will be boys and its the beauty of the game". So stop downgrading other programs and acting like your players and fans are the greatest thing since sliced bread. At the P-Burg game this year I really thought alot of your fans were going to go after the refs after the arguable TD pass that could have been ruled a drop. By the way that is the first time I have heard what the actual call was about made Norman needs to get his ducks in a row and mention what the actual call was. I hate it that your boys had to ride home drinched in mud, but sometimes things happen.

I agree with your last point however.

Belfry's boys didn't have to ride home drinched in mud, they chose to. We had a perfectly good locker room with showers for them to shower and change before they got on the bus to go home. Please don't blame this on Pike Central. That's just crazy!:please:
Now for the game. PC was by far the more physical team and had equal if not more speed than Belfry. A dry feild could have possibly played into PCs hand. Take away he botched punt early, a couple of dropped balls and PC is up 14-7 at the half. PC played well. Im tired of all the excuses like Belfry wasn't ready to play, they overlooked PC, they were flat, and so on. They were OUTPLAYED. Belfry got out of there with a win. The end.

As far as "the" call, the right call was made, no big deal. Play the next play. As for the unsportsmanlike penalty it was deserved. PCs coach did take a TO to get into the white hats face only after they would not provide any explanation of the call. Never the less it cost PC big. Belfry's fullback was moving early all night. Penalty breakdown was Belfry 3-15 PC 8-75. And yes the clock person and announcer for that matter are terrible. PC has to address that situation before P-burg rolls into town in 3 weeks.

Sportmanship, I guess the young, bearded, wish I was still playing maybe coach will put me in, toolbag assistant coach who had to be restrained from fighting a PC player is a fine example of sportmanship. Class, Fans (some, not all) heckling the opposing team using racist comments, real classy. All this crying about players cursing. Seriously, is that a joke. You sound like a bunch of tattelling 4th graders. This is a mans game played by 16-18 yr olds who sometimes let there temper get to them. If you are that offended move your seat farther away/take your kids home/ put on their "ear muffs".... hilarious. This was an intense game against a team PC has never beaten. Our team/fans have never been in that position, so we apologize for acting like we've never been there before because WE HAVEN'T.

WE Smacked you in the mouth and got some RESPECT for that.

I truly admire what you guys have earned over there. You have a tradition of success, class, supportive fans, outstanding players and are respected around the state. We're hungry and want a bite of your supper.

We strive to have a classy program like yours, but for now we'll settle on a winning some big ball games. You guys dont know what its like to be on this end of the stick.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:maybe this will quite all you doubters of how good this Pike Central team really is...

I totallly agree, whether they want to admit it or not Pike Central has a GREAT team this year! They are finallly showing everyone what they've got! I was at the game, and I think they gave Belfry a little scare. GOOD JOB PIKE CENTRAL BOYS!!!!! KEEP YOUR HEADS UP!!!
YEAH! Get the refs to help them win!!!
Belfry0304 Wrote:I followed the ball pretty much the whole game standing, when I did start paying serious attention in the 2nd quarter- You're welcome to message me what the person was wearing and if it wasn't me I can tell who it was.

However if it was someone who looked hillbilly-ish I can bet it wasn't me, and I wasn't with a wife, I had a friend and our girlfriends, but the girls were silent.

Sorry I didnt mean to come off like that but there was a woman with an "out of town accent," and two men both bald, bearded, and for lack of better terms, goober looking men standing directily below the pressbox shouting at players, trying to pick fights with our student section, and yelling at officials using 4 letter words that apparently are un-heard on that side of the hill.
RUNtheBALL Wrote:Now for the game. PC was by far the more physical team and had equal if not more speed than Belfry. A dry feild could have possibly played into PCs hand. Take away he botched punt early, a couple of dropped balls and PC is up 14-7 at the half. PC played well. Im tired of all the excuses like Belfry wasn't ready to play, they overlooked PC, they were flat, and so on. They were OUTPLAYED. Belfry got out of there with a win. The end.

As far as "the" call, the right call was made, no big deal. Play the next play. As for the unsportsmanlike penalty it was deserved. PCs coach did take a TO to get into the white hats face only after they would not provide any explanation of the call. Never the less it cost PC big. Belfry's fullback was moving early all night. Penalty breakdown was Belfry 3-15 PC 8-75. And yes the clock person and announcer for that matter are terrible. PC has to address that situation before P-burg rolls into town in 3 weeks.

Sportmanship, I guess the young, bearded, wish I was still playing maybe coach will put me in, toolbag assistant coach who had to be restrained from fighting a PC player is a fine example of sportmanship. Class, Fans (some, not all) heckling the opposing team using racist comments, real classy. All this crying about players cursing. Seriously, is that a joke. You sound like a bunch of tattelling 4th graders. This is a mans game played by 16-18 yr olds who sometimes let there temper get to them. If you are that offended move your seat farther away/take your kids home/ put on their "ear muffs".... hilarious. This was an intense game against a team PC has never beaten. Our team/fans have never been in that position, so we apologize for acting like we've never been there before because WE HAVEN'T.

WE Smacked you in the mouth and got some RESPECT for that.

I truly admire what you guys have earned over there. You have a tradition of success, class, supportive fans, outstanding players and are respected around the state. We're hungry and want a bite of your supper.

We strive to have a classy program like yours, but for now we'll settle on a winning some big ball games. You guys dont know what its like to be on this end of the stick.

Granted, PC gave Belfry all they wanted Friday night but that does not condone the young man saying "mother F" to the select few (which I was not one of but had to move 3 separate times) and the coach (not sure which one) pulling him away with him (the young man) even saying a few choice words to him. I'm not saying that Belfry is perfect as to be honest, no one on this earth is but maintaining control of a "MAN'S GAME" needs to be done to keep these children safe! I didn't see what your talking about a Belfry coach having to be restrained either but then again, I wasn't on that side of the field and won't comment on what I didnt' see. It could have happened? I didn't see it maybe someone else did....

PC, you have your program moving in the right direction. Keep things on the straight and narrow and make sure that you do have someone to run the clock and give PC their credit when they are moving the ball.... Positive things can happen if everything is handled in the proper way. Congrats on a great effort and to continued success in the future!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:

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