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Dropping the 2000 bomb.
This post makes the 2,000th.
Love all of you guys alot, you all are my friends and mean alot to me.
Glad to be part of BGR.

Now, let's party! Idea
So you now have 2000 posts... But can you see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

Grats tribe
Congrats !!! Confusedhock:
:lol: 2000

Just joking.

CONGRATS Confusedhock:
Congrats Confusedhock:
Congrats I dont think Ill make 2000 lol I like to read more than post
I post more than I read lol.. Smile
lol.. well since you are already a mod i guess we can't play a prank on ya lol.. but congrats anyway lol
Congrats. I hit that mark several months ago but havent posted for quite some time so I have some catching up to do.
I don't plan on hitting 2000, evar. I don't even post that much to get there, it'd take me like 3 years.
Welome to the club!!
Reizvoll Wrote:I don't plan on hitting 2000, evar. I don't even post that much to get there, it'd take me like 3 years.

:? Smile

Congrats tribe... Idea
Thanks guys. Glad to be in "the club" lol

You have to think, I haven't been here as long as some....(Catdawg, BCF4L, etc.) I am getting there guys.
Yeah but you haven't taken a break like I have either. Smile
Congrats Tribe!!!!
Congrats! It will take me a long time to get there..not planning on it anytime soon...I'm too busy!
Thanks guys.
I have full intentions on staying with this site for the long haul. So hopefully 2,000 posts won't be anything but dust in the wind when I am done.
BGG, you ARE a very busy woman, I have saw some of your work on your sites and things and with 2 kids, a husband, and a career like yours no one could ever expect you to stay on here that much. It's all good. When you get to 2,000 we will throw a BGR party.
Congrats tribe! I say it'll be a long time before i get there...who knows I might get there by the time I graduate! lol doubtful...
You have to be on and posting before your post count will go up there DT.....
haha very funny tribe...or shall I dare say it...tribey...haha...I'll be on here alot more now that my account is back working and I have alot of free time!
lol...i was hyper on msn when you were in class and said it... she HATED it and dared me to ever say it again.... tribe..I still think DTfaney is funny as heck!
No more TRIBEY! I will kill you. Okay so kill is a strong word to use. I...won't help you the next time you pass out! Ha!
TRIBEY TRIBEY TRIBEY....lalalala... The only thing I rememebr you doing that night was pinning me against the refrigerator and then letting me fall and telling me not to go under
I let you fall because your body hit my arm which made it move and I told you ALOT not to go underwater. I also picked you up off the floor....took you to a bed....carried you halfway through the room and put you in bed, put a cover on you, and told you to stay there.....AND helped clean up your mess....You better love me.
My mess??? I remember usa saying we were gonna clean out the cooler before the other 3 got back... hehe...that was a fun night...we need to do it again soemtime! And yes TRIBEY b/c you took care of me when BallaBaby had better things to do...much love sista!
OK I was the one dragging her through the house and cleaning up after her for like 3 hours. Tribe you got off easy you only had to do it once!
Hey DTfan, remember what me and Cali said you believed us

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