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Hilarious example of Fox news Bias.
This a video from the campaign trail, and just like all other coverage on fox, they always lean to the right. Watch the show of hands in the crowd, especially the old couple in the back, and then listen as they laugh at the fox news reporter for his obvious bias.

That is hilarious.

In a similar story. I was listening to Hannity's "man on the street" segment where he tries to make Obama supporters sound like idiots, and McCain supporters sound like geniuses. Well one Obama supporter was being asked questions and Hannity was cut and dry, even leading the man on to believe that his incorrect answers were correct.

Then when a McCain supporter got on the mic, he started leading questions, correcting her when she was wrong, and saying "oh well you didn't mean to answer that, you meant this, right?"

It was hilarious how Hannity was feeding this girl the exact same questions, but if it was an Obama supporter he would offer no help at all, and even tell the people their incorrect answers were right.

It was painfully obvious that he was biased and leading McCain supporters, but no one pays attention to that.

But this video if the kind of crap that makes me watch Fox News....for the humor.

One guy accidentally raises his hand in the entire restaurant and the reporter calls it "split." You've got to be kidding me. As if none of us watching TV could SEE THEM.
Thank goodness for this thread, I had no idea Fox News had a conservative lean or a conservative agenda, Thank You for pointing that out for all of us.
This is funny.
Thanks for pointing this out! I can't believe Fox is biased. It is unheard of for a media source to be so biased. This is just ridiculous. This makes me sick. :mad: I am so glad CBS, NBC, & ABC is straight forward with us. We have so many newspapers that really tell you the whole story. :thatsfunn
Great post Eagle Eye
haha absolutly classic
Beetle01 Wrote:Thank goodness for this thread, I had no idea Fox News had a conservative lean or a conservative agenda, Thank You for pointing that out for all of us.

now now, no sense in the sarcasm. We do all know it's biased, and this wasnt meant to be an eye opening event, just a funny example of idiots at fox.

The person we really need to thank is you for still posting false stories about Obama, a month after the election is over. Thank goodness we have you around to point us in the right direction.
Eagle Eye Wrote:Thanks for pointing this out! I can't believe Fox is biased. It is unheard of for a media source to be so biased. This is just ridiculous. This makes me sick. :mad: I am so glad CBS, NBC, & ABC is straight forward with us. We have so many newspapers that really tell you the whole story. :thatsfunn

Why do you all get so mad when people point out bias with fox, even though you admit they are baised? Chill out, and just laugh at it, the media is all corrupt, I just like to find the humor in it.

I challenge you to find a funnier example of liberal bias on CNN, MSNBC, or whatever other media source you want.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:now now, no sense in the sarcasm. We do all know it's biased, and this wasnt meant to be an eye opening event, just a funny example of idiots at fox.

The person we really need to thank is you for still posting false stories about Obama, a month after the election is over. Thank goodness we have you around to point us in the right direction.

Dig us up a few zillion examples of the idiots at nbc, cbs, abc, msnbc, washington post, new york times, and all the other hundreds of ultra-liberal media outlets out there.
jetpilot Wrote:Dig us up a few zillion examples of the idiots at nbc, cbs, abc, msnbc, washington post, new york times, and all the other hundreds of ultra-liberal media outlets out there.

Now why would I do that. That would take all the fun out of someone trying to find bias that can top fox. If you think there is a liberal bias, find it, and show me.
In the past 40 years or so there have been nine major surveys of editors and reporters who work in the national media. The most that ever voted for a Republican was 14%, the more common range was 4% to 7%.

A Zogby poll conducted in March of 2007 showed that 83% of the people surveyed thought that the media was bias in one direction or the other.

Below is a short video by Andy Rooney as he talks about Dan Rather.

The next link is a interview between Bill O'reilly and Mark Halderin, political director for ABC News.

The next video discusses a investigative report by MSNBC where 90% of reporters give the Democrats money. IMO a reporter should be impartial and report on the facts, so when 90% of the reporters support one party over the other there is no way they can be impartial.
MSNBC report

The final link shows a live report and how NBC News tries to expand on the actual news (making it sound worse than it actually is). It's good for a laugh.
Old School Wrote:In the past 40 years or so there have been nine major surveys of editors and reporters who work in the national media. The most that ever voted for a Republican was 14%, the more common range was 4% to 7%.

A Zogby poll conducted in March of 2007 showed that 83% of the people surveyed thought that the media was bias in one direction or the other.

Below is a short video by Andy Rooney as he talks about Dan Rather.

The next link is a interview between Bill O'reilly and Mark Halderin, political director for ABC News.

The next video discusses a investigative report by MSNBC where 90% of reporters give the Democrats money. IMO a reporter should be impartial and report on the facts, so when 90% of the reporters support one party over the other there is no way they can be impartial.
MSNBC report

The final link shows a live report and how NBC News tries to expand on the actual news (making it sound worse than it actually is). It's good for a laugh.

So a guy who goes on O'rielly to sell books, and a short interview prove bias?

You killed the point about reporters donating money when you used a clip from O'rielly, whose producers gave money to republicans. You also didnt mention that the MSNBC study said that all major cable news outlets besides FOX, and the NBC family dont allow their journalist to donate money to a candidate anymore. So whose bias again?
This is so not biased.

lol Fox News is ridiculously biased but we can also say the same for NBC...CNN is probably the most "fair and balanced".
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Now why would I do that. That would take all the fun out of someone trying to find bias that can top fox. If you think there is a liberal bias, find it, and show me.

Are you the only guy on earth who doesn't know this?Smile:p
vundy33 Wrote:lol Fox News is ridiculously biased but we can also say the same for NBC...CNN is probably the most "fair and balanced".

Now that's funny. If CNN is fair and balanced then I'm the Easter bunny.
vundy33 Wrote:CNN is probably the most "fair and balanced".
I dont really care but I guess im watching a different CNN.
jetpilot Wrote:Are you the only guy on earth who doesn't know this?Smile:p

Nope, just one of the many who dont buy into the right wing crap feed to people like you.

Old school at least tried to show some proof, not very good, but at least he tried. All you do is talk, back up what you say.

But to get back on topic, what did you think of the obvious bias in the clip I provided?
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:So a guy who goes on O'rielly to sell books, and a short interview prove bias?

You killed the point about reporters donating money when you used a clip from O'rielly, whose producers gave money to republicans. You also didnt mention that the MSNBC study said that all major cable news outlets besides FOX, and the NBC family dont allow their journalist to donate money to a candidate anymore. So whose bias again?

A guy goes on O'Reilly to sell books.....get real coach. Smile This guy who is trying to sell books as you say, is Mark Halderin who was the Political News Director of ABC news at the time of this interview so I would think he would know what is going on at his and other networks.

Did I ever say anything about the producers at Fox giving or not giving to the republicans, NO I did not, so what is your point.

MSNBC's (MSNBC is a very liberal network with the likes of Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann) report said that 90% of the of reporters gave money to the democratic party. Even if donations are forbidden by reporters they could be made in the names of their spouses, childern or friends (which they apparently did). I also find it hard to believe that 90% mentioned in MSNBC's report would all be Fox reporters would donate to the democrats as you suggest.

I think it's so funny that so many of you liberals get so tore up over Fox News, the liberal media networks out numbers the conservative networks 6 to 1, yet you guys go to pieces whenever Fox reports anything negitive about the Dems.

I'm not saying Fox doesn't lean to the right, because I think they do to a extent, as I have said on here many, many times, I still think that Fox is the most unbiased news network on TV.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Nope, just one of the many who dont buy into the right wing crap feed to people like you.

Old school at least tried to show some proof, not very good, but at least he tried. All you do is talk, back up what you say.

But to get back on topic, what did you think of the obvious bias in the clip I provided?

Not very good, lol

What more do you want?

I gave you a clip of the Political Director at ABC news admitting that network news was bias. I gave you a clip of Andy Rooney saying that even though Dan Rather was on his side (liberal) and that Dan would use words during his newscast to show his liberalism and his bias.
Old School Wrote:Not very good, lol

What more do you want?

I gave you a clip of the Political Director at ABC news admitting that network news was bias. I gave you a clip of Andy Rooney saying that even though Dan Rather was on his side (liberal) and that Dan would use words during his newscast to show his liberalism and his bias.

The guy from ABC is very contradicting, look at some of his statements and work during the past two elections.

All you provided is someone else perception/view of what happened, not actual documented proof. I can say a lot of things, but it dont make it true.
Old School Wrote:A guy goes on O'Reilly to sell books.....get real coach. Smile This guy who is trying to sell books as you say, is Mark Halderin who was the Political News Director of ABC news at the time of this interview so I would think he would know what is going on at his and other networks.

Did I ever say anything about the producers at Fox giving or not giving to the republicans, NO I did not, so what is your point.

MSNBC's (MSNBC is a very liberal network with the likes of Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann) report said that 90% of the of reporters gave money to the democratic party. Even if donations are forbidden by reporters they could be made in the names of their spouses, childern or friends (which they apparently did). I also find it hard to believe that 90% mentioned in MSNBC's report would all be Fox reporters would donate to the democrats as you suggest.

I think it's so funny that so many of you liberals get so tore up over Fox News, the liberal media networks out numbers the conservative networks 6 to 1, yet you guys go to pieces whenever Fox reports anything negitive about the Dems.

I'm not saying Fox doesn't lean to the right, because I think they do to a extent, as I have said on here many, many times, I still think that Fox is the most unbiased news network on TV.

The guy was there to sell books, O'rielly even showed the book to start the interview. He on a conservative show, on a conservative network, and he works for a news agency, so I would assume he knows what to say to the public.

And no you never said that people at fox didnt donate, but you never said they did either. You left out critical info that kills your point. The networks thought this would lead the public to see thier news as bias, so they stopped letting journalist (something fox lacks) donate. Why didnt you mention that the big bad liberal media wont allow donations, while the perfectly moral fox news does allow it? Doesnt make sense to bash someone, when the
network you defend still allows this.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:The guy from ABC is very contradicting, look at some of his statements and work during the past two elections.

All you provided is someone else perception/view of what happened, not actual documented proof. I can say a lot of things, but it dont make it true.

You said it, not me.
funny video, but like all of you all say, all of the media is biased, that's the way it is nowadays.
ImagineThat! Wrote:You said it, not me.

Yep. And thats why I show proof to back up what I say. Just like the video.
What network is more fair than CNN?
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:The guy was there to sell books, O'rielly even showed the book to start the interview. He on a conservative show, on a conservative network, and he works for a news agency, so I would assume he knows what to say to the public.

And no you never said that people at fox didnt donate, but you never said they did either. You left out critical info that kills your point. The networks thought this would lead the public to see thier news as bias, so they stopped letting journalist (something fox lacks) donate. Why didnt you mention that the big bad liberal media wont allow donations, while the perfectly moral fox news does allow it? Doesnt make sense to bash someone, when the
network you defend still allows this.

It happens on every show on every network, give me one news show (liberal or conservative) that does not alow the guest promote their books. Like I said Mark Halderin a liberal, who works for a liberal news organization, talking about liberal bias among the major news organiztions. What more can I say but......[SIZE=4]PRICELESS Smile [/SIZE]

What was left out? I provided a link to the stories, everyone has the same opportunity to view the clips as you,did they not?

The big bad liberal media may not allow donation as you say, but that doesn't that stops them from donating, as I said before they can still donate by using under the names of their spouse, parents, children or others. I personally don't have a problem with a reporter or journalist donating to a campaign, my point was to show the liberal bias in the reporting, whenever 90% of the reporters donate to one party over the other it clearly shows there will be some bias in their reporting.

We can argue this for weeks, we can show clips and polls from now on it's not going to change things one bit, the bottom line is every news network, every newspaper, or media oulet is bias to some degree or another, it's just that some are more than others.

As I said earlier Fox News is one of the few networks that leans to the right, and for some reason the liberal left can't stand it, but then I wonder why do they watch it so often, they often say it's for the laughs but I really doubt it I think most liberals really like Hannity and O'Reilly and are afraid to admit it. lol
Old School Wrote:It happens on every show on every network, give me one news show (liberal or conservative) that does not alow the guest promote their books. Like I said Mark Halderin a liberal, who works for a liberal news organization, talking about liberal bias among the major news organiztions. What more can I say but......[SIZE=4]PRICELESS Smile [/SIZE]

What was left out? I provided a link to the stories, everyone has the same opportunity to view the clips as you,did they not?

The big bad liberal media may not allow donation as you say, but that doesn't that stops them from donating, as I said before they can still donate by using under the names of their spouse, parents, children or others. I personally don't have a problem with a reporter or journalist donating to a campaign, my point was to show the liberal bias in the reporting, whenever 90% of the reporters donate to one party over the other it clearly shows there will be some bias in their reporting.

We can argue this for weeks, we can show clips and polls from now on it's not going to change things one bit, the bottom line is every news network, every newspaper, or media oulet is bias to some degree or another, it's just that some are more than others.

As I said earlier Fox News is one of the few networks that leans to the right, and for some reason the liberal left can't stand it, but then I wonder why do they watch it so often, they often say it's for the laughs but I really doubt it I think most liberals really like Hannity and O'Reilly and are afraid to admit it. lol

Your point proves nothing without some rock hard evidence of bias in reporting, you are just assuming that because they donate to one party, they must be biased, not quite true. I can assume that becuase people at fox donate to republicans they must be biased, but that dont prove anything, so I show videos like the one in this link. Show some evidence, give me a link to a live broadcast that proves your point. Every time you all try to prove liberal bias, you just provide things that assume their is a bias, not proof that their is.

Yes everyone does invite guest on their shows to sell books, Ann Coulter goes around spitting out lies on all the networks to sell books, and so does everyone else. He was there to sell books, not as a guest to take down the liberal media, so I dont take him seriously, you say what people want to hear in order to sell products, just look at his own history, it contradicts his points.

Liberals liking hannity or O'rielly, lol, you are crazy. I actually dont see how anyone can like them. Hannity was especially bad this year, bringing up race and saying obama used it to gain votes, while not letting us know that he has links to the KKK. They are loads of websites dedicated only to showing how ignorant, racist, and bigoted these two guys are.

I dispise those two men because they claim to be moral and "christian", defending Americas moral greatness, while they promote hate, bigotry and violence, everything "Christians" should be against. Now that hannity has his own show, fox will be nothing but a 24 hate fest against everything they don't see as conservative.

As far as watching fox, I actually never, ever tune in to live programs (Ive got the channel blocked on my tv), I usually just do some google checks, or youtube and watch the latest posted videos of their programming. OR just watch any other news network, as they fight against the lies spread by fox. Like the story of Obama attending a Muslim school.
Eagle Eye Wrote:Thanks for pointing this out! I can't believe Fox is biased. It is unheard of for a media source to be so biased. This is just ridiculous. This makes me sick. :mad: I am so glad CBS, NBC, & ABC is straight forward with us. We have so many newspapers that really tell you the whole story. :thatsfunn

Wow, I agree with you Eagle . . . CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, and ABC are always straight . . . I am so-oooo disappointed that Fox actually tells the other side of the story. How dare they!!!:lmao:

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