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John Wall Update...
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Or Maybe that kansas team? Or Maybe the wildcats this year? why not? if patrick and jodie return then there is an amazing chance of us hitting the final four, even without wall, times are changing in the bluegrass area, the once dominant kentucky era is back, people will fear to come to rupp once again, im thinking a 30 win season this year anyone else?

HE** NO!!! not in one year....come on maybe 22-25
theVILLE Wrote:HE** NO!!! not in one year....come on maybe 22-25

i can live with that with a young team, losing a few early then making a nice run in t march with meeks and p-pat leading the way?
I will tell you what Kentucky has that PUKE doesn't have, Athletic players..... Who is going to match up with Kentucky starters? Nobody>>> Who is going to match up with kentucky subs???? Nobody...... Face it
theVILLE Wrote:What does Uk have that Duke Doesnt right now....I mean I look for duke or mich. st. to when the title next year???

Coach Cal and the DDM offense, enough said. Coach K has absolute zero success with point guards in the NBA. You think Wall is concerned about winning a national title? Sure it would be nice for him, but he's a one and done player. I think that pretty much seals it for Wall right there.
blackcat Wrote:Coach Cal and the DDM offense, enough said. Coach K has absolute zero success with point guards in the NBA. You think Wall is concerned about winning a national title? Sure it would be nice for him, but he's a one and done player. I think that pretty much seals it for Wall right there.

I Agree With you in every area except his DDM offense, i mean hes not in confrence usa anymore, hes with the bigboys and it will be an exciting season,
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I Agree With you in every area except his DDM offense, i mean hes not in confrence usa anymore, hes with the bigboys and it will be an exciting season,

What does CUSA have to do with anything? Memphis choked away a national championship two years ago in that offense, and have done very well in the tournaments before that. Wall is an absolute perfect fit for Calipari, as is Calipari for Wall.
blackcat Wrote:What does CUSA have to do with anything? Memphis choked away a national championship two years ago in that offense, and have done very well in the tournaments before that. Wall is an absolute perfect fit for Calipari, as is Calipari for Wall.

I mean hes not going to easily dominate the SEC like he did CUSA, i never said wall wasnt a perfict fit. wall coming to kentucky is like 100 extra dollars in food stamps
Wall may do the OJ Mayo tour. Go somewhere nice and sunny, have a little fun, work on the jumper,go pro. One and done in the sun.
The DDM offense will do just fine here at UK, it worked at UMASS, and Memphis. I understand that UK is in a better confrence than both of these schools but it will work for sure.
I like Wall and I would love to see him come to Kentucky, but I am concerned with the kid's morals. I mean, he has been accused of a crime in his own hometown correct? What would keep him from actually committing a crime in Lexington, a town he knows nothing about? Don't get me wrong, the kid is an athlete, but the basketball team does not need any distractions off the court from one of its players next season if they plan on having a successful season!

I am so ready for the season to start (I wish it was tomorrow!). I am very excited about the new players we have so far!
bleedinblue3 Wrote:I like Wall and I would love to see him come to Kentucky, but I am concerned with the kid's morals. I mean, he has been accused of a crime in his own hometown correct? What would keep him from actually committing a crime in Lexington, a town he knows nothing about? Don't get me wrong, the kid is an athlete, but the basketball team does not need any distractions off the court from one of its players next season if they plan on having a successful season!

I am so ready for the season to start (I wish it was tomorrow!). I am very excited about the new players we have so far!

He was charged with a misdemeanor, hes a young boy doing what young boys do, trying to find a place to be doin something lol,
theVILLE Wrote:What does Uk have that Duke Doesnt right now....I mean I look for duke or mich. st. to when the title next year???

What does UK have that Duke doesn't?

I know what they don't have.....a reputation of being vastly overrated and over-seeded in the tournament.
Wall is one and done. I am perfectly fine with building this team around Bledsoe. Otherwise, we lose Wall, PP and Meeks should they all be at UK next year.
I got a hunch we will get him.
Stardust Wrote:Wall is one and done. I am perfectly fine with building this team around Bledsoe. Otherwise, we lose Wall, PP and Meeks should they all be at UK next year.

And Bledsoe will still be there, so what's your point?
^ give me Bledsoe to RUN this team next year! Let Wall go someplace else to B&E
I think it would be worth it to get Wall for just one year, if he leaves after his freshman season then that will be one more scholarship we can give to the class of 2010. It wouldn't do any damage to the roster if Wall took a scholarship away from someone that was sitting the bench.
Stardust Wrote:^ give me Bledsoe to RUN this team next year! Let Wall go someplace else to B&E

A man of few words but a man with great wisdom!!!!!!!!:Thumbs:
lil dog Wrote:A man of few words but a man with great wisdom!!!!!!!!:Thumbs:

Not exactly. Bledsoe is a great player and will get his time to lead the Wildcats, but he isn't even close to being on the same level as Wall. Coach Cal should be going after Wall harder now then he ever has, especially since Patterson has returned and Meeks will likely follow.
Wildcat K23 Wrote:He was charged with a misdemeanor, hes a young boy doing what young boys do, trying to find a place to be doing something lol,

Yes he is a young boy doing what young boys do, but that doesn't make it right.. I am not a UK fan but one thing that is right is UK has always set the standard, other teams TRY to reach!! Now after 10 or 12 years of mediocrity, you now have a coach that can recruit, coach and is a proven winner!! UK is bigger than john wall, UK shouldn't even want him they will be great once again with out john wall, they can get anyone they want. A winning, clean, program is what UK represents .. Without UK, basketball as you and I know it would not exist!! So dont lower the standards let the college basketball world know that you are UK not thug university.jmo
true_blue221 Wrote:I think it would be worth it to get Wall for just one year, if he leaves after his freshman season then that will be one more scholarship we can give to the class of 2010. It wouldn't do any damage to the roster if Wall took a scholarship away from someone that was sitting the bench.

good point
lil dog Wrote:Yes he is a young boy doing what young boys do, but that doesn't make it right.. I am not a UK fan but one thing that is right is UK has always set the standard, other teams TRY to reach!! Now after 10 or 12 years of mediocrity, you now have a coach that can recruit, coach and is a proven winner!! UK is bigger than john wall, UK shouldn't even want him they will be great once again with out john wall, they can get anyone they want. A winning, clean, program is what UK represents .. Without UK, basketball as you and I know it would not exist!! So dont lower the standards let the college basketball world know that you are UK not thug university.jmo

He didnt do anything that half the people in college has done, the only difference is he got caught, i didnt say it was right, but he shouldnt be looked at like he killed someone just because hes a big name kid,
Wildcat K23 Wrote:He didn't do anything that half the people in college has done, the only difference is he got caught, i didn't say it was right, but he shouldnt be looked at like he killed someone just because hes a big name kid,

I agree with everything you said. My point is he did get caught and because he is a big name he will be talked about a lot more than your average bench player, and there will be some repercussions and consequences and there should be if not we send the wrong message to our young kids. I have a young son in high school and I dont want him to think that because he plays basketball he can get away with things that are not right to do!! John Wall is a role model to young kids even if he doesn't want to be, its not fair but in our sports dominated society thats the way it is.
well i believe we'll benefit more with wall and same goes for bledsoe too. i believe he'll learn a lot more with a higher level PG on the team.
John Wall, a five-star prospect, number one player in the nation in some recruiting rankings, probably the most athletic player in the 09 class, unreal amount of talent, is considering playing for the University of Kentucky.

Sorry I had to do that introduction for some of you to understand what I am about to say. Some of you are saying you don't want Wall, well then you are not wanting Kentucky to be the best team they can be. Bledsoe is a great player and I'm so glad we got him because he is going to do great at Kentucky. But just because we signed him doesn't mean we have to go ahead and bash Wall from coming. UK is still at the top of Wall's list, can you imagine both of them playing together next year, on the same court, with the Dribble Drive Motion offense. WOW, and if Meeks comes back to. There will be no one in the country to stop penetration in the middle, which allows outside shots, easy lay-ups, short jumpers, dunks for Cousins, Patterson, Orton, and etc. Come on guys, if Wall does decide to come, it will be another great player to add to the roster to allow us a chance at a National Championship. Wall, Cousins, Orton, Bledsoe, Hood, Dodson. For the couple months that Calipari has had, I think he did a great job. So I'm glad we have a coach that will actually go out and do some work.

The main reason I decided to write this was because you all saying we don't need Wall. Get real people, I'm not trying to be mean but who doesn't NEED the #1 player in the nation that is highly interested in Kentucky. He may be a one-and-done, but if he is then that is one year that we (Kentucky) will be that more dominate. Bledsoe will still be here so he will be comfortable with the offense, we will lose some players but be bringing some more big names in. Adding Jon Wall to our roster for next year would be a huge advantage. Stop trying to say we don't need him. We would be ok without him, but with him, seriously can you imagine, Wall, Bledsoe, and Meeks on the court together.

In Conclusion, my main thesis is that Jon Wall is an unbelievable player. Losing him would not hurt us as bad, but signing him would be a tremendous advantage over all the other teams in the country, especially those **** Cardinals!!!
Why isn't anyone crying about UK not recruiting Lance Stephenson??????????????
lil dog Wrote:Why isn't anyone crying about UK not recruiting Lance Stephenson??????????????

Great post, saying lance is a taker and not a giver? wall is one and done how is that not taking?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Great post, saying lance is a taker and not a giver? wall is one and done how is that not taking?

lil dog Wrote:Why isn't anyone crying about UK not recruiting Lance Stephenson??????????????

Have you guys not researched Stephenson enough? Seriously?

Stephenson has a noted history of leaving a cancerous wake in his path. Whether it be him and his father's "our way or no way" set of rules they live by. (Heck Stephenson's father created his own AAU team to assure his son would be the star, not to mention the school changes because Stephenson did not earn MVP honors in a tournament).

Could it be the already sketchy past involving shoe manufacturers which may or may not have money involved (yet another reason why he switched schools)?

Could it involve the blatant examples on National Television of Stephenson taking plays off and choosing to take on two defenders instead of passing to the open man, or when he misses a shot he chooses not to play defense but instead scream at the official while the other team scores an uncontested layup?

Say what you want about John Wall being one and done, the fact remains he is choosing to attend college instead of going pro in Europe (when he has every opportunity to do so) as part of a promise he has made. Wall has proven time and time again when he gets on the court it is not about how many points he can score, but about making the play that results in a basket being scored. Heck, his goal in the Jordan Brand wasn't to be the leading scorer, he wanted to set the Assist record!

I have said before and will continue to stick by the fact that Bledsoe was the best PG for the future of UK. But there is no denying that in terms of being a National Title Contender next year Wall is far and away the best player coming out of H.S. to put them in that position.

The difference when it all comes down to it, and the reason UK should patiently wait for Wall's decision, is the following line. You can compare Bledsoe and say he "plays like Chris Paul", "he runs an offense like Derron Williams", "he plays defense like Ty Lawson" and so on and so on, but when it comes to Wall you may one day being say that other plays "play like John Wall". Wall is one of those talents that if you have the chance to get him you do everything your power to do so.

Sorry for the disertation but the question asked and the response were far from "great posts".
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Have you guys not researched Stephenson enough? Seriously?

Stephenson has a noted history of leaving a cancerous wake in his path. Whether it be him and his father's "our way or no way" set of rules they live by. (Heck Stephenson's father created his own AAU team to assure his son would be the star, not to mention the school changes because Stephenson did not earn MVP honors in a tournament).

Could it be the already sketchy past involving shoe manufacturers which may or may not have money involved (yet another reason why he switched schools)?

Could it involve the blatant examples on National Television of Stephenson taking plays off and choosing to take on two defenders instead of passing to the open man, or when he misses a shot he chooses not to play defense but instead scream at the official while the other team scores an uncontested layup?

Say what you want about John Wall being one and done, the fact remains he is choosing to attend college instead of going pro in Europe (when he has every opportunity to do so) as part of a promise he has made. Wall has proven time and time again when he gets on the court it is not about how many points he can score, but about making the play that results in a basket being scored. Heck, his goal in the Jordan Brand wasn't to be the leading scorer, he wanted to set the Assist record!

I have said before and will continue to stick by the fact that Bledsoe was the best PG for the future of UK. But there is no denying that in terms of being a National Title Contender next year Wall is far and away the best player coming out of H.S. to put them in that position.

The difference when it all comes down to it, and the reason UK should patiently wait for Wall's decision, is the following line. You can compare Bledsoe and say he "plays like Chris Paul", "he runs an offense like Derron Williams", "he plays defense like Ty Lawson" and so on and so on, but when it comes to Wall you may one day being say that other plays "play like John Wall". Wall is one of those talents that if you have the chance to get him you do everything your power to do so.

Sorry for the disertation but the question asked and the response were far from "great posts".

You Really Done Your Research, But have i stated in any post on here that i didnt want wall? No i would love to see this outstanding athlete lead kentucky through this season. What i mean is y not go for lance 2, drop stewart harrelson williams and maybe even stevenson. Just because someone has a bad past doesnt mean they cant change. and lance has asked to come to kentucky , unlike wall who is on vacation thinking he is god or something. yea hes great but throw lance on that roster and if he gives you problems drop him, it wont hurt anything. in the best scenario he could be a great player and a scorer off the bench, in the worst he will be kicked off the team. so i dont know why u freaked on me for saying that wall is a taker too, which they both are so put them on the same team.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:You Really Done Your Research, But have i stated in any post on here that i didnt want wall? No i would love to see this outstanding athlete lead kentucky through this season. What i mean is y not go for lance 2, drop stewart harrelson williams and maybe even stevenson. Just because someone has a bad past doesnt mean they cant change. and lance has asked to come to kentucky , unlike wall who is on vacation thinking he is god or something. yea hes great but throw lance on that roster and if he gives you problems drop him, it wont hurt anything. in the best scenario he could be a great player and a scorer off the bench, in the worst he will be kicked off the team. so i dont know why u freaked on me for saying that wall is a taker too, which they both are so put them on the same team.

I didn't know we needed a shooting guard with a "I'm gonna get mine" mentality. For some reason i thought the biggest need in this offseason was to obtain a TRUE pointguard (Since we have zero on the roster). We have people that can score we don't need a player like Stephenson. Bledsoe gives the TRUE PG we needed, Wall gives us depth and playmaking ability at the position. You must be confused about Wall, because he doesn't Take away from his teammates on the court he creates for them, the same cant be said about Stephenson. If you're going to call Wall a Taker it better be because he will Take his team a lot farther than they would've went without him.
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