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Obama's "National Security Force"
Bravesfan seems to have soem issues, noone forces you to be here, but don't expect everyone to willing give up all our freedoms, socialism has failed everywhere its been put in at, so has communism. Maybe that's why we don't want it. Yes have some leaders of our country done some bad things, noone can deny that. However, you can't let the isolated events distract you from the true goodness that comes from our country and everything everyone, including you, and myslef take for granted.

That being said, I'm only bringing up the Hitler references, not as scare tactics, and I tried ststing that but you all seem to not like to listen. He is the last person to successfully install marxism into a govt. Now what he did witht hat power was atrocious, and I in no way think Obama has ideas fo that or ever will, that is not my point. I'm referring to the sudden change of the govt in Germany to Marxism, and how Hitler did it so well.

What was Adolf's best quality? His ability to speak to the masses, especially the disenfranchised. He motivated them to get into power, and then installed programs, which I have hihglighted, to begin Germany's move into Marxism. That's what I'm trying to point out here, about how Adolf moved Germany into Marxism, and how most of Obama's policies are very similar if not the same. If you can't see that, then you need to take off those Obama shaded glasses. I don't expect to change your mind, some of you might be in favor of that type of govt, but I just want you all to know, that when it happens you can't just sit back and be like, well "How was I supposed to know?" Well now you know.
Beetle01 Wrote:Bravesfan seems to have soem issues, noone forces you to be here, but don't expect everyone to willing give up all our freedoms, socialism has failed everywhere its been put in at, so has communism. Maybe that's why we don't want it. Yes have some leaders of our country done some bad things, noone can deny that. However, you can't let the isolated events distract you from the true goodness that comes from our country and everything everyone, including you, and myslef take for granted.

That being said, I'm only bringing up the Hitler references, not as scare tactics, and I tried ststing that but you all seem to not like to listen. He is the last person to successfully install marxism into a govt. Now what he did witht hat power was atrocious, and I in no way think Obama has ideas fo that or ever will, that is not my point. I'm referring to the sudden change of the govt in Germany to Marxism, and how Hitler did it so well.

What was Adolf's best quality? His ability to speak to the masses, especially the disenfranchised. He motivated them to get into power, and then installed programs, which I have hihglighted, to begin Germany's move into Marxism. That's what I'm trying to point out here, about how Adolf moved Germany into Marxism, and how most of Obama's policies are very similar if not the same. If you can't see that, then you need to take off those Obama shaded glasses. I don't expect to change your mind, some of you might be in favor of that type of govt, but I just want you all to know, that when it happens you can't just sit back and be like, well "How was I supposed to know?" Well now you know.

Sweden practices a form of democratic socialism and does just fine.
Barack Obama has no intention of violating his oath of office to defend and protect the US Constitution against threats foreign and domestic.
Sometimes I think it's Groucho Marx you must know about.
thecavemaster Wrote:Sweden practices a form of democratic socialism and does just fine.
US Constitution .

There's where the difference is.
If you can't see that any form of socialism is a violation of the Consitution, then your either blind, or just inwilling to face the truth.
Beetle01 Wrote:There's where the difference is.
If you can't see that any form of socialism is a violation of the Consitution, then your either blind, or just inwilling to face the truth.

So, you are suggesting that some sort of "make sure everyone has coverage" healthcare sytem, even if people are not forced to enter it, is a violation of the US Constitution? Ever studied Sweden? Interesting place.
thecavemaster Wrote:So, you are suggesting that some sort of "make sure everyone has coverage" healthcare sytem, even if people are not forced to enter it, is a violation of the US Constitution? Ever studied Sweden? Interesting place.

Yes, because in the Constitution it states clearly that powers not given specifically to the Federal govt are to belong to the State govt. Now if a state wanted to provide healthcare for all its residents, then they have the power to do so.
Beetle01 Wrote:Yes, because in the Constitution it states clearly that powers not given specifically to the Federal govt are to belong to the State govt. Now if a state wanted to provide healthcare for all its residents, then they have the power to do so.

When Robert Kennedy dispatched federal troops to Alabama to enforce the Court's ruling, was that anti-Constitution? What you are saying is that by offering a one payer system for those without insurance the Constitution is violated?
ComfortEagle Wrote:And I guess WND doesn't have an agenda? Rolleyes

Per Wikipedia:

WorldNetDaily, also known as WND, is a socially conservative tabloid news and opinion website, founded in 1997. It is currently in the top 3,064 news sites as listed at Alexa

WorldNetDaily is a for-profit website that provides primarily evangelical-conservative-oriented news and editorials, publishes letters to the editor, maintains forums and conducts a daily poll. Besides providing articles authored by its own staff, the site links to news from other publications. Notable staff includes Aaron Klein - Jerusalem Bureau Chief, Lester Kinsolving - White House Correspondent and Staff Writer Jerome Corsi.

You post this about WND as if you don't have an agenda yourself, but with everything I read you have an agenda, as does everyone else.

Answer me this honestly, if I were to tell you of a presidential candidate and I didn't mention his party of his name, but that he has had past connections to Bill Ayers, Khalidi, and others. And then I tell you that he began his political career in the living room of an unrepentant terrorist. I mention all that to you. Would you want this guy to be your president? You probably wouldn't even care about his policies, because truly, there are many other candidates out there that have similar policies.
WheelsNdaSky Wrote:You post this about WND as if you don't have an agenda yourself, but with everything I read you have an agenda, as does everyone else.

Answer me this honestly, if I were to tell you of a presidential candidate and I didn't mention his party of his name, but that he has had past connections to Bill Ayers, Khalidi, and others. And then I tell you that he began his political career in the living room of an unrepentant terrorist. I mention all that to you. Would you want this guy to be your president? You probably wouldn't even care about his policies, because truly, there are many other candidates out there that have similar policies.

Let's be clear: Barack Obama is not a terrorist, nor does he support terrorism. Barack Obama does not hate Israel simply because he sees the Palestinians have a grievance. Barack Obama loves America. Barack Obama will defend the Constitution against threats foreign and domestic. I simply cannot fathom why we are having this discussion.
thecavemaster Wrote:Let's be clear: Barack Obama is not a terrorist, nor does he support terrorism. Barack Obama does not hate Israel simply because he sees the Palestinians have a grievance. Barack Obama loves America. Barack Obama will defend the Constitution against threats foreign and domestic. I simply cannot fathom why we are having this discussion.

See I agree with that post 100%...I might be a republican and for John McCain but I think it is ridiculous to try to say Obama is a terrorist or supports terrorist or hats Israel. Just because he went to a banquet or whatever it was with a guy who is a suspected member of the PLO doesn't mean he hates Israel...I agree, I have no idea why we are arguing that Obama has anything to do with terrorism or anything to do with hurting this country. I actually think he would make a good president. I just think McCain would make a better one.
vundy33 Wrote:See I agree with that post 100%...I might be a republican and for John McCain but I think it is ridiculous to try to say Obama is a terrorist or supports terrorist or hats Israel. Just because he went to a banquet or whatever it was with a guy who is a suspected member of the PLO doesn't mean he hates Israel...I agree, I have no idea why we are arguing that Obama has anything to do with terrorism or anything to do with hurting this country. I actually think he would make a good president. I just think McCain would make a better one.

I agree...though I think Obama is "the change we need." If the American public would decide to utterly reject mean spirited nastiness in campaigns, the political climate would change. If we would say, "You're not scaring me into voting or not voting for people anymore," the climate would change. I think we would see more "reaching across the aisle" compromises.

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