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Why does/did John Mccain?
Why does John Mccain have a memorial built to him at Truc Bach Lake in North Vietnam?? Why did he push a bill to seal all POW records when his status as an ex POW is his favorite thing to bring up? Why did he violate practically all of the POW code of conduct upon his capture? Can anyone HONESTLY answer these questions without making an attack on me????
Well, I guess since nobody will defend or dispute my comments I guess there are no pro Mccain posters here? Or else have no answers????
They don't have the right answers cause its all true.
First of all its not a memorial to John Mccain. So once again this is a stupid thread. Its a monument to the people of the city who shot down 11 planes that day with anti-aircraft missles. One resulting in the capture of Mccain as a POW.
I find it interesting people like yourselves can criticize him. Yet those who were there with him have the utmost respect for him.
Beetle01 Wrote:First of all its not a memorial to John Mccain. So once again this is a stupid thread. Its a monument to the people of the city who shot down 11 planes that day with anti-aircraft missles. One resulting in the capture of Mccain as a POW.
I find it interesting people like yourselves can criticize him. Yet those who were there with him have the utmost respect for him.
Not all of them.
Doesn't matter if they all do. Noone is liked by everyone.

Thread over, please bring on your next attack.
Beetle01 Wrote:Doesn't matter if they all do. Noone is liked by everyone.

Thread over, please bring on your next attack.
Well don't get on here and contend that all of them respect him because they don't.
Those that were closest his situation do.
Beetle01 Wrote:Those that were closest his situation do.
Another misrepresentation.
DevilsWin Wrote:Another misrepresentation.

Misrepresentation?? How.

14 of those who were imprisoned with him were at the RNC.
Look up Phillip Butler.
letthebighogroot Wrote:Why does John Mccain have a memorial built to him at Truc Bach Lake in North Vietnam?? Why did he push a bill to seal all POW records when his status as an ex POW is his favorite thing to bring up? Why did he violate practically all of the POW code of conduct upon his capture? Can anyone HONESTLY answer these questions without making an attack on me????

What do you mean by that?
vundy33 Wrote:What do you mean by that?
You as a former serviceman should know the code of conduct.

Escape at all costs.

Give your captors no more than Name, Rank and Serial number. McCain was not the

American Hero the Right plays him out to be.

There were many others that endured the same torture or more that didn't break the American POW Code of Conduct.
DevilsWin Wrote:Look up Phillip Butler.

"John McCain served his time as a POW with great courage, loyalty, and tenacity."

All I got from that article is that the man has respect for him but just doesn't have the same political views. For every one of that guy there are dozens that support Mccain who were over there with him. SO I don't know what you are trying to get at.

Did Mccain talkto soem high ranking members of the N. Vietnamese military? Yes. Did he tell them anything ?? Nope. What all did they talk about? Who knows, for all we know he was trying to garner release for his fellow POW's.

I love when the left tries to attack Mccain. They have nothing. They gotta manipulate numbers and words, and its still a weak argument. If we are truly blessed, once Mccain wins, they will all get frustrated and move elsewhere.
Beetle01 Wrote:"John McCain served his time as a POW with great courage, loyalty, and tenacity."

All I got from that article is that the man has respect for him but just doesn't have the same political views. For every one of that guy there are dozens that support Mccain who were over there with him. SO I don't know what you are trying to get at.

Did Mccain talkto soem high ranking members of the N. Vietnamese military? Yes. Did he tell them anything ?? Nope. What all did they talk about? Who knows, for all we know he was trying to garner release for his fellow POW's.

I love when the left tries to attack Mccain. They have nothing. They gotta manipulate numbers and words, and its still a weak argument. If we are truly blessed, once Mccain wins, they will all get frustrated and move elsewhere.

Keating 5. The fact that one is shot down over a foreign land, captured, tortured etc. is not a sufficient qualifier to be President of the United States. Were John McCain to have cracked under torture, to me, would not disqualify him either. What happened in South Vietnam years ago isn't going to get our economy going, address our crumbling infrastructure, combat the power of monied interests writing insurance and pharmaceutical policy, and other pressing issues.
thecavemaster Wrote:Keating 5. The fact that one is shot down over a foreign land, captured, tortured etc. is not a sufficient qualifier to be President of the United States. Were John McCain to have cracked under torture, to me, would not disqualify him either. What happened in South Vietnam years ago isn't going to get our economy going, address our crumbling infrastructure, combat the power of monied interests writing insurance and pharmaceutical policy, and other pressing issues.

Keating 5?????

Both Mccain and John glenn were cleared of that, another baseless attack by some liberal.

The most important part of that statement is WERE, as in WERE he to crack, which he didn't.

Mccain's experience however does give him the ability to unite both parties to address these issues. Without both parties working together, nothing will change at all. Obama is not going to be able to get Republicans to go through with his policies, he is just way to liberal.
Beetle01 Wrote:Keating 5?????

Both Mccain and John glenn were cleared of that, another baseless attack by some liberal.

The most important part of that statement is WERE, as in WERE he to crack, which he didn't.

Mccain's experience however does give him the ability to unite both parties to address these issues. Without both parties working together, nothing will change at all. Obama is not going to be able to get Republicans to go through with his policies, he is just way to liberal.

You cannot unite people when you divide them to get elected. If the Dems pick up enough seats in House and Senate, Obama will push through his agenda for change. Dems will control both House and Senate, so McCain will not float across the aisles very easily.
thecavemaster Wrote:You cannot unite people when you divide them to get elected. If the Dems pick up enough seats in House and Senate, Obama will push through his agenda for change. Dems will control both House and Senate, so McCain will not float across the aisles very easily.

What change? What is going to change. Like I've said before, strictly partisan politics will not get anything done. Also, I find it interesting that you along with the Dems think you know what is best for this country. I'm sorry if all the Dems do is push through their agenda, this country will not last very long after the election. You will have state after state secceed.
Beetle01 Wrote:What change? What is going to change. Like I've said before, strictly partisan politics will not get anything done. Also, I find it interesting that you along with the Dems think you know what is best for this country. I'm sorry if all the Dems do is push through their agenda, this country will not last very long after the election. You will have state after state secceed.

If McCain didn't think he knew what was best for the counrtry in policy and direction, why would he run? Why would you support him? I find it interesting that you think the survival of America rides in the balance, that secession will follow if Obama is elected. Have you thought that through in its implications, in what it might suggest?
thecavemaster Wrote:If McCain didn't think he knew what was best for the counrtry in policy and direction, why would he run? Why would you support him? I find it interesting that you think the survival of America rides in the balance, that secession will follow if Obama is elected. Have you thought that through in its implications, in what it might suggest?

He does know to a point, but he realizes it has to be done together. Not just a one sided Republican or Democrat effort.

Seccession won't follow just because Obama is elected, but if as you say, the Dems with full power over our Govt start force feeding the states with their liberal agenda, you will see most of the states reject this authority.
Beetle01 Wrote:He does know to a point, but he realizes it has to be done together. Not just a one sided Republican or Democrat effort.

Seccession won't follow just because Obama is elected, but if as you say, the Dems with full power over our Govt start force feeding the states with their liberal agenda, you will see most of the states reject this authority.

"Now hear this: every woman must get an abortion; every state must marry gays; every rifle must be turned in, every handgun destroyed; the family must be disbanded; the bible must be anthologized with the koran and bhagavad gita..." Come on: Obama's agenda: tax cuts for the middle class, a more equitable health insurance philosophy that does NOT require people to give up what they have now, a renewed commitment to diplomacy and American responsible power overseas. Can we please debate the real issues?
thecavemaster Wrote:"Now hear this: every woman must get an abortion; every state must marry gays; every rifle must be turned in, every handgun destroyed; the family must be disbanded; the bible must be anthologized with the koran and bhagavad gita..." Come on: Obama's agenda: tax cuts for the middle class, a more equitable health insurance philosophy that does NOT require people to give up what they have now, a renewed commitment to diplomacy and American responsible power overseas. Can we please debate the real issues?

They will do their best to take away guns, don't deny that hasn't been a liberal policy for decades. THAT IS A REAL ISSUE. Go look up the 2nd Amendment.

Obama's already backing out of his tax cuts for the middle class.
Social helth care is not the way to go, it is failing in every country its in.

So there we debated some issues.

Cavemaster will now either tell me to go check out a book, attempt to change the subject, or just type some lies and pur ignorance and expect it to hold up as fact in 3.........2........1......
Beetle01 Wrote:They will do their best to take away guns, don't deny that hasn't been a liberal policy for decades. THAT IS A REAL ISSUE. Go look up the 2nd Amendment.

Obama's already backing out of his tax cuts for the middle class.
Social helth care is not the way to go, it is failing in every country its in.

So there we debated some issues.

Cavemaster will now either tell me to go check out a book, attempt to change the subject, or just type some lies and pur ignorance and expect it to hold up as fact in 3.........2........1......

I've played the pipes for you, now why won't you dance? I sang a dirge for you, now why won't you cry? I don't type lies. Pure ignorance is an oxymoron. Needing to believe things doesn't make them true.
Beetle01 Wrote:"John McCain served his time as a POW with great courage, loyalty, and tenacity."

All I got from that article is that the man has respect for him but just doesn't have the same political views. For every one of that guy there are dozens that support Mccain who were over there with him. SO I don't know what you are trying to get at.

Did Mccain talkto soem high ranking members of the N. Vietnamese military? Yes. Did he tell them anything ?? Nope. What all did they talk about? Who knows, for all we know he was trying to garner release for his fellow POW's.

I love when the left tries to attack Mccain. They have nothing. They gotta manipulate numbers and words, and its still a weak argument. If we are truly blessed, once Mccain wins, they will all get frustrated and move elsewhere.
McCain told them what Carrier he was attached to which damaged the US Combat readiness.
DevilsWin Wrote:McCain told them what Carrier he was attached to which damaged the US Combat readiness.

BTW we announce all the time what carrier groups are going where.

We did then, and we do now.
Telling them that informed them of nothing they didn't already know.
Beetle01 Wrote:BTW we announce all the time what carrier groups are going where.

We did then, and we do now.
Telling them that informed them of nothing they didn't already know.
That was a different time. The Cold war was going on, our readiness was damaged and we didn't announce where we were going back then because we weren't the worlds only superpower.
Beetle01 Wrote:Link?
It's pretty common knowledge.
DevilsWin Wrote:It's pretty common knowledge.

Then you should easily be able to provide a credible link containing it.

Or are you like cavemaster who just goes around saying w/e whether it has any factual basis or not?
Beetle01 Wrote:Link?

I can't give you a link... But I will give you some websites.. Try, while you're at it take a look at Also, As for the memorial at Truc Bach Lake in NORTH VIETNAM, how many others are mentioned by name on the memorial?????????????? Save your time, cause there is only one.... John Sidney Mccain...... Wow! Look what squealing like a pig got him. His very own memorial inside of the country we were fighting....... Oh yeah, another site maybe you should look at.......

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