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Powell Vs Owsley
TakeItToThaHouse Wrote:Maybe Powell does. Or maybe they just had an off night.
Or maybe Owsley County made them have an "off night" with their defense.
Powell just didnt play that good
Powell still got the win though
I don't get it... what is so bad about Owsley's celebrating? Did it ever occur that they were just thrilled? I'm sure the Owls weren't doing it to get on Powell's nerves. Imo, Owsley had the right to celebrate. They had doubts going into this game, and everyone of them can admit it. With a total of 7 players that played for varsity, they only had 5. A starter and their 6th man were both out with injuries, and we are not sure when they will be back. The foul trouble sure didn't help the Owls, because the bench had to step up and play important roles... all with very little playing time in varsity if any at all. Being down by almost twenty at one time sure didn't help the owl's confidence either. When they started coming back playing as a team in the fourth quarter, though, they ended up winning a game that was thought to already have been lost. Owsley was celebrating because they knew they had won a hard fought game, and with all odds against them at that. After winning such a good game they decided to celebrate, but I can tell u that Owsley County's players have the best sportsmanship in the whole 14th. If there was a player down, they would be sure to pick them up. Never will u c Owsley County play dirty. Owsley had the right to celebrate and I will stand by that.
allstar2244 Wrote:I don't get it... what is so bad about Owsley's celebrating? Did it ever occur that they were just thrilled? I'm sure the Owls weren't doing it to get on Powell's nerves. Imo, Owsley had the right to celebrate. They had doubts going into this game, and everyone of them can admit it. With a total of 7 players that played for varsity, they only had 5. A starter and their 6th man were both out with injuries, and we are not sure when they will be back. The foul trouble sure didn't help the Owls, because the bench had to step up and play important roles... all with very little playing time in varsity if any at all. Being down by almost twenty at one time sure didn't help the owl's confidence either. When they started coming back playing as a team in the fourth quarter, though, they ended up winning a game that was thought to already have been lost. Owsley was celebrating because they knew they had won a hard fought game, and with all odds against them at that. After winning such a good game they decided to celebrate, but I can tell u that Owsley County's players have the best sportsmanship in the whole 14th. If there was a player down, they would be sure to pick them up. Never will u c Owsley County play dirty. Owsley had the right to celebrate and I will stand by that.

Very well said. I agree about Owsley not playing dirty, because they don't know how. If they did, I think they would be more dangerous. I do think that Owsley has the best sportsmanship in the 14th. I know these girls, they wouldn't hurt a fly unless they are being provoked. Even IF a player is down and they have been fighting or mouthing (not often or if any) at each other, They always help them up. They know what bad sportsmanship is and they are far from it. I beleive that Owsley's coach makes them shake the other teams hand and teaches them about to have good manners even if they don't want to. Ya know, I don't think you'll find any better gals in the hills of Kentucky about sportsmanship. They are a good bunch of kids!!!!! and love the game of Basketball!!!!!!!!!!
I bet in a couple of days we'll all look back on this a laugh! or months or a year or two.Smile :thatsfunn I guess it depends on how much your feathers got ruffled up!
kendra combs is the only girl with good sportsmanship...the crowd doesnt hear everything bein said and done on the floor! unless your playing against them youll never know so you dont have the right to say anything about good sportsmanship. i bet you dien know about the banging on the locker room door until someone mentioned it did thats what i call GREAT sportsmanship....not.
Ok..i think we all get it owlsey had a reason to celebrate..I agree with that they should of been happy..But dogpiling in the middle of the floor an banging on lockerooms isnt sportsman like at all. And i know owsley isnt the worst team in the region or even district for bad mouthing or anything. but surely you all must not think these girls are angels? because iv heard some foul language come from everyone of those girls mouths..with the exeption of kendra combs. So, id like for anyone of u to think about it. When a team beats another team , an then dogpiles in the middle of the floor..look at how tacky,and unsportsman like that is. But you know what, im not gonna say anything else about that. Thats in the past.nothing can be done about that. But i think its funny how you talk about someone gettin their feathers ruffled...owsley being the owls and all...I can gaurentee that their feathers are gonna be ruffled soon.
pickin'_n_grinnin Wrote:Excuse Me, WHAT is this suppost to mean. I beleive after what the Lady Owls had to go through, they needed to make a little racket!!!!!!! It's not everyday you can beat 5 players and 3 ref's in one day!!!!!!!!!!! Without 2 starting players that was hurt. If you didn't notice, Owsley got shafted tonight, but what more do you expect at Powell Co.
And for your comment on the "that just shows where there r from" honey don't FORGET it. Owsley stands alone and proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it was not 5 players and 3 refs cause we had bad calls to and the where u r from comment is ture rednecks yea u can chant but u dont go beating on the other teams door u just wait till we come there
TakeItToThaHouse Wrote:Ok we know Owsley won. It was a game get over it. The only bad call I seen is when the ref called a double foul on Kendra Combs and Shelby Barnett. He called a block and a charge..? Besides that calls were even. Both teams were in foul trouble. There is no need to blame them. Owsley won. Powell should've but nothing fell for them in the 4th. Owsley acted like they won the 14th.
Yea the calls where evan but there is no reason to act like u won the 14th
JustTrying Wrote:Nothing really matters until tourny time. I wasn't at the game,but I know that Powell has a good team and to beat them on their own court is really something. However this is regular season not tourny time(when it really counts). Cograts to the owls, but I believe they have the wrong person posting comments for them. All this trash talk and acting the way they after the game will just add fuel to the fire when they play later up there and in the tourny. They better watch out because it could just cost them any chances they had to win a 56th championship.
Who are u talking about powell or owsley if u r talking about owsley ture it maybe on there home floor but it will just make the pirates play harder
allstar2244 Wrote:I don't get it... what is so bad about Owsley's celebrating? Did it ever occur that they were just thrilled? I'm sure the Owls weren't doing it to get on Powell's nerves. Imo, Owsley had the right to celebrate. They had doubts going into this game, and everyone of them can admit it. With a total of 7 players that played for varsity, they only had 5. A starter and their 6th man were both out with injuries, and we are not sure when they will be back. The foul trouble sure didn't help the Owls, because the bench had to step up and play important roles... all with very little playing time in varsity if any at all. Being down by almost twenty at one time sure didn't help the owl's confidence either. When they started coming back playing as a team in the fourth quarter, though, they ended up winning a game that was thought to already have been lost. Owsley was celebrating because they knew they had won a hard fought game, and with all odds against them at that. After winning such a good game they decided to celebrate, but I can tell u that Owsley County's players have the best sportsmanship in the whole 14th. If there was a player down, they would be sure to pick them up. Never will u c Owsley County play dirty. Owsley had the right to celebrate and I will stand by that.
U have no clue what u are talking about cause yea they help every one up and so did powell never did they foul on purpious and if u have the best sportsman ship u dont go and dogpile on the floor before u shake a teams hand that and the hiting the doors was un called for .I MEAN I FORGOT IT WAS THERE FRIST WINN MY BAD (I agree kendra colmbs has good sportsmanship)
TakeItToThaHouse Wrote:Maybe Powell does. Or maybe they just had an off night.
Off night? They lead for a good portion of the game! They screwed up when they up eight points and tried to hold the ball for most of the fourth quarter. Both teams played well, and yes the refs sucked, for both sides and Owsley won. They played well with the players they had, mainly their jv girls who are not experienced and won. Can't we just be happy for each other? Oh and whats this about Powell having respect for the opposing team? I've played long enough to know that Powell has very little respect for anyone but themselves.
valleygirl56 Wrote:Off night? They lead for a good portion of the game! They screwed up when they up eight points and tried to hold the ball for most of the fourth quarter. Both teams played well, and yes the refs sucked, for both sides and Owsley won. They played well with the players they had, mainly their jv girls who are not experienced and won. Can't we just be happy for each other? Oh and whats this about Powell having respect for the opposing team? I've played long enough to know that Powell has very little respect for anyone but themselves.
Well obvisly u have not played long enough then at disrticts last yr did u c powell when they won dogpiling on there floor hit and bang on walls and the lockerroom door NO u didnt so u have no clue about respect when powell beat lee did u c powell doing that heck no we have alot of class!!!
ballgurl00 Wrote:U have no clue what u are talking about cause yea they help every one up and so did powell never did they foul on purpious and if u have the best sportsman ship u dont go and dogpile on the floor before u shake a teams hand that and the hiting the doors was un called for .I MEAN I FORGOT IT WAS THERE FRIST WINN MY BAD (I agree kendra colmbs has good sportsmanship)

If I am not mistaken, Owsley's record is now 5-2, so smart comments like that don't make u look very good. About the dogpiling... can't u just let it go? When a team wins a game like that, emotions take over. Yeah, when the buzzer went off the whole team jumped up and fell to the floor... hey, they just won a BIG district game!! After beating Powell they realized how big their chances were to win the 56th. They were excited and caught up in the moment... it happens all the time. And about banging on the walls, I admit that wasn't a good thing to do, but it only takes a very few amount of people to do that. So, to diss the WHOLE team and say that they ALL have no sportsmanship is sorta unfair.
I just wanna say the Lady Owls really had their head down coming into the game against Powell with 2 of there better players out and having a very young bench so maybe the did have the right to do such stuff as dog-pile and yell and bang lockers, heck what do u expect, us to sit there and be sad and not smile and be like oh well another game gone lets not count this for nothing since you know we aint in a district that seeds, okay think about it. I think not. Maybe some stuff was over board but heck you’d have done the same thing and don’t deny. So Powell, stop being sore losers its all the sad fact that you thought when the lady owls were down by almost 20 they would give up thought you had put us up, sorry, for forgot to shut us up.

Oh yeah, you can dog-pile on our floor any day,,, Heck bang our lockers also we need ones. Doubt we will ever get them though, we will never give you a reason to be so happy. :moon:
valleygirl56 Wrote:Off night? They lead for a good portion of the game! They screwed up when they up eight points and tried to hold the ball for most of the fourth quarter. Both teams played well, and yes the refs sucked, for both sides and Owsley won. They played well with the players they had, mainly their jv girls who are not experienced and won. Can't we just be happy for each other? Oh and whats this about Powell having respect for the opposing team? I've played long enough to know that Powell has very little respect for anyone but themselves.

True. :Nodding:
Nothing-but-Net Wrote:kendra combs is the only girl with good sportsmanship...the crowd doesnt hear everything bein said and done on the floor! unless your playing against them youll never know so you dont have the right to say anything about good sportsmanship. i bet you dien know about the banging on the locker room door until someone mentioned it did thats what i call GREAT sportsmanship....not.
Would you STOP crying about someone 'beating on lockers'? That's getting OLD.Rolleyes You got beat. The other team celebrated. Big deal. Quit being a sore loser and making excuses.
You are fighting right back. So don't say anything about being sore losers.
ballgurl00 Wrote:Well obvisly u have not played long enough then at disrticts last yr did u c powell when they won dogpiling on there floor hit and bang on walls and the lockerroom door NO u didnt so u have no clue about respect when powell beat lee did u c powell doing that heck no we have alot of class!!!
I have played long enough, trust me. I was not particulary talking about the current Powell team, but Powell history as a whole. Some of your teams in the past have played dirty and not have too much respect. If you know that you all are not like this, then why get so defensive?
valleygirl56 Wrote:I have played long enough, trust me. I was not particulary talking about the current Powell team, but Powell history as a whole. Some of your teams in the past have played dirty and not have too much respect. If you know that you all are not like this, then why get so defensive?

I agree :thumpsup:
Alrighty..Powell is not sore loser..No Doubt it sucks to lose to owsley county. We are just using that loss to learn and build from. Ok lets drop the whole dgpileing thing..You all can quit trying to defend it then. I think we should drop this whole thread cause all its doing is fueling an already burning fire. And as for all you owsley county peeps.. Juss be ready..Come into this next game against powell with all you got, cause we will be ready!!!
Every team in our district plays dirty. I think thats why they got so defensive because you were trying to point out just powell. But, i agree, lets just drop this thread. We got a couple weeks till owsley/powell plays again..we can start again there ..Tongue
I'll tell you one thing, you ALL have to admit, this is probley the best thread on this site! I do agree that this thread does need to be dropped and threats need to stop between Powell and Owsley. I can understand why eveyone is deffending there team, because neither like to lose. Powell has some good kids and Owsley does too. Both teams need to get along and let it go, because both have more games ahead and more wins to receive. Good Luck to both teams in the future. And me personaly, I can't wait to the match in Owsley, because I think it will be rather interresting!
Once again,
Good Luck to Both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pickin'_n_grinnin Wrote:I'll tell you one thing, you ALL have to admit, this is probley the best thread on this site! I do agree that this thread does need to be dropped and threats need to stop between Powell and Owsley. I can understand why eveyone is deffending there team, because neither like to lose. Powell has some good kids and Owsley does too. Both teams need to get along and let it go, because both have more games ahead and more wins to receive. Good Luck to both teams in the future. And me personaly, I can't wait to the match in Owsley, because I think it will be rather interresting!
Once again,
Good Luck to Both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds good to me. Settle everything on the floor. That's the way to do it. Talk is talk. But you have to walk the walk.:Thumbs:
Congrats to Owsley
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Sounds good to me. Settle everything on the floor. That's the way to do it. Talk is talk. But you have to walk the walk.:Thumbs:

I agree:Thumbs:
[b]i Say To The Fude Between Owsley And Powell... Settle It On The Floor Posting Bad Things About Each Other Just Show A Lace Of Good Sportsmanship On Both Sides, And Adults Lets Not Forget Why We Are At These Game Its For The Children And When It Stops Being Fun For The Children Then Its Time To Stay At Home Lets Make This A Fun Season To Remember And Keep The Bad Posting To Ourselves
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Would you STOP crying about someone 'beating on lockers'? That's getting OLD.Rolleyes You got beat. The other team celebrated. Big deal. Quit being a sore loser and making excuses.

I Agree, 100%!:Nodding:
Good win Lady Owls, I'm very excited to see Powell visit OCHS. It'll be a great game, I'll definitely be watching in the stands. May the best team win.

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